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Objective To study comparatively the cytotoxicity induced by acid bentonite and organic bentonite.Methods The cytotoxicity of two kinds of bentonite was detected using CCK8 assay,neutral red uptake(NRU) assay,lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) leakage assay,apoptosis assay and hemolysis assay.In hemolysis assay human erythrocytes served as target cells and were exposed to the two kinds of bentonite at the doses of 0,0.3125,0.6250,1.2500 and 2.5000 mg/ml for ten min.In other four assays,human B lymphoblast cells (HMy2.CIR) served as target cells and were exposed to the two kinds of bentonite at the doses of 0,10,20,30,60,120 and 180 μg/ml for four h.Results In hemolysis assay,the hemolysis rates induced by two kinds of bentonite at all doses were significantly higher than that of control (P<0.05);in CCK-8 assay,the cellular activities in acid bentonite group at the doses ≥30 μg/ml and in organic bentonite group at the doses ≥20μg/ml were significantly lower than that of control (P<0.01);the similar results appeared in NRU assay and LDH assay,and the dose-effect relationship was observed in above 4 assays.In apeptosis assay,the early apoptosis cell rates in acid bentonite group at the dose of 180 μg/ml and in organic bentonite group at the doses of 120,180 μg/ml were significantly higher than that of control (P<0.05).Moreover,the results of five in vitro assays indicated the eytotoxicity induced by organic bentonite was higher than that induced by acid bentonite.Conclusion Two kinds of bentonite could induce cytotoxicity,such as apoptosis and damage of cell membrane.The cytotoxicity of organic bentonite is higher than that of acid bentonite due to the different industrial treatment and characteristics of two kinds of bentonite particles.  相似文献   
围绕如何展开“处突、反恐、维稳、救援”医疗保障任务,武警总医院研制了卫勤指挥车、外科手术车、综合急救车、医技检查车、留观救治车、前接后送车、医疗物资保障车、后勤生活保障车为一体的车载野战医院,能达到机动性强、配比合理、救治功能齐备、操作方便等特点。  相似文献   
目的 观察缺氧缺血性脑病新生儿(HIE)颅脑超声参数变化情况,并分析其颅脑超声参数变化与病情严重程度和预后的关系。方法 选取2022年2月-2022年11月本院新生儿重症监护病房收治的75例HIE患儿,根据其病情分度分为轻度组(38例) ,中度组(24例),重度组(13例)。并选取同期健康新生儿75例作为对照组。均于出生48h及72h分别行经颅彩色多普勒超声(TCD),收集其脑血流动力学相关参数,比较各组间差异。对HIE患儿进行28d的随访,再次进行TCD复查及预后评估,利用Peason相关性分析相关性。结果 出生48h 收缩期血流速度峰值(Vs)、舒张末期血流速度(Vd)、平均流速(Vm):对照组>轻度组>中度组>重度组(均P<0.05);出生48h 阻力指数(RI):对照组<轻度组<中度组<重度组(均P<0.05)。轻度组出生72h各参数均与对照组比较无差异(均P<0.05);出生72h Vs、Vd、Vm:对照组>中度组>重度组(均P<0.05);出生72h RI:对照组<中度组<重度组(均P<0.05)。预后不良者出生28d的新生儿行为神经测定(NBNA)量表评分、Vs、Vd、Vm均低于预后良好者,RI高于预后良好者(均P<0.05)。HIE患儿出生28d后的Vs、Vd、Vm均与NBNA评分呈正相关(r=0.493,0.434,0.432,P<0.05),RI与NBNA评分呈负相关(r=-0.478,P<0.05)。结论 HIE患儿TCD脑血流动力学参数Vs、Vd、Vm随着病情程度的加重呈降低趋势,RI呈升高趋势;TCD脑血流动力学参数监测可较为客观的反映HIE患儿脑血流灌注变化情况,且对其预后评价均具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
目的 探讨输血前试验血液标本的影响因素.方法 对来源于不同医疗机构的血液标本的拒收原因进行分析.结果 2006年4月~2010年12月,本站共拒收血液标本252份(0.85%),分为12项影响因素:检测申请关键信息缺失或不符的34份,占13.49%;标本管上无标识或标识不清、不正确共52份,占20.63%;标本管不符合要求26例,占10.32%;标本量不足或被稀释等140份,占55.56%.结论 按临床输血质量管理体系要求,制定和执行血液标本规范化管理制度,才能提高输血前试验标本质量.  相似文献   
