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目的:观察肾毒血清性肾炎大鼠肾组织超微结构变化及肾炎益气液对该变化的影响。方法: 采用大鼠肾毒血清性肾炎模型,常规电镜制片、染色,观察肾组织超微结构的变化。结果: 注射肾毒血清(NTS)后,病理组大鼠电镜下可见明显的系膜细胞增生,系膜基质增多,毛细血管腔闭塞及上皮下、内皮下电子致密物沉积等多种病理损伤性变化。而肾炎益气液组上述病变有所减轻。结论: 肾炎益气液有不同程度减轻肾小球电镜下病变的作用。  相似文献   
目的:探讨重型颅脑损伤患者行气管切开的意义、适应证及并发症。方法:回顾分析我科2003~2006年治疗的147例重型颅脑损伤患者的临床资料。结果:基本治愈116例(78.9%),好转25例(17.0%),自动出院7例(4.8%),植物生存4例(2.7%),死亡5例(3.4%)。结论:对重型颅脑损伤患者应及时行气管切开术,以解除呼吸道梗阻,改善通气,防止脑缺氧加重及肺部感染,促进脑功能恢复。  相似文献   
非侵袭型鼻窦真菌病42例临床分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:探讨非侵袭型鼻窦真菌病的临床特征、诊断和治疗。方法:回顾性分析我科近8年来采用鼻内窥镜术治疗的42例的临床资料。结果:42例均治愈。术后定期在鼻内镜下换药,38例术腔黏膜轻度水肿,窦口通畅,窦内未见菌团;4例术后初期见上颌窦内有较多干酪样物,经用1% H2O2及生理盐水多次冲洗换药后,出院时术腔干净。40例随访6个月~5年未见复发,2例失访。结论:采用鼻内窥镜手术治疗非侵袭型鼻窦真菌病较传统的柯-陆手术创伤小、照明好、清除病灶准确;不损害鼻腔正常生理功能;保证鼻窦通气引流,减少复发,治愈率高。  相似文献   
目的已有许多研究报告了青蛙的前视盖对视顶盖起抑制作用,但关于此神经活动的特性尚不清楚。本研究探讨了这种复杂的神经活动的机理。方法用细胞内记录方法,通过电刺激前视盖的神经细胞核来记录视顶盖细胞的神经活动。结果前视盖的电刺激在同侧视顶盖主要唤起了两种神经反应:一种是兴奋性(excitatory postsynaptic potential,EPSP)和抑制性突触后电位(an inhibitory postsynaptic potential,IPSP)同时出现,另一种是单纯的IPSP,后者在本记录中占主导地位。另外我们也记录到了某些投射到前视盖的视盖投射细胞的神经电位。它揭示了视顶盖和前视盖之间存在着交叉性的相互作用。短潜时的EPSP可能是通过单突触进行传导的,而大多数的IPSP是通过多突触方式进行神经信息传递的。几乎98%被记录的视盖细胞对前视盖的刺激显示出了抑制性反应。结论前视盖的神经细胞对视顶盖的神经活动发挥了强烈的抑制性作用。  相似文献   


Many studies have reported that animals will display collision avoidance behavior when the size of retinal image of an object reaches a threshold. The present study aimed to investigate the neural correlates underlying the frog collision avoidance behavior.


Different types of visual stimuli simulating the retinal image of an approaching or a recessing object were generated by a computer and presented to the right eye of frog. A multielectrode array was used to examine the activity of collision-sensitive neurons, and single electrode recordings were employed to quantify visual parameter (s) of the frog collision-sensitive neurons.


The multielectrode array revealed that 40 neurons in the optic tectum showed selective responsiveness to objects approaching on a direct collision course. The response profiles of these collision-sensitive neurons were similar to those of lobula giantmovement detector (LGMD) in the locust or to those of η neurons in the pigeon. However, the receptive field (RF) size of the frog neurons [(18.5±3.8) °, n=33)] was smaller than those of collision-sensitive neurons of the locust and the pigeon. Multielectrode recordings also showed that the collision-sensitive neurons were activated only when the focus of expansion of a looming retinal image was located within the center of its RF. There was a linear relationship between the parameter l/v (l denotes half-size of the object, v denotes approaching velocity) and time-to-collision (time difference between the peak of the neuronal activity and the predictive collision) in 16 collisionsensitive neurons. Theoretical consideration showed that the peak firing rate always occurred at a fixed delay of (60.1 ± 39.5) ms (n=16) after the object had reached a constant angular size of (14.8 ± 3.4)° (n=16) on the retina.


