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Transport by southeastern rivers has insignificant influence on the lead concentration of southeastern shelf waters. If the rate of mobilization and transport of lead by these rivers is representative of uncontaminated fluvial transport during the Pleistocene, only about 5% of the prehistoric output of lead to the North Atlantic can be accounted for by river input.Lead concentrations in southeastern shelf waters are similar to those of North Atlantic Water from the upper 1000 m, which is probably similar to the intrusion source water for the shelf. Atmospheric inputs to the shelf of the same magnitude as observed for the Western North Atlantic are difficult to reconcile given the residence time of shelf waters and their lead concentration unless the rate of loss of lead to shelf sediments is about the same as the atmospheric flux.  相似文献   
Vertical distribution of phytoplankton in early warming season in the eastern Bering Sea and adjacent sea areas was investigated. In the surface layer which was under the influence of newly melted sea ice in the shelf water region of the Bering Sea in May, remarkably dense populations ofThalassiosira hyalina andT. nordenskiöldii and relatively large populations ofFragilaria andNavicula occupied large part of phytoplankton community. In June, although theThalassiosira populations sunk into the bottom layer and withered, a certain part of theFragilaria-Navicula populations was still suspended in subsurface layer. Thus,Fragilaria-Navicula were the leading components of the June community in the shelf region.In the Bering Basin region, no dense phytoplankton populations were developed until a shallow thermocline was established. In June when the shallow thermocline developed near shelf edge,Thalassiosira decipiens burst out. As the shallow thermocline extended from near shelf to central part of the Basin region with surface warming, the areas of blooming also shifted from near shelf to the central part.Contribution No. 73 from the Research Institute of North Pacific Fisheries, Hokkaido University.  相似文献   
Kosuke  Maehara  Jinichiro  Maeda 《Island Arc》2004,13(3):452-465
Abstract   High-Ca boninitic inclusions are found in primitive low-K tholeiite from Mukoojima (Mukoo-Jima), an islet in the Hahajima Island group, Bonin (Ogasawara) forearc, Japan. While Chichijima Island group, 50 km north of Hahajima Island group, is well known as a type locality of boninite, there has been no report of boninitic rocks from the Hahajima Island group. The high-Ca boninitic inclusions are aphanitic and contain olivine, Ca-rich clinopyroxene, plagioclase, chromian spinel, opaque minerals and dark brown glass. The mode of occurrence of the inclusions and host tholeiite under the microscope indicates mingling of these two magmas, suggesting intimate association in space and time of the boninite and primitive tholeiite magmas around the Hahajima Island group in Paleogene time. Primitive compositions and slightly different Sr and Nd isotopic ratios suggest that these two magmas are derived from two distinct mantle sources. These two mantle sources were present at the same time around the Hahajima Island group, southern Bonin forearc. The source of the high-Ca boninite was higher in water content and/or shallower in depth compared to that of the primitive tholeiite.  相似文献   
Manganoan ilmenite with a variable manganese content occurs as an early accessory constituent of granitic rocks in the Ôsumi Peninsula, southern Kyushu. Electron probe micro-analysis of a grain containing highest manganese gives the structural formula (Fe 1.23 2+ Mn 0.81 2+ ) (Ti1.97) O6, if all of the manganese and iron are in the divalent state. The manganese content of manganoan ilmenite increases with an increase of the differentiation index of host rocks, however, the amount of ilmenite tends to decrease with the increase of the same index. The mode of occurrence of the ilmenite suggests that it is the first mafic mineral to precipitate from the magma. The average value of the distribution coefficient of manganese and ferrous iron between ilmenite and granitic magma is 5.5, if the Mn/Fe ratio of the granitic rocks represents that of granitic magma. The variation in the FeO and MnO contents against the differentiation index for granitic rocks of the Ôsumi Peninsula, and the value of the distribution coefficient, show that high manganoan ilmenite is stable in the most differentiated granitic rock of the Ôsumi Peninsula.  相似文献   
