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Two Large-insert genomic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries of Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri were constructed to promote our genetic and genomic research. High-quality megabase-sized DNA was isolated from the adductor muscle of the scallop and partially digested by BamH I and Mbo I, respectively. The BamH I library consisted of 53 760 clones while the Mbo I library consisted of 7 680clones. Approximately 96 % of the clones in BamH I library contained nuclear DNA inserts in average size of 100 kb, providing a coverage of 5.3 haploid genome equivalents. Similarly, the Mbo I library with an average insert of 145 kb and no insert-empty clones, thus providing a genome coverage of 1.1 haploid genome equivalents.  相似文献   
克隆获得了与中国明对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)C-type lectin 3同源的C-型凝集素LvLec2基因序列,并通过Real-time PCR研究了其在脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,简称LPS)、灭活溶壁微球菌(Micrococcus lysodeikticus)和白斑综合症病毒(white spot syndrome virus,简称WSSV)刺激后的转录表达变化。结果表明,LvLec2编码157个氨基酸,含有1个糖识别结构域(carbohydrate recognition domain,简称CRD),其CRD结构域中具有决定糖结合特异性的基序"EPS"(Glu118-Pro119-Ser120)序列。系统进化树分析表明LvLec2与已发表的凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)C-型凝集素亲缘较远。LPS、灭活溶壁微球菌和WSSV刺激后,LvLec2基因在肝胰脏中的转录表达有明显的变化但表达模式不同。LvLec2可能作为模式识别受体参与了对虾对病原的识别或防御。  相似文献   
To determine the optimal salinity for growth and first sexual maturity of ExopaIaemon carinicauda, the effects of salinity on growth and reproductive performance of early juvenile prawns of E. carinicauda were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Postlarvae from the same female broodstock were reared at six salinity levels (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30) for 12 weeks. The specific growth rate (SGR) and survival rate (SR) under different salinity levels in the first 6 weeks were calculated and compared. SGR was significantly influenced by salinity. Prawns reared in salinity of 10 grew significantly faster (P〈0.05) than those reared in salinities of 5, 20, 25, and 30. However, ANOVA confirmed that there was no significant effect among the six salinity levels on SR. For the next 6 weeks, the body length (BL), body weight (BW) at the first sexual maturity, and the age at median sexual maturity (As0) of females were measured and compared. Female prawns reared at salinity of 10 presented significantly shorter A50, but no significant differences among the six salinity levels for BL and BW at the first sexual maturity were observed. Based on the above information, the optimal salinity for growth and first sexual maturity of juvenile E. carinicauda is approximately 10.  相似文献   
Little is known about the genome of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). To address this, we conducted BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) end sequencing of L. vannamei. We selected and sequenced 7 812 BAC clones from the BAC library LvHE from the two ends of the inserts by Sanger sequencing. After trimming and quality filtering, 11 279 BAC end sequences (BESs) including 4 609 paired- ends BESs were obtained. The total length of the BESs was 4 340 753 bp, representing 0.18% of the L. vannamei haploid genome. The lengths of the BESs ranged from 100 bp to 660 bp with an average length of 385 bp. Analysis of the BESs indicated that the L. vannamei genome is AT-rich and that the primary repeats patterns were simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and low complexity sequences. Dinucleotide and hexanucleotide repeats were the most common SSR types in the BESs. The most abundant transposable element was gypsy, which may contribute to the generation of the large genome size of L. vannamei. We successfully annotated 4 519 BESs by BLAST searching, including genes involved in immunity and sex determination. Our results provide an important resource for functional gene studies, map construction and integration, and complete genome assembly for this species.  相似文献   
