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针对电场作用对堆浸过程中氧气气体在浸堆中传输的影响,在实验室采用三轴渗流实验装置和电场实施装置,研究外加电场作用下浸堆中氧气气体的渗流性质。结果表明:电场作用对浸堆中氧气渗流性质的影响非常明显;电场作用下,氧气气体渗流速度比无电场时要大,并且渗流速度随氧气气体压力梯度增大成线性增加;加电场后,浸堆中氧气气体渗流量随电压(电场强度)升高成线性增大;渗透率越好的浸堆,氧气气体在浸堆中的电动效应越明显。  相似文献   
堆浸工艺中氧化铜矿石粒级与浸出率相关性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了在堆浸工艺中氧化铜矿石粒级大小与浸出率之间的相关性。研究结果表明,采用4:1的液周比,pH〈2.0时,浸出此类氧化铜矿石,可以达到很好的浸出效果,浸出反应48h之后,就有部分铜被浸出,其浸出率可高达50%以上。当粒径由5mm缩小至1mm,其浸出率增大20个百分点;缩小至0.1mm,其浸出率可增大40个百分点。可见矿石粒径愈小,其比表面积就愈大,单位时间内溶浸液与矿石接触的面积就愈大,反应就愈充分,浸出率就愈高。矿石中铜的浸出率与矿石粒径基本呈二次线性关系。  相似文献   
易风化破碎岩体巷道机械化高效支护技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
锦丰金矿工程地质条件复杂,矿岩破碎,易发生垮塌、遇水泥和化风化现象,巷道支护是该矿关键技术难题.针对上述问题,该矿研发了我国黄金矿山首套基于湿喷混凝土台车为核心的湿喷支护新工艺,研制了机械化安装专用树脂锚杆及配套工具.现场工程实践表明;采用湿喷混凝土及机械化树脂锚杆支护技术,实现了对该矿易风化破碎岩体巷道的支护.湿喷混凝土直接成本与干喷混凝土相似,但湿喷混凝土平均强度比干喷混凝高45%~85%;湿喷混凝土十树脂锚杆支护替代了传统的钢网十管缝锚杆支护,巷道支护时间由原来的106min/m缩短为55min/m,综合支护成本降低30%.  相似文献   
地电场对裂隙岩块中溶浸液渗流特性影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据原地浸出过程中裂隙岩块中溶浸液渗流性质受地电场作用影响的特点,建立电场作用下裂隙岩块的电动渗流模型,并通过电动渗流实验研究地电场对裂隙岩块中溶浸液渗流特性的影响。研究结果表明,地电场对裂隙岩块中溶浸液渗流特性影响非常明显,裂隙岩块中溶浸液的电动渗流特性与地电场强度、岩块渗透率和溶浸液流体性质等因素密切相关。在同等压力梯度下,受地电场作用的裂隙岩块中溶浸液渗流速度随正向电场强度增加明显增大,随反向电场强度增加明显减小;地电场能够强化或者减弱裂隙岩块中溶浸液的渗流扩散能力和溶浸液对岩块的润湿作用。  相似文献   
Solute transmission in saturated ore heap was studied numerically and experimentally. The convection-diffusion equation (CDE) used to describe the mass transportation in porous media was solved by characteristic difference method to give the distribution of the concentration of ferrous ion in the ore column. To calibrate the computational model, a column test was performed using infiltration of sulfide ferrous solution (the initial concentration is c0=0.04 mol/L) on a 100 cm high column composed of ore particles smaller than 10 mm for 2.5 h. The numerical analysis shows that the results obtained from numerical modeling under the same operating conditions as used for column test are in good agreement with those from experimental procedure on the whole trend, which indicates that the model, the numerical method, and the parameters chosen can reflect the rule of ferrous ion transmission in ore heap.  相似文献   
The column leaching experiment of ore granular media was carried out with the home-made multi-functional experimental apparatus and the pore structure of ore granular media was scanned by the X-ray computed tomography machine before and after leaching. The porosities of each section before and after leaching were calculated based on CT images processing, and the permeability of each zone before and after leaching were also calculated with Carman-Kozeny equation. The permeability evolvement law was disclosed. The results indicate that before leaching the permeability of the ore granular media in different height has not much difference and the value ranges from 5.70× 10^-4mm^2 to 1.11 × 10^-3 mm^2, where the lowest one locates in the bottom zone. After leaching the permeability distributes inhomogeneously along the height of the column and the value ranges from 3.44 × 10^4 mm^2 to 2.25 × 10^-2 mm^2, where the lowest one is in the same place. Except for the bottom zone, the permeability of other zones increases after leaching, especially the top zone. Through comparison of the permeability at bottom zone before and after leaching, the whole permeability after leaching decreases by 39.65% that coincides with the measured experimental data.  相似文献   
低渗透性矿堆浸孔隙率改善研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
吴爱祥  张杰  江怀春 《矿冶工程》2006,26(6):5-8,12
通过孔隙率测定实验和柱浸实验,探讨了孔隙率与矿堆内部各粒级之间的内在联系,分析了浸出过程中孔隙率变化的机理,提出了改善孔隙率的新方法。研究结果表明:在-0.1,0.1—0.2,0.2-0.4,0.4—0.7,0.7-2.0,2.0—4.0,4.0~8.0,8.0-10.0mm 8个粒级中,0~0.1mm粒级物料(俗称含泥量)对孔隙率的影响最为显著;平均粒径与孔隙率存在一定关系;孔隙率变化机理与堆内微小颗粒含量变化十分密切;垫层通透性的提高和应力波的运用有利于孔隙率状况的改善。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONBioleaching the complex,low grade minerals ,submarginal ore and tailings has the advantages ofshort process and low cost , which can make fulluse of resources and i mprove environment . Butbioleaching also has some li mitation such as slowspeed and low rate of leaching due to slow breedvelocity andlowactivity resultingfrombad growthcondition[1 3]. However oxygen under supplying isalso the restriction of leaching reaction.In cyaniding,oxygen supplyis veryi mportantfor leachin…  相似文献   
根据多孔介质中电动力学效应,在排土场浸出过程中,提出利用电场作用强化排土场渗透性能的方法,通过机理分析探讨了电场作用对排土场渗透性能的影响。结果表明:电场作用能有效降低双电层作用对排土场渗透率的影响;在足够大的电场力作用下,孔隙中双电层产生定向迁移,双电层厚度减小,排土场渗透率明显提高;在低渗透排土场中,排土场渗透率因数随电场强度增大而单调递增;而在高渗透排土场中,电场作用对排土场渗透率影响的幅度较小,表明利用电场作用提高低渗透率排土场的渗透性能具有非常大的潜力。  相似文献   
原生矿柱浸中铜的浸出率灰色预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了灰色预测模型在原生矿浸出预测中的应用。基于灰色预测理论建立了GM(1,1)模型,并叙述了运用GM(1,1)模型进行预测的详细步骤,并以预测室内柱浸试验的浸出率为例进行了实际应用,最后用“残差大小检验法”和“均方差比值检验法”对预测结果进行了检验。结果表明:模型预测值与试验测试值吻合较好。  相似文献   
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