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哈拉湖位于青藏高原,在该区开展的地质调查、音频大地电磁测深和地球化学调查结果表明,该区具有良好的天然气水合物找矿前景。为寻找天然气水合物,在该区开展了高精度反射地震试验。反射地震采用1200道接收,道间距2 m,偏移距1 m,炮间距8 m,覆盖次数150次,排列中间激发的观测系统,每道采用6个60 Hz检波器单点组合接收;采样间隔0.5 ms,记录长度2 s,宽频带采集;激发震源为大型车载可控震源。采用该工作方法得到的地震剖面信噪比和分辨率较高,构造形态特征明显。根据试验区地形地貌和地震剖面上反映的永冻土层厚度、断裂构造和高速层分布,结合其他资料,确定了验证孔位。  相似文献   
The dark false mussel, Mytilopsis leucophaeata is an important mussel colonising the brackish-water systems of temperate and subtropical regions. Of late it has earned notoriety as a biofouling species in industrial cooling water systems. However, there are no published data on the temperature tolerance of this species. This paper presents data on the upper temperature tolerance of this mussel from the view point of biofouling control using thermal methods. In addition to mortality, response of physiological activities such as oxygen consumption, filtration rate, foot activity and byssus thread production were also studied at temperatures varying from 5 to 35 degrees C. Experiments were also carried out to understand the effect of mussel size, breeding condition, nutritional status and acclimation conditions (temperature and salinity) on the mortality pattern. The physiological activities were significantly reduced at temperatures beyond 27.5 degrees C and ceased at 35 degrees C. In 20 mm size group mussels exposed to 37 degrees C, 50% mortality was observed after 85 min and 100% mortality after 113 min. The effect of mussel size on mortality at different temperatures was significant, with the larger size group mussels showing greater resistance. M. leucophaeata collected during the non-breeding season (December-April) were more tolerant to temperature than those collected during the breeding season (June-October). Nutritional status of the mussel had no significant influence on the thermal tolerance of the mussel: fed and starved (non-fed) mussels succumbed to temperature at comparable rates. The effect of acclimation temperature and acclimation salinity on M. leucophaeata mortality at different temperatures was significant. Survival time increased with increasing acclimation temperature and decreased with increasing salinity. In comparison with other co-occurring species such as Mytilus edulis and Dreissena polymorpha, M. leucophaeata appears to be more tolerant to high temperature stress.  相似文献   
本文使用1979—2021年国家气候中心160站(R160)和国家级地面气象观测站2 314站(R2314)逐月降水观测资料,利用EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function)分解和相关分析等方法,研究两类资料夏季降水时空变化特征及其与海气因素之间物理联系的表征水平差异,并分析了差异的可能原因。结果表明,R160在我国西北、青藏高原等地区站点极为稀疏,导致其各EOF模态对上述地区降水的时空变化特征描述失真,中东部地区偏低的空间分辨率会使局地强降水的变化特征信号损失,造成降水的年际变率降低。而R2314主模态能够更为真实地反映我国降水的时空演变特征,特别是在极端降水频发的江淮地区以及降水受局地地形影响较大的山区,其EOF主模态的空间分布和时间系数演变与ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation)、西太平洋副热带高压、青藏高原雪盖等气候强迫信号之间的相关性更为显著。  相似文献   
江苏吕四海岸沉积动力特征及侵蚀过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海岸侵蚀与水动力之间有着密切的关系.基于现场调查和资料收集,探讨了吕四海岸地貌、水动力、泥沙运动以及沉积与动力之间的响应.研究结果表明,风浪和潮流是塑造吕四海岸的主要动力.风浪年内变化按向岸风频率可分为高频期(10 月至翌年 1月)、转频期(2 月、3 月和 9 月)和低频期(4~8月)三个时期.风浪高频期,潮滩冲蚀,物质粗化;低频期,潮滩淤积,物质细化;转频期,时冲时淤,动态稳定.潮流作用主要表现为输沙淤滩和侧蚀滩脚.在风浪高频期,滩脚同时受到风浪冲蚀和潮流侧蚀,向岸后退,使吕四岸段成为隐性侵蚀型海岸.岸滩塑造对沉积动力响应显著,东部处于滨岸环境,在潮流和风浪的作用下,沉积物由岸向海变粗;西部还受径流影响,处于滨岸-河口环境,物质由岸向海变细.在水动力要素中,风浪是导致岸滩侵蚀的主控动力,而潮流则是近岸泥沙进行滩槽滩槽交换和循环输运的输运动力.  相似文献   
以塔里木盆地北缘绿洲--渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲为例,借助ENVI遥感软件,利用ETM+数据,探讨了该绿洲土壤盐渍化信息提取的方法.传统的遥感图像分类方法多数在解决问题上存在精度不高、分类效率较低、不确定性强的缺陷,所以,选择好的分类方法对于提取盐渍化信息是至关重要的.近年来,将SVM应用于遥感图像分类已成为新的发展趋势.文章提出了基于纹理特征的支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)的分类方法,得出以下结论:分别结合3×3,5×5,7×7,9×9,11×11,13×13窗口纹理特征和光谱的SVM分类精度都很高,达到93%以上.并且在验证分类精度时,发现结合光谱和9×9窗口纹理信息的SVM分类的结果更符合实际情况.所以说加入纹理特征后使得光谱信息比较接近的3类地物(重度、中度、轻度盐渍地)的区分性增大,从而使精度提高.因此,基于纹理特征的SVM分类方法更有利于遥感图像分类和盐渍化信息监测,是地物遥感信息提取的有效途径.  相似文献   
