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The Mantophasmatodea is the most recently discovered insect order. The fossil records of all other ‘polyneopteran’ orders extend far in the past, but the current absence of pre-Cenozoic fossils of the Mantophasmatodea contradicts a long evolutionary history, which has to be assumed from the morphological distinctness of the group. In this paper, we report the first Mesozoic evidence of a mantophasmatodean from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China. Furthermore, the new fossil shares apomorphic characters with Cenozoic and recent Mantophasmatodea, suggesting a longer evolutionary history of this order.  相似文献   
Measurements of estrogenic and androgenic activities in total plasma with Chemically Activated LUciferase gene eXpression (CALUX?) bioassays could provide biologically relevant measures for exposure to endocrine disruptors in epidemiologic studies. The objective of this study was to explore the effects of a variety of sources of potential endocrine disruptors on estrogenic and androgenic activities in total plasma measured by CALUX?. Plasma samples and interview data on sources of potential endocrine disruptors were collected from 108 men with different exposures profiles. CALUX? measurements (BioDetection Services) involved human U2-OS cell lines controlled by the estrogen receptor alpha and the androgen receptor. Mean differences (beta) in 17β-estradiol equivalents (EEQs) and dihydrotestosterone equivalents (AEQs) between exposure groups were estimated using general linear models. Mean plasma AEQs and EEQs were 9.1×10(-1)ng/ml and 12.0pg/ml, respectively. Elevated AEQs were found in smokers (beta 1.9 (95%CI 0.1-3.6)×10(-1)ng/ml) and heavy drinkers (1.4 (0.2-3.1)×10(-1)ng/ml), and in men occupationally exposed to disinfectants (1.6 (0.3-3.5)×10(-1)ng/ml) or welding/soldering fumes (1.4 (-0.2-2.9)×10(-1)ng/ml). Occupational exposure to pesticides, disinfectants, and exhaust fumes seemed to be associated with increased plasma EEQs: 1.5 (-0.2-3.2)pg/ml, 2.1 (0.2-3.9)pg/ml, and 2.9 (0.6-5.2)pg/ml, respectively. Moderate to high plasma dioxin levels, measured in a subgroup by the dioxin-responsive CALUX?, were accompanied by a 20% increase in AEQs. This is the first study in which CALUX? was used to assess hormone activities in total plasma. Although the results are not yet readily interpretable, they indicate that these measurements can be valuable for epidemiologic studies on endocrine disruptors and give direction for further research.  相似文献   
The ability of an organisation to recognise the value of new external information, acquire it, assimilate it, transform, and exploit it, namely its absorptive capacity (AC), has been much researched in the context of commercial organisations and even applied to national innovation. This paper considers four key AC-related concepts and their relevance to public sector organisations with mandates to manage and conserve freshwater ecosystems for the common good. The concepts are the importance of in-house prior related knowledge, the importance of informal knowledge transfer, the need for motivation and intensity of effort, and the importance of gatekeepers. These concepts are used to synthesise guidance for a way forward in respect of such freshwater management and conservation, using the imminent release of a specific scientific conservation planning and management tool in South Africa as a case study. The tool comprises a comprehensive series of maps that depict national freshwater ecosystem priority areas for South Africa. Insights for implementing agencies relate to maintaining an internal science, rather than research capacity; making unpublished and especially tacit knowledge available through informal knowledge transfer; not underestimating the importance of intensity of effort required to create AC, driven by focussed motivation; and the potential use of a gatekeeper at national level (external to the implementing organisations), possibly playing a more general ‘bridging’ role, and multiple internal (organisational) gatekeepers playing the more limited role of ‘knowledge translators’. The role of AC as a unifying framework is also proposed.  相似文献   
Plant invasions are a serious threat to natural and semi-natural ecosystems worldwide. Most management-orientated research on invasions focuses on invaders that are already widespread and often have major impacts. This paper deals with "emerging" invaders-those alien species with the potential to become important problems without timely intervention. A climate matching procedure was developed to define areas of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland that could be invaded by 28 plant species that had previously been classified as emerging invaders. Information on the location of populations of these species in the study area was combined with information on their distributions (as native or alien) in parts of Australia and the United States of America. These two countries had the best available distribution data for this study. They also share many invasive alien plant species with South Africa. Climatic data obtained for weather stations near points of known occurrence in these countries were used to define the climatically suitable areas for each species in the study area. Almost 80% of the remaining natural environment in southern Africa was found to be vulnerable to invasion by at least one of these species, 50% by six or more and 24% by 16 or more species. The most vulnerable areas are the highveld grasslands and the eastern escarpment. The emerging invaders with the greatest potential range included Acacia podalyriifolia and Cortaderia selloana. The globally important invaders Ulex europaeus and Lythrum salicaria had a more limited invasion potential but could still become major invaders. There was no relationship between the extent of the climatically suitable areas for the different species and an expert ranking of their invasion potential, emphasising the uncertainties inherent in making expert assessments based on very little information. The methods used in this analysis establish a protocol for future modelling exercises to assess the invasion potential of other emerging invaders.  相似文献   
