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Hydrochemical data, compound specific carbon isotope analysis and isotopic enrichment trends in dissolved hydrocarbons and residual electron acceptors have been used to deduce BTEX and MTBE degradation pathways in a fractured chalk aquifer. BTEX compounds are mineralised sequentially within specific redox environments, with changes in electron acceptor utilisation being defined by the exhaustion of specific BTEX components. A zone of oxygen and nitrate exhaustion extends approximately 100 m downstream from the plume source, with residual sulphate, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. Within this zone complete removal of the TEX components occurs by bacterial sulphate reduction, with sulphur and oxygen isotopic enrichment of residual sulphate (epsilon(s) = -14.4 per thousand to -16.0 per thousand). Towards the plume margins and at greater distance along the plume flow path nitrate concentrations increase with delta15N values of up to +40 per thousand indicating extensive denitrification. Benzene and MTBE persist into the denitrification zone, with carbon isotope enrichment of benzene indicating biodegradation along the flow path. A Rayleigh kinetic isotope enrichment model for 13C-enrichment of residual benzene gives an apparent epsilon value of -0.66 per thousand. MTBE shows no significant isotopic enrichment (delta13C = -29.3 per thousand to -30.7 per thousand) and is isotopically similar to a refinery sample (delta13C = -30.1 per thousand). No significant isotopic variation in dissolved MTBE implies that either the magnitude of any biodegradation-induced isotopic fractionation is small, or that relatively little degradation has taken place in the presence of BTEX hydrocarbons. It is possible, however, that MTBE degradation occurs under aerobic conditions in the absence of BTEX since no groundwater samples were taken with co-existing MTBE and oxygen. Low benzene delta13C values are correlated with high sulphate delta34S, indicating that little benzene degradation has occurred in the sulphate reduction zone. Benzene degradation may be associated with denitrification since increased benzene delta13C is associated with increased delta15N in residual nitrate. Re-supply of electron acceptors by diffusion from the matrix into fractures and dispersive mixing is an important constraint on degradation rates and natural attenuation capacity in this dual-porosity aquifer.  相似文献   
The variability of stable carbon isotope fractionation upon reductive dechlorination of tetra- and trichloroethene by several microbial strains was investigated to examine the uncertainties related to the in situ application of compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) of chlorinated ethenes. Carbon isotope fractionation was investigated with a set of microorganisms representative for the currently known diversity of dehalorespirers: Dehalococcoides ethenogenes strain 195, Desulfitobacterium sp. strain Viet1, Desulfuromonas michiganensis and Geobacter lovleyi sp. strain SZ and compared to the previous reports using Sulfurospirillum spp. and Desulfitobacterium sp. strain PCE-S. Carbon isotope fractionation of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichlorethene (TCE) was highly variable ranging from the absence of significant fractionation to carbon isotope fractionation (epsilonC) of 16.7 and 3.5-18.9 for PCE and TCE, respectively. Fractionation of both compounds by D. ethenogenes strain 195 (PCE: epsilonC=6.0; TCE: epsilonC=13.7) was similar to the literature data for mixed cultures containing Dehalococcoides spp. D. michiganensis (PCE: no significant fractionation; TCE: epsilonC=3.5) and G. lovleyi sp. strain SZ (PCE no significant fractionation; TCE: epsilonC=8.5) generated the lowest fractionation of all studied strains. Desulfitobacterium sp. strain Viet1 (PCE: epsilonC=16.7) gave the highest enrichment factor for PCE.  相似文献   
[1-(13)C]-labelled phenanthrene was incubated in a closed bioreactor to study the flux and biotransformation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) in contaminated soils on a bulk and molecular level. The degradation of extractable phenanthrene was observed by GC-MS measurements and the mineralisation was monitored by (13)CO(2) production. The transformation of the (13)C-label into non-extractable soil-bound residues was determined by carbon isotopic measurements. With these data we were able to calculate a carbon budget of the (13)C-label. Moreover, the chemical structure of non-extractable bound residues was characterised by applying selective chemical degradation reactions to cleave xenobiotic subunits from the macromolecular organic soil matrix. The obtained low molecular weight products yielded (13)C-labelled compounds which were identified using IRM (isotope ratio monitoring)-GC-MS and structurally characterised with GC-MS. Most of the (13)C-labelled products obtained by chemical degradation of non-extractable bound residues are well-known metabolites of phenanthrene. Thus, metabolites of [1-(13)C]phenanthrene formed during biodegradation appear to be reactive components which are subsequently involved in the bound residue formation. Hydrolysable amino acids of the soil residues were significantly labelled with (13)C as confirmed by IRM-GC-MS measurements. Therefore, phenanthrene-derived carbon was transformed by anabolic microbial processes into typical biologically derived compounds. These substances are likely to be incorporated into humic-like material after cell death.  相似文献   
