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This study comprehensively characterizes hourly fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations measured via a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM), β-gauge, and nephelometer from four different monitoring sites in U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Region 5 (in U.S. states Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin) and compares them to the Federal Reference Method (FRM). Hourly characterization uses time series and autocorrelation. Hourly data are compared with FRM by averaging across 24-hr sampling periods and modeling against respective daily FRM concentrations. Modeling uses traditional two-variable linear least-squares regression as well as innovative nonlinear regression involving additional meteorological variables such as temperature and humidity. The TEOM shows a relationship with season and temperature, linear correlation as low as 0.7924 and nonlinear model correlation as high as 0.9370 when modeled with temperature. The β-gauge shows no relationship with season or meteorological variables. It exhibits a linear correlation as low as 0.8505 with the FRM and a nonlinear model correlation as high as 0.9339 when modeled with humidity. The nephelometer shows no relationship with season or temperature but a strong relationship with humidity is observed. A linear correlation as low as 0.3050 and a nonlinear model correlation as high as 0.9508 is observed when modeled with humidity. Nonlinear models have higher correlation than linear models applied to the same dataset. This correlation difference is not always substantial, which may introduce a tradeoff between simplicity of model and degree of statistical association. This project shows that continuous monitor technology produces valid PM2.5 characterization, with at least partial accounting for variations in concentration from gravimetric reference monitors once appropriate nonlinear adjustments are applied. Although only one regression technically meets new EPA National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) correlation coefficient criteria, several others are extremely close, showing optimistic potential for use of this nonlinear adjustment model in garnering EPA NAAQS FEM approval for continuous PM2.5 sampling methods.  相似文献   
Source identification of atlanta aerosol by positive matrix factorization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Data characterizing daily integrated particulate matter (PM) samples collected at the Jefferson Street monitoring site in Atlanta, GA, were analyzed through the application of a bilinear positive matrix factorization (PMF) model. A total of 662 samples and 26 variables were used for fine particle (particles < or = 2.5 microm in aerodynamic diameter) samples (PM2.5), and 685 samples and 15 variables were used for coarse particle (particles between 2.5 and 10 microm in aerodynamic diameter) samples (PM10-2.5). Measured PM mass concentrations and compositional data were used as independent variables. To obtain the quantitative contributions for each source, the factors were normalized using PMF-apportioned mass concentrations. For fine particle data, eight sources were identified: SO4(2-) -rich secondary aerosol (56%), motor vehicle (22%), wood smoke (11%), NO(3-) -rich secondary aerosol (7%), mixed source of cement kiln and organic carbon (OC) (2%), airborne soil (1%), metal recycling facility (0.5%), and mixed source of bus station and metal processing (0.3%). The SO4(2-) -rich and NO(3-) -rich secondary aerosols were associated with NH(4+). The SO4(2-) -rich secondary aerosols also included OC. For the coarse particle data, five sources contributed to the observed mass: airborne soil (60%), NO(3-)-rich secondary aerosol (16%), SO4(2-) -rich secondary aerosol (12%), cement kiln (11%), and metal recycling facility (1%). Conditional probability functions were computed using surface wind data and identified mass contributions from each source. The results of this analysis agreed well with the locations of known local point sources.  相似文献   
The deterministic modeling of ambient O3 concentrations is difficult because of the complexity of the atmospheric system in terms of the number of chemical species; the availability of accurate, time-resolved emissions data; and the required rate constants. However, other complex systems have been successfully approximated using artificial neural networks (ANNs). In this paper, ANNs are used to model and predict ambient O3 concentrations based on a limited number of measured hydrocarbon species, NOx compounds, temperature, and radiant energy. In order to examine the utility of these approaches, data from the Coastal Oxidant Assessment for Southeast Texas (COAST) program in Houston, TX, have been used. In this study, 53 hydrocarbon compounds, along with O3, nitrogen oxides, and meteorological data were continuously measured during summer 1993. Steady-state ANN models were developed to examine the ability of these models to predict current O3 concentrations from measured VOC and NOx concentrations. To predict the future concentrations of O3, dynamic models were also explored and were used for extraction of chemical information such as reactivity estimations for the VOC species. The steady-state model produced an approximation of O3 data and demonstrated the functional relationship between O3 and VOC-NOx concentrations. The dynamic models were able to the adequately predict the O3 concentration and behavior of VOC-NOx-O3 system a number of hourly intervals into the future. For 3 hr into the future, O3 concentration could be predicted with a root-mean squared error (RMSE) of 8.21 ppb. Extending the models further in time led to an RMSE of 11.46 ppb for 5-hr-ahead values. This prediction capability could be useful in determining when control actions are needed to maintain measured concentrations within acceptable value ranges.  相似文献   
