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INTRODUCTIONTheSubeiShoalandtheChangjiangRiverestuarineareainthewestoftheHuanghaiandEastChinaSeasisoneofthemarginalseasintheworld ,wheresuspendedmatterisextremelyhigh .Here ,notonlyistheretheTaiwanWarmCurrentoneoftheKuroshio’sbranchesintheEastChinaSea,butalsotheHuanghaiCoastalCurrent,andChangjiangDilutedWater.Sothestrongmixingbetweenthecoastalandoffshorewaterscomplicatessuspendedmatterdistributioninthisarea.HowthesuspendedmatterdischargedfromtheChangjiangRiverandtheabandonedHuan…  相似文献   
选用海面至20℃等温线所处深度水层的平均温度来表征研究海域海洋上层热含量。利用这一特征值,分析1986—1990年期间热带西太平洋边缘海域海洋上层热含量在秋季的分布特征和年际变化。结果表明:(1)热含量呈南高北低分布,在7.5-22.1°N范围内。以130°E断面为代表,热含量的平均递减率为0.179(℃/纬度);(2)热含量的分布主要取决于环流系统,其等值线因受黑潮和棉兰老海流的影响而由纬向分布转向经向分布。某些区域因受暖涡及冷涡的影响而呈封闭状分布;(3)热含量的年际变化与E1Nino事件存在着很好的相关性,在E1Nino事件发生期间,热含量变得很低,高热含量(大于26.5℃)海区的分布范围明显缩小。  相似文献   
菲律宾海热含量分布及其变化的初步探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白虹  胡敦欣 《海洋科学》1989,13(3):7-12
本文利用1986年及1987年秋季在菲律宾以东海域进行的CTD观测资料,分析了该海域上层海水热含量分布及变化,得出,热含量由南向北随纬度逐渐增大,这主要是北赤道流引起的等温线自南向北下倾造成的,另外也与南部和北部的冷涡和暖涡有关。本文认为,两年里热含量的差异可能与1986年生成的El Nin有关。另外,北太平洋赤道流体积输送量的变化与菲律宾海热含量的变化也有一定的联系。  相似文献   
白虹  王凡 《海洋科学集刊》2010,50(50):11-22
Based on six=cruise data gathered along 32°N and PN sections fron 1987 to 1998,we examined variations of water mass distribution and associated circulation in the westem part of the East China Sea with the emphasis on the behaviors of the Taiwan Warm Current Water and Changjiang(Yangtze)Diluted Water.It is found that the Diluted Water is Limited in the west of 122.5°E~123°E along 32°N and PN sections in autumn,winter and spring,but extends to 122.5°E~126°E in summer,especially in summer of 1998. Along the PN section, the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC)Water is found all year round,especially in deeper layer.It has significant seasonal and interannual variations which is the strongest in winter and relatively weaker in winter and relatively weaker in spring,summer and fall.The deep water carried by the TWC along 123°E~123.5°E tends to reach the north of 28°N even 30°N not only in warm seasons but also in cold seasons in even greater strength.It is noteworthy that the TWCwater was also strong in the flood summer of 1998.In general,the TWC water acts weakly in the north of 32°Nsection.However in spring of 1994.the body of the TWC water in salinity at 33.5 was found along 32°N section.It seems the extreme of the TWC water's northward intrusion with the depth in summer,but does not in winter.  相似文献   
北黄海QuikSCAT 卫星风速与浮标风速的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对北黄海QuikSCAT散射计矢量风资料与黄海实测浮标站风速资料进行对比分析,结果表明:北黄海QuikSCAT卫星风速和浮标观测风速的大小基本吻合,二者平均偏差是0.26 m/s,相关系数是0.74;风向偏差较大,平均偏差是117.52°。根据卫星风速和浮标风速的对比分析结果,提出了修正方案。修正后的QuikSCAT风向与实测浮标站风向的平均偏差显著提高到20.44°。该修正方案实施简单,修正效果显著,为更准确地使用卫星资料提供了保证。  相似文献   
