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海洋湍流观测技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湍流在海洋能量和水体的交换演化中起着非常重要的作用。海洋湍流研究的发展和海洋湍流观测仪器的研发密切相关。世界上湍流观测仪器的研发起步于上世纪50年代,但是我国在湍流观测设备方面到目前为止仅仅处于起步和引进国外设备阶段。针对我国的情况,文中对海洋湍流观测的平台、探头测量原理及其数据修正、资料后处理等关键技术做一个总结性的介绍,为我国使用引进的海洋湍流设备和自主开发海洋湍流测量设备提供参考。  相似文献   
At the interface between the lower atmosphere and sea surface, sea spray might significantly influence air-sea heat fluxes and subsequently, modulate upper ocean temperature during a typhoon passage. The effects of sea spray were introduced into the parameterization of sea surface roughness in a 1-D turbulent model, to investigate the effects of sea spray on upper ocean temperature in the Kuroshio Extension area, for the cases of two real typhoons from 2006, Yagi and Soulik. Model output was compared with data from the Kuroshio Extension Observatory (KEO), and Reynolds and AMSRE satellite remote sensing sea surface temperatures. The results indicate drag coefficients that include the spray effect are closer to observations than those without, and that sea spray can enhance the heat fluxes (especially latent heat flux) considerably during a typhoon passage. Consequently, the model results with heat fluxes enhanced by sea spray simulate better the cooling process of the SST and upper-layer temperature profiles. Additionally, results from the simulation of the passage of typhoon Soulik (that passed KEO quickly), which included the sea spray effect, were better than for the simulated passage of typhoon Yagi (that crossed KEO slowly). These promising 1-D results could provide insight into the application of sea spray in general circulation models for typhoon studies.  相似文献   
A regional reanalysis product—China Ocean Reanalysis(CORA)—has been developed for the China's seas and the adjacent areas. In this study, the intraseasonal variabilities(ISVs) in CORA are assessed by comparing with observations and two other reanalysis products(ECCO2 and SODA). CORA shows a better performance in capturing the intraseasonal sea surface temperatures(SSTs) and the intraseasonal sea surface heights(SSHs) than ECCO2 and SODA do, probably due to its high resolution, stronger response to the intraseasonal forcing in the atmosphere(especially the Madden-Julian Oscillation), and more available regional data for assimilation. But at the subsurface, the ISVs in CORA are likely to be weaker than reality, which is probably attributed to rare observational data for assimilation and weak diapycnal eddy diffusivity in the CORA model. According to the comparison results, CORA is a good choice for the study related to variabilities at the surface, but cares have to be taken for the study focusing on the subsurface processes.  相似文献   
The first version of a global ocean reanalysis over multiple decades (1979–2008) has been completed by the National Marine Data and Information Service within the China Ocean Reanalysis (CORA) project. The global ocean model employed is based upon the ocean general circulation model of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A sequential data assimilation scheme within the framework of 3D variational (3DVar) analysis, called multi-grid 3DVar, is implemented in 3D space for retrieving multiple-scale observational information. Assimilated oceanic