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Felice Arena   《Ocean Engineering》2002,29(4):359-372
To the first order in a Stokes expansion, the pressure force exerted by a sea state on a large horizontal cylinder represents a stationary random Gaussian process. A relationship is obtained between the spectrum of this process and the wave spectrum. As a consequence, the basic statistical properties of the height and period of the individual waves of the force-process are also obtained. It is proven that these statistical properties agree very well with the data from a small scale field experiment.  相似文献   
By applying the horizontal del operator to the thermal wind equation in vectorial form and considering only horizontal geostrophic motion, expressions are found for the vorticity and divergence of thermal wind. It is shown that vorticity, in the case of pure geostrophic flow at all levels, depends upon four factors, namely: latitude, horizontal distribution of temperature, temperature lapse rate and divergence of horizontal temperature gradient. The divergence of the thermal wind, on the other hand, depends only upon the orientation of the mean isotherms of an isobaric layer relative to the parallel circles. These terms are evaluated and it is shown that the latitude term and the lapse rate term are far greater than the remaining terms of the vorticity equation for geostrophic flow. A criterion is then given which enables to determine the conditions for irrotational horizontal motion with vertical geostrophic wind shear.
Zusammenfassung Durch Anwendung des horizontalenNabla-Operators auf die thermische Windgleichung in vektorieller Form und bei ausschließlicher Berücksichtigung der geostrophischen Horizontalbewegung lassen sich Ausdrücke für die vorticity und die Divergenz des thermischen Windes herleiten. Es wird gezeigt, daß die vorticity im Falle einer rein geostrophischen Strömung in allen Niveaus von folgenden vier Faktoren bedingt ist: Breite, horizontale Temperaturverteilung, vertikaler Temperaturgradient und Divergenz des horizontalen Temperaturgradienten. Andrerseits hängt die Divergenz des thermischen Windes nur von der Orientierung der mittleren Isothermen einer in Bezug auf die Parallelkreise isobaren Schicht ab. Diese vier Terme werden ausgewertet und es wird gezeigt, daß das Breitenglied und der Term für den Vertikalgradienten viel größer sind als die übrigen Terme der vorticity-Gleichung für geostrophische Strömung. Schließlich wird ein Kriterium entwickelt, das gestattet, die Bedingungen für rotorfreie Horizontalbewegung mit vertikaler geostrophischer Windscherung zu bestimmen.

Résumé On peut déduire des équations sur la rotationelle et la divergence du vent thermique en appliquant l'opérateur nabla horizontal à l'équation du vent thermique sous une forme vectorielle et en ne considérant que le mouvement géostrophique horizontal. On démontre que la rotationelle, dans le cas d'un courant géostrophique pur, dépend dans tous les niveaux des quatre facteurs suivants: latitude, répartition horizontale de la température, gradient vertical de la température et divergence du gradient horizontal de température. D'autre part, la divergence du vent thermique ne dépend que de l'orientation des isothermes moyennes d'une couche isobare par rapport aux parallèles. En évaluant ces quatre termes, on montre que les termes relatifs à la latitude et au gradient vertical sont beaucoup plus grands que les autres termes de l'équation de la rotationelle pour un courant géostrophique. Pour terminer, l'auteur développe un critère qui permet de déterminer les conditions pour un mouvement horizontal irrotationel mais avec un cisaillement vertical géostrophique du vent.
Summary Spatio-temporal characteristics of the 25–50-day oscillations are investigated using the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) decomposition and spectral analysis with the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM). Daily pressure values over India during 1978 are used in this study. Power spectra of the temporal coefficients of the two leading EOFs show the existence of a low frequency oscillation with a period range 25–50-day over all India. An analysis using extended empirical orthogonal function (EEOF) indicates North-Eastward propagating 25–50-day mode. The analysis EOF has allowed to establish a relationship between the 25–50-day oscillation and the activity of the summer monsoon. The North-Eastward propagation of this mode is also confirmed by the simple EOF analysis.With 9 Figures  相似文献   
Summary Using the ECMWF and NMC analyses, this study documents the composite structures of the African and of the 6–9 day waves. In spite of the fact that the two types of disturbances develop over almost the same area, i.e. Central and West Africa and the tropical Atlantic, during the same season, i.e. summer, in spite of the fact that they have almost the same East-West velocity, i.e. 7–8 degree longitude per day, the structures of the two waves are very different.At 12.5°N, the African wave has an amplitude maximum in the meridional wind component whilst the zonal wind component is almost unperturbed. On the contrary, in the 6–9 day wave, at 12.5°N and also at 12.5°S, the zonal wind component has an amplitude maximum whilst the meridional wind component is very small and there is an amplitude maximum for the meridional wind component at the equator and 20°N.With 9 Figures  相似文献   
Chemical and water isotope ratios data for groundwaters from the Pozzo del Sale area in the Irpinia sector of the Southern Apennines are presented. The water chemistry of the aquifer system may initially be regarded as the result of easy and common, low temperature interaction between meteoric water and Late Messinian evaporites, which produce Ca-bicarbonate and Na-chloride passing through Ca-sulfate waters. However, a closer inspection reveals a more complicated geochemical setting consisting of: (1) two further Na-sulfate and Ca(Mg)-sulfate waters; (2) the existence of different meteoric recharge areas; (3) the mixing between the different groundwaters and allochthonous fluids from terrestrial mud volcanoes. The salinization mechanism and the local mineralogy were inferred by classical and novel ternary and binary diagrams. The presence of MgSO4- and Na2SO4-bearing minerals of non-marine or mixed origin other than gypsum and halite within the local evaporites suggests a mineralogical heterogeneity within the local Messinian evaporites. The paleoenvironment of this sector of the Gessoso–Solfifera Formation might have been composed of relatively small playa-lakes fed by seawater but also large amounts of continental waters of meteoric origin.  相似文献   
