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Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - Bioenergy with carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (BECCS) technologies represent an interesting option to reach negative carbon...  相似文献   
The evaluation of certain vascular plants that grow in the city of Madrid as biomonitors of SO2 air pollution in urban environments has been carried out. Total concentration of sulphur in leaves of the chosen higher plants as well as other parameters in close relation to this contaminant (visible injury symptoms, chlorophyll a- and b-content and peroxidase activity) have been determined in order to study the spatial distribution and temporal changes in SO2 deposition. Results obtained show that coniferous species such as Pinus pinea, were more sensitive to SO2 atmospheric concentration than leafy species as Quercux ilex subspecies ballota and, in the same way, bush species, such asPyracantha coccinea and Nerium oleander, were more sensitive than wooded species, such as Cedrus deodaraandPinus pinea, respectively. There is a higher accumulation of sulphur in vegetable species located near highways and dense traffic incidence roads and near areas with high density of population. The minimum values for accumulation of SO2 were registered in winter and spring seasons (from January to April) due to the vegetative stop; while maximum values are obtained during the summer season (from June to September), due to the stoma opening. The highest increments in sulphur concentration, calculated as the difference between two consecutive months, are obtained in May and June for all considered species except forCedrus deodara and Pyracantha coccinea, both species have few seasonal changes during the whole year. Some species are more sensitive to natural washing than others, showing a decrease in sulphur concentration after rainfall periods.  相似文献   
In the present study, the photocatalytic degradation of five sulfonylurea herbicides (chlorsulfuron, flazasulfuron, nicosulfuron, sulfosulfuron and triasulfuron) has been investigated in aqueous suspensions of zinc oxide (ZnO), tungsten (VI) oxide (WO3), tin (IV) oxide (SnO2) and zinc sulfide (ZnS) at pilot plant scale under natural sunlight. Photocatalytic experiments, especially those involving ZnO photocatalysis, showed that the addition of semiconductors in tandem with the oxidant (Na2S2O8) strongly enhances the degradation rate of the herbicides in comparisons carried out with photolytic tests. The degradation of the herbicides follows a first order kinetics according to the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model. In our conditions, the amount of time required for 50% of the initial pesticide concentration to dissipate (t½) ranged from 8 to 27 min (t30W = 0.3-1.2 min) for sulfosulfuron and chlorsulfuron, respectively in the ZnO/Na2S2O8 system. None of the studied herbicides was found after 120 min of illumination (except chlorsulfuron, 0.2 μg L−1).  相似文献   
The composition of persistent organochlorine compounds (OC) in soils and sediments from two high altitude European mountain lakes, Redon in the Pyrenees and Ladove in the Tatra mountains, has been studied. Sediment cores from two additional lakes in the Tatra mountains, Starolesnianske Pleso and Dlugi Staw, have also been examined. DDTs (1.7-13 ng g(-1)) were the most abundant OC in soils followed by total polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs; 0.41-1.5 ng g(-1)) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB; 0.15-0.91 ng g(-1)). In sediments, the dominant OC were also DDTs (3.3-28 ng g(-1)) and PCBs (2.3-15 ng g(-1)). These concentrations are low, involving absence of major pollution sources in these high mountain regions. The downcore OC profiles in soils and sediments were similar but higher concentrations and steeper vertical gradients were observed in the latter. Radiometric determinations showed absence of significant OC transport from catchment to lake. The sediment-soil difference points therefore to a better retention of the OC load in sediments than soils which may be related to the low temperatures that are currently encountered at the bottom of the lake water column and the depletion of sediment bioturbation in these cold environments. Significant qualitative changes in the soil PCB distributions are observed downcore. These involve a dominance of the high molecular weight congeners in the top core sections and those of lower weight (i.e. less chlorinated) in the bottom. Anaerobic dechlorination of higher molecular weight congeners occurring in microsites, e.g. as observed in flooded or poorly drained soils, could be responsible for these changes. This process could be concurrent to bioturbation.  相似文献   
The behaviour of arsenic and antimony in the Ría de Arousa (Galicia, north west of Spain) and the influence of the Prestige accident in the estuary is evaluated. As and Sb were simultaneously determined by HG-ICPOES in seawater samples after a preconcentration with La in a knotted reactor. The highest As concentration is in the inner and middle parts of the ría where the current is weaker and next to the main ports of the area. The largest Sb concentrations were found in the bay of the ría. Linear variation of concentration vs. salinity for As and As/Sb ratios indicated that there was no pollution in the waters of Arousa. The Prestige oil spillage had no serious influence and the values of arsenic (most of them <1.5 microg L(-1)) are similar to the average oceanic concentration, whereas concentrations for antimony (most of them <0.15 microg L(-1)) are less than the oceanic ones.  相似文献   
