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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The combustion of fossil fuels has resulted in rapidly increasing emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx), which has caused serious human health and...  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A mechanical harvesting technology based on coupling flocculation with a rotary drum filter (RDF, 35-μm) was applied to remove cyanobacterial...  相似文献   
介绍了LSH-02G克劳斯尾气加氢催化剂的生产工艺及工业应用情况。LSH-02G催化剂具有一定的大孔,可减少CO在催化剂孔道中的停留时间,显著提高催化剂的COS水解率。LSH-02G催化剂工业应用结果表明:装置在80%、100%和110%负荷下运行,各项参数运行正常,急冷水pH稳定在7.8~8.0,急冷塔顶在线氢气含量(φ)维持在1.8%~2.2%,加氢反应器无SO2穿透。加氢反应器中SO2加氢转化率均为100%,COS水解率均在92%以上,符合普光天然气净化厂加氢催化剂技术规格书要求(SO2加氢转化率100%,COS水解率达90%以上)。  相似文献   
在某两座城镇污水处理厂提标改造工程中,将SBR等工艺改变为An/O和MBBR运行模式,强化了二级生物处理效果,使二级出水COD、BOD5、NH3-N和TN稳定达到一级A标准。同时,针对不同水质特点,选择不同的混凝沉淀和过滤形式进行深度处理,保证了SS和TP的稳定达标。  相似文献   
我国是一个地震频发的国家,也是一个地震记载最早而又最详备的国家。20世纪80年代以来,关于地震研究有一定成果涌现。然就整体而论,中国地震史在中国灾害史研究中仍然处于十分薄弱的状态,存在诸多不足。无论从史料的开挖、研究方法和理论的运用,还是研究内容、对象、视角和深度上,都有进一步展拓的可行性与必要性。  相似文献   
Toxic trace elements emitted during coal combustion are the main sources of air pollution. They are released into the atmosphere mainly in the forms of fine ash, smoke and flue, and thus adversely affect plant, animal and human health. Selenium is one of toxic and the most volatile in coal. Large amount of atmospheric emission of selenium, as well as selenium present and scrubber stockpiles in ash may create serious environmental problems. In the paper, on the basis of investigating the abundance and distribution of selenium in plant-rings during recent 20 years, the bioaccumulation of selenium is explained that selenium in plant, which were collected from the village of selenium-rich coal combustion, is much higher than that in plants collected away from the village of selenium-rich coal combustion. The main origins of selenium are selenium-rich coal combustion and high-selenium rock weathered. The selenium recycle by food chain and selenium will accumulate and redistribute in environments.  相似文献   
高速公路是经济发展的重要基础设施,修建高速公路,提高公路网的密度是社会经济发展的基础.然而,高速公路穿越湿地也造成了湿地面积的不断减少、湿地生态环境的严重破坏等问题.正在建设的济-菏高速公路穿越稻屯洼湿地,公路建设过程及建成运营后都会对稻屯洼湿地的生态环境产生影响.针对这一问题,文章介绍了济-菏高速和稻屯洼湿地的基本概况,分析了公路建设对湿地环境的影响,在此基础上提出了湿地生态环境的保护措施.  相似文献   
随着社会经济发展和城镇建设加快,原有土地使用性质发生改变,其中工业遗留场地的污染物可能对土壤和地下水造成污染。但由于修复技术的局限性以及水文地质的复杂性,修复后场地仍然可能存在不利于安全利用的物质残留或异味等风险隐患。为了进一步完善污染地块修复后再利用评价方法,对可能存在的污染风险进行识别,现选取了一块经原位化学氧化和原位热脱附修复后的煤制气遗留场地,从感官可接受度、工程安全性和环境质量3个方面系统全面地评估场地修复后再开发安全利用的适宜性。评估结果表明,在感官可接受度方面,硫化氢的质量浓度是其嗅阈值的1.6~4.8倍,氨、甲苯和三氯甲烷质量浓度均低于其嗅阈值,臭气浓度低于检出限,感官可接受程度高;在工程安全性方面,地块经原位热脱附和原位化学氧化修复后,基本土性参数、压缩系数和渗透系数未发生明显改变,但是原位化学氧化区MH2点位浅层土壤硫酸盐残留浓度达到中腐蚀等级;在环境质量方面,修复后场地土壤中和地下水中污染物的质量浓度均低于相应评价标准限值。在场地后期开发建设中,应进一步对土壤中硫化氢气体和土壤硫酸盐腐蚀性进行监测,确保地块安全开发利用。研究结果可为其他污染地块修复后的再利用提供有效、科学的指导。  相似文献   
在小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia)不同生长阶段,用室内鲜土培养法对土壤CH4的产生能力进行了研究.结果表明,氮输入后,植物各生长阶段的土壤CH4产生率均随时间的推移发生了明显的波动.从生长季(6月7日~8月24日)CH4产生率均值来看,不同氮输入水平对土壤CH4产生起促进作用;不同氮输入水平对植物不同生长阶段CH4产生率影响明显.第一(6月7日~7月2日)、第二(7月2日~7月20日)阶段适量的氮输入(6g.m-2)对CH4产生起促进作用,但过量氮输入(12g.m-2)会对CH4产生起抑制作用;而第三(7月20日~8月7日)、第四(8月7日~8月24日)阶段不同氮输入均对CH4产生起促进作用;氮输入后,土壤微生物量碳(MBC)、土壤微生物量氮(MBN)、土壤基础呼吸(BR)、土壤代谢熵(qCO2)、土壤诱导呼吸(SIR)、铵态氮(NH4+-N)、硝态氮(NO3--N)和植物地上生物量与土壤CH4产生的动态关系存在差异.土壤CH4产生与qCO2呈显著正相关(p0.01),与土壤MBN、TOC和地上生物量呈显著正相关(p0.05).  相似文献   
A pot experiment was conducted to study the bioaccumulation and translocation of cadmium (Cd) in cole (Brassica campestris L.) and celery (Apium graveolens) grown in the Cd-polluted oasis soil, Northwest of China. The results showed that Cd in the unpolluted oasis soil was mainly bound to carbonate fraction (F2) and Fe-Mn oxide fraction (F3). However, marked change of Cd fractions was observed with increasing soil Cd concentrations, in which the concentration of Cd in F1 (exchangeable fraction), F2 and F3 increased significantly (p < 0.001 for F1, F2 and F3). The growth of cole and celery could be facilitated by low concentrations of Cd, but inhibited by high concentrations. The correlation analysis between the fraction distribution coefficient of Cd in the soil and Cd concentration accumulated in the two vegetables showed that Cd in F1 in the soil made the greatest contribution on the accumulation of Cd in the two vegetables. The high bio-concentration factor and the translocation factor of Cd in both cole and celery were observed, and Cd had higher accumulation in the edible parts of the two vegetables. Therefore, both cole and celery grown in Cd-polluted oasis soil have higher risk to human health. And the two vegetables are not suitable to be cultivated as vegetables consumed by human in the Cd-polluted oasis soil.  相似文献   
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