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The Newania carbonatite complex of India is one of the few dolomite-dominated carbonatites of the world. Intruding into Archean basement gneisses, the rocks of the complex have undergone limited diversification and are not associated with any alkaline silicate rock. Although the magmatic nature of the complex was generally accepted, its age of emplacement had remained equivocal because of the disturbed nature of radioisotope systems. Many questions about the nature of its mantle source and mode of origin had remained unanswered because of lack of geochemical and isotopic data. Here, we present results of our effort to date the complex using 147Sm–143Nd, 207Pb–206Pb and 40Ar–39Ar dating techniques. We also present mineral chemistry, major and trace element geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopic ratio data for these carbonatites. Our age data reveal that the complex was emplaced at ~1,473 Ma and parts of it were affected by a thermal event at ~904 Ma. The older 207Pb–206Pb ages reported here (~2.4 Ga) and by one earlier study (~2.3 Ga; Schleicher et al. Chem Geol 140:261–273, 1997) are deemed to be a result of heterogeneous incorporation of crustal Pb during the post-emplacement thermal event. The thermal event had little effect on many magmatic signatures of these rocks, such as its dolomite–magnesite–ankerite–Cr-rich magnetite–magnesio-arfvedsonite–pyrochlore assemblage, mantle like δ13C and δ18O and typical carbonatitic trace element patterns. Newania carbonatites show fractional crystallization trend from high-Mg to high-Fe through high-Ca compositions. The least fractionated dolomite carbonatites of the complex possess very high Mg# (≥80) and have similar major element oxide contents as that of primary carbonatite melts experimentally produced from peridotitic sources. In addition, lower rare earth element (and higher Sr) contents than a typical calcio-carbonatite and mantle like Nb/Ta ratios indicate that the primary magma for the complex was a magnesio-carbonatite melt and that it was derived from a carbonate bearing mantle. The Sr–Nd isotopic data suggest that the primary magma originated from a metasomatized lithospheric mantle. Trace element modelling confirms such an inference and suggests that the source was a phlogopite bearing mantle, located within the garnet stability zone.  相似文献   
Upper layer circulation, hydrography, and biological response of Andaman waters during winter monsoon are assessed based on the observations carried out onboard FORV Sagar Sampada during January 2009 and November–December 2011. Cool and dry air carried by the moderate winds (6 m/s) from north and northeast indicates the influence of northeast monsoon (NEM) in the area during the observation time. The characteristics of physical parameters and the water mass indicate that the southeastern side is dominated by the less saline water from South China Sea intruded through the Malacca Strait, whereas the northeast is influenced by the freshwater from Ayeyarwady-Salween river system. The western side of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands exhibits similar properties of Bay of Bengal (BoB) water as evidenced in the T-S relation. Circulation pattern is uniform for the upper 88 m and is found to be more geostrophic rather than wind driven. Magnitude of the current velocity varies between 100 and 900 mm/s in November–December 2011 with strong current (900 mm/s) near Katchal and Nancowry islands and 100 and 1000 mm/s in January 2009 recording strong current (1000 mm/s) near the Little Nicobar Island. The Andaman waters are observed as less productive during the season based on the satellite-derived surface chl-a (0.1–0.4 mg/m3) and column-integrated primary productivity (PP) (100–275 mgC/m2/d).  相似文献   
Indian Ocean subduction zone is one of the most active plate margins of the globe as evident from its vast record of great magnitude earthquake and tsunami events. We use Bouguer admittance (Morlet isostatic response function) in Sumatra-Java subduction zones comprising both the subduction and over-riding plates to determine the lithospheric mechanical strength variations. We determine effective elastic thickness (T e ) for five oceanic windows (size 990 × 990 km2) by analyzing the admittance using Bouguer gravity and bathymetry data. The results show bimodal T e values < 20 km for Sumatra and 20−40 km for Java. The lower bimodal values obtained for Sumatra appears to correlate well with the zones of historical seismicity. This is in sharp contrast with Java subduction zone, which shows higher T e values (20–40 km) and apparently associated with low magnitude earthquakes. We suggest a strong and wide interseismic coupling for Sumatra between the subducting and over-riding plates, and deeper mantle contributing to low strength, shallow focus — high magnitude seismicity and vice versa for Java, leading to their seismogenic zonation.  相似文献   
