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灌河口外为粉沙淤泥质海岸,口外沙嘴发育,形成主、副槽,拦门沙浅区水深仅2 m左右,波浪掀沙作用强烈,水沙运动复杂。利用波、流共同作用下物理模型试验研究灌河口外拦门沙深水航道整治后水动力变化及航槽回淤,特别是台风浪情况下航道骤淤问题。研究表明:灌河口外海域动力条件、泥沙环境以及工程涉及问题复杂,双导堤配合航槽疏浚整治工程能有效发挥减淤效果,通过双导堤间过流断面积补偿能有效降低工程对新沂河排洪的影响,正常条件下航道开挖年回淤约190~330万方,台风浪骤淤约为180万方,建议导堤根部加高以减少口门附近航道回淤。  相似文献   
悬移质挟沙力是粉沙质海岸航道骤淤预测的关键性参数,目前缺乏有效的研究成果。通过大尺度波浪水槽对缓坡下的粉沙质海岸骤淤期破波掀沙机理进行试验观测和研究,根据能量平衡原理,建立粉沙质海岸在崩破波作用下悬浮泥沙运动的能量平衡方程式。能量平衡方程式的要点在于波浪所提供的有效能量损耗中,除了传统的底摩擦损耗和悬浮泥沙所消耗的能量外,还应增加崩破波引起的能量损耗。在此基础上提出粉沙质海岸骤淤期悬移质挟沙力公式,并得到试验资料的初步验证。  相似文献   
淹没丁坝是一种典型的航道工程整治建筑物,工程实施中坝头附近局部冲刷防护问题尤为重要。为研究护底条件下的淹没丁坝坝头局部冲刷特性问题,采用正态模型试验方法,重点研究了护底条件下淹没丁坝坝头局部冲刷坑形态、最大深度与护底宽度的变化响应规律,结果表明,护底条件下坝头局部冲刷坑位于护底边缘附近,当护底宽度小于20 m左右时,最大冲刷深度变化较小,但冲刷坑位置有所远离坝体,最大冲刷深度随着护底宽度的变化规律可用指数关系表达。基于量纲分析原理,建立了粉细沙河床护底条件下淹没丁坝局部冲刷最大深度计算公式。  相似文献   
Research on Measurement of Bed Shear Stress Under Wave?Current Interaction   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The movement of sediment in estuary and on coast is directly restricted by the bed shear stress. Therefore, the research on the basic problem of sediment movement by the bed shear stress is an important way to research the theory of sediment movement. However, there is not a measuring and computing method to measure the bed shear stress under a complicated dynamic effect like wave and current. This paper describes the measurement and test research on the bed shear stress in a long launder of direct current by the new instrument named thermal shearometer based on micro-nanotechnology. As shown by the research results, the thermal shearometer has a high response frequency and strong stability. The measured results can reflect the basic change of the bed shear stress under wave and wave?current effect, and confirm that the method of measuring bed shear stress under wave?current effect with thermal shearometer is feasible. Meanwhile, a preliminary method to compute the shear stress compounded by wave?current is put forward according to the tested and measured results, and then a reference for further study on the basic theory of sediment movement under a complicated dynamic effect is provided.  相似文献   
在长江黄金水道研究中,南京水利科学研究院具有长期的科研与业务积累,包括丰富的河道历史地形资料、水文测验数据以及物理模型和数值分析模型经验。为实现这些资料的管理与共享,提高资料利用率,引入地理信息系统(GIS)技术,围绕黄金水道时空数据库、河床演变分析、水文分析、物模与数模集成、潮汐预报分析等方面内容开展工作,建立了长江黄金水道水文综合信息管理与分析平台,进一步提升了长江黄金水道水文综合信息化建设层次,为后期相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
In this paper,flume experiments are focused on sediment transport inside and outside the surf zone.According to the energy dissipation balance principle of sediment-laden flow and the similarity between energy dissipation of spilling breaking wave and hydraulic jump,formulas are proposed to predict time averaged suspended sediment concentration under both non-breaking and breaking waves.Assuming that the sediment diffusion coefficient,which is related with energy dissipation,is proportional to water depth,formulas are proposed to predict close-to-bed suspended sediment concentration and vertical distribution of suspended sediment under spilling breaking waves,and the prediction shows a good agreement with the measurement.  相似文献   