Systematic conservation planning is intended to inform spatially explicit decision making. Doing so requires that it be integrated into complex regulatory and governance processes, and there are limited instances where this has been achieved effectively. South Africa is a global leader in the application of conservation plans, the outputs of which are widely used for spatial planning and decision making in many spheres of government. We aimed to determine how conservation planning in the country progressed from theory to implementation, and to identify practical actions that enabled this transition, by assessing temporal trends in the characteristics of conservation plans (1990–2017, n = 94). Since 2010 conservation planning has entered an operational period characterized by government leadership of plans, administrative rather than ecological planning domains, decreasing size of planning units, increasing emphasis on end-user products, and scheduled revision of plans. Key actions that enabled this progression include transitioning leadership of plans from scientists to practitioners, building capacity within implementing agencies, creating opportunities to integrate plans in legislative processes, establishing a strong community of practice, adopting implementation-focused methods, and balancing standardization with innovation. Learning from this model will allow other countries, particularly those with a similar megadiverse, developing context, to operationalize conservation planning into spatial planning and decision making.  相似文献   
Two sauropod teeth from an Early Cretaceous (Neocomian) fluviodeltaic sandstone near Jezzine (Southern Lebanon) are the first nonavian dinosaur remains to be reported from Lebanon. Their distinctive character places them within Brachiosauridae. The sauropod teeth from Lebanon are a significant addition to the very scanty dinosaur record from the Levant, which hitherto consisted mainly of very poorly preserved and not easily identifiable specimens. The Basal Cretaceous Sandstone of Lebanon, thus, appears to be a potentially important source of fossil vertebrate material.  相似文献   
AESTRACT An evaluation of the Maxey-Eakin method for calculating recharge to ground-water basins in Nevada was performed. The evaluation consisted of comparing Maxey-Eakin estimates with independent estimates of recharge, and analyzing the nature of the differences between the groups of estimates. In the comparison with the Maxey-Eakin estimates, two different groups of independent estimates were used: (1) 40 recharge estimates that were identified from water budgets contained in reports by the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and (2) 27 recharge estimates that were identified from previous studies that used models. The results of the comparisons indicate generally good agreement between the Maxey-Eakin estimates and both groups of independent estimates. To quantify this agreement, an analysis was conducted to estimate the uncertainty in the Maxey-Eakin method. The analysis produced an upper bound on the standard deviation of the Maxey-Eakin estimate for a given basin. For the group of 40 water-budget estimates, the upper bound on the standard deviation for an individual basin is 4,800 acre-ft/yr, and the corresponding coefficient of variation of the Maxey-Eakin estimate is no greater than 44 percent. For the group of 27 model estimates, the upper bound on the standard deviation is 4,100 acre-ft/yr, and the corresponding coefficient of variation is no greater than 24 percent.  相似文献   
Ecosystem dynamics in high-elevation watersheds are extremely sensitive to changes in chemical, energy, and water fluxes. Here we report information on yields of dissolved organic C, N, and P for the 1999 snowmelt runoff season from three high-elevation catchments in the Colorado Front Range, U.S.A.: Green Lake 4 (GL4) and Albion townsite (ALB) on North Boulder Creek and the Saddle Stream (SS), a tributary catchment dominated by alpine tundra. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in stream waters ranged from <1 to 10 mg C L-1, with the highest values occurring at the SS site. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations ranged from below detection limits to 0.28 mg N L-1 and were again highest at the tundra-dominatedsite. Dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) concentrations were at or near detection limits throughout the season in all three catchments indicating a strong terrestrial retention of P. OnlyDOC showed a significant relationship to discharge. Yields of DOC in the three catchments ranged from 10.6 to 11.8 kg C ha-1 while yields of DON and DOP ranged from 0.32 to 0.41 and 0.02 to 0.08 kg ha-1, respectively. The relatively highyield of organic N and P relative to C from the highest elevationsite (GL4) was somewhat surprising and points to either: (1) a source of dissolved organic material (DOM) in the upper reaches of the catchment that is enriched in these nutrients or (2) theselective uptake and processing of organic N and P downstream ofthe sampling site. Additionally, seasonal changes in the relativeimportance of DOM precursor materials appear to result in changesin the N content of DOM at both the GL4 and ALB sites.  相似文献   
Ants are one of the most studied insects in the world; and the literature devoted to their origin and evolution, systematics, ecology, or interactions with plants, fungi and other organisms is prolific. However, no consensus yet exists on the age estimate of the first Formicidae or on the origin of their eusociality. We review the fossil and biogeographical record of all known Cretaceous ants. We discuss the possible origin of the Formicidae with emphasis on the most primitive subfamily Sphecomyrminae according to its distribution and the Early Cretaceous palaeogeography. And we review the evidence of true castes and eusociality of the early ants regarding their morphological features and their manner of preservation in amber. The mid-Cretaceous amber forest from south-western France where some of the oldest known ants lived, corresponded to a moist tropical forest close to the shore with a dominance of gymnosperm trees but where angiosperms (flowering plants) were already diversified. This palaeoenvironmental reconstruction supports an initial radiation of ants in forest ground litter coincident with the rise of angiosperms, as recently proposed as an ecological explanation for their origin and successful evolution.  相似文献   
The 2011 Durban Adaptation Charter for Local Governments calls on local governments, worldwide, to institutionalise climate response, with the aim of minimising the impacts of climate change on local livelihoods and vulnerable communities. This paper, through the use of case studies, in-depth interviews and document review, assesses how three non-metropolitan municipalities in KwaZulu-Natal, a district municipality, and two local municipalities under its jurisdiction, are responding to this call. The results suggest that while the municipalities have adopted measures to institutionalise climate responses, the responses are relatively new and implementation is slow, complex and fraught with limitations and competing demands. Furthermore, there appears to be a lack of co-ordination of responses between the two levels of government, which has the potential to lead to duplication. Given the multi-scalar nature of climate change, emphasis on co-ordination and the inclusion of all municipal departments in the development and implementation of responses is necessary.  相似文献   
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