The Wild Bight Group (WBG) is a sequence of early and middle Ordovician volcanic, subvolcanic and epiclastic rocks, part of the Dunnage Tectonostratigraphic Zone of the Newfoundland Appalachians. A detailed geochemical and Nd-isotopic study of the volcanic and subvolcanic rocks has been carried out to determine the geochemical characteristics of the rocks, interpret their palcotectonic environments and constrain their petrogenetic history. The lower and central stratigraphic levels of the WBG contain mafic volcanic rocks with island-arc geochemical signatures, including LREE-enriched are tholeiites with Nd(t) =-0.1 to +2.2 (type A-I), LREE-depleted arc tholeiites with Nd(t) =+5.6 to +7.1 (type A-II) and an unusual suite of strongly incompatible-element depleted tholeiites in which Nd(t) ranges from-0.9 to +4.6 and is negatively correlated with147Sm/144Nd (type A-III). High-silica, low-K rhyolites occur locally in the central part of the stratigraphy, associated with mafic rocks of arc affinity, and have Nd(t) =+4.7 to +5.4. The upper stratigraphic levels of the WBG dominantly contain rocks with non-arc geochemical signatures, including alkalic basalts with Nd(t) =+4.6 to +5.5 (type N-I), strongly LREE- and incompatible element-enriched tholeiites that are transitional between alkalic and non-alkalic rocks with Nd(t) =+4.4 to +7.0 (type N-II) and rocks with flat to slightly LREE-enriched patterns and Nd(t) =+5.1 to +7.4 (type N-III). Rocks with non-arc and arc signatures are locally interbedded near the stratigraphic type of the WBG. Nd-isotopic data in the type A-I and A-II rocks are generally compatible with mixing/partial melting models involving depleted mantle, variably contaminated by a subducted crustally-derived sediment. The petrogenesis of type A-III rocks must involve source mixing and multi-stage partial melting, but the details are not clear. The geochemistry and Nd isotope data for types N-I, N-II and N-III rocks are compatible with petrogenetic models involving variable partial melting of a source similar to that postulated for modern oceanic island basalts. Comparison of the WBG with modern analogues suggests a 3-stage developmental model: stage 1) island-arc volcanism (eruption of type mafic volcancs); stage 2) arc-rifting (continued eruption of type A-I, A-I, eruption of types A-II and A-III mafic volcanics and high-silica, low-K rhyolites); and stage 3) back-arc basin volcanism (continued minor eruption of type A-I basalts, eruption of types N-I, N-II, N-III basalts). Stages 1 and 2 volcanism involved partial melting of subduction contaminated mantle, while stage 3 volcanism utilized depleted-mantle sources not affected by the subducting slab. This model provides a basis for interpreting coeval sequences in central Newfoundland and a comparative framework for some early Paleozoic oceanic volcanic sequences elsewhere in the Appalachian orogen.  相似文献   
Geological mapping and diamond exploration in northern Quebec and Labrador has revealed an undeformed ultramafic dyke swarm in the northern Torngat Mountains. The dyke rocks are dominated by an olivine-phlogopite mineralogy and contain varying amounts of primary carbonate. Their mineralogy, mineral compositional trends and the presence of typomorphic minerals (e.g. kimzeyitic garnet), indicate that these dykes comprise an ultramafic lamprophyre suite grading into carbonatite. Recognized rock varieties are aillikite, mela-aillikite and subordinate carbonatite. Carbonatite and aillikite have in common high carbonate content and a lack of clinopyroxene. In contrast, mela-aillikites are richer in mafic silicate minerals, in particular clinopyroxene and amphibole, and contain only small amounts of primary carbonate. The modal mineralogy and textures of the dyke varieties are gradational, indicating that they represent end-members in a compositional continuum.