The estimation of long-term sea level variability is of primary importance for a climate change assessment. Despite the value of the subject, no scientific consensus has yet been reached on the existing acceleration in observed values. The existence of this acceleration is crucial for coastal protection planning purposes. The absence of the acceleration would enhance the debate on the general validity of current future projections. Methodologically, the evaluation of the acceleration is a controversial and still open discussion, reported in a number of review articles, which illustrate the state-of-art in the field of sea level research. In the present paper, the well-proven direct scaling analysis approach is proposed in order to describe the long-term sea level variability at 12 worldwide-selected tide gauge stations. For each of the stations, it has been shown that the long-term sea level variability exhibits a trimodal scaling behaviour, which can be modelled by a power law with three different pairs of shape and scale parameters. Compared to alternative methods in literature, which take into account multiple correlated factors, this simple method allows to reduce the uncertainties on the sea level rise parameters estimation.  相似文献   
An innovative solution for the seismic protection of existing masonry structures is proposed and investigated through shake table tests on a natural scale wall assemblage. After a former test series carried out without reinforcement, the specimen was retrofitted using Steel Reinforced Grout. The strengthening system comprises horizontal strips of ultra‐high strength steel cords, externally bonded to the masonry with hydraulic lime mortar, and connectors to transversal walls, applied within the thickness of the plaster layer. In order to assess the seismic performance of the retrofitted wall, natural accelerograms were applied with increasing intensity up to failure. Test results provide a deep understanding of the effectiveness of mortar‐based composites for improving the out‐of‐plane seismic capacity of masonry walls, in comparison with traditional reinforcements with steel tie‐bars. The structural implications of the proposed solution in terms of dynamic properties and damage development under earthquake loads are also discussed.Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The paper describes the development and numerical implementation of a constitutive relationship for modeling the elasto‐plastic behavior of block structures with periodic texture, regarded at a macroscopic scale as homogenized anisotropic media. The macroscopic model is shown to retain memory of the mechanical characteristics of the joints and of the shape of the blocks. The overall mechanical properties display anisotropy and singularities in the yield surface, arising from the discrete nature of the block structure and the geometrical arrangement of the units. The model is formulated in the framework of multi‐surface plasticity. It is implemented in an finite element (FE) code by means of two different algorithms: an implicit return mapping scheme and a minimization algorithm directly derived from the Haar–Karman principle. The model is validated against analytical and experimental results: the comparison between the homogenized continuum and the original block assembly shows a good agreement in terms of ultimate inelastic behavior, when the size of the block is small as compared with that of the whole assembly. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The mycotoxin patulin is produced by the blue mould pathogen Penicillium expansum in rotting apples during postharvest storage. Patulin is toxic to a wide range of organisms, including humans, animals, fungi and bacteria. Wash water from apple packing and processing houses often harbours patulin and fungal spores, which can contaminate the environment. Ubiquitous epiphytic yeasts, such as Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae strain LS11 which is a biocontrol agent of P. expansum in apples, have the capacity to resist the toxicity of patulin and to biodegrade it. Two non-toxic products are formed. One is desoxypatulinic acid. The aim of the work was to develop rapid, high-throughput bioassays for monitoring patulin degradation in multiple samples. Escherichia coli was highly sensitive to patulin, but insensitive to desoxypatulinic acid. This was utilized to develop a detection test for patulin, replacing time-consuming thin layer chromatography or high-performance liquid chromatography. Two assays for patulin degradation were developed, one in liquid medium and the other in semi-solid medium. Both assays allow the contemporary screening of a large number of samples. The liquid medium assay utilizes 96-well microtiter plates and was optimized for using a minimum of patulin. The semi-solid medium assay has the added advantage of slowing down the biodegradation, which allows the study and isolation of transient degradation products. The two assays are complementary and have several areas of utilization, from screening a bank of microorganisms for biodegradation ability to the study of biodegradation pathways.  相似文献   
This paper compares two generators of yearly water availabilities from sources located at multiple sites with regard to their ability to reproduce the characteristics of historical critical periods and to provide reliable results in terms of the return period of critical sequences of different length. The two models are a novel multi-site Markov mixture model explicitly accounting for drought occurrences and a multivariate ARMA. In the case of the multisite Markov mixture model parameter estimation is limited to a search in the parameter space guided by the value of parameter λ to show the sensitivity of the model to this parameter. Application to two of the longest time series of streamflows available in Sicily (Italy) shows that the models can provide quite different results in terms of estimated return periods of historic droughts, although they seem to perform more uniformly when it comes to simulate drought-related statistics such as drought length, severity and intensity. The role of parameter selection for the multisite Markov mixture model and of the marginal probability of generated flows in providing results consistent with the characteristics of the observed series is discussed. Both models are applied to the system of sources supplying the city of Palermo (Sicily) and its environs showing the applicability of the newly developed multisite Markov mixture model to medium-to-large scale water resources systems.  相似文献   
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