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The Chinese National Quality Course Plan is a large‐scale project by the Ministry of Education, which has led to the production of more than 12 000 courses from some 700 universities since 2003. This paper describes in detail the purpose of the project and how it is organized at all levels, including how individual courses get selected at university level, provincial level and national level. The paper discusses the similarities and differences between the Chinese project and Open Educational Resources projects around the world, including Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) OpenCourseWare. The Chinese project is unique, not only because of its highly centralized organization and funding but also because its purpose is not just to produce open resources but to use the production of open resources to drive curriculum reform and quality improvement in Chinese higher education.  相似文献   
High-fidelity anatomical models can be produced with three-dimensional (3D) scanning techniques and as such be digitally preserved, archived, and subsequently rendered through various media. Here, a novel methodology—digital body preservation—is presented for combining and matching scan geometry with radiographic imaging. The technique encompasses joining layers of 3D surface scans in an anatomical correct spatial relationship. To do so, a computed tomography (CT) volume is used as template to join and merge different surface scan geometries by means of nonrigid registration into a single environment. In addition, the use and applicability of the generated 3D models in digital learning modalities is presented. Finally, as computational expense is usually the main bottleneck in extended 3D applications, the influence of mesh simplification in combination with texture mapping on the quality of 3D models was investigated. The physical fidelity of the simplified meshes was evaluated in relation to their resolution and with respect to key anatomical features. Large- and medium-scale features were well preserved despite extensive 3D mesh simplification. Subtle fine-scale features, particular in curved areas demonstrated the major limitation to extensive mesh size reduction. Depending on the local topography, workable mesh sizes ranging from 10% to 3% of the original size could be obtained, making them usable in various learning applications and environments.  相似文献   
国家精品课程项目是中国高等教育领域的一项重大项目,旨在通过开放教育资源建设提升本科教学质量。西方研究者普遍认为,国家精品课程是受美国麻省理工学院开放课件项目(简称MIT OCW)启发的一种开放课程形式。本文以中国国家精品课程项目为研究主题,围绕项目的目标、运作实施、发展历程、启动背景、与MIT OCW的联系和差异等问题,采用文献研究、正式访谈、非正式交流等研究方法收集和分析研究资料,聚焦研究问题。论文提出基于开放教育资源的目的进行分类,将开放教育资源实践模式分为转变性的建设、直接使用、重新使用和公开/咨询四种类型,并利用这一分析框架讨论了中国国家精品课程项目和MIT OCW项目的异同。文章认为,国家精品课程项目是中国独立应对国内挑战的决策,而不是引进的开放课程模式;中国和北美地区对大学教学的认识非常不同,中国高等教育既借鉴了历史上法国重教学和德国重研究的大学模式,又结合了利用"榜样"、注重团队建设提升质量的传统。这使得国家精品课程项目具有独特的体制优势,与其他开放教育资源项目相区别,而且难以在北美地区执行,但这也有助于启发我们重新思考北美的大学教学及其改革。  相似文献   
In this paper we introduce a framework for using quality as an incentive to promote proper application level congestion control. Through integrating a joint-source channel coder and feedback-based congestion control scheme, we are able to construct accurate and efficient quality incentives. The framework is applicable in all network architectures where end-to-end congestion control may be used, and is as such not specific to either best-effort or traffic class-based architectures. The concept is presented along with preliminary simulations that highlight the resulting rate control accuracy. We also discuss how to implement some well-known congestion control schemes within our framework.  相似文献   
在开放共享理念下,面临日益丰富的开放教育资源,公众该如何应用以发挥其最大的社会价值,成为开放世界研究的热点问题。P2PU即是在此背景下诞生的草根性项目。文章从P2PU的使命、创建过程、组织架构等方面进行了剖析,对开放教育资源应用研究与实践具有启发意义。  相似文献   
继前面两期分别对麻省理工学院史蒂芬·卡尔森、纽约大学多尔顿·康利的访谈,本期我们邀请美国杨百翰大学的戴维·威利博士就未来开放教育资源的理论研究和实践进展进行了访谈。戴维·威利(David Wiley)目前是美国杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)教学心理与技术专业副教授,并兼任该校教师教育和培训促进中心副主任,负责研究方面的工作。威利的职业生涯致力于为所有人增加接受教育的机会,在开放教育资源理论研究和实践探索两方面都非常活跃。威利是犹他州开放高级中学创始人、平世界知识公司(Flat World Knowledge)首席开放官(Chief Openness Officer,简称COO)、开放内容网站(http://Open Content.org)创始人;曾担任犹他州立大学教学技术系副教授、开放和可持续学习中心(the Center for Open and Sustainable Learning)主任;2002年获美国自然科学基金会青年科学家奖(NSFCAREER Award),2009年被美国《快速公司》杂志提名为100位最具创新精神商业人士(也称全球百大创意人)。目前威利还兼任...  相似文献   
People with disabilities have low participation rates in employment and vocational education and training. Thirty adults with disabilities were sampled from an Australian longitudinal study of economic and social outcomes achieved by graduate apprentices and trainees. Participants were surveyed and interviewed to identify pathways from high school to 12-months post-graduation and completed the Quality of Life Questionnaire (QOL.Q). Career pathways incorporated experiences facilitating career development including continuous engagement in vocational activities and support from school personnel and external disability agencies. A year following graduation, 87% were in paid work, 53% remained with the training employer, and 40% continued with vocational education. Positive quality of life (QoL) outcomes were associated with employment, employee benefits and satisfaction with work and social connections. Our research demonstrated that apprenticeships and traineeships led to positive graduate employment outcomes and career pathways for adults with disabilities. Positive employment outcomes were associated with enhanced QoL for participants.  相似文献   
In this paper we introduce a framework for using quality as an incentive to promote proper application level congestion control. Through integrating a joint-source channel coder and feedback-based congestion control scheme, we are able to construct accurate and efficient quality incentives. The framework is applicable in all network architectures where end-to-end congestion control may be used, and is as such not specific to either best-effort or traffic class-based architectures. The concept is presented along with preliminary simulations that highlight the resulting rate control accuracy. We also discuss how to implement some well-known congestion control schemes within our framework.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: An anogenital examination is usually part of the standard medical assessment in children evaluated for suspected sexual abuse, and the emotional impact on the child has been studied. The primary aim of this study was to assess non-abused preschool children's responses to an anogenital examination. METHOD: One hundred and fifty-eight children (119 girls), aged 5-6 years old, were recruited by self-selection from a town community in Norway. After a full medical "top-to-toe" examination, including an anogenital examination with use of a colposcope, the children were asked for their reactions to different parts of the examination. The instrument used was a Faces Rating Scale with five faces, ranging from smiling to crying. Parents and nurses also completed questionnaires regarding their perceptions of the children's reactions. RESULTS: The results from the self-report scales showed that only 7.7% of the children rated the anogenital examination as somewhat negative, but the children rated the anogenital part of the examination as significantly more distressing than the examination of their ears and mouth. Microbiological swabbing from the anogenital area was most frequently mentioned as something the children disliked. Complementary data from the parents supported the children's responses regarding the anogenital part, but also emphasized the importance of good preparation and a "child-friendly" atmosphere when performing the examination. CONCLUSIONS: Most preschool children, who have no history of sexual abuse do not find an anogenital examination traumatic if the examination is well planned and performed by experienced professionals in a supportive atmosphere.  相似文献   
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