The ability of territorial lizards to discriminate between scents of neighbors and non-neighbors might contribute to decreasing the costs of aggressive interactions. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a field study to analyze the spatial relationships between male Iberian rock-lizards, Lacerta monticola. We then used the same individuals in a laboratory experiment to test whether male lizards can use chemical cues to discriminate between familiar conspecific males (those whose home ranges overlapped) and unfamiliar conspecific males (those whose home ranges did not overlap, and whose home range centers were at least 50 m apart). Differences in tongue-flick rates in the presence of chemical cues suggested that male L. monticola discriminated between odors of familiar and unfamiliar males. The behavioral responses were also dependent on relative differences in body size between the responding male and the unfamiliar male that donated the scent: There was a significant negative correlation between tongue-flick rates emitted in cages of unfamiliar males and the body size differences between males. In contrast, when the donor of the scent was a familiar male, the tongue-flick rate was not dependent on body size differences. These results are compatible with individual discrimination through chemical cues in male L. monticola.  相似文献   
Waste from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) for Helianthus annuus L. production may be a viable solution to obtain biodiesel. This study achieved two objectives: assess the agronomical viability of waste (wastewater and sludge) from the Alcázar de San Juan WWTP in central Spain for H. annuus L. production; use H. annuus L. seeds grown in this way to obtain biodiesel. Five study plots, each measuring 6 m × 6 m (36 m2), were set up on the agricultural land near the Alcázar de San Juan WWTP. Five fertilizer treatment types were considered: drinking water, as the control; treated wastewater; 10 t ha?1 of air-dried sewage sludge; 20 t ha?1 of air-dried sewage sludge; 0.6 t ha?1 of commercial inorganic fertilizer. Soil, irrigation water, sewage sludge, crop development and fatty acid composition in achenes oil were monitored. The 20 t ha–1 dose of sewage sludge proved effective to grow H. annuus L. with similar results to those grown with a commercial fertilizer. However, precautions should be taken when irrigating with wastewater because of high salinity and nutrient deficiency. Sunflower oil was composed mostly of linoleic and oleic acid. The remaining fatty acids were linolenic, estearic, nervonic, palmitoleic, and palmitic.  相似文献   
In certain locations, the combination of meteorological conditions and topography are such that persistent fogs cover coastal or interior mountains. The droplets from these fogs are collected by trees or other tall vegetation. They can also be collected by appropriately designed man-made collectors, to provide large volumes of water for domestic, agriculture or forestry uses. The largest project to date has provided, since March 1992, an average of 11 000 litres of water per day (*****l/d) to a village of 330 people in the arid coastal desert of northern Chile. This project and others are reviewed. The impact of the deforestation of high elevation areas, and the subsequent loss of fog water input in a watershed are discussed, as are guidelines for water planners.  相似文献   
Chenopodium album L. was found to be one of the initial plant species colonising a heavy metal-contaminated site, polluted by pyritic (sulphide-rich) waste from the Aznalcóllar mine spill (South-western Spain). This indicates its importance in the re-vegetation of this soil. In a pot experiment, C. album was sown in soil collected from the contaminated site, either non-amended or amended with cow manure or compost produced from olive leaves and olive mill wastewater, in order to study the effect on heavy metal bioavailability and soil pH. In non-amended and compost-amended soils, soil acidification, probably resulting from oxidation and hydrolysis of sulphide, led to increases in the concentrations of soluble sulphate and plant-available Cu, Zn and Mn in the soil (extractable with 0.1 M CaCl(2)). Under these conditions, shoot growth of C. album was negligible and shoot concentrations of Zn (2,420-5,585 microg g(-1)) and Mn (5,513-8,994 microg g(-1)) were phytotoxic. Manure application greatly increased shoot growth and reduced the shoot concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Mn, and their plant-available concentrations in the soil. These effects appeared to be related to an increase of soil pH, due to an inhibition of sulphide oxidation/hydrolysis, relative to the non-amended soil. For metal sulphides-contaminated soil, liable to acidification, manure application appears to be able to enhance the initial stages of re-vegetation, by species such as C. album.  相似文献   
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