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二甲基巯基丙酸内盐(DMSP)是一种主要由海洋浮游植物生成的含硫化合物,在海洋中含量丰富,同时也是海洋细菌的重要营养物之一.采用生长选择性培养基从北南王湾海水中分离到一株细菌DMSP-1.基于16S rRNA基因序列及基因组平均核苷酸一致性(Average Nucleotide Identity,ANI)分析,将该菌鉴...  相似文献   
北极海冰细菌产胞外酶及主要环境因子的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
覆盖在北极海洋上的广阔海冰为其内部生存的微生物群落提供了一个独特的生境。研究表明 ,大量海冰细菌能够分泌产生胞外酶 ,其中产蛋白或脂质水解酶细菌的比例远高于产多糖水解酶的细菌。温度、盐度是直接影响海冰细菌生存与活力的 2个主要环境因子。 76%的产酪蛋白酶海冰细菌为低温菌 ,菌株只能在 <35°C条件下生长 ;而 98%的酪蛋白酶最适作用温度≥ 35°C ,其中 62 %的酶最适作用温度≥ 45°C。几乎所有的产酪蛋白酶海冰细菌都耐盐或嗜盐  相似文献   
曾胤新  俞勇  陈波  李会荣 《极地研究》2004,15(2):118-128
The potential of 324 bacteria isolated from different habitats in polar oceans to produce a variety of extracellular enzymatic activities at low temperature was investigated. By plate assay, lipase, protease, amylase, gelatinase, agarase, chitinase or cellulase were detected. Lipases were generally present by bacteria living in polar oceans. Protease-producing bacteria held the second highest proportion in culturable isolates. Strains producing amylase kept a relative stable proportion of around 30% in different polar marine habitats. All 50 Arctic sea-ice bacteria producing proteases were cold-adapted strains, however, only 20% were psychrophilic. 98% of them could grow at 3% NaCl, and 56% could grow without NaCl. On the other hand, 98% of these sea-ice bacteria produced extracellular proteases with optimum temperature at or higher than 35℃, well above the upper temperature limit of cell growth. Extracellular enzymes including amylase, agarase, cellulase and lipase released by bacteria from seawater or sediment in polar oceans, most expressed maximum activities between 25 and 35℃. Among extracellular enzymes released by bacterial strain BSw20308, protease expressed maximum activity at 40℃, higher than 35℃ of polysaccharide hydrolases and 25℃ of lipase.  相似文献   
曾胤新  陈波 《极地研究》2002,13(2):157-168
Microorganisms living in polar zones play an important part as the potential source of organic activity materials with low temperature characteristics in the bio-technological applications. A psychrotrophic bacterium (strain Ar/w/b/75°/10/5) , producing cellulose at low temperatures during late-exponential and early-stationary phases of cell growth, was isolated from sea ice-covered surface water in Chuckchi Sea, Arctic. This bacterium, with rod cells, was Gram-negative, slightly halophilic. Colony growing on agar plate was in black. Optimum growth temperature was 15℃. No cell growth was observed at 351 or above. Optimum salt concentration for cell growth was between 2 and 3 % of sodium chloride in media. Maximal cellulase activity was detected at a temperature of 35℃ and pH8. Cellulase was irreversibly inactivated when incubated at 55℃ within 30 min. Enzyme can be kept stable at the temperature no higher than 25℃. Of special interest was that this bacterium produced various extracellular enzymes i  相似文献   
白令海夏季浮游细菌和原生动物生物量及分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1999年7月21日至8月1日在我国首次北极科学考察期间,考察了白令海中部的浮游细菌和原生动物,分析了其丰度、分布、生物量及其生态作用,结果显示,浮游细菌表层生物量为1.5~20.2μg/dm3,平均为浮游植物生物量的30%,100m以上水柱柱总生物量(720~3123mg/m2)平均为浮游植物柱总生物量的67%,因而是白令海夏季与浮游植物处同等量级的优势类群;原生动物表层生物量为1.2~27.4μg/dm3,100m以上水柱柱总生物量为189~1698mg/m2,平均为浮游植物柱总生物量的21%,其中粒径小于5,5~20μm和大于20μm的原生动物分别占其柱总生物量的13%,47%和40%;作为主要类群的异养腰鞭毛虫占原生动物柱总生物量的39%.浮游细菌和原生动物生物量的总体分布趋势从西部向东北和东部递减、从表层向深层衰减,20~25m水层温跃层和表层海流的存在对这一分布特性可能有较大的影响.原生动物受潜在的大、中型浮游动物捕食压力的制约,维持了一个相对较低的生物量水平,在一定程度上限制了微食物环(microbial food loop)在该海域夏季生态系统营养中的作用.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic diversity of culturable psychrophilic bacteria associ ated with sea ice from the high latitude regions of Canadian Basin and Chukchi S ea,Arctic,was investigated.A total of 34 psychropilic strains were isolated u sing three methods of(Ⅰ)dilution plating(at 4 ℃),(Ⅱ)bath culturing(at-1 ℃)and dilution plating,and(Ⅲ)cold shock(-20 ℃ for 24 h),bath culturin g and dilution plating under aerobic conditions.Sea-ice samples were exposed to-20 ℃ for 24 h that might reduce the number of common microorganisms and encou rag e outgrowth of psychrophilic strains.This process might be able to be introduce d to isolation psychrophilic bacteria from other environmental samples in future study.16S rDNA nearly full-length sequence analysis revealed that psychrophil i c strains felled in two phylogenetic divisions,γ-proteobacteria(in the gen era Colwellia、Marinobacter、Shewanella、Glaciecola、Marinomonas and Pseudoalt eromon as) and Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides(Flavobacterium and Psychrof lexus).Fi fteen of bacterial isolates quite likely represented novel species(16S rDNA seq uence similarity below 98%).One of strains(BSi20002)from Canadian Basin showe d 100% sequence similarity to that of Marinobacter sp.ANT8277 isolated from the Antarctic Weddell sea ice,suggesting bacteria may have a bipolar distribution at the species level.  相似文献   
