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Down-core sediment pigment concentrations from four Northern European estuaries were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to investigate phytoplankton community structure and preservation conditions over the last ca. 100 years where all sites have experienced different levels of eutrophication. Phytoplankton pigments have been shown to be useful biomarkers for phytoplankton community structure and abundance due to their taxonomic specificity. The pigment concentrations and sediment pigment inventory showed large variation between the four sites. Concentrations ranged from more than 6000 nmol/g OC to less than 100 nmol/g OC and the inventory integrated over the top 10 cm from more than 300 nmol/cm2 to less than 30 nmol/cm2 for total identified pigments. Good pigment preservation in Mariager Fjord (Denmark) reflected the almost permanently anoxic conditions. Pigments in Laajalahti (Finland) showed peak concentrations around the time of highest nitrogen loading events known from historical and modelled records over the past 100 years. In contrast, poor down-core preservation of pigments (especially carotenoids) was observed in the Ems-Dollard (The Netherlands) and Himmerfjärden (Sweden) estuaries. The Ems-Dollard site is an intertidal mudflat that experiences daily exposure to light and air, which enhances pigment degradation. In Himmerfjärden, resuspension is an important process affecting both the sedimentation rate and degradation properties. The different preservation conditions at the four sites were supported by the differences in two degradation indicators; the ratio of pheopigment-a to chlorophyll-a and total carotenoids to total pigments. Class-specific carotenoid pigments represented the dominant algal groups reported from each site, however, no distinct down-core changes in the pigment composition were observed at any of the four sites. This indicated that changes in plankton community structure on the group level have been limited over this time period or masked by low preservation of pigments.  相似文献   
Marbles from the Pohorje area in Slovenia are investigated by mineralogical-petrographical analyses of thin sections as well as by cathodoluminescence in order to detect their local variability in texture and mineral assemblages. The CL colours observed in a cold cathode device are related to the manganese contents. An attempt is made to relate the textures seen under CL to mineral reactions during the process of metamorphism. The predominantly calcite marbles from Pohorje exhibit orange luminescence with some dolomite lenses with red luminescence. The typical mineral assemblages are calcite+tremolite+phlogopite or calcite+dolomite+tremolite+phlogopite. Therefore, the estimated temperature from the stability of mineral assemblage is assumed at approximately 500 °C.  相似文献   
In this paper, a literature‐based compilation of the timing and history of salt tectonics in the Southern Permian Basin (Central Europe) is presented. The tectono‐stratigraphic evolution of the Southern Permian Basin is influenced by salt movement and the structural development of various types of salt structures. The compilation presented here was used to characterize the following syndepositional growth stages of the salt structures: (a) “phase of initiation”; (b) phase of fastest growth (“main activity”); and (c) phase of burial’. We have also mapped the spatial pattern of potential mechanisms that triggered the