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Application of wavelet transform analysis to landslide generated waves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the results of a preliminary study on aerial landslide-generated waves, which has been mainly intended to establish a method for analyzing water surface records. Some simple physical experiments, reproducing the Scott Russell's wave generator, were carried out in a small two-dimensional wave flume; the Wavelet Transform (WT) is applied to analyze wave measurements and it is shown that useful information can be obtained by means of this technique. The celerity of impulsively generated waves, reflection by an overflow structure and seiching phenomena of the flume are studied. A discussion of the results along with some remarks about ongoing research is also given.  相似文献   
The strong species of cadmium(II), copper(II), manganese(II) and nickel(II) in an Antarctic seawater sample are investigated by a method based on the sorption of metal ions on complexing resins. The resins compete with the ligands present in the sample to combine with the metal ions. Two resins with different adsorbing strengths were used. Very stable metal complexes were investigated with the strong sorbent Chelex 100 and weaker species with the less strong resin, Amberlite CG-50. Strong species were detected for three of the considered metal ions, but not for Mn(II). Cu(II) is completely linked to species with a side reaction coefficient as high as log αM(I) = 11.6 at pH = 7.3. The ligand concentration was found to be similar to that of the metal ion, and the conditional stability constant was around 1020 M− 1. In the considered sample, only a fraction of the metal ions Cd(II) and Ni(II) is bound to the strong ligands, with side reaction coefficients equal to log αM(I) = 5.5 and 6.5 at pH = 7.3 for Cd(II) and Ni(II), respectively. These findings were confirmed by the test with the weaker sorbent Amberlite CG-50. It can be calculated from the sorption equilibria that neither Mn(II) nor Ni(II) is adsorbed on Amberlite CG-50 under the considered conditions and, in fact, only a negligible fraction of Mn(II) and Ni(II) was adsorbed. A noticeable fraction of Cd(II) was adsorbed on Amberlite CG-50, meaning that cadmium(II) is partially linked to weak ligands, possibly chloride, while no copper(II) was adsorbed on this resin, confirming that copper(II) is only combined in strong species. These results are similar, but not identical, to those obtained for other seawater samples examined in previous investigations.  相似文献   
The volcanic rocks along the south-eastern and eastern Tyrrhenian border of Italy have been classified as converging plate margin magma types by using discriminant functions based on major element patterns. These rocks belong to calc-alkaline and shoshonitic associations (shoshonites, and predominant leucitic rocks) ranging in age from Upper Miocene to, mostly, Quaternary. According to the same method of classification, the remaining Italian volcanic rocks — alkali-sodic and subordinate tholeiitic basalts — around the Tyrrhenian border are found to be rocks of the tensional type of Mesozoic to prevailingly Quaternary age. The volcanic materials of the 650 km long SE and E Tyrrhenian border can be related to the convergence of the African-Adriatic and Tyrrhenian plates.  相似文献   
Summary Major, trace element and Sr-Nd-isotopic data on mafic volcanic rocks with shoshonitic affinity from the islands of Procida and Ventotene (Campanian Region, South Italy) are reported. Within-suite chemical and isotopic variations are interpreted in terms of open system differentiation processes held responsible for enrichment in a number of trace elements and for radiogenic Sr observed in both Procida and Ventotene volcanic sequences. Conversely, trace element contents and Sr-Nd-isotopic compositions of the least-evolved among the investigated samples are thought to reflect source region characteristics with only negligible crustal contamination of the primary magmas.The data support an origin from distinct source regions for the primary magmas. In the case of Ventotene, the source would have been asthenospheric and/or lithospheric mantle with features similar to transitional mid-ocean ridge basalts (T-MORB), modified by enriching agents made up mainly of subducted slab-released components coming from marly sediments (about 7%) similar to cherts from Tuscan Apennines plus a limestone contribution. In the case of Procida, the source would have been asthenospheric and/or lithospheric mantle with a slightly more enriched T-MORB-like feature with respect to Ventotene, modified by slab-derived enriching agents, likely represented by a small amount of sediments (about 2.5%) of oceanic nature (mostly terrigenous/pelagic). These differences are constrained by lower Zr/Nb, Y/Nb, Sc/Nb, V/Nb, LILE/HFSE, LREE/HFSE and87Sr/86Sr, higher Ba/La and143Nd/144Nd ratios, as well as by the lack of a detectable negative Eu anomaly, in the least-evolved volcanic rocks of Procida, with respect to those of Ventotene, which show conversely a significant negative Eu anomaly. Thus, a sharp heterogeneity exists in the mantle beneath the Campanian Region. It is thought to be the consequence of two different slabs which are in contact along the Volturno River Plain tectonic line: a continental slab, seismically inactive, descending beneath the Latium Region, and an oceanic slab, seismically active, descending beneath the Calabria, up to the Campanian Region.
