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To solve problems concerning wave elements and wave propagation, an effective way is the wave energy balance equation, which is widely applied in oceanography and ocean dynamics for its simple computation. The present papaer advances wave energy balance equations considering lateral energy transmission and energy loss as the governing equation for the study of wave refraction-diffraction. For the mathematical model, numerical simulation is made by means of difference method, and the result is verified with two examples.  相似文献   
-In previous and this studies it appears that the linear and nonlinear wave theory can notaccurately and easily predict the water particle velocities.Therefore,different from the theoretical consider-ations,in this study we have attempted to determine the transfer function empirically.Laboratory experi-ments were performed under various wave conditions.The empirical formulas of the transfer function ofthe wave height,angular frequency and water particle velocity were obtained on the basis of these test databy dimensional analysis and regression analysis.In intermediate and deep water depth conditions,thetransfer function was only a function of a nondimensional parameter which is composed of the angular fre-quency,the depth of the velocity gauge under the still water level,water depth and the acceleration of grav-ity.Finally,the empirical formulas were compared with experimental data and observational data formpresent and Cavaleri's(1978)studies.The empirical formulas were found to be in sufficient correl  相似文献   
略阳煎茶岭铜镍硫化物矿床Re—Os同位素年龄及其地质意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用矿石Re-Os同位素方法对陕西省煎茶岭硫化镍矿床矿石进行了成矿年代学研究,获得了878士27 Ma(1σ)的等时线年龄,首次厘定了该矿床成矿时代为新元古代,成岩成矿基本同时.通过对878 Ma硫化镍矿石初始Re-Os同位素体系的γOs计算和Re/Os值分析表明,其yOs和Re/Os值变化范围大,深部条带状矿石的Re/Os值仅为0.05,yOs为-6.70;块状矿石的Re/Os值范围为4.24~24.43,γOs为-15.37~+280.65,说明成矿过程中有壳源物质的混染;两件样品的γOs为负值(-15.37,-6.70),可能指示其超镁铁质岩浆来源于Re亏损地幔.煎茶岭超基性岩体年龄及其镍矿石的Re-Os等时线年龄与扬子克拉通北缘火山岩浆活动时间相对应,它们是扬子克拉通西北缘晋宁期构造岩浆成矿作用的产物.  相似文献   
This paper expounds the quantitative tectonic indicators and some qualitative indicators of large earthquakes in the coast areas of Fujian, Guangdong, Taiwan and Hainan. The main quantitative indicators include uplift amplitude of the Moho, Quaternary and Late Holocene coasts. The paper also gives a brief account of the research method on quantitative indicators of surface uplifted zones. Taiwan is a famous neotectonic zone and an area of large earthquakes in the world. There is only one large-earthquake area in each of Fujian, Guangdong and Hainan Provinces. Along the coast large earthquake areas there are certainly many remains of crustal activity. Among these remains, coast activity, taking the sea level as the accurate marker horizon, can determine not only the amplitude of coastal elevation and subsidence in a certain period, but also the cycle and rate of positive or negative movements.  相似文献   