The Torngat ultramafic lamprophyres are characterized by high but variable MgO (10–25 wt.%), CaO (5–20 wt.%), TiO2 (3–10 wt.%) and K2O (1–4 wt.%), but low SiO2 (22–37 wt.%) and Al2O3 (2–6 wt.%). Higher SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O and lower CO2 content distinguish the mela-aillikites from the aillikites. Whereas the bulk rock major and trace element concentrations of the aillikites and mela-aillikites overlap, there is no fractional crystallization relation between them. The major and trace element characteristics imply related parental magmas, with minor olivine and Cr-spinel fractionation accounting for intra-group variation.

The Torngat ultramafic lamprophyres have a Neoproterozoic age and are spatially and compositionally closely related with the Neoproterozoic ultramafic lamprophyres from central West Greenland. Ultramafic potassic-to-carbonatitic magmatism occurred in both eastern Laurentia and western Baltica during the Late Neoproterozoic. It can be inferred from the emplacement ages of the alkaline complexes and timing of Late Proterozoic processes in the North Atlantic region that this volatile-rich, deep-seated igneous activity was a distal effect of the breakup of Rodinia. This occurred during and/or after the rift-to-drift transition that led to the opening of the Iapetus Ocean.  相似文献   

青海湖北岸土壤温度变化特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用1981-2008年刚察站0~320cm逐月平均土壤温度资料和2001-2008年逐日土壤温度观测资料,分析了青海湖北岸土壤温度变化特征、气候突变和异常年份.结果表明:各层年、季平均土壤温度呈现为极显著的升高趋势,升温率为0.25~0.91℃.(10a)-1;月平均土壤温度呈波形变化,位相随深度增加而滞后;日平均土壤温度呈正弦曲线变化;1月和10月随着深度的增加,土壤温度逐渐增大,4月和7月土壤温度随深度增加而减小;14:00时土壤温度随着深度增加逐渐下降,2:00时、8:00时和20:00时土壤温度随着深度增加而升高;除冬季5cm和15cm,秋季40cm平均土壤温度变化相对平稳,未出现突变现象外,其余各层年、季平均土壤温度均发生了突变;15cm、20cm、40cm、160cm和320cm年平均土壤温度均在20世纪80年代出现了异常偏冷,春季平均土壤温度出现了异常偏暖现象,其余各季和年平均地均表现为异常偏冷.  相似文献   
本文在总结和比较中国现有黄海、东海海域漫衰减系数反演算法的基础上,利用水色测量数据分析得到漫衰减系数Kd(532)与Kd(490)之间的关系,为激光测深系统(以CZMIL为例)的性能评估提供了基础。利用MODIS二级数据产品评估了中国黄海、东海海域在CZMIL海道测量模式下最大可测水深的空间分布。研究结果表明CZMIL在黄海、东海海域可测水深基本在0—50 m,该区域的面积占研究区域面积的比例为76.2%,为浅海海域开展激光测深作业提供了测深能力评估的依据和方法。  相似文献   
The north trending rifts in southern Tibet represent the E–W extension of the plateau and confirming the initial rifting age is key to the study of mechanics of these rifts. Pagri–Duoqing Co graben is located at southern end of Yadong–Gulu rift, where the late Cenozoic sediments is predominately composed of fluvio-lacustrine and moraine. Based on the sedimentary composition and structures, the fluvio-lacustrine could be divided into three facies, namely, lacustrine, lacustrine fan delta and alluvial fan. The presence of paleo-currents and conglomerate components and the provenance of the strata around the graben indicate that it was Tethys Himalaya and High Himalaya. Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating and paleo-magnetic dating suggest that the age of the strata ranges from ca. 1.2 Ma to ca. 8 Ma. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating showed that moraine in the graben mainly developed from around 181–109 ka (late Middle Pleistocene). Combining previous data about the Late Cenozoic strata in other basins, it is suggested that 8–15 Ma may be the initial rifting time. Together with sediment distribution and drainage system, the sedimentary evolution of Pagri could be divided into four stages. The graben rifted at around 15–8 Ma due to the eastern graben-boundary fault resulting in the appearance of a paleolake. Following by a geologically quiet period about 8–2.5 Ma, the paleolake expanded from east to west at around 8–6 Ma reaching its maximum at ca. 6 Ma. Then, the graben was broken at about 2.5 Ma. At last, the development of the glacier separated the graben into two parts that were Pagri and Duoqing Co since the later stages of the Middle Pleistocene. The evolution process suggested that the former three stages were related to the tectonic movement, which determined the basement of the graben, while the last stage may have been influenced by glacial activity caused by climate change.  相似文献   
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