To identify major PM2.5 (particulate matter ≤2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter) sources with a particular emphasis on the ship engine emissions from a major port, integrated 24 h PM2.5 speciation data collected between 2000 and 2005 at five United State Environmental Protection Agency's Speciation Trends Network monitoring sites in Seattle, WA were analyzed. Seven to ten PM2.5 sources were identified through the application of positive matrix factorization (PMF). Secondary particles (12–26% for secondary nitrate; 17–20% for secondary sulfate) and gasoline vehicle emissions (13–31%) made the largest contributions to the PM2.5 mass concentrations at all of the monitoring sites except for the residential Lake Forest site, where wood smoke contributed the most PM2.5 mass (31%). Other identified sources include diesel vehicle emissions, airborne soil, residual oil combustion, sea salt, aged sea salt, metal processing, and cement kiln. Residual oil combustion sources identified at multiple monitoring sites point clearly to the Port of Seattle suggesting ship emissions as the source of oil combustion particles. In addition, the relationship between sulfate concentrations and the oil combustion emissions indicated contributions of ship emissions to the local sulfate concentrations. The analysis of spatial variability of PM2.5 sources shows that the spatial distributions of several PM2.5 sources were heterogeneous within a given air shed.  相似文献   
Atmospheric PM pollution from traffic comprises not only direct emissions but also non-exhaust emissions because resuspension of road dust that can produce high human exposure to heavy metals, metalloids, and mineral matter. A key task for establishing mitigation or preventive measures is estimating the contribution of road dust resuspension to the atmospheric PM mixture. Several source apportionment studies, applying receptor modeling at urban background sites, have shown the difficulty in identifying a road dust source separately from other mineral sources or vehicular exhausts. The Multilinear Engine (ME-2) is a computer program that can solve the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) problem. ME-2 uses a programming language permitting the solution to be guided toward some possible targets that can be derived from a priori knowledge of sources (chemical profile, ratios, etc.). This feature makes it especially suitable for source apportionment studies where partial knowledge of the sources is available.In the present study ME-2 was applied to data from an urban background site of Barcelona (Spain) to quantify the contribution of road dust resuspension to PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations. Given that recently the emission profile of local resuspended road dust was obtained (Amato, F., Pandolfi, M., Viana, M., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Moreno, T., 2009. Spatial and chemical patterns of PM10 in road dust deposited in urban environment. Atmospheric Environment 43 (9), 1650–1659), such a priori information was introduced in the model as auxiliary terms of the object function to be minimized by the implementation of the so-called “pulling equations”.ME-2 permitted to enhance the basic PMF solution (obtained by PMF2) identifying, beside the seven sources of PMF2, the road dust source which accounted for 6.9 μg m?3 (17%) in PM10, 2.2 μg m?3 (8%) of PM2.5 and 0.3 μg m?3 (2%) of PM1. This reveals that resuspension was responsible of the 37%, 15% and 3% of total traffic emissions respectively in PM10, PM2.5 and PM1. Therefore the overall traffic contribution resulted in 18 μg m?3 (46%) in PM10, 14 μg m?3 (51%) in PM2.5 and 8 μg m?3 (48%) in PM1. In PMF2 this mass explained by road dust resuspension was redistributed among the rest of sources, increasing mostly the mineral, secondary nitrate and aged sea salt contributions.  相似文献   
Efforts have been made to relate measured concentrations of airborne constituents to their origins for more than 50 years. During this time interval, there have been developments in the measurement technology to gather highly time-resolved, detailed chemical compositional data. Similarly, the improvements in computers have permitted a parallel development of data analysis tools that permit the extraction of information from these data. There is now a substantial capability to provide useful insights into the sources of pollutants and their atmospheric processing that can help inform air quality management options. Efforts have been made to combine receptor and chemical transport models to provide improved apportionments. Tools are available to utilize limited numbers of known profiles with the ambient data to obtain more accurate apportionments for targeted sources. In addition, tools are in place to allow more advanced models to be fitted to the data based on conceptual models of the nature of the sources and the sampling/analytical approach. Each of the approaches has its strengths and weaknesses. However, the field as a whole suffers from a lack of measurements of source emission compositions. There has not been an active effort to develop source profiles for stationary sources for a long time, and with many significant sources built in developing countries, the lack of local profiles is a serious problem in effective source apportionment. The field is now relatively mature in terms of its methods and its ability to adapt to new measurement technologies, so that we can be assured of a high likelihood of extracting the maximal information from the collected data.

