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Conservation organizations have increasingly raised concerns about escalating rates of illegal hunting and trade in wildlife. Previous studies have concluded that people hunt illegally because they are financially poor or lack alternative livelihood strategies. However, there has been little attempt to develop a richer understanding of the motivations behind contemporary illegal wildlife hunting. As a first step, we reviewed the academic and policy literatures on poaching and illegal wildlife use and considered the meanings of poverty and the relative importance of structure and individual agency. We placed motivations for illegal wildlife hunting within the context of the complex history of how wildlife laws were initially designed and enforced to indicate how hunting practices by specific communities were criminalized. We also considered the nature of poverty and the reasons for economic deprivation in particular communities to indicate how particular understandings of poverty as material deprivation ultimately shape approaches to illegal wildlife hunting. We found there is a need for a much better understanding of what poverty is and what motivates people to hunt illegally.  相似文献   
In many insect species, sperm-depleted males (SDMs, i.e. males that have exhausted their sperm after a given number of matings) remain sexually active and continue to mate females. Here, we investigated the behavioural modifications that occur in both sexes of the parasitoid Asobara tabida Nees (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), after matings by fertile males and sperm-depleted males. We show that (i) virgin females, mated females and females mated to a SDM exhibited different behaviours and that (ii) males responded differently to females depending on whether the females had previously mated with an SDM or not. Our findings demonstrate that SDM influenced the reproductive behaviour of both males and females, especially with regard to male responsiveness and female attractiveness. These findings are discussed in the context of adaptive behaviour and fitness maximization in both males and females.  相似文献   
We propose a stochastic dynamic programming framework to model the management of a multi-stand forest under climate risk (strong wind occurrence). The preferences of the forest-owner are specified by a non-expected utility in order to separately analyze intertemporal substitution and risk aversion effects. A numerical method is developed to characterize the optimal forest management policies and the optimal consumption-saving strategy. The stochastic dynamic programming framework is applied to a non-industrial private forest-owner located in North-East of France. We show that the optimal decisions both depend upon risk and time preferences. The authors would like to thank participants at the international conference on Economics of Sustainable Forest Management in Toronto, at the PARIS 1 seminar on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, at the 2004 Applied Microeconomics Conference in Lille and at the 13th annual conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists at Budapest.  相似文献   
Lakes Annecy, Bourget, and Geneva are large, deep carbonated peri-alpine lakes in eastern France. They are located in the same ecoregion but have been subject to differing degrees of anthropogenic pressure over the past decades. A comparative analysis of these ecosystems can therefore provide valuable information on how the lakes have responded to changes in phosphorus runoff, fish management practices, and global warming. Each of these lakes has undergone a restoration process, and changes in water quality and trophic state, as measured using parameters like transparency, chlorophyll a, nutrient concentrations, and phytoplankton biomass and structure, can be used to evaluate efforts made to preserve these ecosystems. Our results reveal that (1) peri-alpine lakes are exemplary cases of restoration in the world where freshwater eutrophication is on the increase, and (2) efforts must be maintained because of the new context of climate change, the effects of which on the quality and the ecological functioning of lakes are still poorly understood.  相似文献   
A laboratory investigation of UV-C effects was conducted over a 62-h period: a much higher dose than in classic UV-C treatment was applied to five pigments and two painting binders used by prehistoric humans. Colorimetric parameters were compared to a control to see if UV-C can change pigment and binder color. Infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, inductively coupled plasma and X-ray crystallography were also carried out to confirm colorimetric measurement. In order to understand how microorganism may physically deteriorate paintings, limestone blocks were painted and monitored until their complete colonization by algae, cyanobacteria, fungi and/or mosses. The results show that UV-C has no effect on mineral compounds. Conversely, it is noteworthy that binder color changed under both UV-C light conditions as well as in visible light. Concerning painted blocks, a fast proliferation has been observed with deterioration of the paintings. These results show the high importance of treating biofilm as soon as possible. Moreover, these findings may be a promising avenue inducing cave managers to use friendly UV-C light to treat contaminated cave paintings and also in the prevention of biodeterioration by lampenflora.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to identify the main controls on atrazine leaching through luvisols and calcisols overlying fissured limestone using the dual-permeability model MACRO. The model parameterisation was based on a combination of direct measurements (e.g. hydraulic properties, adsorption and degradation), literature data and calibration against bromide leaching experiments in field plots. A Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis was carried out for a typical application pattern, considering two different depths of unsaturated limestone (15 and 30 m). MACRO calibrations to the field experiments demonstrated the occurrence of strong macropore flow in the luvisol, while transport in the calcisol could be described by the advection-dispersion equation. MACRO simulations of tritium and atrazine leaching qualitatively matched tritium concentration profiles measured in the limestone and atrazine concentrations measured in piezometers and in aquifer discharge via a spring. The sensitivity analysis suggested that the thickness of the limestone, as well as the transport properties and processes occurring in the unsaturated rock (e.g. matrix vs. fissure flow) will have little significant long-term effect on atrazine leaching, mainly because degradation is very slow in the limestone. No mineralization of atrazine was detected in one-year incubations and a mean half-life of 10 years was assumed in the simulations. Instead, processes occurring in the soil exerted the main control on predicted atrazine leaching, especially variations in the degradation rate and the strength of sorption and macropore flow. However, fissure flow in unsaturated rock is expected to exert a much more significant control on groundwater contamination for compounds that degrade more readily in the deep vadose zone.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung  Reifen-, Ru?-, Motoren?l-, Asphalt-, Plastik- und Lackproben aus dem Stra?enverkehr wurden auf ihre Kohlenstoff- und Schwefel-isotopenverh?ltnisse mit dem Ziel untersucht, die Frage zu beant-worten, ob diese Isotopenverh?ltnisse als Indikatoren für die Belastungssituation und die Schadstoffquellen bei der Untersuchung von stra?ennahen B?den eingesetzt werden k?nnen. Die δ11C-Werte der technischen Substrate lagen zwischen-30‰ und-18‰ relativ zum PDB-Standard, Dabei zeigte sich aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Herstellungsverfahren eine deutliche Abgrenzung der Substrate untereinander. Asphalt hatte Werte zwischen-23 und-18‰, Ru? zwischen -27 und -22‰ Die Ru?proben unterschieden sich je nach Art des verwendeten Kraftstoffs. Plastik, Lack und Motor?le zeigten ?hnliche δ13C-Werte, die zwischen-30 und-27‰ lagen. Reifen haben relativ konstante δ13C-Werte um -26‰ Der Einflu? des Stra?enverkehrs auf die δ13C-Werte im Stra?ensediment und in stra?ennahen B?den konnte anhand verschiedener Kohlenstoffspezies an einem Transekt an einer Landstra?e aufgezeigt werden. Ein Vergleich mit verkehrstypischen Schwermetallemissionen ergab bei einzelnen Kohlenstoffspezies einen ?hnlichen Verlauf der Schwermetallkonzentrationen und der δ13C-Werte. Die δ34S-Werte lagen zwischen -6 und +8‰ relativ zum CDT-Standard. Eine Abgrenzung der Substrate in ihren δ14S-Werten war hierbei nicht m?glich.   相似文献   
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