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Variations in sulfur mineralogy and chemistry of serpentinized peridotites and gabbros beneath the Lost City Hydrothermal Field at the southern face of the Atlantis Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30°N) were examined to better understand serpentinization and alteration processes and to study fluid fluxes, redox conditions, and the influence of microbial activity in this active, peridotite-hosted hydrothermal system. The serpentinized peridotites are characterized by low total sulfur contents and high bulk δ34S values close to seawater composition. Low concentrations of 34S-enriched sulfide phases and the predominance of sulfate with seawater-like δ34S values indicate oxidation, loss of sulfide minerals and incorporation of seawater sulfate into the serpentinites. The predominance of pyrite in both serpentinites and gabbros indicates relatively high fO2 conditions during progressive serpentinization and alteration, which likely result from high fluid fluxes during hydrothermal circulation and evolution of the Lost City system from temperatures of ∼250 to 150 °C. Sulfate and sulfide minerals in samples from near the base of hydrothermal carbonate towers at Lost City show δ34S values that reflect the influence of microbial activity. Our study highlights the variations in sulfur chemistry of serpentinized peridotites in different marine environments and the influence of long-lived, moderate temperature peridotite-hosted hydrothermal system and high seawater fluxes on the global sulfur cycle.  相似文献   


Although significant amounts of carbon may be stored in harvested wood products, the extraction of that carbon from the forest generally entails combustion of fossil fuels. The transport of timber from the forest to primary milling facilities may in particular create emissions that reduce the net sequestration value of product carbon storage. However, attempts to quantify the effects of transport on the net effects of forest management typically use relatively sparse survey data to determine transportation emission factors. We developed an approach for systematically determining transport emissions using: 1) -remotely sensed maps to estimate the spatial distribution of harvests, and 2) - industry data to determine landscape-level harvest volumes as well as the location and processing totals of individual mills. These data support spatial network analysis that can produce estimates of fossil carbon released in timber transport.  相似文献   
Transverse ridges are elongate reliefs running parallel and adjacent to transform/fracture zones offsetting mid-ocean ridges. A major transverse ridge runs adjacent to the Vema transform (Central Atlantic), that offsets the Mid-Atlantic Ridge by 320 km. Multibeam morphobathymetric coverage of the entire Vema Transverse ridge shows it is an elongated (300 km), narrow (<30 km at the base) relief that constitutes a topographic anomaly rising up to 4 km above the predicted thermal contraction level. Morphology and lithology suggest that the Vema Transverse ridge is an uplifted sliver of oceanic lithosphere. Topographic and lithological asymmetry indicate that the transverse ridge was formed by flexure of a lithospheric sliver, uncoupled on its northern side by the transform fault. The transverse ridge can be subdivided in segments bound by topographic discontinuities that are probably fault-controlled, suggesting some differential uplift and/or tilting of the different segments. Two of the segments are capped by shallow water carbonate platforms, that formed about 3–4 m.y. ago, at which time the crust of the transverse ridge was close to sea level. Sampling by submersible and dredging indicates that a relatively undisturbed section of oceanic lithosphere is exposed on the northern slope of the transverse ridge. Preliminary studies of mantle-derived ultramafic rocks from this section suggest temporal variations in mantle composition. An inactive fracture zone scarp (Lema fracture zone) was mapped south of the Vema Transverse ridge. Based on morphology, a fossil RTI was identified about 80 km west of the presently active RTI, suggesting that a ridge jump might have occurred about 2.2 m.a. Most probable causes for the formation of the Vema Transverse ridge are vertical motions of lithospheric slivers due to small changes in the direction of spreading of the plates bordering the Vema Fracture Zone.  相似文献   
Two different contamination processes have been identified as having been operative in the genesis of a plutonic suite: initial contamination of a mantle source, and subsequent crustal contamination of uprising partial melts from the mantle. These processes are indicated by a detailed analyses of Nd, Sr, and oxygen isotopes together with major-and trace-elements of the 32–30 Ma calc-alkaline Bergell intrusion. This intrusion is located at the suture of the Alpine continental collision zone and contains rock types capable of discriminating between mantle and intracrustal processes. A range from basaltic-andesitic dykes in the surrounding country rocks, cumulitic hornblendites, gabbros, tonalite, granodiorite and lamprophyres, to pegmatites and aplites, is exposed in this single intrusion. The results of REE modelling and isotopic compositions of the basic members suggest that the cumulates were fractionated from a picrobasaltic liquid originating by partial melting of enriched subcontinental mantle (Nd=+4). Increases in 87Sr/86Sr (0.7055) and 18O(+6.7) in these samples relative to the mantle array and compositions of other Periadriatic intrusions are most likely the result of an initial contamination of the mantle source by dehydration or partial melting of altered subducted oceanic crust. Slight differentiation of such a picrobasaltic liquid produced the basaltic-andesitic dykes. Simultaneous fractional crystallization and contamination of the uprising magma by continental crust produced crustal isotopic signatures which increase with acidity to values of (Nd=-7.6), 87Sr/86Sr=0.716 and 18O=+10. The crustal imprint and LREE enrichment in the dominating tonalite increase with decreasing crystallization depth which indicates that the tonalites were emplaced in several distinct batches with different degrees of contamination. Shoshonitic lamprophyres, which intruded into the partly solidified granodiorite, were generated in a deep, strongly contaminated mantle source. The posttectonic 26 Ma Novate leucogranite is not cogenetic with the main Bergell body, but rather formed from a predominantly crustal source. If the described features are indeed due to mantle source contamination processes, which are well known for volcanic arcs, it must be concluded that these may also play a significant role in the genesis of calcalkaline plutonic suites.  相似文献   