Two onboard observation campaigns were carried out in the western boundary region of the Philippine Sea in December 2006 and January 2008 during the 2006/07 El Niño and the 2007/08 La Niña to observe the North Equatorial Current (NEC), Mindanao Current (MC), and Kuroshio current system. The NEC and MC measured in late 2006 under El Niño conditions were stronger than those measured during early 2008 under La Niña conditions. The opposite was true for the current speed of the Kuroshio, which was stronger in early 2008 than in late 2006. The increase in dynamic height around 8°N, 130°E from December 2006 to January 2008 resulted in a weakening of the NEC and MC. Local wind variability in this region did not appear to contribute to changes in the current system.  相似文献   
A method for the determination of Ge, As, Se and Te in silicate samples using isotope dilution-internal standardisation (ID-IS) octopole reaction cell (ORC) ICP-QMS by normal sample nebulisation was developed. The method does not involve either hydride generation or ion exchange. Germanium, Se and Te were determined by isotope dilution (ID), and As was determined by ID-IS. A silicate sample with an added Ge-Se-Te spike was digested with an HF-HNO3-HBr mixture, dried, re-dissolved with HF and the supernatant liquid was directly aspirated into an ORC-ICP-QMS instrument with He or H2 gas. No matrix effects were observed down to a dilution factor (DF) of ∼ 70 for Ge, Se and Te and DF of ∼ 1000 for As, which resulted in 3s detection limits in silicates of 2, 1, 0.1 and 4 ng g−1, respectively. Advantages of the method are the simple sample introduction as well as a capability of determining S, Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, Sn, Sb, Hf and Ta by ID-IS-ICP-QMS/SFMS from the same solution. Furthermore, the total sample solution consumption was only 0.253 ml with DF = 2000. Therefore, only a 0.13 mg test portion was required. To demonstrate the applicability of this technique, Ge, As, Se and Te in eight silicate reference materials were determined, as well as S, Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, Sn, Sb, Hf and Ta in four carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   
The viscosity of synthetic peridotite liquid has been investigated at high pressures using in-situ falling sphere viscometry by combining a multi-anvil technique with synchrotron radiation. We used a newly designed capsule containing a small recessed reservoir outside of the hot spot of the heater, in which a viscosity marker sphere is embedded in a forsterite + enstatite mixture having a higher solidus temperature than the peridotite. This experimental setup prevents spheres from falling before a stable temperature above the liquidus is established and thus avoids difficulties in evaluating viscosities from velocities of spheres falling through a partially molten sample.

Experiments have been performed between 2.8 and 13 GPa at temperatures ranging from 2043 to 2523 K. Measured viscosities range from 0.019 (± 0.004) to 0.13 (± 0.02) Pa s. At constant temperature, viscosity increases with increasing pressure up to  8.5 GPa but then decreases between  8.5 and 13 GPa. The change in the pressure dependence of viscosity is likely associated with structural changes of the liquid that occur upon compression. By combining our results with recently published 0.1 MPa peridotite liquid viscosities [D.B. Dingwell, C. Courtial, D. Giordano, A. Nichols, Viscosity of peridotite liquid, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 226 (2004) 127–138.], the experimental data can be described by a non-Arrhenian, empirical Vogel-Fulcher-Tamman equation, which has been modified by adding a term to account for the observed pressure dependence of viscosity. This equation reproduces measured viscosities to within 0.08 log10-units on average. We use this model to calculate viscosities of a peridotitic magma ocean along a liquid adiabat to a depth of  400 km and discuss possible effects on viscosity at greater pressures and temperatures than experimentally investigated.  相似文献   

Dissolved copper concentrations in surface waters of the Bering Sea ranged from 106 to 882 ngl–1. Higher concentrations were found in continental shelf waters. In the northwestern North Pacific dissolved copper ranged from 54 to 140 ngl–1. Particulate copper concentrations varied regionally and seasonally from 6 to 79 ngl–1. Regionally averaged particulate copper concentrations decreased from 175 to 33g g–1 against an increase in suspended materials because of the dilution effects of biological fractions. Apparent sporadic increases in copper concentrations were found in the mixing area of the Kuroshio and the Oyashio waters. The feature is attributed to the lateral distribution of different water types rather than to the upwelling of deeper waters by eddies. In the same area west of 160E, waters with high concentrations of dissolved copper (96±9 ngl–1) were found. Their origin appears to be the continental shelf of the Bering Sea. In spite of intensive biological activity, a considerable fraction of copper added to shelf waters was transported to the area off Japan via the circulation in the Bering Sea and the Oyashio current.  相似文献   