Shoreline changes along the south Gujarat coast has been analyzed by using USGS Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.3. Multi-temporal satellite images pertaining to 1972, 1990, 2001 and 2011 were used to extract the shoreline. The High water line (HTL) is considered as shoreline and visual interpretation of satellite imageries has been carried out to demarcate the HTL based on various geomorphology and land use & land cover features. The present study used the Linear Regression Method (LRR) to calculate shoreline change rate. Based on the rate of shoreline changes, the coastal stretches of study area has been classified in to high erosion, low erosion, stable, low accretion and high accretion coast. The study found that about 69.31 % of the South Gujarat coast is eroding, about 18.40 % of coast is stable and remaining 12.28 % of the coast is accreting in nature. Field investigation was carried out which confirmed the coastal erosion/accretion derived from the analysis. The high erosion area are mostly found along the Umergaon (near Fansa, Maroli, Nargol, Varili river mouth, Umergaon light house) and Pardi (Kolak, Udwara)Taluka in Valsad district. Stable coastal length of the study area is 21.59 km and mostly found in Nani Dandi and near Onjal. High accretion (3.70 %) was only found near Hajira and low accretion (8.58 %) are distributed the study area. The main causes of coastal erosion of the study area were the strong tidal currents accompanied by wave action and reduced the sediment load of the river.  相似文献   
The impact of SARAL/AltiKa derived sea level anomaly (SLA) has been studied by assimilating it along with Jason-2 and Cryosat-2 SLA in the Princeton Ocean model (POM) using ensemble optimal interpolation (EnOI) technique. For isolating the extra benefit brought by SARAKL/Altika, a parallel run with assimilation of only Jason-2 and Cryosat-2 SLA has also been conducted. The importance of SARAL SLA in a data assimilative ocean prediction system has been evaluated with special emphasis on the improvement in thermocline depth, depth of the 20° isotherm, subsurface temperature and currents. Comparison with RAMA buoy has shown a positive impact of up to 13% for 20°C isotherm and up to 17% for thermocline depth after assimilating SARAL SLA. An overall improvement in temperature profile is also observed when compared with analogous profiles from RAMA buoys and Argo floats. Improvement in zonal currents away from the equator has also been noticed.  相似文献   
The near-infrared instruments in the upcoming Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) will be assisted by a multi conjugate Adaptive Optics (AO) system. For the efficient operation of the AO system, during observations, a near-infrared guide star catalog which goes as faint as 22 mag in JVega band is essential and such a catalog does not exist. A methodology, based on stellar atmospheric models, to compute the expected near-infrared magnitudes of stellar sources from their optical magnitudes is developed. The method is applied and validated in JHKs bands for a magnitude range of JVega 16–22 mag. The methodology is also applied and validated using the reference catalog of PAN STARRS. We verified that the properties of the final PAN STARRS optical catalog will satisfy the requirements of TMT IRGSC and will be one of the potential sources for the generation of the final catalog. In a broader context, this methodology is applicable for the generation of a guide star catalog for any existing/upcoming near-infrared telescopes.  相似文献   
The requirements for the production of a near Infra-Red Guide Star Catalog (IRGSC) for Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) observations are identified and presented. A methodology to compute the expected J band magnitude of stellar sources from their optical (g, r, i) magnitudes is developed. The computed and observed J magnitudes of sources in three test fields are compared and the methodology developed is found to be satisfactory for the magnitude range, JVega = 16–22 mag. From this analysis, we found that for the production of final TMT IRGSC (with a limiting magnitude of JVega = 22 mag), we need g, r, i bands optical data which go up to i AB ~ 23 mag. Fine tuning of the methodology developed, such as using Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) template fitting for optimal classification of stars in the fainter end, incorporating spectral libraries in the model, to reduce the scatter, and modification of the existing colour–temperature relation to increase the source density are planned for the subsequent phase of this work.  相似文献   
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