Résumé De nouvelles analyses géochimiques d'éléments majeurs et en traces ainsi que des rapports isotopiques du Sr et du Nd sont été obtenues sur des roches volcaniques mafiques à affinité shoshonitiques provenant des îles de Procida et Ventotene (Région Campanienne, Italie du Sud). Les variations géochimiques et isotopiques observées au sein des séries volcaniques de ces deux îles sont interprétées en terme de processus de différenciation en système ouvert, tenu pour responsable d'un enrichissement d'un certain nombre d'éléments en traces et de leur composition en Sr radiogénique. Cependant, les teneurs en éléments traces et les compositions isotopiques en Sr et Nd des échantillons les moins évolués parmi ceux étudiés reflètent les caractéristiques de leur source, avec une contamination crustale très négligeable des magmas primitifs.Ces données démontrent que des sources distinctes sont à l'origine des magmas primitifs. Pour Ventotene, cette source doit être un manteau asthénosphérique et/ou lithosphérique dont la signature est similaire à celle de basaltes transitionnels de dorsale océanique (T MORB), légèrement enrichie en éléments dérivants d'une croûte plongeant dans une subduction comme des sédiments mameux (pour environ 7%) analogues aux cherts des Appenins de Toscane et comportant un apport en calcaire. Dans le cas de Procida, cette source doit être un manteau asthénosphérique et/ou lithosphérique montrant une signature de type T-MORB légèrement plus enrichie qu' à Ventotene, également modifiée par un apport venant d'une croûte en subduction, probablement une faible quantité (environ 2.5%) de sédiments de nature océanique (principalement terrigène/pélagique). Ces différences sont attestées par des rapports Zr/Nb, Y/Nb, Sc/Nb, V/Nb, LILE/HFSE, LREE/HSFE and87Sr/86Sr plus bas et des rapports Ba/La et143Nd/144Nd plus harts, ainsi que par l'absence d'une anomalie en Eu dans les compositions des roches volcaniques les moins évoluées de Procida par rapport à celles de Ventotene, qui elles, au contraire, montrent une anomalie en Eu significative.Ainsi, une importante hétérogénéité du manteau existe sous la Campanie. Cette hétérogénéité doit être la conséquence de la nature différente des croûtes en subduction et qui sont en contact le long de la ligne tectonique de la plaine de la rivière Volturno: an Nord-Ouest, une croûte continentale, sismiquement inactive, plonge sous le Latium alors qu'au Sud-Est, une croûte océanique, sismiquement active, plonge sous la Calabre et jusque sous la Campanie.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   
This paper presents a new experimental campaign aimed at reproducing tsunamis generated by landslides at the flank of conical islands. In order to describe in high details the wave field around the island a special acquisition system, which consists of both fixed and movable wave gauges, has been employed. Indeed, each experiment has been repeated several times by changing the configuration of the movable gauges, then obtaining a single virtual experiment with high spatial resolution measurements. Fixed run-up gauges measure the waves at fixed locations to statistically quantify the repeatability of the experiments. Selected experimental results are illustrated within the paper that is mainly aimed at defining a benchmark dataset, available on request, for the development/calibration/validation of analytical and numerical models of tsunamis generated by landslides.  相似文献   
Two basaltic fragments dredged from a volcanic seamount in the Sicilian continental slope of the Strait of Sicily show petrochemical features typical of within plate alkalibasaltic lavas and K/Ar age of about 10 m.y. The data represent the first volcanic evidence of Upper Miocene tensional tectonics in this sector of the African plate.  相似文献   
Hydrological models are recognized as valid scientific tools to study water quantity and quality and provide support for the integrated management and planning of water resources at different scales. In common with many catchments in the Mediterranean, the study catchment has many problems such as the increasing gap between water demand and supply, water quality deterioration, scarcity of available data, lack of measurements and specific information. The application of hydrological models to investigate hydrological processes in this type of catchments is of particular relevance for water planning strategies to address the possible impact of climate and land use changes on water resources. The distributed catchment scale model (DiCaSM) was selected to study the impact of climate and land use changes on the hydrological cycle and the water balance components in the Apulia region, southern Italy, specifically in the Candelaro catchment (1780 km2). The results obtained from this investigation proved the ability of DiCaSM to quantify the different components of the catchment water balance and to successfully simulate the stream flows. In addition, the model was run with the climate change scenarios for southern Italy, i.e. reduced winter rainfall by 5–10%, reduced summer rainfall by 15–20%, winter temperature rise by 1·25–1·5 °C and summer temperature rise by 1·5–1·75 °C. The results indicated that by 2050, groundwater recharge in the Candelaro catchment would decrease by 21–31% and stream flows by 16–23%. The model results also showed that the projected durum wheat yield up to 2050 is likely to decrease between 2·2% and 10·4% due to the future reduction in rainfall and increase in temperature. In the current study, the reliability of the DiCaSM was assessed when applied to the Candelaro catchment; those parameters that may cause uncertainty in model output were investigated using a generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) methodology. The results showed that DiCaSM provided a small level of uncertainty and subsequently, a higher confidence level. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In many Alpine catchments the monitoring and hazard mitigation of debris‐flow events require enormous economic and social resources. To confront these problems, a subjective estimation of the most hazardous zones of the basin could be useful in the best, sustainable planning of protective measures. In this paper, a new methodology is proposed that develops a Management Priority Index (MPI) to rank sediment source areas by their quantitative capability to deliver debris‐flow volumes to a point of interest within the catchment. The MPI sets the intervention priority based on a combination of three sub‐indicators: a susceptibility indicator evaluating the overall catchment predisposition to generate debris flow, a triggering indicator and a volume budget indicator assessing the rate of deliverable volume to a selected outlet. MPI was applied to the basin of the Rio Gadria catchment (Venosta Valley, Bolzano, Italy), an alpine basin with an unlimited sediment supply that is characterized by multiple, very active, shallow landslides and bare soil zones. The proposed ranking method was successfully verified using post‐event surveys and through evidence from consolidation check dams built over many years in the basin. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The estimation of debris‐?ow magnitude is an essential step in the assessment of debris‐?ow hazard. Although different methods have been developed for the assessment of debris‐?ow magnitude, this is still a dif?cult task because of the complexity of ?ow processes and the lack of data to test estimation procedures in many mountainous regions. Data on debris‐?ow magnitude from 127 basins in the Eastern Italian Alps have been collected from scienti?c and technical journals, technical reports, historical documents gathered from local archives, and ?eld surveys. These data were used to develop and test different predictive approaches, encompassing regression equations, geomorphological surveys and probabilistic analysis of time series. Regression techniques were used to correlate debris‐?ow magnitude to morphometric parameters and geological characteristics of the basins. Values of the channel debris yield rate (contribution per unit length of channel), proposed in the literature, were compared with data from the study area for identifying reference values for channel stretches of different morphological characteristics. Although limited to the few basins in which suf?cient data were available, the probabilistic analysis of time series of debris‐?ow magnitude provides indications about the relations between magnitude and frequency of debris ?ows. Some observations about the capability and drawbacks of considered methods are presented and the combined use of different approaches for the estimation of debris‐?ow magnitude is suggested. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This research examines variations in bankfull cross-sections along a steep stream of the Dolomites (Cordevole stream, Belluno, Northern Italy). Field measurements were conducted to determine variations in the channel top-width at bankfull stage in relation to the drainage area and to the length of the flow path. After grouping the bed morphologies according to the Montgomery and Buffington [Montgomery, D.R., Buffington, J.M., 1997. Channel-reach morphology in mountain drainage basins. Geol. Soc. of Am. Bull. 109 (5) 596–611.] classification, we analyzed the increase in bankfull width for the dominant stream units (cascades, step pools, isolated pools and colluvial reaches at the head of the basin). We observed that the morphologies more related to the drainage area are colluvial reaches and pools; the less adaptable are steps and cascades. These differences likely result from the absence of lateral constriction in the colluvial reaches and pools, whereas the presence of coarser sediments in the bed can affect the transverse adjustments in steps and reaches dominated by cascades. Linkages between cross-section geometry and parameters related to flow (i.e. drainage area and stream power) have been analyzed together with the distribution of surface grain sizes and its coarsening pattern. The existence of distinctive bankfull widths between different morphological units points out the degree of susceptibility to be modeled according to the channel slope, reference diameter (D90), and contributing area.  相似文献   
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