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We identified a total of 101 species and two subspecies of radiolarians belonging to 56 genera from 95 samples collected from the Hagjeon and Duho Formations in the Pohang Basin of the southeastern Korean Peninsula. On the basis of the biostratigraphic range of Cyrtocapsella cornuta and Theocorys redondoensis, the depositional period of the upper Hagjeon and lowest Duho Formations was determined to be early to late Middle Miocene. The occurrence of deep-dwelling radiolarians indicates that the paleobathymetry seems to become gradually progressing toward an upper bathyal environment in the middle part of the Hagjeon Formation. However, we prefer to accept another interpretation for the occurrence of deep-sea indicators in the Hagjeon and the lowest part of the Duho Formations, and consider the presence of a region of upwelling cold water that might have simulated a deep-water environment in relatively shallow water. This interpretation is based on the present upwelling of a cold-water mass off the southeast coast of Korea, the occurrence of upwelling microfossils from the Pohang Basin, and the effect of the closing of the Korea Strait approximately 15 Ma. We also considered that the uppermost part of the studied section represents a shallow-water environment.  相似文献   
In situ eclogitic schist lenses occur in the coherent low-gradeepidote-zone Ward Creek metabasite unit of the Central Franciscanbelt. They contain almandine garnet, clinopyroxene, and rutile.They have slightly higher Mn content (0–5–1–0wt.%) than the coexisting Type III metabasites (0–12–0–25wt%) which contain epidote + glaucophane + actinolite + chlorite+ omphacite + quartz + sphene ? aragonite? lawsonite ? pumpellyite+ albite. The in situ eclogitic schists (130–140 Ma) canbe distinguished from older tectonic eclogites (150–160Ma) in Ward Creek as follows: (1) they are medium grained, whereasType IV tectonic eclogites are coarse grained; (2) they haveunaltered spessartine-rich idioblastic (0–4–10 mm)garnets, whereas Type IV tectonic eclogites have larger xenoblasticto hypidiomorphic spessartine-poor garnets which were corrodedand chloritized along the rim during retrograde metamorphism;(3) clinopyroxenes are chloromelanite in in situ eclogitic schistsbut omphacite in Type IV tectonic eclogites; (4) barroisiticamphiboles occur both as inclusions in garnets and as matrixminerals in Type IV tectonic eclogites but not in in situ eclogiticschists; (5) albite is present in in situ eclogitic schistsbut not in Type IV tectonic eclogites; and (6) the estimatedP-T condition of in situ eclogitic schists is 290 ?C < T<350 ?C, P = 8–9 kb, whereas that of Ward Creek Type IVtectonic eclogites is 500?C< r<540?C, P< 10–11–5kb. Medium-grained eclogites occur as individual blocks in WardCreek; they are different from Type IV tectonic eclogites butare very similar to in situ eclogitic schists. They have unalteredidioblastic garnet with high almandine and spessartine content(Alm47Sp23Gr20Py10), and they have chloromel-anitic clinopyroxeneand quartz but no barroisite. Paragonite is also stable in theseeclogites. The blocks formed at 380 ?C< r<400?C, and 9–5kb<P< 14 kb. They are presumably in situ eclogites formedat the highest-temperature part of the Ward Creek metabasiteunit and may be younger than Type IV tectonic eclogites. Such low-temperature occurrences of eclogitic assemblages aredue to the compositional effect on reactions between blueschistand eclogite that are insensitive to pressure and shift towardslower temperatures as bulk-rock MnO content and XFe/(Fe+Mg)increase. The Mn/(Mn + Fe) ratio of bulk rock is an importantfactor in controlling the P-T positions of these reactions attemperatures below 450 ?C, whereas the Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio ofbulk-rock becomes important at temperatures higher than 450?C.  相似文献   
An analysis of the radar backscattering from the ocean surface covered by oil spill is presented using a microwave scattering model and Monte-Carlo simulation. In the analysis, a one-dimensional rough sea surface is numerically generated with an ocean waveheight spectrum for a given wind velocity. A two-layered medium is then generated by adding a thin oil layer on the simulated rough sea surface. The electric fields backscattered from the sea surface with two-layered medium are computed with the method of moments (MoM), and the backscattering coefficients are statistically obtained with N independent samples for each oil-spilled surface using the Monte-Carlo technique for various conditions of surface roughness, oil-layer thickness, frequency, polarization and incidence angle. The numerical simulation results are compared with theoretical models for clean sea surfaces and SAR images of an oil-spilled sea surface caused by the Hebei (Hebei province, China) Spirit oil tanker in 2007. Further, conditions for better oil spill extraction are sought by the numerical simulation on the effects of wind speed and oil-layer thickness at different incidence angles on the backscattering coefficients.  相似文献   