李晓雪  侯晓薇  樊世锋 《浙江医学》2022,44(19):2125-2129
口腔疾病的常规治疗,如根管治疗、根面平整治疗等传统方法,存在着消毒深度不足、术后疼痛明显、牙根清创程度有限等问题。同时,在口腔修复体的制造中,传统的失蜡法存在着工序复杂、产品内部微缺陷较多、成形件服役寿命不足的问题。尽管数字化铣削法能够保证修复体的力学性能,但材料浪费与刀具磨损却影响到了该方法的普适性。随着激光技术在口腔医学领域的不断发展,更多的研究人员不仅将该技术用于辅助口腔疾病的临床治疗,而且也引入到修复体的制造中。整体上,激光技术比传统方法更具有优势。本文对激光技术在口腔疾病(牙体、牙髓、牙周疾病)治疗和口腔修复领域中的应用进行综合性分析、讨论与展望作一综述,以期为深入了解该技术的优缺点及适用性提供科学依据。  相似文献   
通过对2006年度“全国优秀院长”业绩材料进行分析,研究发现当代院长们在医院管理中更加注重加强社会效益、树立创新理念、发挥品牌效应、实现医研教综合发展、提高医疗含金量和实现人性化管理。同时也发现在医院进一步发展中有待提高对集约式发展、医疗安全、数字化革命和专业化管理的关注与投入。  相似文献   
高血压脑出血120例急性期与康复期护理体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年8月~2006年6月,我们共收治高血压脑出血患者120例,经精心护理,效果满意。现将急性期与康复期护理体会报告如下。  相似文献   
目的探讨海口市儿童青少年高血压的参考诊断标准。方法采用分层随机整群抽样法获取海口市4个行政辖区内15所小学、159个班级的7363名学生样本,问卷调查血压相关影响因素,并测量身高、体质量、收缩压、柯氏音第4、第5时相舒张压(DBPK4/K5)水平。结果入选儿童青少年的年龄分布以6~11岁为主,占93.46%。收缩压、DBPK4/K5随年龄增长而升高。无论男女,各个年龄段儿童青少年的身高与收缩压、DBPK5呈正相关(均P0.05);男生所有年龄段体质量指数均与收缩压、DBPK4、DBPK5呈正相关(均P0.05)。6~11岁儿童青少年高血压参考诊断标准有本市特色:(1)男、女共用一个标准;(2)收缩压诊断标准市区较城郊高1~8 mm Hg。结论海口市6~11岁儿童青少年的高血压诊断标准有自己的特点。  相似文献   
Objective To study comparatively the cytotoxicity induced by acid bentonite and organic bentonite.Methods The cytotoxicity of two kinds of bentonite was detected using CCK8 assay,neutral red uptake(NRU) assay,lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) leakage assay,apoptosis assay and hemolysis assay.In hemolysis assay human erythrocytes served as target cells and were exposed to the two kinds of bentonite at the doses of 0,0.3125,0.6250,1.2500 and 2.5000 mg/ml for ten min.In other four assays,human B lymphoblast cells (HMy2.CIR) served as target cells and were exposed to the two kinds of bentonite at the doses of 0,10,20,30,60,120 and 180 μg/ml for four h.Results In hemolysis assay,the hemolysis rates induced by two kinds of bentonite at all doses were significantly higher than that of control (P<0.05);in CCK-8 assay,the cellular activities in acid bentonite group at the doses ≥30 μg/ml and in organic bentonite group at the doses ≥20μg/ml were significantly lower than that of control (P<0.01);the similar results appeared in NRU assay and LDH assay,and the dose-effect relationship was observed in above 4 assays.In apeptosis assay,the early apoptosis cell rates in acid bentonite group at the dose of 180 μg/ml and in organic bentonite group at the doses of 120,180 μg/ml were significantly higher than that of control (P<0.05).Moreover,the results of five in vitro assays indicated the eytotoxicity induced by organic bentonite was higher than that induced by acid bentonite.Conclusion Two kinds of bentonite could induce cytotoxicity,such as apoptosis and damage of cell membrane.The cytotoxicity of organic bentonite is higher than that of acid bentonite due to the different industrial treatment and characteristics of two kinds of bentonite particles.  相似文献   
<正> 近年,国内对胎儿各体表指标及内脏器官在各个不同孕龄间的生长情况做了大量的研究及交流。对胎儿体重与孕龄间依存关系的研究均用直线回归方法。国外资料曾用指数方程来分析胎儿身高与体重的关系。目前采用曲线回归分析研究体重与孕龄间的关  相似文献   
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