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Enormous quantity of water is used for coal beneficiation and accordingly huge amount of effluents are being generated. In this study an attempt was made to evaluate the potential of this effluent water for irrigation. Water samples were collected from three different points (a) feeding point, (b) thickening point, and (c) outlet point of coal washery, and from Damodar River for monitoring the water quality. The samples were analyzed for various parameters and compared with prescribed standard, which revealed that the total suspended solids of thickening point and Damodar River were higher. A pot experiment with maize was conducted to study the suitability of this coal washery water for irrigation. Pots were irrigated with water from the three points of washery and Damodar River in two concentrations (100% and 50% dilution with distilled water); pure distilled water was used for control. There was 100% germination in all the treatments. The plant growth, chlorophyll content and soil quality parameters were significantly better in washery and Damodar River water treated pots. The Damodar River water and washery water from feeding and outlet point could be successfully used for irrigation. In general mixing with good quality water has shown better results.  相似文献   
Ricklefs RE  Shea RE 《Ecology》2007,88(6):1408-1419
We estimated the annual adult survival (S) of several species of temperate and tropical sexually dimorphic tanagers and manakins from the proportions of first-year and older individuals in museum collections. In the case of the sexually dimorphic species included here, young males through their first year resemble females and can be distinguished from older males. We assumed that the sex ratio among first-year birds is even and estimated the number of immature females (IF) in a sample as equal to the number of immature males (IM), using sex information on museum labels. The number of adult females (AF) is the total number of females (F) minus IF, and survival can be estimated by S = AF/F. We used a Monte Carlo resampling approach to estimate standard errors and 1% and 99% confidence limits on S for samples of size N, based on 1000 sets of N randomly drawn individuals and observed proportions of the F, IM, and AM classes. Estimates of annual survival (S) were 0.60-0.73 in four North American species of Piranga tanagers and 0.50 and 0.62 in two montane Central American species. Values of S in lowland species of Habia and Ramphocelus tanagers ranged between 0.68 and 0.82. Annual survival in Pipra manakins was 0.53-0.68, and values for two Manacus species were 0.69 and 0.70. Where estimates of apparent survival (phi) from capture-recapture studies were available, the two methods produced correlated results with a tendency for phi < S. Among tanagers, only Ramphocelus dimidiatus (0.82) and Piranga bidentata (0.50) stood out from the other species, for which S averaged 0.66 +/- 0.05 (SD). Annual survival rates of temperate and tropical species overlapped broadly in this analysis, reinforcing the conclusion that distinctive life-history traits of temperate vs. tropical species cannot be explained completely by the adjustment of reproductive investment in relation to adult survival and the expectation of future life.  相似文献   
The typical method of cool-season grass-seed production in Mediterranean climates briefly exposes surface waters to potentially high concentrations of the herbicide diuron [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea] during the initial season of growth. To better understand the process, and the degree, of diuron transport from agricultural fields, two grass-seed fields in the Willamette Valley of Oregon were monitored for diuron loss in surface runoff and tile drainage during the first wet season after planting. Initial diuron concentrations in surface runoff were high (>1000 microg L(-1) in one field and >100 microg L(-1) in the other), though they decreased by two orders of magnitude by the end of the season. Concentrations in the tile drains were as much as 1000 times lower than in the surface runoff during the first few weeks of runoff events, and they remained lower than surface water concentrations throughout the season. Total losses in surface runoff were between 1.3 and 3% of the amount applied-much higher than losses via the tile drains. It is also shown by means of a simple first-order decay model that, when little information is available, it may be best to describe diuron depletion in runoff water as a function of cumulative rainfall during the wet season.  相似文献   