initiation of salt structures over the area studied and summarized them for distinct regions (sub‐basins, platforms, etc.). The data base compiled and the set of maps produced from it provide a detailed overview of the spatial and temporal distribution of salt tectonic activity enabling the correlation of tectonic phases between specific regions of the entire Southern Permian Basin. Accordingly, salt movements were initiated in deeply subsided graben structures and fault zones during the Early and Middle Triassic. In these areas, salt structures reached their phase of main activity already during the Late Triassic or the Jurassic and were mostly buried during the Early Cretaceous. Salt structures in less subsided sub‐basins and platform regions of the Southern Permian Basin mostly started to grow during the Late Triassic. The subsequent phase of main activity of these salt structures took place from the Late Cretaceous to the Cenozoic. The analysis of the trigger mechanisms revealed that most salt structures were initiated by large‐offset normal faults in the sub‐salt basement in the large graben structures and minor normal faulting associated with thin‐skinned extension in the less subsided basin parts.  相似文献   
Organisms have evolved a cellular response called stress protein response that increases their tolerance in adverse environmental conditions. Well known stress proteins that bind essential and toxic metals are metallothionein (MT). The scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis is the most interesting organism because it is able to accumulate toxic cadmium in its digestive gland. However, in the tissue of the digestive gland of Mizuhopecten yessoensis MT (metallothioneins) have not been found. Eastern scallops, Mizuhopecten yessoensis, were collected from two locations ?? one clean and one polluted site. The concentrations of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were measured in the digestive gland. There was a significant increase in Cd concentrations in this studied tissue. We found that in the presence of cadmium Mizuhopecten yessoensis can induce high molecular proteins. The results of experiments have shown that Cd-binding ligands have a number of properties similar to MT: acetone and temperature stability; the ability to bind some metals, including Cd, Cu and Zn. Protein chromatography (FPLC, Superosa 12) from the digestive gland of scallop M. yessoensis has shown that cadmium is associated with high molecular weight Cd-binding proteins (72 kDa and 43 kDa). The major cadmium-binding protein 72 kDa is glycoprotein. In experiments we have demonstrated that Cd-binding proteins can be induced when there is cadmium exposure. The results of this study strongly suggest that the far eastern scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis has a unique and well-developed system for the detoxification of heavy metals and it allows for biochemical systems to be maintained in a relatively stable manner in the presence of heavy metals.  相似文献   
利用中国国家级地面气象站逐时降水资料,采用地理加权回归(Geographically Weighted Regression,GWR)模型系统分析了中国中东部暖季降水与海拔高度的关系,并将二者关系作为一种客观标准,评估了ECMWF-IFS模式对2017年暖季降水的预报能力。主要结论如下:(1)总体来看,中国中东部降水频率(强度)随海拔高度升高而增加(减小),二者在不同地区的贡献程度不同导致降水量与海拔高度关系的区域差异显著。(2)通过对比午后短时和夜间长时降水事件与海拔高度关系的差异,发现午后短时降水事件的降水量主要随海拔高度升高而增加,且以降水频率与海拔高度关系的贡献为主。而夜间长时降水事件的降水量与海拔高度关系的区域一致性较差。相较于午后短时降水事件,夜间长时降水事件中有更多站点表现出降水量随海拔高度升高而减小的特征,在大地形周边陡峭地形处的站点所表现出的此种差异较东部孤立地形处更加显著。(3)根据ECMWF-IFS模式的评估结果,模式能够较好地刻画出中国中东部2017年暖季降水气候态的空间分布特征,且与观测具有较大的空间相关系数。但从降水与海拔高度关系来看,观测与模式的空间相关性偏弱。此外,模式能够表现出降水强度(频率)主要随海拔高度升高而减小(增加)的特征,但绝大多数站点在模式中的降水强度(频率)与海拔高度的负(正)回归关系要弱(强)于观测结果。  相似文献   