Implications: Efforts have been made over the past 50 years to use air quality data to estimate the influence of air pollution sources. These methods are now relatively mature and many are readily accessible through publically available software. This review examines the development of receptor models and the current state of the art in extracting source identification and apportionments from ambient air quality data.  相似文献   

This study is a part of an ongoing investigation of the types and locations of emission sources that contribute fine particulate air contaminants to Underhill, VT. The air quality monitoring data used for this study are from the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments network for the period of 2001–2003 for the Underhill site. The main source-receptor modeling techniques used are the positive matrix factorization (PMF) and potential source contribution function (PSCF). This new study is intended as a comparison to a previous study of the 1988–1995 Underhill data that successfully revealed a total of 11 types of emission sources with significant contributions to this rural site. This new study has identified a total of nine sources: nitrate-rich secondary aerosol, wood smoke, East Coast oil combustion, automobile emission, metal working, soil/dust, sulfur-rich aerosol type I, sulfur-rich aerosol type II, and sea salt/road salt. Furthermore, the mass contributions from the PMF identified sources that correspond with sampling days with either good or poor visibility were analyzed to seek possible correlations. It has been shown that sulfur-rich aerosol type I, nitrate aerosol, and automobile emission are the most important contributors to visibility degradation. Soil/dust and sea salt/road salt also have an added effect.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to examine the use of carbon fractions to identify particulate matter (PM) sources, especially traffic-related carbonaceous particle sources, and to estimate their contributions to the particle mass concentrations. In recent studies, positive matrix factorization (PMF) was applied to ambient fine PM (PM2.5) compositional data sets of 24-hr integrated samples including eight individual carbon fractions collected at three monitoring sites in the eastern United States: Atlanta, GA, Washington, DC, and Brigantine, NJ. Particulate carbon was analyzed using the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments/Thermal Optical Reflectance method that divides carbon into four organic carbons (OC): pyrolized OC and three elemental carbon (EC) fractions. In contrast to earlier PMF studies that included only the total OC and EC concentrations, gasoline emissions could be distinguished from diesel emissions based on the differences in the abundances of the carbon fractions between the two sources. The compositional profiles for these two major source types show similarities among the three sites. Temperature-resolved carbon fractions also enhanced separations of carbon-rich secondary sulfate aerosols. Potential source contribution function analyses show the potential source areas and pathways of sulfate-rich secondary aerosols, especially the regional influences of the biogenic, as well as anthropogenic secondary aerosol. This study indicates that temperature-resolved carbon fractions can be used to enhance the source apportionment of ambient PM2.5.  相似文献   
Previously it has been suggested that certain organic aerosol components of wood smoke have enhanced ultraviolet absorption at 370 nm relative to 880 nm in two-wavelength aethalometer measurements. This enhanced absorption could serve as an indicator of wood burning particles. Two-wavelength (370 nm and 880 nm) aethalometer measurements were made at urban sites in Rochester, New York and Laredo, Texas from August 1 to December 31, 2009 and from December 23, 2007 to January 2, 2008, respectively. In Rochester, Delta-C (UVBC(370 nm)- BC(880 nm)) values were higher by a factor of 3 during the night than during the day in November and December when residential wood burning was common. In Laredo, particularly high Delta-C values were observed on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve and were attributed to biomass burning and firework emissions. Exponential decay was found to be a good estimator for predicting BC concentrations at different wind speeds regardless of wind directions.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the indoor environment of dental clinics, dental personnel and patients are exposed to a risk of infection because of the transmission of...  相似文献   
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