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A 140 km long wide-angle seismic profile has been acquired by use of 6 Ocean Bottom Seismographs across the Jan Mayen Ridge, North Atlantic. The profile was acquired twice; once with a traditionally tuned standard source and secondly with a somewhat smaller source tuned on the first bubble pulse. Analysis of the frequency content of the data reveals that the single-bubble source within the 10-15 Hz frequency range generates a signal with a level about 5 db above that of the standard source. These differences can partly be related to differences in airgun depth. The higher output level for these frequencies enables the single-bubble source to resolve intra-crustal structures with a higher degree of certainty, when compared to the data acquired by use of the standard source array. The standard source seems to generate slightly more energy for frequencies around 6 Hz, probably due to the use of a large 1200 in/sup3 gun in this array. These low frequencies a re of importance for mapping of lower crustal and upper mantle structures, and it is recommended that this is taken into account when seismic sources for mapping of deep crustal and upper mantle structures are designed.  相似文献   
Summary. A series of long-range explosion seismological experiments has been conducted by the use of specially designed ocean bottom seismographs (OBSs) in the Western Pacific. OBS studies of apparent velocity measurements by the use of natural earthquakes have also been made. The experiments have made clear that large-scale P -wave anisotropy exists in the entire thickness of the oceanic lithosphere. The existence of the large-scale anisotropy in the oceanic lithosphere has been demonstrated for the first time by seismic body-wave studies. Previously, anisotropy had been found only in the uppermost oceanic mantle in the Eastern Pacific.
The azimuth of the maximum velocity, 8.6 km s-1, is about 155° clock-wise from north. The direction is perpendicular to the magnetic lineation of the region, however, the direction differs from the direction of the present plate motion by about 30°. So it appears that the anisotropy has been 'frozen' at least since the change of the plate motion that occurred 40 Myr ago. The frozen anisotropy should set important constraints on the mechanical properties of the lithosphere such as the viscosity and temperature of the lower lithosphere.  相似文献   
Tectonic setting of the Azores Plateau deduced from a OBS survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Miranda  J.M.  Mendes Victor  L.A.  Simões  J.Z.  Luis  J.F.  Matias  L.  Shimamura  H.  Shiobara  H.  Nemoto  H  Mochizuki  H.  Hirn  A.  Lépine  J.C. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》1998,20(3):171-182
The studies of Azores seismicity generally show shocks with either normal faulting or right-lateral strike-slip along the ESE direction, compatible with a eastward relative motion of the Eurasian (EU) relative to the African (AF) plate. However, the 1 January 1980 earthquake was interpreted as a clear left-lateral strike-slip shock along the N150E direction. This pattern is difficult to explain in terms of the relative motion between the EU, AF and North American (NA) plates: all available models for the present day movement of this triple junction fail to explain the regional variability in the stress conditions of the area. Here we present data from a 34-day long Ocean Bottom Seismograph array deployment. We show that the seismicity is distributed along a band aligned with the island chain itself, and is concentrated along several faults with an approximate N150E strike, cutting the Azores plateau in all the area covered by the OBS network. The combination of these new results with other geophysical data permits us to conclude that the tectonic setting of the Azores plateau is characterised by the existence of two sets of faults, in the N120E and N150E directions, defining several crustal blocks, whose relative motion accommodates the interaction of the three megaplates. The deformation of these tectonic blocks is probably driven by the shear between the EU and AF plates. This model explains well the spatial variability of the stress conditions in the Azores domain, the combination of dextral and sinistral strike slip mechanisms and the observed seismotectonics of the Azores islands.  相似文献   