At the Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle (UFZ) research site in Zeitz, Germany, benzene contaminates the lower of two aquifers with concentrations of up to 20 mg/l. Since the benzene plume has a minimum length of approximately 1 km, enhanced natural attenuation measures are being considered as a remediation strategy. This study describes the performance and evaluation of a multi-species reactive tracer test using the tracers fluorescein and bromide as conservative tracers and toluene as reactive tracer. Sampling was performed over a period of six months using a detailed network of multilevel sampling wells. Toluene was only slightly retarded in comparison to bromide, whereas fluorescein was retarded considerably stronger. Therefore, it was not possible to use fluorescein as an in situ tracer for the determination of groundwater velocities. The ionic nature of fluorescein is assumed to be the major reason for its retardation. The results show that the infiltration conditions were suitable to produce a wide spreading of the tracer front along the full thickness of the aquifer. Thus, a large aquifer volume can be treated in future enhanced bioremediation measures. The total quantity of infiltrated toluene (24 l) was degraded under sulfate-reducing conditions over a flow path of 50 m. Benzylsuccinate was identified as a metabolite of toluene degradation under sulfate-reducing conditions at this site. The modelling results show that toluene degradation was described more accurately using Monod kinetics than first-order kinetics. Since toluene was only slightly retarded in comparison to bromide, sorption and desorption processes were considered to be negligible.  相似文献   
In experiments employing the lignocellulose-decaying basidiomycetes Trametes versicolor and Stropharia rugosoannulata degrading uniformly14C-labelled 2,4-dichlorophenol and pentachlorophenol, acombination of size exclusion chromatography (SEC),fractionation, and -scintillation counting wasapplied to quantify polymerisation products formed duringchlorophenol degradation. Time-dependent mass balances weregenerated by analysis of 14C in polymerisation products,CO2, as well as monomer non-polar and polar metabolites.Approximately 30% of the chlorophenols were found to bepolymerised. A major fraction of the polymerised productscorresponded to a molecular weight range from 0.24 – 40 kDa.Only a minor fraction could be attributed to a molecularweight >40 kDa. This method proved to be useful inquantification of polymerisation products and kinetics of thepolymerisation processes, whereas UV/Vis detection ofpolymerisation products separated by SEC led to false positiveresults. The SEC-14C method could also be applied forother complex processes where polymerisation ordepolymerisation occurs (humification, degradation oflignocellulose, formation of bound residues from xenobioticssuch as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene) and where spectrophotometric determinationsare difficult or impossible.  相似文献   
The degradation of monochlorobenzene (MCB) was assessed in a constructed wetland treating MCB contaminated groundwater using a detailed geochemical characterisation, stable isotope composition analysis and in situ microcosm experiments. A correlation between ferrous iron mobilisation, decreasing MCB concentration and enrichment in carbon isotope composition was visible at increasing distance from the inflow point, indicating biodegradation of MCB in the wetland. Additionally, in situ microcosm systems loaded with 13C-labelled MCB were deployed for the first time in sediments to investigate the biotransformation of MCB. Incorporation of 13C-labelled carbon derived from the MCB into bacterial fatty acids substantiated in situ degradation of MCB. The detection of 13C-labelled benzene indicated reductive dehalogenation of MCB. This integrated approach indicated the natural attenuation of the MCB in a wetland system. Further investigations are required to document and optimise the in situ biodegradation of MCB in constructed and natural wetland systems treating contaminated groundwater.  相似文献   
We present an approach for characterizing in situ microbial degradation using the 13C/12C isotope fractionation of contaminants as an indicator of biodegradation. The 13C/12C isotope fractionation of aromatic hydrocarbons was studied in anoxic laboratory soil percolation columns with toluene or o-xylene as the sole carbon and electron source, and sulfate as electron acceptor. After approximately 2 months' of incubation, the soil microbial community degraded 32 mg toluene l(-1) and 44 mg o-xylene l(-1) to less than 0.05 mg l(-1), generating a stable concentration gradient in the column. The 13C/12C isotope ratio in the residual non-degraded fraction of toluene and o-xylene increased significantly, corresponding to isotope fractionation factors (alphaC) of 1.0015 and 1.0011, respectively. When the extent of biodegradation in the soil column was calculated based on the measured isotope ratios (R(t)) and an isotope fractionation factor (alphaC=1.0017) obtained from a sulfate-reducing batch culture the theoretical residual substrate concentrations (C(t)) matched the measured toluene concentrations in the column. This