Vibrio anguillarum is an important bacterial pathogen of aquatic organisms and a significant problem in aquatic farming. The rapid detection and identification of V. anguillarum, and other pathogens that infect marine organisms, is crucial to effective disease management. In this study, we developed a loop-mediated amplification (LAMP) assay to detect V. anguillarum in an hour in a single tube without the need for thermal cycling. Conserved regions of the metalloproteinase (empA) gene of V. anguillarum served as the targets for primer design. A fragment of the empA gene was amplified at 65°C in the presence of the primer mixture and Bst DNA polymerase. In the optimized LAMP assay, 6.7 pg of V. anguillarum DNA could be detected. Six strains of V. anguillarum and 17 strains of non-V. anguillarum bacteria were used in this study to evaluate the species specificity of the primers. The six V. anguillarum strains gave a positive result in the LAMP assay. This method was also validated in V. anguillarum-infected fish. This LAMP method is more sensitive than PCR in the detection of V. anguillarum and shows good species specificity. The LAMP assay is therefore an effective method for the quick detection of V. anguillarum both in the laboratory and in the field.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTriploidanimalsareusefulbecausetheyaresterile ,characterizedbypositivegrowthinthere productiveseason ,usefulfortesting ,forintroductionofnon nativespecies ,andforprotectionofde velopedstrains.Theinductionoftriploidyhadbeenreportedinmanyaquaculturespecies .Triploidshavebeensuccessfullyinducedinshrimpusingtemperatureshockorchemicalshock (CB ,6 DMAP)in 4species :Sicyoniaingentis (Xiangetal.,1 991 ) ,Fenneropenaeuschinensis (Xiangetal.,1 992 ;Daietal.,1 993;Baoetal.,1 993;Li…  相似文献   
Selective breeding of the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei during the last decade has produced new varieties exhibiting high growth rates and disease resistance.However,the identification of new varieties of shrimps from their phenotypic characters is difficult.This study introduces a new approach for identifying varieties of shrimps using molecular markers of microsatellites and mitochondrial control region sequences.The method was employed to identify a new selected variety,Kehai No.1(KH-1),from three representative stocks(control group):Zhengda;Tongwei;and a stock collected from Fujian Province,which is now cultured in mainland China.By pooled genotyping of KH-1 and the control group,five microsatellites showing differences between KH-1 and the control group were screened out.Individual genotyping data confirmed the results from pooled genotyping.The genotyping data for the five microsatellites were applied to the assignment analysis of the KH-1 group and the control group using the partial Bayesian assignment method in GENECLASS2.By sequencing the mitochondrial control regions of individuals from the KH-1 and control group,four haplotypes were observed in the KH-1 group,whereas14 haplotypes were obtained in the control group.By combining the microsatellite assignment analysis with mitochondrial control region analysis,the average accuracy of identification of individuals in the KH-1group and control group reached 89%.The five selected microsatellite loci and mitochondrial control region sequences were highly polymorphic and could be used to distinguish new selected varieties of L.vannamei from other populations cultured in China.  相似文献   
中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis)四倍体诱导研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用光控和行为学原理,控制中国对虾在适当时候产卵,在一定的时刻以温度休克和细胞松弛素的方法诱导受精卵发育成为四倍体。作者发展了对虾染色体制备技术,以中肠和触角腺、精巢为材料,从后期幼体直到8~9cm左右次成虾均获得较好的分裂中相。染色体倍性检测结果表明,最好的四倍体诱导成功率达66.7%。共获得10cm左右的实验对虾几千尾。初步观察表明,四倍体中国对虾具有一定的生长优势。  相似文献   
大片段基因组文库由于其较大的容量、遗传的稳定性和易操作性等特点而被广泛应用于人类、动植物和微生物的基因组研究中,在物理图谱构建、全基因组测序、基因图位克隆、基因结构功能和进化等研究中起到了重要作用.近年来新技术、新设备的发明和应用使得克隆载体的结构不断优化,稳定性和转化效率显著提高,大片段文库逐渐成为基因组研究的关键平台.  相似文献   
白斑综合征(white spot syndrome,WSS)的爆发已给虾类养殖业造成了严重经济损失,寻找能够指示虾类群体抗白斑病能力的指标对虾类养殖业具有重要意义。本研究以脊尾白虾(Exopalaemon carinicauda Holthuis)为实验材料,以人工注射白斑综合征病毒(white spot syndrome virus,WSSV)攻毒后稳定存活的脊尾白虾作为WSSV耐受群体(命名为Rm),以注射PBS的虾作为对照群体(命名为Vm),分析比较了Rm群体和Vm群体的酸性磷酸酶(ACP)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性差异以探讨筛选对虾抗病免疫指标的可行性。Rm群体的ACP和AKP活性均显著低于Vm群体(P0.05),而两群体在SOD活性上无显著差异。为进一步检验WSSV耐受群体是否比未经历过病毒感染的虾具有更高的抗WSSV的能力,作者以实验室养殖过程中经过WSSV自然感染后存活的脊尾白虾作为抗性群体(命名为Rn),以未经历过WSSV感染的脊尾白虾作为普通群体(Vn),进行WSSV人工注射攻毒,观察它们在WSSV感染后的存活率,结果显示Rn群体攻毒后存活率为33.2%,显著高于Vn群体的存活率15.1%(P0.05),说明ACP和AKP有可能作为虾类抗WSSV能力的评价指标。  相似文献   
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