Dimethylsulfoniopropionate(DMSP) is mainly produced by marine phytoplankton as an osmolyte, antioxidant,predator deterrent, or cryoprotectant. DMSP is also an important carbon and sulfur source for marine bacteria.Bacteria may metabolize DMSP via the demethylation pathway involving the DMSP demethylase gene(dmdA) or the cleavage pathway involving several different DMSP lyase genes. Most DMSP released into seawater is degraded by bacteria via demethylation. To test a hypothesis that the high gene frequency of dmdA among major marine taxa results in part from horizontal gene transfer(HGT) events, a total of thirty-one bacterial strains were isolated from Arctic Kongsfjorden seawater in this study. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that,except for strains BSw22118, BSw22131 and BSw22132 belonging to the genera Colwellia, Pseudomonas and Glaciecola, respectively, all bacteria fell into the genus Pseudoalteromonas. DmdA genes were detected in five distantly related bacterial strains, including four Arctic strains(Pseudoalteromonas sp. BSw22112, Colwellia sp.BSw22118, Pseudomonas sp. BSw22131 and Glaciecola sp. BSw22132) and one Antarctic strain(Roseicitreum antarcticum ZS2–28). Their dmdA genes showed significant similarities(97.7%–98.3%) to that of Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS–3, which was originally isolated from temperate coastal seawater. In addition, the sequence of the gene transfer agent(GTA) capsid protein gene(g5) detected in Antarctic strain ZS2–28 exhibited a genetically closely related to that of Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS–3. Among the five tested strains, only Pseudomonas sp. BSw22131 could grow using DMSP as the sole carbon source. The results of this study support the hypothesis of HGT for dmdA among taxonomically heterogeneous bacterioplankton, and suggest a wide distribution of functional gene(i.e., dmdA) in global marine environments.  相似文献   
Microorganisms living in polar zones play an important part as the potential source of organic activity materials with low temperature characteristics in the bio-technological applications. A psychrotrophic bacterium (strain Ar/w/b/75°/10/5) , producing cellulose at low temperatures during late-exponential and early-stationary phases of cell growth, was isolated from sea ice-covered surface water in Chuckchi Sea, Arctic. This bacterium, with rod cells, was Gram-negative, slightly halophilic. Colony growing on agar plate was in black. Optimum growth temperature was 15℃. No cell growth was observed at 351 or above. Optimum salt concentration for cell growth was between 2 and 3 % of sodium chloride in media. Maximal cellulase activity was detected at a temperature of 35℃ and pH8. Cellulase was irreversibly inactivated when incubated at 55℃ within 30 min. Enzyme can be kept stable at the temperature no higher than 25℃. Of special interest was that this bacterium produced various extracellular enzymes i  相似文献   
好氧不产氧光合(AAP)细菌因其具有利用溶解性有机物及光能的能力,在海洋碳循环及能量流动中发挥着重要的作用。该类细菌广泛分布在海洋环境中,其在不同生境中的多样性已被调查。但到目前为止,人们对于高纬度地区好氧不产氧光合细菌的认识还较为缺乏。有鉴于此,本研究基于编码光反应复合物上一个色素结合蛋白亚基的pufM基因,对北极王湾及南极乔治王岛近岸水体中夏季好氧不产氧光合细菌的多样性进行了检测。针对2个王湾站位和2个南极麦克斯维尔湾站位构建了4个pufM基因克隆文库,获得674个阳性克隆子。北极克隆子全部由α-变形细菌组成,而南极克隆子则包括α-变形细菌及β-变形细菌。来源于类似红细菌科的pufM基因在所有样品中皆占据优势。此外,与一株滴状亚硫酸盐杆菌中质粒编码的pufM基因存在亲缘关系的序列,在南、北极样品中均占优势。结果表明海洋环境中的pufM基因存在跨极甚至是环球分布。与此同时,南、北极序列之间的差异,也表明了极地地方种的存在。这些结果显示,作为好氧不产氧光合细菌的红细菌科在两极的近岸水体中具有重要的地位。  相似文献   
随着人类社会的发展及其对未知世界探索能力的提高,环境污染目前已演变成为全球性问题,即使是远离人类居住地的南北极地区也不能幸免。任何污染在极地这样一个生态系统组成单调、环境承载能力脆弱的地方都可能带来严重后果,因此极地环境的污染治理尤为迫切。生物修复技术作为环境治理的重要方法与手段,受到了普遍关注。本文简要介绍了极地环境的污染现状以及近年来应用微生物开展极地环境污染物降解与生物修复的主要进展,并就研究中的一些潜在问题展开讨论。极地环境的污染治理与生物修复,将是21世纪环境微生物学研究人员的一项重要使命。  相似文献   
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