Knowledge about the prevalence and diversity of antibiotic resistance genes in soil bacteria communities is required to evaluate the possibility and ecological consequences of the transfer of these genes carried by genetically modified (GM) plants to soil bacteria. The neomycin phosphotransferase gene (nptII) conferring resistance to kanamycin and neomycin is one of the antibiotic resistance genes commonly present in GM plants. In this study, we investigated kanamycin-resistant (Km(R)) and neomycin-resistant (Nm(R)) soil bacterial populations in a 3-year field trial using a commercial GM corn (Zea mays L.) carrying the nptII gene and its near isogenic line. The results showed that a portion (2.3 - 15.6 %) of cultivable soil bacteria was naturally resistant to kanamycin or neomycin. However, no significant difference in the population level of Km(R) or Nm(R) soil bacteria was observed between the GM and non-GM corn fields. The nptII gene was not detected in any of the total 3000 Km(R) or Nm(R) isolates screened by PCR. Further, total soil bacterial cells were collected through Nycodenz gradient centrifugation and bacterial community DNA was subjected to PCR. Detection limit was about 500 cells per gram of fresh soil. Our study suggests that the nptII gene was relatively rare in the soil bacterial populations and there was no evidence of gene transfer from a GM corn plant to soil bacteria based on the data from total soil bacterial communities.  相似文献   
We assessed the aqueous toxicity mitigation capacity of a hydrologically managed floodplain wetland following a synthetic runoff event amended with a mixture of sediments, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), and pesticides (atrazine, S-metolachlor, and permethrin) using 48-h Hyalella azteca survival and phytoplankton pigment, chlorophyll a. The runoff event simulated a 1 h, 1.27 cm rainfall event from a 16 ha agricultural field. Water (1 L) was collected every 30 min within the first 4 h, every 4 h until 48 h, and on days 5, 7, 14, 21, and 28 post-amendment at distances of 0, 10, 40, 300 and 500 m from the amendment point for chlorophyll a, suspended sediment, nutrient, and pesticide analyses. H. azteca 48-h laboratory survival was assessed in water collected at each site at 0, 4, 24, 48 h, 5 d and 7 d. Greatest sediment, nutrient, and pesticide concentrations occurred within 3 h of amendment at 0 m, 10 m, 40 m, and 300 m downstream. Sediments and nutrients showed little variation at 500 m whereas pesticides peaked within 48 h but at <15% of upstream peak concentrations. After 28 d, all mixture components were near or below pre-amendment concentrations. H. azteca survival significantly decreased within 48 h of amendment up to 300 m in association with permethrin concentrations. Chlorophyll a decreased within the first 24 h of amendment up to 40 m primarily in conjunction with herbicide concentrations. Variations in chlorophyll a at 300 and 500 m were associated with nutrients. Managed floodplain wetlands can rapidly and effectively trap and process agricultural runoff during moderate rainfall events, mitigating impacts to aquatic invertebrates and algae in receiving aquatic systems.  相似文献   
Heavy metal accumulation in soil poses serious environmental and health risks, as metals are carried with eroded soils. In this study, 17 different soil erosion and sediment control products were investigated for their effectiveness in controlling transport of particulate heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd). Among the treatments investigated, wood mulch and tackifiers were found to be the most effective in reducing total suspended solids (TSS) and total heavy metal losses. They reduced TSS to an undetectable level during short-term simulation tests. Paper mulch was the only treatment that had no significant reduction in both total metal loss and TSS. Fiber rolls, silt fences, and gravel bags were effective in reducing sediment loss. Although the netting/blanket treatments were not effective in reducing total metal discharge, they significantly reduced sediment loss compared with the control.  相似文献   