可以连续进行波浪测量的仪器被通称为“自记波浪仪”。按其测量讯号的传输方式划分,可分为有线传输型自记波浪仪和无线传输型自记波浪仪两类。 使用无线传输型自记波浪仪进行海上波浪测量,具有便于取得大风天气下的波浪资料、可长时间(几天或几十天)在离岸较远的海上连续进行波浪测量和节省调查费用等优点。笔  相似文献   
东海不同底质类型海域春季悬浮体通量及影响因素   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用1994年4月在东海陆架不同底质类型海域即泥质和砂质区的水文和泥沙观测资料,分析和计算了两个站的悬浮体含量的分布、余流分布和悬浮体通量,以代表两个局部海域悬浮体含量分布和输送的特征。结果表明,在底质类型、生物活动、水动力环境和悬浮体物源各因素的影响下,两个海域的悬浮体通量和悬浮体含量垂直分布各有其特征,是东海悬浮体输送和垂直分布的两种典型类型。111站周围海域的悬浮体通量较大,上、中层水体(0-40m)中的悬浮体向东南方向输送,下层和底层的悬浮体向东北方向输送,且下层和底层的通量大于中上层;砂质区的悬浮体通量相对较小,且从表层到底层均向东北方向运移。  相似文献   
利用35年的东海区带鱼年渔获量资料与长江径流及东海温、盐断面资料、SST和黑潮流量资料,分析了东海渔获量年际变化与海洋环境的关系。结果表明,东海渔获量与长江径流和黑潮暖流的变化有密切的关系,长江径流量大时,东海渔获量高;反之,则低。1960年以来东海区渔获量的4次长期波动与长江径流的年代际变化基本一致。东海渔获量的丰、欠与黑潮(流量)的强、弱呈反位相变化,秋季的黑潮流量与渔获量的变化关系尤其显著;黑潮强(弱)时,东海渔获量低(高)。受长江径流和黑潮的影响,渔获量与盐度的高相关区夏季位于长江口区,秋季则位于黑潮左侧的盐锋内;东海渔获量高(低)分别与区域内盐度的低(高)变化相一致。东海区渔获量与不同季节SST变化的高相关区(即渔场区)关系密切,冬季(2月)位于东海北部的大沙渔场,春(5月)、夏季(8月)位于长江口舟山渔场,秋末初冬(12月)位于舟山及陆架暖流区,渔获量丰年与渔场区SST正异常相对应。  相似文献   
In this paper, the authors used the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) to simulate the seasonal evolutions of circulation and thermal structure in the Yellow Sea. The simulated circulation showed that the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) was a compensation current of monsoon-driven current, and that in winter, the YSWC became stronger with depth, and could flow across the Bohai Strait in the north. Sensitivity and controlling tests led to the following conclusions, In winter, the direction of the Yellow Sea Coastal Current in the surface layer was controlled partly by tide instead of wind, In summer, a cyclonic horizontal gyre existed in the middle and eastern parts of the Yellow Sea below 10 m. The downwelling in upper layer and upwelling in lower layer were somehow similar to Hu et al. (1991) conceptual model. The calculated thermal structure showed an obvious northward extending YSWC tongue in winter, its position and coverage of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass in summer.  相似文献   
Light transmission data collected from June to July 1987 and from February to March 1997 by the R/V Kexue 1 in the East China Sea were used to analyze its distribution characteristics and its relation to the sediment transport in this sea. Some results obtained were: (1) The Taiwan Warm Current flowing northwards seemed to be a barrier preventing suspended matter discharged from the Changjiang River Estuary from continuously moving southeastward and causing the suspended matter to flow along a path near 123°30′E in summer and 123°00′E in winter. (2) Suspended matter in the area adjacent to the Changjiang River Estuary could not be transported southward along the coast in summer due to opposing offshore currents including the Taiwan Warm Current flowing northward and the Changjiang Diluted Water turning northeastward. (3) The thermocline and temperature front bar suspended matter from crossing through.  相似文献   
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