The fishery yield of Manila clams, Ruditapes philippinarum, increased considerably in the 1970s but has decreased rapidly since the middle 1980s on extensive intertidal sand flats in Ariake Sound (Kyushu, Japan). A survey conducted in 2004 on a 3.4-km2 sand flat located in the central part of the Sound (Shirakawa sand flat) revealed four dominant species: two thalassinidean shrimps (Upogebia major and Nihonotrypaea japonica), which are deep-reaching burrow dwellers with strong bioturbation activities, and two bivalves (Mactra veneriformis and R. philippinarum). All four species belong to a phytoplankton (diatom)-feeding guild. In the late 1970s, the Manila clam population prevailed in high densities over the entire sand flat, whereas its distribution was restricted to the lowest quarter of the shore in 2004. In contrast, the population sizes and zones of occurrence of the other phytoplankton feeders have expanded in the absence of R. philippinarum, perhaps an indication of competitive release. After establishment, effects of the thalassinidean shrimps on sediment stability appear to have further reduced clam abundances. Across the sand flat in 2004, wet weight population biomass estimates for N. japonica, U. major, M. veneriformis, and R. philippinarum (whole body for shrimps and soft tissue for bivalves) were 304, 111, 378, and 234 tonnes, respectively. Based on Manila clam fishery yield records from Shirakawa, the carrying capacity of the Shirakawa sand flat in the late 1970s was estimated to be two times greater than the sum value for the whole phytoplankton-feeding guild in 2004. It is hypothesized that (1) the amount of phytoplankton determines the carrying capacity for the benthic community on the Shirakawa sand flat, with both phytoplankton and benthic biomass at maxima in the late 1970s, and (2) the subsequent increases in competition for space have caused further declines in the Manila clam population biomass to approximately one-eighth of its past value.  相似文献   
Diagnostic metrics for evaluation of annual and diurnal cycles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two sets of diagnostic metrics are proposed for evaluation of global models?? simulation of annual and diurnal cycles of precipitation. The metrics for the annual variation include the annual mean, the solstice and equinoctial asymmetric modes of the annual cycle (AC), and the global monsoon precipitation domain and intensity. The metrics for the diurnal variation include the diurnal range, the land?Csea contrast and transition modes of the diurnal cycle (DC), and the diurnal peak propagation in coastal regions. The proposed modes for the AC and DC represent faithfully the first two leading empirical orthogonal functions and explain, respectively, 82% of the total annual variance and 87% of the total diurnal variance over the globe between 45°S and 45°N. The simulated AC and DC by the 20-km-mesh MRI/JMA atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) are in a wide-ranging agreement with observations; the model considerably outperforms any individual AMIP II GCMs and has comparable performance to 12-AMIP II model ensemble simulation measured by Pearson??s pattern correlation coefficient. Comparison of four versions of the MRI/JMA AGCM with increasing resolution (180, 120, 60, and 20?km) reveals that the 20-km version reproduces the most realistic annual and diurnal cycles. However, the improved performance is not a linear function of the resolution. Marked improvement of the simulated DC (AC) occurs at the resolution of 60?km (20?km). The results suggest that better represented parameterizations that are adequately tuned to increased resolutions may improve models?? simulation on the forced responses. The common deficiency in representing the monsoon domains suggests the models having difficulty in replicating annual march of the Subtropical Highs that is largely driven by prominent east-west land?Cocean thermal contrast. Note that the 20-km model reproduces realistic diurnal cycle, but fails to capture realistic Madden-Julian Oscillation.  相似文献   
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