The oceanic response to a typhoon in the East China Sea (ECS) was examined using thermal and current structures obtained from ocean surface drifters and a bottom-moored current profiler installed on the right side of the typhoon’s track. Typhoon Nari (2007) had strong winds as it passed the central region of the ECS. The thermal structure in the ECS responded to Typhoon Nari (2007) very quickly: the seasonal thermocline abruptly collapsed and the sea surface temperature dropped immediately by about 4°C after the typhoon passed. The strong vertical mixing and surface cooling caused by the typhoon resulted in a change in the thermal structure. Strong near-inertial oscillation occurred immediately after the typhoon passed and lasted for at least 4–5 days, during which a strong vertical current existed in the lower layer. Characteristics of the near-inertial internal oscillation were observed in the middle layer. The clockwise component of the inertial frequency was enhanced in the surface layer and at 63 m depth after the typhoon passed, with these layers almost perfectly out of phase. The vertical shear current was intensified by the interaction of the wind-driven current in the upper layer and the background semi-diurnal tidal current during the arrival of the typhoon, and also by the near-inertial internal oscillation after the typhoon passage. The strong near-inertial internal oscillation persisted without significant interfacial structure after the mixing of the thermocline, which could enhance the vertical mixing over several days.  相似文献   
Lee  Seok  Oh  Kyung-Hee  Jang  Sung-Tae  You  Hak Yoel  Park  Joonsung  Song  Kyu-Min 《Ocean Science Journal》2019,54(1):39-50
Ocean Science Journal - A practical method to estimate the M2 tidal current is proposed based on one-day current observations. In this method, the semi-diurnal constituent, composed of several...  相似文献   
One-point correlation analysis on upper-level meridional wind identified the existence of a teleconnection pattern in July, which emerges from North Africa to East Asia along the westerly jet in the middle latitudes. We examined the spatial and temporal structures of this teleconnection pattern, and found the unique characteristics rather different from the patterns in other elements such as geopotential height, streamfunction and vorticity. We also investigated the relationship between this teleconnection and precipitation, and suggested that the teleconnection is a possible linkage of the EASM to the Indian monsoon, and even to subtropical heating anomalies over Atlantic.  相似文献   
The vertical structure of the M2 tidal current in the Yellow Sea is analyzed from data acquired using an acoustic Doppler current profiler. The observed vertical profiles of the M2 tidal current are decomposed into two rotating components of counter-clockwise and clockwise, and restructured using a simple one-point model with a constant vertical eddy viscosity. The analyzed results show that the internal fictional effect dominates the vertical structure of the tidal current in the bottom boundary layer. In the Yellow Sea, the effect of the bottom friction reduces the current speed by about 20–40% and induces the bottom phase advance by about 15–50 minutes. In the shallower coastal regions, the effects of bottom topography are more prominent on the vertical structure of tidal currents. The vertical profile of the tidal current in summer, when the water column is strongly stratified, is disturbed near the pycnocline layer. The stratification significantly influences the vertical shear and distinct seasonal variation of the tidal current.  相似文献   
A new water quality index for evaluating the water quality of Jinhae Bay and Gwangyang Bay was developed. Four water quality parameters were selected as water quality indicators for the water quality index: dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), and dissolved oxygen (DO). Reference levels of DIN, DIP, and Chl-a were determined as 6.22 μmol L?1, 0.38 μmol L?1, and 2.32 μmol L?1, respectively, on the basis of a long-term dataset that was collected monthly in the Korea Strait over a period of seven years (2006–2012). The water quality index established for Jinhae Bay and Gwangyang Bay is (bottom DO grade × 0.33) + (surface Chl-a grade × 0.33) + (surface DIN grade × 0.17) + (surface DIP grade × 0.17). On the basis of a three-year observation, the water quality of Jinhae Bay was classified as “good” in winter and spring, “poor” in summer, and “fair” in autumn and exhibited large spatial variation, with the lowest-quality water observed in Masan Bay. The water quality of Gwangyang Bay was classified as “good” in winter, “fair” in spring, “poor” in summer, and “fair” in autumn. Unlike Jinhae Bay, the water quality of Gwangyang Bay exhibited minimal spatial variation. In both bays, water quality among the four seasons was worse during summer. It is essential that a survey for water quality evaluation be conducted during summer.  相似文献   
韩国的乡村林木处于偏远村庄附近,单独的树木或一片树林,往往构成风水因素。乡村林木也有野生动物生境的功能,有益于农业生物多样性。本文中,乡村林木分为4种类型(天然林、半天然林、半人工林、人工林)23个主要树种(优势种或次优势种)。赤松(Pinus densiflora)在50个地点是优势种,光叶榉(Zelkova serrata)在45个地点为优势种。乡村林木立地植物共分125科、519属、1081种。尽管乡村林木占地面积极小,占100 000 km2韩国国土面积的0.00278%,但这种生态系统具有重要的生物多样性和生境保护功能。乡村林木不仅是保育生物多样性的一个基础,还能为韩国提供生态系统服务。  相似文献   
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