indicated that a calculation of biodegradation based on isotope fractionation could work in systems like soil columns. In a field study, a polluted, anoxic aquifer was analyzed for BTEX and PAH contaminants. These compounds were found to exhibit a significant concentration gradient along an 800-m groundwater flow path downstream of the source of contamination. A distinct increase in the carbon isotope ratio (delta13C) was observed for the residual non-degraded toluene (7.2 per thousand ), o-xylene (8.1 per thousand ) and naphthalene fractions (1.2 per thousand ). Based on the isotope values and the laboratory-derived isotope fractionation factors for toluene and o-xylene, the extent to which the residual substrate fraction in the monitoring wells had been degraded by microorganisms was calculated. The results revealed significant biodegradation along the groundwater flow path. In the wells at the end of the plume, the bioavailable toluene and o-xylene fractions had been almost completely reduced by in situ microbial degradation. Although indane and indene showed decreasing concentrations downstream of the groundwater flow path, suggesting microbial degradation, their carbon isotope ratios remained constant. As the physical properties of these compounds are similar to those of BTEX compounds, the constant isotope values of indane and indene indicated that microbial degradation did not lead to isotope fractionation of all aromatic hydrocarbons. In addition, physical interaction with the aquifer material during the groundwater passage did not significantly alter the carbon isotope composition of aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
The in situ degradation of chlorinated ethenes was assessed in an anaerobic aquifer using stable isotope fractionation approaches, microcosm studies and taxon specific detection of specific dehalogenating groups of bacteria. The aquifer in the Bitterfeld/Wolfen region in Germany contained all chlorinated ethenes, benzene and toluene as contaminants. The concentrations and isotope composition of the chlorinated ethenes indicated biodegradation of the contaminants. Microcosm studies confirmed the presence of in situ microbial communities capable of the complete dechlorination of tetrachloroethene. Taxon specific investigation of the microbial communities indicated the presence of various potential dechlorinating organisms including Dehalococcoides, Desulfuromonas, Desulfitobacterium and Dehalobacter. The integrated approach, using metabolite spectra, molecular marker analysis and isotope studies, provided several lines of evidence for natural attenuation of the chlorinated ethenes.  相似文献   
13C/12C stable carbon isotope fractionation was used to assess biodegradation in contaminated aquifers with toluene as a model compound. Different strains of anaerobic bacteria (Thauera aromatica, Geobacter metallireducens, and the sulfate-reducing strain TRM1) showed consistent 13C/12C carbon isotope fractionation with fractionation factors between C = 1.0017 and 1.0018. In contrast, three cultures of aerobic organisms, using different mono- and dioxygenase enzyme systems to initiate toluene degradation, showed variable isotope fractionation factors of C = 1.0027 (Pseudomonasputida strain mt-2), C = 1.0011 (Ralstonia picketii), andC = 1.0004 (Pseudomonas putida strain F1). The great variability of isotope fractionation between different aerobic bacterial strains suggests that interpretation of isotope data in oxic habitats can only be qualitative. A soil column was run as a model system for contaminated aquifers with toluene as the carbon source and sulfate as the electron acceptor and samples were taken at different ports along the column. Microbial toluene degradation was calculated based on the 13C/12C isotope fractionation factors of the batch culture experiments together with the observed 13C/12C isotope shifts of the residual toluene fractions. The calculated percentage of biodegradation, B, correlated well with the decreasing toluene concentrations at the sampling ports and indicated the increasing extent of biodegradation along the column. The theoretical toluene concentrations as calculated based on the isotope values matched the measured concentrations at the different sampling ports indicating that the Rayleigh equation can be used to calculate biodegradation in quasi closed systems based on measured isotope shifts. A similar attempt was performed to assess toluene degradation in a contaminated, anoxic aquifer. A transect of groundwater wells was monitored along the main direction of the groundwater flow and revealed decreasing concentrations accompanied with an increase in the 13C/12C stable carbon isotope ratio of the residual toluene. Calculation of the extent of biodegradation based on the isotope values and laboratory derived isotope fractionation factors showed that the residual toluene was degraded to more than 99% by microbial activity. Calculation of the theoretical residual toluene concentrations based on the measured isotope values described the strongly decreasing concentrations along the plume. Other aromatic hydrocarbons like benzene and naphthalene which were analysed in the same course also showed decreasing concentrations along the groundwater flow path accompanied by increasing 13C values indicating biodegradation.  相似文献   
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