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大视场短焦距镜头CCD摄像系统的畸变校正   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
从光学测量角度出发,结合计算机视觉中的摄像机标定方法,解决了大视场短焦距镜头CCD摄像系统的畸变校正问题。与摄像机标定不同,畸变校正中仅标定内部参数,外部参数作为已知条件。采用线性畸变模型,由最小二乘法解线性方程组得到摄像系统畸变模型的畸变系数。介绍了数字图像中像素间距和光学中心的标定方法。通过比较由标定参数得到的畸变图像和摄像机采集的畸变图像对实验标定精度进行评定,实验结果表明边缘视场(112°)的标定精度达到了0 75%。  相似文献   
黄曲霉毒素B_1、棕曲霉毒素A、桔霉素是曲霉和青霉属的代谢产物,属于致癌物质,对人、畜、禽的肝、肾有毒害作用。酱油又是用曲霉和青霉发酵生产的,故开展对酱油中三毒素的检测研究很有意义,过去曾有微生物检测法、薄层色谱法、紫外分光光度法;但这些方法均不够理想,我们用高效液相色谱法检测,操作简便、快速、灵敏、准确。  相似文献   
提出了离线热解-热脱附-气相色谱-质谱法测定烟草中挥发性成分的方法,并将此方法用于研究烟草中主要糖类化合物(果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖)对烟草挥发性组分的影响。结果表明:①糖类在高温下裂解,主要生成呋喃类、羧酸类及酯类化合物,不同糖类的裂解产物有较明显差异;②加入蔗糖后,烟草的挥发性成分中醛、酮类和含氮、硫杂环类化合物增加显著;③加入葡萄糖后,醇、酚类和含氧杂环类化合物增加明显;④而加入果糖后,各类化合物增加均较少,其中含氧杂环类化合物含量几乎没有变化。可见糖类物质在热解过程中不仅自身发生氧化还原反应,还与烟草中的成分发生了一系列化学反应,从而显著影响烟气的化学组成。  相似文献   
时利勇  刘百玉  欧阳娴  白永林  行海  王琛 《光子学报》2006,35(10):1501-1504
介绍了一种用于电光开关驱动源的高压超快电脉冲产生技术;电路采用级联的雪崩晶体管串和微波传输线结构,输出阻抗50Ω;在50Ω负载情况下,获得脉冲下降时间为1ns、幅度达到5kV、峰值电压为6.4 kV、幅度和半宽度稳定性优于2%、触发晃动为±15ps、触发延时为30 ns,脉冲峰值电流为128 A的高压高速大电流脉冲.  相似文献   
In order to gain a deeper understanding of the quantum criticality in the explicitly staggered dimerized Heisenberg models,we study a generalized staggered dimer model named the J0-J1-J2 model,which corresponds to the staggered J-J ' model on a square lattice and a honeycomb lattice when J1/J0 equals 1 and 0,respectively.Using the quantum Monte Carlo method,we investigate all the quantum critical points of these models with J1/J0 changing from 0 to 1 as a function of coupling ratio α=J2/J0.We extract all the critical values of the coupling ratio αc for these models,and we also obtain the critical exponents ν,β/ν,and η using different finite-size scaling anstz,.All these exponents are not consistent with the three-dimensional Heisenberg universality class,indicating some unconventional quantum ciritcial points in these models.  相似文献   
公延飞  郝建红  蒋璐行 《强激光与粒子束》2019,31(8):083202-1-083202-7
基于波形松弛技术, 提出一种计算外界电磁脉冲激励下理想大地上无损多导体传输线瞬态响应的时域迭代方法。首先利用波形松弛技术对复频域内多导体传输线的电报方程进行解耦, 其中相邻导线的耦合作用等效为线上的分布源, 从而使电报方程转换为一系列关于独立导线的解耦方程组; 然后将复频域内传输线的解耦方程转换到时域, 根据时域方程建立相应的等效电路; 最后利用电路仿真软件PSCAD计算电磁脉冲激励下多导体传输线的瞬态响应。本文时域方法的计算结果与时域有限差分(FDTD) 法计算的结果进行对比, 证实了该时域方法的有效性和准确性, 这为工程和科研人员快速评估、分析电磁脉冲激励下多导体传输线的瞬态响应问题提供了一种可靠方法。  相似文献   
本文采用边界元法研究水与粘弹性介质在地震波入射条件下的相互作用问题。首先,采用半空间格林函数建立液体介质区域的边界元方程,然后考虑液—固界面的连续条件,获得水对固体介质的影响矩阵,最后用此影响矩阵修正固体介质的边界元方程。通过对简单问题的计算表明,采用本文方法求解流—固相互作用问题,其计算量与单独求解固体介质的波动问题时相当。  相似文献   
建立了一种测定烟草中果胶含量的酶解-离子色谱法,并对酶解条件进行了优化.即样品经快速溶剂萃取仪用80%乙醇除糖后,在47℃、pH4条件下用果胶酶酶解2 h,用离子色谱测定酶解液中的半乳糖醛酸含量.该法的线性相关系数为0.999 3,回收率98.3%~100.8%,RSD为3.43%.  相似文献   
The mp2/6-31++g**//b3lyp/6-31++g** method has been employed to study the proton transfer mechanism in 4H2O-glycine complexes(4W-G).Compared with bare glycine the four-water hydrated neutral glycine complexes(4W-GN) can turn into the corresponding zwitterionic glycine(4W-GZ) through proton transfer.The most stable conformation of 4W-GZ has a "double water-chain" structure and is more stable than its corresponding precursor 4W-GN by 0.97 KJ/mol though it is less stable than the most stable 4W-GN by 7.80 KJ/mol.It is a spontaneous reaction to form the most stable conformation of 4W-GZ,and the potential barrier is only 1.97 KJ/mol,so the probability of this reaction is very high and the most stable 4W-GZ may be detected in experiment or in the early stage of experiment.  相似文献   
<正>We theoretically analyze and experimentally demonstrate a method of generating equal-amplitude optical comb exploiting multi-frequency phase modulation.The theoretical analysis shows that 4n-1 equal-amplitude spectral lines can be obtained when the modulation signal comprises n frequency components including the fundamental frequency and the odd harmonic frequencies,and 2n+1 equal-amplitude spectral lines can be obtained when the modulation signal comprises n frequency components including the fundamental frequency and the even harmonic frequencies.Then,we numerically simulate the spectra of 5,7,9,and 11 equal-amplitude spectral lines,respectively,which are also obtained in experiments with frequency separation of 30 MHz and flatness of better than 0.3 dB.  相似文献   
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