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太阳辐射能是海冰融化的最主要能源,基于在2008年8月21~27日北极加拿大海盆中部为期8天的冰站考察中海冰光学观测数据,研究了北冰洋中央密集冰区海冰吸收的太阳辐射能.通过现场直接观测,确定了海冰透射率、反照率、吸收率及其随冰厚的变化,得出海冰对太阳短波辐射的吸收率大约为到达冰面太阳辐射的16%,大部分被冰雪表面反射.为期3天的对太阳辐射的观测表明,虽然到达北冰洋中央密集冰区的太阳辐射能并不少,但由于云和雾覆盖的时间所占的比例很大,有将近57%被大气削弱,其余的又有77%左右被冰雪表面反射回太空,海冰吸收的热量只有10.2W/m2,相当于每天融化2.6mm的冰,1m厚海冰全部融化需要380天,不足以为海冰融化提供足够的热量.因此北冰洋中央密集冰区终年被海冰覆盖,即使在北冰洋海冰面积骤减的现状下,那里的海冰密集度仍然接近100%.然而,文章的结果指出:大气中云和雾大幅度减少、积雪层融化、海冰厚度减小、融池的比例增加等因素都会大幅度增加海冰吸收的热量,未来这些过程的发生有可能导致北冰洋密集冰区的海冰快速融化.  相似文献   
融冰季节北极破碎冰区热通量的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用航空遥感数字影像的解析结果和实测气象,海洋和海冰资料,定量研究了夏季融冰期北极破碎冰区的热通量,计算了海洋对大气的热贡献,结果表明,在北极夏季海冰融化时,短波辐射远远大于感热和潜热通量,是表面热通量的决定因素,海洋对大气的热贡献主要由长波辐射决定,在观测期间,海洋对大气的热贡献为38~104Wm^-2,这部分热量的大小与海冰的密集度有关,当海冰密集度小于0.8时,海洋对大气的热贡献随海冰密度度的增大而减小,而当海冰密集度超过0.8以后,该热通量将随海冰密集度的增大而增大。  相似文献   
<正> Hydrological character and Sea-current profiles structure are studied andanalyzed in sea-area of the front of Amery Ice Shelf,Prydz Bay with LADCP,CTDdata.These LADCP,CTD data were acquired during the 19th Chinese Antarctic Sci-entific Expedition.Results of this study agree with that,there exist four differentkinds of water masses in the area of the front of Amery Ice Shelf in the summer of Ant-arctica.Current distribution presents a semi-circumfluence which flows in at the eastand flows out in the west.Moreover,clockwise and anti-clockwise vortices werefound in upper layer and mid-layer in the Prydz Bay.Western areas of these anti-clockwise vortices are positions of inflows from Prydz Bay to Amery Ice Shelf.Thesource of these inflows is the coastal westward current originated in the east of PrydzBay.All these characteristics come down to the pattern of circumfluence,ice meltrate under Ice Shelf,scale of Ice Shelf water production and form of water exchangesbetween area of Ice Shelf and area of Prydz Bay.  相似文献   
An Arctic Ocean eddy in sub-surface layer is analyzed in this paper by use of temperature,salinity and current profiles data obtained at an ice camp in the Canada Basin during the second Chinese Arctic Expedition in summer of 2003.In the vertical temperature section,the eddy shows itself as an isolated cold water block at depth of 60 m with a minimum temperature of-1.5℃,about 0.5℃ colder than the ambient water.Isopycnals in the eddy form a pattern of convex,which indicates the eddy is anticyclonic.Although maximum velocity near 0.4 m s-1 occurs in the current records observed synchronously,the current pattern is far away from a typical eddy.By further analysis,inertial frequency oscillations with amplitudes comparable with the eddy velocity are found in the sub-surface layer currents.After filter the inertial current and mean current,an axisymmetric current pattern of an eddy with maximum velocity radius of 5 km is obtained.The analysis of the T-S characteristics of the eddy core water and its ambient waters supports the conclusion that the eddy was formed on the Chukchi Shelf and migrated northeastward into the northern Canada Basin.  相似文献   
太阳辐射能是海冰融化的最主要能源,基于在2008年8月21~27日北极加拿大海盆中部为期8天的冰站考察中海冰光学观测数据,研究了北冰洋中央密集冰区海冰吸收的太阳辐射能。通过现场直接观测,确定了海冰透射率、反照率、吸收率及其随冰厚的变化,得出海冰对太阳短波辐射的吸收率大约为到达冰面太阳辐射的16%,大部分被冰雪表面反射。为期3天的对太阳辐射的观测表明,虽然到达北冰洋中央密集冰区的太阳辐射能并不少,但由于云和雾覆盖的时间所占的比例很大,有将近57%被大气削弱,其余的又有77%左右被冰雪表面反射回太空,海冰吸收的热量只有10.2 W/m2,相当于每天融化2.6 mm的冰,1 m厚海冰全部融化需要380天,不足以为海冰融化提供足够的热量。因此北冰洋中央密集冰区终年被海冰覆盖,即使在北冰洋海冰面积骤减的现状下,那里的海冰密集度仍然接近100%。然而,文章的结果指出:大气中云和雾大幅度减少、积雪层融化、海冰厚度减小、融池的比例增加等因素都会大幅度增加海冰吸收的热量,未来这些过程的发生有可能导致北冰洋密集冰区的海冰快速融化。  相似文献   