长江干流江苏段地处长江下游河口地区,全线位于感潮河段,沿程水位既受上游长江径流、外海潮位、台风的影响,也受到工情变化、支流入汇等影响。长江江苏段现行洪潮设计水位是按《长江流域综合利用规划简要报告》(1990年)中确定的无台风影响水位实施。近年来,由于上游水、沙、工情条件变化,开展上游大通径流、风暴潮、区间入汇等对沿程洪潮水位的影响研究十分必要。建立大通至长江口二维水沙数学模型与外海风暴潮模型,研究不同影响因素作用下长江干流江苏段沿程洪潮设计水位变化。研究成果表明:南京河段水位主要受上游径流影响;江阴以下主要受外海潮汐及风暴潮的影响;南京至江阴段则受上游径流、外海潮汐、风暴潮三者的共同作用影响。外海天文大潮、风暴潮"两碰头"和上游大径流、外海天文大潮与风暴潮"三碰头"引起的沿程增水值呈驼峰分布,最大值分别发生在江阴和天生港附近,最大增幅1.65 m。研究结果已为长江江苏段堤防防洪能力提升工程建设提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
Based on the 2-D flow and sediment numerical model of the Yangtze Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay, the characteristics of water and sediment exchange in their joint waters is studied through quantitative calculation and analysis of the characteristics of water flow and sediment transportation. The results show that there is periodical water and sediment exchange in this joint waters, that the net water exchange appears mainly between 0~6 m depth (theoretical datum plane, the same below) offshore and the maximum is near the depth of 2 m, and that the net sediment exchange mainly appears between 0~5 m depth and the maximum is near the depth of 3 m, indicating that the range of water flow passage is different from that of sediment transport from the Yangtze Estuary to the Hangzhou Bay. Combined with the results of numerical simulation, this paper also analyzes the hydrodynamical mechanism influencing water and sediment exchange between the Yangtze Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay, including tidal fluctuation, tidal current kinetic energy, tide-induced residual current and the trace of water particles. Finally, the sediment transportation passage on the Nanhui tidal flat is discussed, and the results show that sediment is transported into the Hangzhou Bay from the south side of Shipilei, while sediment is brought back to the South Channel of the Yangtze Estuary from the north side.  相似文献   
波浪作用下的床面切应力是估算近岸泥沙起动、输移的重要基本参数之一,其形成的底部摩阻效应也会对近岸水动力环境产生影响。由于现场观测较为困难,对波浪边界层与波浪作用下床面切应力的认识主要建立在室内试验观测基础上。回顾国内外相关理论模型和试验测量研究,梳理各类研究方法与测量技术的优缺点及适用条件;整理20世纪70年代至今的大量试验资料,对已有研究成果进行归纳分析,包括波浪非线性、波浪破碎等因素对床面切应力的影响;总结现有研究存在的局限性,提出今后的研究重点。超大型水槽是未来突破波浪边界层理论研究瓶颈的重要设施;高适应性水下二维切应力传感器的发展是复杂动力条件下床面切应力研究取得突破的关键。  相似文献   
粉沙质海岸波流作用下水体含沙量及其垂线分布试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过长水槽试验和理论分析研究了粉沙在波浪及波流作用下的基本运动特性。根据挟沙水体能量耗散平衡原理,提出波浪及波流作用下水体平均含沙量计算公式;假定泥沙扩散系数沿水深呈线性关系,由泥沙扩散系数和能量耗散相关,提出波浪及波流作用下临底含沙量和垂线分布计算公式,其计算值和实测值基本吻合。  相似文献   
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