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The spatial distribution of volatiles in the Martian hydrolithosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to quantify the spatial distribution of volatiles on Mars, 2600 fluidized ejecta craters have been systematically measured, classified and mapped over the planet Mars, using 1 : 2 M scale USGS photomosaics. The latitudinal distribution of ejecta craters reveals that flower ejecta deposits (Type 1), together with low mobility ejecta, are frequently observed in the equatorial region and on ridged plains. Rampart craters (Type 2), with high mobility ejecta, occur at mid latitudes and exhibit a spatial relationship with polygonal patterns and pseudocrater areas. The increase of ejecta mobility with latitude attests for a concentration of volatiles at high latitudes. Statistical analysis shows that cratered uplands and ridged plains contain less volatile material near the surface than the underlying materials. In Chryse Planitia and Utopia Planitia the statistical study and the spatial relationships between polygonally fractured patterns, pseudocraters and the great number of high mobility ejecta deposits suggest the presence of a water-rich alluvial deposit close to the surface near the mouth of Chryse and Elysium channels. This result explains, on a more quantitative basis, the idea that fractured patterns were preferentially developed in a volatile-rich sedimentary deposits. The behaviour of volatiles, at 41 S, 257 W near Reull Vallis, exhibits a strong anomaly, with the presence of an abnormally volatile rich layer close to the surface.  相似文献   
Cr K-edge XANES spectra were obtained for a variety of Cr-bearing model compounds containing Cr(II), Cr(III), Cr(IV), Cr(V) and Cr(VI), in which the Cr-site symmetry is D4h, Oh and Td. The centroid position of the pre-edge feature is a better indicator of the Cr valence than the edge position. In Cr-rich oxides, higher-energy transitions must be excluded in order to refine a robust valence for Cr. The pre-edge for chromates is not unique and varies as a function of the CrO4 2? moiety distortion, which is often related to Cr-polymerization (monochromate vs. dichromate). Both the analogy with the Mn K-pre-edge information and ab initio FEFF calculations of the pre-edge feature for Cr(III) and Cr(VI) confirm the experimental trends. This methodology is applied to the Cr K-edge pre-edge feature collected in gems (emerald, spinel and ruby), the layered minerals fuchsite and kämmererite, two Cr-bearing aqueous solutions and a set of sodo-calcic silicate glasses used for bottling sparkling white wine. In emerald and fuchsite, the Cr-site is differently distorted than its ruby or spinel counterpart. In a Cr(III)-bearing aqueous solution and sodo-calcic glass, no evidence for Cr(III) with Td and C3v symmetry is detected. However, minor amounts of chromate moieties (most likely monomeric) are detected in a glass synthesized in air. Preliminary spectra for the wine bottle glass suggest that only trace amounts of chromates might possibly be present in these glasses.  相似文献   
位于青藏高原东北缘的西宁、贵德盆地的新生代沉积序列较完整的记录了盆地周围物源区构造变形过程。重矿物是碎屑物质的重要组成部分,是最直观、有效揭示源区母岩、构造-沉积过程的重要手段。通过重矿物的系统分析,结合沉积-构造变形,揭示出始新世-上新世末西宁-贵得盆地及其源区经历了几个构造活动阶段:古新世-始新世早期的隆升阶段、始新世中期-渐新世晚期的构造稳定阶段、渐新世末-中新世初的构造隆升阶段、中中新世构造稳定阶段和晚中新世以来的强烈隆升阶段。并结合特征矿物(绿泥石)及古水流分析,推断古近纪西宁-贵德盆地是东昆仑山前一个统一盆地。中新世早期青藏高原的扩张导致了拉脊山开始隆起,使原型盆地解体;约8.5 Ma以来拉脊山强烈隆升,两侧盆地逐渐转变为山间盆地。这为正确理解青藏高原东北缘盆山格局的形成和演化提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
前人针对珠江口盆地前新生代开展过大量研究,但对盆地的原始构造格局仍缺乏统一认识。在高精度三维地震资料的基础上,笔者采用“定性+定量”先存断裂综合识别技术,识别出珠江口盆地惠州凹陷和番禺4洼前新生代基底发育的先存断裂583条。按照断裂是否断穿Tg和断裂倾角大小,将先存断裂分为4类:高角度节理、低角度节理、高角度活化断层和低角度活化断层;按断裂走向划分,将先存断裂分为NW-NWW向和NE-NEE向2组。燕山期晚侏罗—早白垩世,古太平洋板块对华南板块沿NW向正向俯冲,形成NE-NEE向逆冲断裂;燕山期晚白垩世,古太平洋板块对华南板块斜向俯冲产生左旋挤压应力场导致NW-NWW向逆冲断裂形成。这些先存断裂从源头上控制了珠江口盆地的构造格局,为研究盆地后续演化提供了重要支撑。  相似文献   
Surface rupture and source fault of the 20 February 1956 Eskişehir earthquake have been a matter of debate that potentially contributes towards the understanding of the active deformation and seismic risk in the highly populated NW Anatolia. Field observations on the two fault segments (namely Kavacık and Uludere faults) in the north of the Eskişehir graben revealed evidences of co-seismic surface rupture and mass movements during the Eskişehir earthquake. Surface rupture was observed as a 2.5m wide, a 100m long and ca. 20 cm deep asymmetric depression in the Gümüşlü valley, 2 km east of the Uludere village. A trench dug on this depression confirms a prominent high-angle south dipping fault (dominantly left lateral strike slip) and two faint north-dipping antithetics as clear