海洋光学考察时需要同步测量大气中的下行太阳辐照度,其测量采样频率比常规大气辐射观测高300倍,可记录到达海面太阳辐射的高频变化。利用2007年在白令海考察的数据,详细研究了辐照度高频变化的特征与原因,得出影响辐照度记录的主要因素有云层、海雾和海浪。结果表明,这3种因素的影响有明显的差别,使作者有可能在不确切知道现场情况的条件下,由数据本身判断辐照度变化的原因,并获取有关的参数。云层引起的辐照度变化具有低频率、大振幅的特征。海雾引起的辐照度变化最为复杂,变化幅度大,变化周期复杂,从几秒到上百秒,与云层效应相区别。晴空条件下,海浪调制的反射信号通过空气中的水汽散射影响辐照度计测量数值,形成周期短、振幅小的稳定振动信号,与云和雾的效应有明显区别。文中提供了云、雾和浪对辐照度影响的定性特征和定量分析结果,对理解海面辐照度记录,并正确处理数据有指导意义。  相似文献   
An Arctic Ocean eddy in sub-surface layer is analyzed in this paper by use of temperature,salinity and current profiles data obtained at an ice camp in the Canada Basin during the second Chinese Arctic Expedition in summer of 2003.In the vertical temperature section,the eddy shows itself as an isolated cold water block at depth of 60 m with a minimum temperature of-1.5℃,about 0.5℃ colder than the ambient water.Isopycnals in the eddy form a pattern of convex,which indicates the eddy is anticyclonic.Although maximum velocity near 0.4 m s-1 occurs in the current records observed synchronously,the current pattern is far away from a typical eddy.By further analysis,inertial frequency oscillations with amplitudes comparable with the eddy velocity are found in the sub-surface layer currents.After filter the inertial current and mean current,an axisymmetric current pattern of an eddy with maximum velocity radius of 5 km is obtained.The analysis of the T-S characteristics of the eddy core water and its ambient waters supports the conclusion that the eddy was formed on the Chukchi Shelf and migrated northeastward into the northern Canada Basin.  相似文献   
Hydrological character and Sea-current profiles structure are studied andanalyzed in sea-area of the front of Amery Ice Shelf,Prydz Bay with LADCP,CTDdata.These LADCP,CTD data were acquired during the 19th Chinese Antarctic Sci-entific Expedition.Results of this study agree with that,there exist four differentkinds of water masses in the area of the front of Amery Ice Shelf in the summer of Ant-arctica.Current distribution presents a semi-circumfluence which flows in at the eastand flows out in the west.Moreover,clockwise and anti-clockwise vortices werefound in upper layer and mid-layer in the Prydz Bay.Western areas of these anti-clockwise vortices are positions of inflows from Prydz Bay to Amery Ice Shelf.Thesource of these inflows is the coastal westward current originated in the east of PrydzBay.All these characteristics come down to the pattern of circumfluence,ice meltrate under Ice Shelf,scale of Ice Shelf water production and form of water exchangesbetween area of Ice Shelf and area of Prydz Bay.  相似文献   
北极海冰近年来快速减少,北冰洋淡水含量也出现了急剧变化。加拿大海盆作为北冰洋淡水的主要存储区域,研究其淡水含量变化对于认识北冰洋淡水收支有重要意义。本文根据2003年、2008年中国北极考察以及2004年至2007年的加拿大考察数据进行计算,发现除2006年以外,夏季加拿大海盆淡水含量在此期间每年增加1m以上厚度。增加主要发生在冬季白令海水以上的上层海水中,而在此之下,淡水含量维持在3m左右,没有显著年际差异。在2006年,加拿大海盆西部上层淡水含量略微减少,但东部和北部海域淡水含量仍略有增加。与2003年相比,2008年加拿大海盆中心海区淡水含量增加量最高可达7m。分析表明,近年来的海冰减退对加拿大海盆上层淡水含量的增加起着重要作用,北极涛动(AO)正负相位变化也是控制其淡水含量变化的一个重要因素。而降水、径流以及白令海峡入流水的变化对加拿大海盆淡水含量变化影响较小。  相似文献   
白令海和楚科奇海水文特征和水团结构的初步分析   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
根据我国首次北极科学考察所获 CTD资料 ,分析了白令海和楚科奇海的水文特征和水团结构。研究表明 :(1 )该两海域温、盐度的分布有着明显的区域性差异。楚科奇海的温、盐度普遍低于白令海。 (2 )夏季 ,白令海大部分水域温度垂直分布的突出特点是 :在 2 0 m和 2 5 0 m间存在温度低于 3°C的中层冷水。 (3 )在楚科奇海北纬 70°以北海域 ,不论是水温或盐度皆明显减小 ,从而在此区域形成强的温、盐度锋带。 (4)在白令海存在三种水团 ,而楚科奇海的水团则大致分为两类  相似文献   
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