微微型浮游植物是水环境生态碳汇的重要基石之一,也是初级生产的重要执行者。选取了一个典型的陆海交界关键带环境——海南东寨港入海口水域,采集了东寨港红树林保护区开阔水域、入港河流和新埠海海端的微微型浮游植物的样品,通过流式细胞仪分析技术对样品进行分析,以探究它们在东寨港水域中的丰度、分布及环境指示意义。结果表明,冬季水域微微型浮游植物以真核浮游植物(Eukaryote,Euk)和聚球藻(Synechococcus,Syn)两大类群为主,其中聚球藻有两个亚群,分别为富含藻蓝蛋白聚球藻(Phycocyanin-rich,PC)和富含藻红蛋白聚球藻(Phycoerythrin-rich,PE)。Syn-PC、Syn-PE和Euk在东寨港水域表层水体的平均丰度分别为(2.61×104±1.09×104)、(3.06×104±7.05×103)、(1.56×105±8.03×104) cells/m L,底层水体的平均丰度分别为(2.64×104±...  相似文献   
a u uma naau ¶rt; m¶rt; ¶rt; aaua ¶rt;auu uu. naau ¶rt; naam , ¶rt;mu mau a, m aa naau ¶rt;am n a au aauu uu auumu m amu m aaa um ¶rt;uam. m¶rt; m ¶rt;mam mu ¶rt;a nu auu u m mu, ma m nuu ma a a .  相似文献   
西藏西部台错湖T1阶地的两个剖面沉积中,除下部10余厘米含炭化植物和50~70 cm处为暗色碳酸盐粘土及粘土外,中、上部全系粘土碳酸盐层,含丰富的介形类和轮藻类.据碳酸盐、介形类、轮藻类的碳、氧稳定同位素值与微体古生物群落生态特征等提供的环境气候变化指标,指示该区距今41.4~4.5 ka BP间气候变化为:在41.4~26.2 ka BP气候较湿润;26.2~25.5 ka BP偏暖稍干;25.5~22.5 ka BP气候暖湿;22.5~21.0 ka BP气候偏冷湿;20.5~17.5 ka BP气候骤冷、偏湿,反映本区处于末次冰期盛冰期;17.5~16.0 kaBP偏冷偏干;16.0~11.8 ka BP气候偏暖湿,为全球间歇性暖事件的响应;11.8~10.4 ka BP气候较冷干,大致相当于新仙女木期,10.4 ka BP气温开始回升;10.4~9.4 ka BP气候偏暖湿;9.4~8.5 ka BP气候呈现短暂暖湿颤动;8.5~7.9 ka BP气候偏干冷,为冰后期强烈降温偏干事件;7.8~6.3 ka BP气候偏暖湿;6.3~4.5 ka BP气候趋向冷干,4.5 ka BP记录了晚更新世晚期以来最大的干燥期.  相似文献   
Evaluations of tidal wetland restoration efforts suffer from a lack of appropriate reference sites and standardized methods among projects. To help address these issues, the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) and the NOAA Restoration Center engaged in a partnership to monitor ecological responses and evaluate 17 tidal wetland restoration projects associated with five reserves. The goals of this study were to (1) determine the level of restoration achieved at each project using the restoration performance index (RPI), which compares change in parameters over time between reference and restoration sites, (2) compare hydrologic and excavation restoration projects using the RPI, (3) identify key indicator parameters for assessing restoration effectiveness, and (4) evaluate the value of the NERRS as reference sites for local restoration projects. We found that the RPI, modified for this study, was an effective tool for evaluating relative differences in restoration performance; most projects achieved an intermediate level of restoration from 2008 to 2010, and two sites became very similar to their paired reference sites, indicating that the restoration efforts were highly effective. There were no differences in RPI scores between hydrologic and excavation restoration project types. Two abiotic parameters (marsh platform elevation and groundwater level) were significantly correlated with vegetation community structure and thus can potentially influence restoration performance. Our results highlight the value of the NERRS as reference sites for assessing tidal wetland restoration projects and provide improved guidance for scientists and restoration practitioners by highlighting the RPI as a trajectory analysis tool and identifying key monitoring parameters.  相似文献   
环境与健康的评估问题和空间分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林绍颜 《地理学报》2001,56(2):239-247
评估环境污染对人民健康影响的研究需要结合空间,时间和统计分析,并吸引不同学科背景的研究人员合作研究,可是,在这个研究领域内,最重要的问题是研究结论的不可靠性程度很高,不同的研究方法会导致不同的结论,一个有系统的研究架构拥有不同的空间分析方法将会减少结论的可疑程度,有效的环保政策是需要可靠的研究成果,文中首先介绍在环境与健康的评估研究领域的四大重要问题,指出这项研究需要这项研究需要空间分析和地理信息系统方法,从而提出一个空间分析的研究框架和内裹的方法,通过路易斯安纳州的一个污染地点和肿瘤发病率关系研究实例,指出这项研究领域的各种问题和空间分析架构的重要性。  相似文献   
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