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克里希纳—戈达瓦里 (Krishna—Godavari)盆地位于印度被动大陆边缘东部的中心地区。盆地的构造走向为NE—SW。上白垩统沉积岩露头标明了西北方向的盆地边缘 ,该地区毗邻NW—SE走向的布兰希达—戈达瓦里地堑。盆地含有巨厚的沉积层序 ,包括数个从晚白垩世到全新世的沉积旋回。自从晚白垩世以来发育了一个不断向海进积的面积广阔的巨厚泥质相三角洲 ,该三角洲是油气勘探的靶区。地磁和重力数据证实了盆地的上述地层构造 ,以后进行的多道地震测量也进一步证实了这一点。盆地被断层控制的山岭分成了若干个亚盆地 ,亚盆…  相似文献   
海洋对白垩纪—第三纪碰撞的振荡反应StevenD’Hondt等白垩纪—第三纪(K—T)碰撞对海洋和气候产生的长期影响鲜为人知,过去的研究往往用相隔很远的样品来估计海洋一气候系统碰撞前后的平均状态,其研究结果并未提供什么证据来说明长期的物理变化起因于K...  相似文献   
冰期剧烈的气候变化与大西洋环流的变化有关。在过去 1 0ka间 ,气候较为稳定 ,百年级波动相对温和。目前 ,全球年复一年的气候变化主要由太平洋厄尔尼诺—南方涛动所引起。太平洋的赤道宽度是大西洋的 3倍 ,但不致于影响全球气候 ;大西洋的影响范围虽小 ,然而却非常明显 ,尤其是在环流改变时 ,国际研究项目 (气候变化与可预见性 )将对大西洋气候变化机制和可预见性做深入的探讨。热带大西洋地区大气 海洋相互作用 ,在春季 (3— 5月 )引起巴西至加勒比海的南美东海岸、在秋季 (8— 9月 )引起非洲亚撒哈拉西部年际降雨量和时间的明显变化。…  相似文献   
白令海峡首次张开和中美洲航道关闭是新生代晚期两个最重要的古地理和海洋事件。除了其区域生物地理效应外 ,这些事件改变了北太平洋和北大西洋航道的形态 ,对北半球大洋环流和气候产生了重要影响。白令海峡首次张开所产生的最引人注目的结果是软体动物在北太平洋、北冰洋和北大西洋之间的交流。这一事件被称为“横越北冰洋的交流” ,涉及295个软体动物种 ,其中源于太平洋的261个 ,源于大西洋—北冰洋的34个。由于新第三纪晚期的这种交流 ,现今北冰洋软体动物的大部分源于北大西洋 ,尤其表现在北美北冰洋和西伯利亚东北部海岸 ,而大…  相似文献   
The relationship between trophic position through delta13C and delta15N and trace metal concentrations (Zn, Cd, Cu and Hg) was investigated in the tissues of six marine mammal species from the Northeast Atlantic: striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba, common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, Atlantic white-sided dolphin Lagenorhynchus acutus, harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena, white beaked-dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris, grey seal Halichoerus grypus stranded on French Channel and Irish coasts. White-beaked dolphins, harbour porpoises, white-sided dolphins, common and striped dolphins display the same relative and decreasing trophic position, as measured by delta15N values, along both the Irish and French channel coasts, reflecting conservative trophic habits between these two places. Hepatic and renal Cd concentrations were significantly correlated to muscle delta13C and delta15N values while Hg, Zn and Cu did not. These results suggest that Cd accumulation is partly linked to the diet while other factors such as age or body condition might explain Hg, Zn or Cu variability in marine mammals. Combined stable isotope and trace metal analyses appear to be useful tools for the study of marine mammal ecology.  相似文献   
旧照片显示澳大利亚珊瑚礁的破坏IanAnderson澳大利亚大堡礁的许多部分正在以令人吃惊的速度消失。昆士兰州Townsville的大堡礁海洋公园管理局的科学家把现代大堡礁的照片与早到1890年拍摄的照片进行了比较,为其发现深感震惊。“某种东西正在毁...  相似文献   
科技论文的标题是研究内容的画龙点睛之作,应遵循高度概括、精练、简洁、醒目的原则。标题写作与编辑中常见不切题意、冗长、用词欠规范、缺乏一致性以及编排中移行错误5种问题,作为一个合格的科技编辑工作者,需要仔细斟酌、字字推敲,认真把好标题写作的质量关。  相似文献   
Use of Rhodamine water tracer in the marshland upwelling system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rhodamine water tracer (RWT) was used to characterize the migration of waste water within the saline subsurface of a marshland upwelling system (MUS), which is an alternative on-site waste water treatment system for coastal areas. Field tracer studies were performed to investigate the fresh waste water plume movement within the saline ground water. Pore velocities were calculated using first detection times and ranged from 0.68 to 10.7 x 10(-4) cm/sec for the loamy sandy soil matrix present at the site. Use of RWT in the field also allowed determination of main and preferential flowpaths. One- and two-dimensional laboratory experiments were performed using silica sand to investigate the interactions of the organically rich waste water with RWT within the zone surrounding the point of injection (one-dimensional) and the impact of background salinity on plume movement (two-dimensional). The results from these studies were used to help explain the field data. One-dimensional breakthrough curves revealed retardation factors for the RWT in the waste water mixture of 1.73 to 1.90. These results were similar to other researchers, indicating little interaction between the waste water and RWT. Variations in pore water salinity (5, 15, 25, and 35 ppt) were found to have a significant effect on pore water velocities of the fresh water plume (two-dimensional), indicating the need to incorporate background salinities into the design process for MUS.  相似文献   
美国外陆架区油气资源评价报告美国内务部矿物管理局在对该国滨外未勘探的原油和天然气气资源进行了数年研究、分析之后,于1996年6月发表了一题为“国家外陆架未勘探油气潜力评价”的报告,对美国外陆架的可开采油气资源作了鉴别和分析,并对过去14年的两项全国性...  相似文献   
“地学组织面临的新挑战以及对其现状和组织结构的影响”专题会议于 2 0 0 1年 1 0月 2 6日在柬埔寨首都金边与 CCOP第 3 8届年会同时召开。来自 CCOP成员国和合作国 /组织的代表出席了会议。会议由 CCOP名誉顾问 YoshihikoShimazaki博士和何起祥教授主持 ,中国的蒋仕金先生被选为本报告的撰写人。参加会议的有柬埔寨、中国、印度尼西亚、日本、马来西亚、泰国、越南和菲律宾的代表 ,也有来自德国、瑞典、得克萨斯农工大学和荷兰的代表。虽然各国和地学研究状况不同 ,但是整个地区的地学组织面临的挑战是共同的。 CCOP成员国为了满…  相似文献   
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