We compared the efficacy of matrix based fertilizers (MBFs) formulated to reduce NO3-, NH4+, and total phosphorus (TP) leaching, with Osmocoate 14-14-14, a conventional commercial slow release fertilizer (SRF) and an unamended control in three different soil textures in a greenhouse column study. The MBFs covered a range of inorganic N and P in compounds that are relatively loosely bound (MBF 1) to more moderately bound (MBF 2) and more tightly bound compounds (MBF 3) mixed with Al(SO4)3H2O and/or Fe2(SO4)3 and with high ionic exchange compounds starch, chitosan and lignin. When N and P are released, the chemicals containing these nutrients in the MBF bind N and P to a Al(SO4)3H2O and/or Fe2(SO4)3 starch-chitosan-lignin matrix. One milligram (8000 spores) of Glomus intradices was added to all formulations to enhance nutrient uptake. In all three soil textures the SRF leachate contained a higher amount of NH4+, NO3- and TP than leachate from all other fertilizers. In all three soils there were no consistent differences in the amount of NH4+, NO3- and TP in the MBF leachates compared to the control leachate. Plants growing in soils receiving SRF had greater shoot, root and total biomass than all MBFs regardless of Al(SO4)3H2O or Fe2(SO4)3 additions. Arbuscular mycorrhizal infection in plant roots did not consistently differ among plants growing in soil receiving SRF, MBFs and control treatments. Although the MBFs resulted in less plant growth in this experiment they may be applied to soils growing plants in areas that are at high risk for nutrient leaching to surface waters.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of nutrient attenuation in a subsurface flow riparian wetland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Riparian wetlands are transition zones between terrestrial and aquatic environments that have the potential to serve as nutrient filters for surface and ground water due to their topographic location. We investigated a riparian wetland that had been receiving intermittent inputs of NO3- and PO4(3-) during storm runoff events to determine the mechanisms of nutrient attenuation in the wetland soils. Few studies have shown whether infrequent pulses of NO3- are sufficient to maintain substantial denitrifying communities. Denitrification rates were highest at the upstream side of the wetland where nutrient-rich runoff first enters the wetland (17-58 microg N2O-N kg soil(-1) h(-1)) and decreased further into the wetland. Carbon limitation for denitrification was minor in the wetland soils. Samples not amended with dextrose had 75% of the denitrification rate of samples with excess dextrose C. Phosphate sorption isotherms suggested that the wetland soils had a high capacity for P retention. The calculated soil PO4(3-) concentration that would yield an equilibrium aqueous P04(3-) concentration of 0.05 mg P L(-1) was found to be 100 times greater than the soil PO4(3-) concentration at the time of sampling. This indicated that the wetland could retain a large additional mass of PO4(3-) without increasing the dissolved P04(3-) concentrations above USEPA recommended levels for lentic waters. These results demonstrated that denitrification can be substantial in systems receiving pulsed NO3- inputs and that sorption could account for extensive PO4(3-) attenuation observed at this site.  相似文献   
In a semiarid environment, climate is a critical factor in the decomposition of surface-applied biosolids. This study examined the effect of 2- to 7-yr exposure times on the composition of single applications of New York, NY biosolids in western Texas. Exposure time effects on organic matter, N, P, S, Cu, Cr, Pb, Hg, and Zn were studied near Sierra Blanca, TX. Due to organic matter decomposition, total organic C decreased from 340 g kg(-1) in fresh biosolids to 180 g kg(-1) in biosolids after 82 mo of exposure, whereas the inorganic ash content of the biosolids increased from 339 to 600 g kg(-1). Total N decreased from 50 to 10 g N kg(-1) and total S decreased from 12 to 6 g S kg(-1). Bicarbonate-available P in the biosolids decreased from 0.9 to 0.2 g kg(-1). Successive H2O extractions yielded soluble P concentrations consistent with dicalcium phosphate (dical) for fresh biosolids and tricalcium phosphate (trical) for biosolids exposed for 59 months or more. Sparingly soluble phosphates, such as dical and trical, potentially yield > 0.5 mg P L(-1) in runoff waters for extended periods after biosolids applications, especially after multiple applications. Selective dissolution of the biosolids indicated that as much as 66 to 78% of P exists as iron phosphates, 16 to 21% as Fe oxides, and 5 to 12% as insoluble Ca phosphates. Chemical analyses of ash samples suggest that Cu and Zn have been lost from biosolids through leaching or runoff and no losses of Pb, Cr, or Hg have occurred since application.  相似文献   
德阳市旅游特色及其开发对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以德阳市旅游资源为研究对象,进行了旅游资源评价,并剖析了旅游产业发展过程中出现的问题,提出了具体对策。  相似文献   
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