The results may help clarify the mechanisms underlying the collision avoidance behavior in bullfrog.  相似文献   
高血压脑出血个体化治疗的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨高血压脑出血治疗中手术时机和方式的个体化选择临床意义。方法回顾性分析我科2003—2006年治疗的167例幕上高血压脑出血的临床资料。根据出血量、发病时间、血肿部位、GCS评分、是否发生脑疝,以及病人年龄、身体状况、有无合并症等进行综合分析,采用常规开颅手术、小骨窗手术、锥孔穿刺引流手术方式进行治疗。结果近期总的优良率为26.35%,死亡率为20.36%;远期总的优良率71.8%,死亡率2.56%。结论高血压脑出血的治疗应根据病人入院时病情进行综合分析,采用个体化评估选择治疗方案,可有效降低死亡率和致残率,提高临床治疗效果。  相似文献   
面神经在颞骨内部弯曲走行,颞骨骨折常并发面瘫。有关颞骨骨折面瘫治疗的报道很多,如何准确掌握面神经减压手术的适应证,采用更为有效、简便的方法,达到面瘫满意的恢复,同时又使听骨链的功能得到保护或提高,是探索颞骨外伤性面瘫治疗效果的重要目标。淄博市第一医院耳鼻喉科2001~2008年对32例颞骨骨折所致中重度面瘫患者采用保留重建中耳正常结构、无需乳突轮廓化的微创面神经减压术,取得较好疗效,现报道如下。  相似文献   
目的:探讨重型颅脑损伤患者行气管切开的意义、适应证及并发症。方法:回顾分析我科2003~2006年治疗的147例重型颅脑损伤患者的临床资料。结果:基本治愈116例(78.9%),好转25例(17.0%),自动出院7例(4.8%),植物生存4例(2.7%),死亡5例(3.4%)。结论:对重型颅脑损伤患者应及时行气管切开术,以解除呼吸道梗阻,改善通气,防止脑缺氧加重及肺部感染,促进脑功能恢复。  相似文献   
目的已有许多研究报告了青蛙的前视盖对视顶盖起抑制作用,但关于此神经活动的特性尚不清楚。本研究探讨了这种复杂的神经活动的机理。方法用细胞内记录方法,通过电刺激前视盖的神经细胞核来记录视顶盖细胞的神经活动。结果前视盖的电刺激在同侧视顶盖主要唤起了两种神经反应:一种是兴奋性(excitator ypostsynaptic potential,EPSP)和抑制性突触后电位(an inhibitory postsynaptic potential,IPSP)同时出现,另一种是单纯的IPSP,后者在本记录中占主导地位。另外我们也记录到了某些投射到前视盖的视盖投射细胞的神经电位。它揭示了视顶盖和前视盖之间存在着交叉性的相互作用。短潜时的EPSP可能是通过单突触进行传导的,而大多数的IPSP是通过多突触方式进行神经信息传递的。几乎98%被记录的视盖细胞对前视盖的刺激显示出了抑制性反应。结论前视盖的神经细胞对视顶盖的神经活动发挥了强烈的抑制性作用。  相似文献   


Electrophysiological examination of the ipsilateral pretectotectal projection has proved that pretectal cells elicit strong suppressive responses to the ipsilateral tectum. However, the neural mechanisms underlying the contralateral pretectotectal prejection are still obscure. The present study aimed to examine the synaptic nature of pretectal nuclei and contralateral tectal cells, and to demonstrate the spatiotemporal pattern of neuronal activity in the 2 main brain structures.


Intracellular recording and current source density (CSD) analysis were used to test the complexity of neuronal mechanism of pretectotectal information transfer.


The pretectal stimulation elicited only one type of response on the contralateral tectum, the inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP). The majority of contra-induced IPSPs were assumed to be polysynaptically driven. In the CSD analysis, only one sink with short latency was observed in each profile. The ipsilateral projection produced a prominent monosynaptic sink in layer 8 of tectum. Recipient neurons were located in layers 6 and 7 of tectum. The result confirmed former findings from ipsilateral intracellular recordings.


These results suggest the following neuronal circuit: afferents from the pretectal nuclei broadly inhibit both tectal neuron, and since no second sink occurs in tectal layers, the pretectotectal excitatory afferents probably do not extend over the whole tectum, but are within limited state. The results of intracellular recording and CSD analysis further provide evidence of how pretectal afferent activity flows within the tectal laminae.  相似文献   
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