observations include sea level anomalies (SLAs) from multi-altimeters, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) from remote sensing satellites, and in-situ temperature/salinity profiles. Evaluation showed that compared to the model simulation, the annual mean heat content of the global reanalysis is significantly approaching that of World Ocean Atlas 2009 (WOA09) data. The quality of the global temperature climatology was found to be comparable with the product of Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA), and the major ENSO events were reconstructed. The global and Atlantic meridional overturning circulations showed some similarity as SODA, although significant differences were found to exist. The analysis of temperature and salinity in the current version has relatively larger errors at high latitudes and improvements are ongoing in an updated version. CORA was found to provide a simulation of the subsurface current in the equatorial Pacific with a correlation coefficient beyond about 0.6 compared with the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) mooring data. The mean difference of SLAs between altimetry data and CORA was less than 0.1 m in most years.  相似文献   
海洋数据同化与数据融合技术应用综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了不同数据同化和数据融合方法在海洋环境监测与预测方面的应用、国内外相关业务单位的海洋分析和预报系统的现状,以及海洋数据同化将来的业务化应用的发展趋势。四维变分和集合卡尔曼滤波正在成为国际上海洋环境分析与预报的主要应用方向,海-气耦合数据同化以及海冰数据同化是目前数据同化方法研究的热点。  相似文献   
冬季在北白令海陆架区域频繁地出现潜热冰间湖,对当地的生态系统和北极盐跃层贡献很大.将CICE海冰模式应用到该区域,采用高分辨率(6.37 km)网格,模拟2002年11月至2003年4月的海冰变化过程,模拟的海冰总面积和海冰密集度与AMSR-E/Aqua卫星遥感结果吻合很好,其中两者日平均海冰总面积在模拟期间的相关系数达到0.97.模拟结果表明,东北风将海冰向南输运在东西走向的海岸南部形成冰间湖,反映了潜热冰间湖形成和演化的动力过程.对卫星观测数据,将海冰密集度<75%作为冰间湖的判据;而对数值模拟结果,确定海冰密集度<70%为冰间湖的判据.据此讨论白令海4个区域的冰间湖形成过程,与卫星数据进行比较,大部分冰间湖得到很好的模拟.深入讨论了影响冰间湖模拟准确度的主要因素,认为选用恰当的阈值、提高气象强迫场的空间和时间分辨率有助于提高模拟效果.对部分海域的冰间湖模拟效果不佳,需要发展冰海耦合模式才能最终解决.  相似文献   
本文以2006年9月日本以南海域的台风YAGI为例,应用黑潮延伸体附近的KEO浮标观测资料,并结合卫星遥感等融合资料,分析海洋飞沫在台风不同发展阶段对海气界面间热量通量和动量通量的影响。首先,定量地分析台风期间海洋飞沫对海气热通量的影响。结果表明,在台风YAGI过境期间,海洋飞沫能够显著地加剧海气界面间的热量交换,尤其是潜热交换。海洋飞沫增加的热通量随着风速的增强而增大,随着波龄的增大而减小。随后,通过动量分析表明,在台风YAGI过境期间,海洋飞沫显著地增强了由大气向海洋的动量转移。当风速达到台风量级后,考虑海洋飞沫所增加的动量通量与界面动量通量大小相当,同时,在此风速条件下,海洋飞沫在海气界面形成极限饱和悬浮层,抑制风到海表面的动量转移,导致海气界面间总的动量通量的增长率随之减小。  相似文献   
卫星遥感获取的海冰密集度观测资料中包含着空间多尺度信息。然而,多数传统的数据同化方法难以在海冰密集度变化较为复杂的海冰边缘区有效提取这些多尺度信息。为解决上述问题,本文设计了一种基于变分优化的逐步订正分析方法—空间多尺度递归滤波,该方法是逐步订正分析与最小化算法的结合,它能够从长波到短波依次提取观测中的各种空间尺度信息。与传统的客观分析相比,这种基于变分的多尺度分析方法不仅能够在最小化过程中一次性的提取出观测中的多尺度信息,而且能够方便合理的进行参数配置。单观测点同化试验的分析结果表明,空间多尺度递归滤波方法具有良好的观测信息空间传播能力。随后在二维海冰密集度的分析试验中,该方法能够较好的提取SSMI海冰密集度观测资料中的空间多尺度信息,进而获得高精度的海冰密集度分析结果。  相似文献   
季节内变化是热带气候的重要影响因素。以北半球夏、冬两季为例,对比了海洋再分析数据集(ECCO2、SODA3和CORA)与卫星观测海表面温度(SST)以及海表面高度(SSH)在印度洋区域季节内信号的差异;还以冬季MJO(Madden Julian Oscillation)事件和夏季季风事件为例,对比分析了不同强迫过程中再分析数据与观测数据的差异与原因。结果表明,再分析产品在近岸海域具有与观测数据相当的季节内波动,但是在大洋内部,除CORA在赤道中印度洋略强于观测数据,其他再分析数据季节内波动明显弱于观测数据20%以上,SODA3甚至达到60%以上。具体来说,在东传MJO和北传CIO (Central Indian Ocean mode)事件期间,再分析数据中热力强迫下的季节内SST变化呈现较好,仅ECCO2和CORA在相位上滞后观测数据5~10 d。在夏季CIO的SST异常西传期间,再分析数据中动力强迫下的季节内变化呈现较差,ECCO2和CORA仅在85°E~95°E呈现出微弱的西传信号,SODA3的SST异常并未西传;而且强度上,90°E~100°E附近所有再分析SST异常均弱于观测数据50%以上。通过对比东印度洋上混合层季节内流速发现,CIO事件期间再分析流速振幅弱于观测数据51.42%,且CIO波峰期间与观测数据的相对偏差达到65.16%。再分析数据中动力强迫的信号呈现较弱,可能是导致季节内变化在大洋中部明显弱于观测数据的原因。因此,要提升再分析产品中季节内信号,不仅需要关注热力与动力强迫的修正,更需要扩大海洋观测以增加数据同化,尤其是在赤道印度洋海域需要加强对海流的观测。  相似文献   
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