Systematic planning for conservation is highly regarded but relies on spatially explicit data that are lacking in many areas of conservation concern. The decision support tool Marxan is applied to a reef system in the central Philippines where 30 marine protected areas (MPAs) have been established in communities without much use of biophysical data. The intent was to explore how Marxan might assist with the legally required expansion to protect 15% of marine waters, and how existing MPAs might affect that process. Results show that biophysical information alone did not provide much guidance in identifying patterns of conservation importance in areas where the data are poor. Socioeconomic data were needed to distinguish among possible areas for protection; but here, as elsewhere in marine environments, the availability of such data was very limited. In the final analysis, local knowledge and integrated understanding of socioeconomic realities may offer the best spatially explicit information. The 30 existing MPAs, which encompassed a small proportion of the reef system, did not limit future options in developing a suite of MPAs on a broader scale. Rather, they appeared to generate the support for MPAs that is obligatory for any larger zoning effort. In summary, establishing MPAs based on community-driven criteria has biological and social value, but efforts should be made to collect ecological and socioeconomic data to guide the continued creation of MPAs.  相似文献   
Mercury (Hg) concentrations and isotopic compositions were examined in shallow-water surface sediment (0-2 cm) from San Francisco (SF) Bay to determine the extent to which historic Hg mining contributes to current Hg contamination in SF Bay, and to assess the use of Hg isotopes to trace sources of contamination in estuaries. Inter-tidal and wetland sediment had total Hg (HgT) concentrations ranging from 161 to 1529 ng/g with no simple gradients of spatial variation. In contrast, inter-tidal and wetland sediment displayed a geographic gradient of δ202Hg values, ranging from −0.30‰ in the southern-most part of SF Bay (draining the New Almaden Hg District) to −0.99‰ in the northern-most part of SF Bay near the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Similar to SF Bay inter-tidal sediment, surface sediment from the Alviso Slough channel draining into South SF Bay had a δ202Hg value of −0.29‰, while surface sediment from the Cosumnes River and Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta draining into north SF Bay had lower average δ202Hg values of −0.90‰ and −0.75‰, respectively. This isotopic trend suggests that Hg-contaminated sediment from the New Almaden Hg District mixes with Hg-contaminated sediment from a low δ202Hg source north of SF Bay. Tailings and thermally decomposed ore (calcine) from the New Idria Hg mine in the California Coast Range had average δ202Hg values of −0.37 and +0.03‰, respectively, showing that Hg calcination fractionates Hg isotopes resulting in Hg contamination from Hg(II) mine waste products with higher δ202Hg values than metallic Hg(0) produced from Hg mines. Thus, there is evidence for at least two distinct isotopic signals for Hg contamination in SF Bay: Hg associated with calcine waste materials at Hg mines in the Coast Range, such as New Almaden and New Idria; and Hg(0) produced from these mines and used in placer gold mines and/or in other industrial processes in the Sierra Nevada region and SF Bay area.  相似文献   
Abstract— We investigate the possibility that Mercury's crust is very reduced with FeO concentrations of less than ?0.1 wt%. We believe that such a surface could have a composition of enstatite, plagioclase, diopside, and sulfide, similar to the mineral assemblages found in aubritic meteorites. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the spectra of aubrites and their constituent minerals as analogs for the surface of Mercury. We found that some sulfides have distinctive absorption features in their spectra shortwards of ?0.6 μm that may be apparent in the spectrum of such an object. Determination of the surface composition of Mercury using orbital x‐ray spectroscopy should easily distinguish between a lunar highlands and enstatite basalt composition since these materials have significant differences in concentrations of Al, Mg, S, and Fe. The strongest argument against Mercury having an enstatite basalt composition is its extreme spectral redness. Significant reddening of the surface of an object (such as Mercury) is believed to require reduction of FeO to nanophase iron, thus requiring a few percent FeO in the material prior to alteration.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have measured the trace element compositions of individual plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine grains in 6 different winonaites that span the range of textures and mineralogies observed in these meteorites. Textural evidence in these meteorites, including the presence of a plagioclase/clinopyroxene‐rich lithology and coarse‐grained olivine lithologies, suggests that they may have experienced some silicate partial melting. However, trace element distributions in these lithologies do not show any clear signatures for such an event. Pyroxene trace element compositions do exhibit systematic trends, with abundances generally lowest in Pontlyfni and highest in Winona. The fact that the same trends are present for both incompatible and compatible trace elements suggests, however, that the systematics are more likely the result of equilibration of minerals with initially heterogeneous and distinct compositions, rather than partial melting of a compositionally homogeneous precursor. The winonaites have experienced brecciation and mixing of lithologies, followed by varying degrees of thermal metamorphism on their parent body. These factors probably account for the variable bulk rare earth element (REE) patterns noted for these meteorites and may have led to re‐equilibration of trace elements in different lithologies.  相似文献   
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