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在目标遮挡、光线变化等复杂的跟踪环境下,现有相关滤波跟踪算法无法对目标进行长时间实时稳定跟踪。提出一种基于模型更新与快速重检测的长时跟踪算法。首先,在现有的目标定位与尺度变化的相关滤波跟踪算法基础上搭建长时目标跟踪的框架,提出加入模型监测更新机制,根据最大响应和平均峰响应相关能量值判别进入更新或重检测环节;然后,基于提取描述子特征的重检测方法,将提取特征的比特维数统一降到512进行优化,加快重检测速率。所提算法选取OTB-100中20个有代表性的序列进行测试,成功率评估均值为0.706,精确度评估均值为0.805,平均速度为48.5 frame/s;在自采集的数据集上平均准确率能达到87.65%,能够在尺度变化、遮挡等复杂情况下满足长时跟踪的准确性和实时性要求。  相似文献   
In this study postsynaptic potentials responding to the electrical stimulation of the optic nerve and the nucleus isthmipars parvocellularis (Ipc) were intracellularly recorded from 86 tectal cells in pigeons, 13 of which were marked with Lucifer yellow (LY). According to types of postsynaptic potentials and their succesion, the postsynaptic responses could be classified into four types: excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)-inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) sequence (EI type), E, I and IE types.Among them, E or EI responses were mainly produced to the optic nerve stimulation, while the electrical stimulation of the lpc elicited I responses in more than half the recorded cells.LY-marked tectal cells included five ganglionic cells, four pyramidal cells, two bipolar cells and two stellate cells.The ganglionic cells were mainly located in tectal layers Ⅲ and Ⅳ, whereas the others were in layer Ⅱ.It appears from both intracellular recordings and fluorescent markings that there is some correlati  相似文献   
蛤蚧和鳄蜥峡核的电生理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文用细胞外记录和硫化钴标记技术研究了蛤蚧(Gekko gekko)和鳄蜥(Shini-saurus crocodilurus)峡核单位的感觉反应.结果指出:(1)峡核大细胞都(Imc)是视觉中枢;(2)Imc内存在照度反应(luxotonic)单位;(3)Imc单位对运动的反差目标反应活泼,35%单位只在目标进出其感受域瞬间发放脉冲 ;(4)Imc内有双眼单位 ;(5)视野在Imc上呈区域对应投射。  相似文献   
This report studies visual responses of the isthmic units in Gekko gekko and Shinisaurus crocodilurus using extracellular recording and cobalt sulfide marking techniques. Our results indicate that: (ⅰ) the nucleus isthmi pars magnocellularis (Imc) is a visual center; (ⅱ) there are luxotonic units in Imc; (ⅲ) Imc units respond vigorously to moving contrast targets, of which 35% units burst only at the moment when targets are moving into and out of their receptive fields, none react to either tactile or auditory stimulation; (ⅳ) there exist binocular units in Imc; and (ⅴ) visual field is topographically projected onto Imc.  相似文献   
Visual responses of 148 units have been recorded with micropipettes from the left nucleusisthmus areas of toads (Bufo bufo gargarizans), their auditory and tactile responses also exa-mined, and 122 recording sites marked with cobalt sulphide. This study indicates that: (i) 118units responding solely to visual stimuli are found within the nucleus, and 4 multisensory unitsoutside, (ii) there exist a visual field map and binocular units in the nucleus, and (iii) res-ponse latencies of the isthmic units to a spot of light range from 120 to 540 msee, with nocorrelation with recording sites.  相似文献   
从中华大蟾蜍(Bufo bufo gargarixans)峡核区域记录了148个视觉单位,检验了它们对声和触刺激的反应,并用硫化钴标记出其中122个记录位置。结果指出:(1)118个只对视刺激有反应的单位在峡核内,4个多感觉单位在核外;(2)峡核内有个视野对应投射图和双眼单位;和(3)峡核单位对光点的反应潜伏期为120—540毫秒,和记录位置无关。  相似文献   
本文用玻璃微电极从黑斑蛙(Rana nigromaculata)左峡核细胞外记录了125个单位的视觉反应,并用钴染色法标记出101个电极尖端位置,以便重建峡核内的视野图。在所记录的单位中,80%对静止光点显示给光(ON)-撤光(OFF)反应,许多单位对通过其感受域的黑、白目标的运动有方向选择性。所有钴标记点都在核内,表明峡核本身是蛙视觉系统的一个局限部分。在峡核内有一个视野投射圈。整个对侧半视野和同侧半视野的鼻侧40°呈区域对应地投射到峡核上。核内的无细胞带是对侧半视野与同侧半视野的分界线,它的背侧是对侧视野代表区。上视野投射到核的嘴半部、尾半部的中央和内腹部分。下视野的代表在尾半部的背部和外侧部。在峡核里观察到15个双眼单位,其中13个主要被对侧眼兴奋,2个几乎同等地被两只单眼兴奋。标记成功的14个双眼单位主要位于峡核嘴半部的髓质内。  相似文献   
家鸽顶盖细胞的突触后电位和形态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用细胞内记录技术,研究了86个家鸽顶盖细胞对电刺激视束和峡核小细胞部(Ipc)反应的突触后电位,并用荧光黄(LY)标记了13个记录细胞,根据突触后电位的类型和出现顺序,反应可分为4种类型:兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP)-抑制性突触后电位(IPSP)序列(EI型),E型,I型和IE型,电刺激视束主要产生E或EI型反应,而半数以上细胞对电刺激Ipc产生I型反应。在LY标记的顶盖细胞中,有5个神经节细胞,4个锥体细胞,2个双极细胞和2个星形细胞,神经节细胞主要分布在顶盖Ⅲ和Ⅳ两层,其它细胞均位于顶盖Ⅱ层,从电记录和荧光标记看来,顶盖细胞的形态特征与其突触后电位类型似有相关性。  相似文献   
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