The crustal structure along a 312 km transect, stretching from the axial mountains of the North Atlantic Knipovich Ridge to the continental shelf of Svalbard, has been obtained using seismic reflection data and wide angle OBS data. The resulting seismic Vp and Vs models are further constrained by a 2-D-gravity model. The principal objective of this study is to describe and resolve the physical and compositional properties of the crust in order to understand the processes and creation of oceanic crust in this extremely slow-spreading counterpart of the North Atlantic Ridge Systems. Vp is estimated to be 3.50–6.05 km/s for the upper oceanic crust (oceanic layer 2), with a marked increase away from the ridge. The measured Vp of 6.55–6.95 km/s for oceanic layer 3A and 7.10–7.25 km/s for layer 3B, both with a Vp/Vs ratio of 1.81, except for slightly higher values at the ridge axis, does not allow a clear distinction between gabbro and mantle-derived peridotite (10–40% serpentized). The thickness of the oceanic crust varies a lot along the transect from the minimum of 5.6 km to a maximum of 8.1 km. The mean thickness of 6.7 km for the oceanic crust is well above the average thickness for slow-spreading ridges (<10 mm/year half-spreading rate). The areas of increased thickness could be explained by large magma production-rates found in the zones of axial highs at the ridge axis, which also have generated the off-axial highs adjacent the ridge. We suggest that these axial and off-axial highs along the ridge control the lithological composition of the oceanic crust. This approach suggests normal gabbroic oceanic crust to be found in the areas bound by the active magma segments (the axial and off-axial highs) and mantle-derived peridotite outside these zone.  相似文献   
Sensitive Ocean Bottom Implanted Tiltmeters (OBITs) with a sophisticated data retrieval system have been developed in order to observe directly the subduction of oceanic lithosphere. The OBIT is the first long-term geophysical instrument which was designed to be deployed by a manned deep-sea submersible. When the OBIT is put on oceanic lithosphere which is bending and is about to subduct under a deep sea trench, the OBIT records the subduction by observing the tilt of the surface of the lithosphere. The OBIT system has a sensitivity of 10-8 radian, which is enough to detect the ongoing subduction in months or years. The OBIT may give an answer to the question whether there are fluctuations in the subduction rate.Two OBITs were successfully deployed on a seaward slope of the Kuril Trench by the newly built French deep submersible, Nautile. The OBITs were installed on the northwest shoulder of Erimo seamount, at a depth of 3930 m, in the Kuril Trench. In order to attain stable long-term observations of crustal deformations, the sensing unit was cemented onto bare rock by mortar. We have not yet had an opportunity to recover the data.The life of the instruments is expected to be more than five years. An acoustic data transmission system has been developed for the OBIT data recovery. The stored data can be retrieved at any moment during the observation period, with no need to retrieve the instruments nor to interrupt the observation, by use of the acoustic system. The acoustic system has a high data transmission rate as well as extremely low power consumption. This will be the first long-term crustal deformation measurement on the sea floor.  相似文献   
The first detailed deep seismic refraction study in the Bransfield Strait, West Antarctica, using sensitive OBSs (ocean bottom seismographs) was carried out successfully during the Antarctic summer of 1990/1991. The experiment focused on the deep crustal structure beneath the axis of the Bransfield Rift. Seismic profile DSS-20 was located exactly in the Bransfield Trough, which is suspected to be a young rift system. Along the profile, five OBSs were deployed at spacings of 50-70 km. 51 shots were fired along the 310 km profile. This paper gives the first presentation of the results. A detailed model of the crustal structure was obtained by modelling the observed traveltimes and amplitudes using a 2-D ray-tracing technique. The uppermost (sedimentary?) cover, with velocities of 2.0-5.5 km s−1, reaches a depth of up to 8 km. Below this, a complex with velocities of 6.4-6.8 km s−1 is observed. The presence of a high-velocity body, with V p= 7.3-7.7 km s−1, was detected in the 14-32 km depth range in the central part of the profile. These inhomogeneities can be interpreted as a stage of back-arc spreading and stretching of the continental crust, coinciding with the Deception-Bridgeman volcanic line. Velocities of 8.1 km s−1, characteristic of the Moho, are observed along the profile at a depth of 30-32 km.  相似文献   
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