Lacustrine turbidite of Chang-7 Member in the studied area consists of sihstone and fine sandstone with respect to grain size, which is feldspathic lithie sandstone, syrosem arkose and arkose with respect to mineral constitution affected by provenance. There are such apparent signatures as lithology, sedimentary structure, sedimentary sequence and well logs, to recognize turbidite. During the paleogeographic evolution of Chang-7 Member, lake basin and deep lake are both at their maximum extent during Chang-73 stage, resulting in the deposition of Zhangjiatan shale with widespread extent and of turbidite with fragmental-like. Deep lake line is gradually moving toward lake center and turbidite sand bodies are gradually turning better with better lateral continuity, connectivity and more thickness, from stages of Chang-73, Chang-72 and Chang-7t, which can be favorable reservoir in deep-water.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地白垩纪古沙漠沉积地层主要为冲积扇、湖泊、河流、三角洲及沙漠沉积体系.风成沉积和沙漠沉积、风成沉积体系和沙漠沉积体系等概念有必要予以区分.基准面变化是沙漠和河流、湖泊等其他陆相地层对比的基础.鄂尔多斯盆地志丹群划分为上下两个三级层序单元,反映了两期古沙漠由风成沉积强盛期到衰退期的演化,且每个层序可划分为低位、...  相似文献   
大陆科学钻探在江苏岗上超镁铁岩体上打了一个卫星孔(CCSD-PP3),孔深705m,穿透428m厚超镁铁岩体,其下主要为不同类型片麻岩及少量榴辉岩。该岩体产在苏鲁超高压变质带中,面积1370×700m,上覆约10m厚第四纪盖层。岩心柱可以粗分为4段,370m上部超镁铁岩,50m片麻岩夹榴辉岩,60m下部超镁铁岩,225m片麻岩类。榴辉岩夹在片麻岩中,片麻岩有正、副之分。榴辉岩石榴石中发现柯石英假象,表明岩石经历超高压变质作用。超镁铁岩主要岩性为纯橄岩和含石榴石纯橄岩,含石榴石纯橄岩出现3层,总厚度仅90m,与不舍石榴石的纯橄岩无截然界线。岩相学研究观测到石榴石中保留橄榄石、单斜辉石和尖晶石等超高压变质之前的矿物组合,以及退变质矿物替代石榴石的现象。岩石化学成分总体变化小,SiO242.17-44.79,平均43.78;MgO46.35-48.98,平均47.42,Mg#值(=Mg/(Mg Fe)×100)为91.89-92.75,平均92.4,属于高Mg型;Al2O3和CaO丰度低,分别为0.66-0.27,平均0.43,和0,01-0.35,平均0.13;REE总量较原始地幔亏损,但LREE相对HREE富集。结合矿物组合特征,说明这套岩石属亏损型,但可能经历了流体热液的改造;纯橄岩和含石榴石纯橄岩成分的一致型,说明后者是前者经变质改造形成。SHRIMPU-Pb定年测得含石榴石纯榄岩中锆石存在两组年龄,超高压变质阶段新形成的锆石时代为240±2.7Ma,核部残留岩浆锆石给出726±56Mao前者与区域上超高压变质年龄十分吻合,后者与大别-苏鲁区域上新元古代大规模花岗质岩浆侵位时代。岗上超镁铁岩体可能记录了早期侵位到地壳,在陆陆俯冲碰撞阶段被俯冲岩片带入到柯石英形成深度,以及随岩片折返到地表的整个历史。  相似文献   
The Tongbai-East Qinling Mountains,an important part of the Central orogenic belt,is one of the most important metallogenic belts in China and contains lots of orogenic-type and VMS-type (Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide type)metallogenic systems.The Dahe and Shuidongling VMS-type Cu-Zn deposits,located in the Erlangping Group in Tongbai and East Qinling Mountains,respectively, show similar geological and geochemical features.The Huoshenmiao Formation in the East Qinling region and the Liushanyan Formation i...  相似文献   
黄河下游壶穴的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
黄河下游(泺口以下)发育了大量的壶穴(Pothole),按成因可以分为6种:流水侵蚀、风蚀、圆砾铸模、冰压刻、冰融水滴蚀及泄气侵蚀。流水侵蚀形成的圆形Pothole规模不一,小者直径在十余厘米,深数厘米,大者直径达数米,深1 m余;风蚀形成的圆形Pothole规模一般比较小,直径多在二、三十厘米以下,深10 cm以下,大部分穴壁缓斜,状如盘碟;圆砾铸模形成的Pothole规模一般较小,直径多在一、二十厘米以下、穴壁陡倾,状如锅穴;冰融水滴蚀形成的Pothole形态复杂,规模不一,既有穴壁缓斜的盘碟状者,也有穴壁陡倾近乎直立的近圆柱状者,直径从不足1cm到三、四十厘米,其穴缘、穴壁和穴底常有次级构造;泄气侵蚀形成的Pothole更是十分复杂,平面形态可以圆形到近圆形甚至其他复杂形态,穴壁可以非常平缓,也可以陡倾,直径从数厘米到数十厘米,深数毫米到二、三十厘米,穴缘和穴壁也常有次级伴生构造,既可单独产出,也可成群产出,同时还可以多个密集产出,状如蜂巢,这一类Pothole的成因极为独特,主要与黄河断流河床捕获的空气泄漏有关。  相似文献   
柴达木北缘超高压变质带中的岛弧火山岩   总被引:45,自引:3,他引:45       下载免费PDF全文
青藏高原北部柴北缘发育一套与超高压变质带并行的早古生代岛弧火山岩带,岛弧火山岩以玄武岩类为主,包括一些中酸性岩类,岩石以普遍遭受绿片岩相蚀变为特征,区别于该地区普遍遭受角闪岩相区域变质的元古代的基性火山岩。该早古生代的岛孤火山岩显示三组地球化学特征:①VTG-Ⅰ,岛弧拉斑玄武岩(IAT);②VTG-Ⅱ,高Al次钙碱性-碱性过渡型玄武岩;③VTG-Ⅲ,较N-MORB更亏损的拉斑玄武岩(异常MORB)。研究认为前两组火山岩是成熟岛弧两个发育阶段的特征性产物:洋壳俯冲到陆壳的初用,由俯冲洋壳和地幔楔的部分熔融形成岛弧拉斑玄武岩(IAT),随着俯冲板块的速度加快和岛弧周围地壳的加厚,则形成钙碱性玄武岩(CA)、高Al玄武岩。第三组火山岩形成于弧间盆地,由亏损的地幔楔高度部分熔融形成比N-MORB亏损的的火山岩(异常MORB)。岛弧火山岩的锆石LA-ICP-MS法U-Pb年龄为514.2±8.5 Ma,说明柴北缘在早古生代发生过洋壳向陆壳的俯冲作用。鉴于该地区代表陆-陆俯冲作用的柴北缘超高压变质岩石也是形成于早古生代(494Ma),认为陆-陆俯冲作用发生在洋-陆俯冲作用之后,二者时间和空间相伴随。  相似文献   
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