noticeable shear zones in organic-rich thick soil. Mass failures are particularly observed in spring depressions filled with loose torrent and carbonaceous material in front of the fault scarp. Some rock slides of several tens of meters in size that obviously require significantly high ground shaking were also developed on steep fault scarps. The orientation of the principal stress tensor as deduced from the surface rupture of the Eskişehir earthquake displays clear inconsistency with the geometry of prominent faults in the area. We concluded that this disagreement may be explained by a curved surface rupture. The western and eastern tips of this rupture are EW trending and the probable NW-running part in the middle would correspond to the bounding zone between two right-stepping faults.  相似文献   
This study is the first test of correlation between the results obtained on the large Plio-Pleistocene European faunas and the main climatic stages (cold as well as temperate) demonstrated in marine isotopic records. In particular, there are cold stages which often explain the disappearance of some species, as well as climatic events that promote the substitution of some species by other groups. A rather evident parallelism appears between the European succession of large faunal associations and paleoclimatic stages revealed in oceanic areas, but some discordance occurs in the later periods. Faced with the great diversification of the Quaternary faunas, probably due to the multiplicity of climatic environments, and with global information from oceanic records, only local biostratigraphic studies will allow precise reconstruction of the different biotopes.  相似文献   
Preserving the Ocean Circulation: Implications for Climate Policy   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Climate modelers have recognized the possibility of abrupt climate changes caused by a reorganization of the North Atlantic's current pattern (technically known as a thermohaline circulation collapse). This circulation system now warms north-western Europe and transports carbon dioxide to the deep oceans. The posited collapse of this system could produce severe cooling in northwestern Europe, even when general global warming is in progress. In this paper we use a simple integrated assessment model to investigate the optimal policy response to this risk. Adding the constraint of avoiding a thermohaline circulation collapse would significantly reduce the allowable greenhouse gas emissions in the long run along an optimal path. Our analysis implies that relatively small damages associated with a collapse (less than 1% of gross world product) would justify a considerable reduction of future carbon dioxide emissions.  相似文献   
D. maculates is a kind of specialized Schizothoracinae fish has been locally listed as a protected animal in Xinjiang Province,China. Ili River located in north of Tianshan Mountain and Tarim River located in north of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were two main distribution areas of this fish. To investigate the genetic diversity and genetic structure of D. maculates,four populations from Tarim River system and two populations from Ili River system were collected in this study. A 570-bp sequence of the control region was obtained for 105 specimens. Twenty-four haplotypes were detected from six populations,only Kunes River population and Kashi River population shared haplotypes with each other. For all the populations examined,the haplotype diversity(h) was 0.904 8±0.012 6,nucleotide diversity(π) was 0.027 9±0.013 9,and the average number of pairwise nucleotide differences(k) was 15.878 3±7.139 1. The analysis of molecular variance(AMOVA) showed that 86.31% of the total genetic variation was apportioned among populations,and the variation within sampled populations was 13.69%. Genetic differences among sampled populations were highly significant. F st statistical test indicated that all populations were significantly divergent from each other(P 0.01). The largest F st value was between Yurungkash River population and Muzat River population,while the smallest F st value was between Kunes River population and Kashi River population. NJ phylogenetic tree of D-loop haplotypes revealed two main clades. The neutrality test and mismatch distribution analysis suggested that the fish had went through a recent population expansion. The uplift of Tianshan Mountain and movement of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau might contribute to the wide genetic divergence of D. maculates in northwest China.  相似文献   
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