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Oenothera picensis plants (Fragrant Evening Primrose) grow in the acid soils contaminated by copper smelting in the coastal region of central Chile. We evaluated the effects of the biodegradable chelate MGDA (methylglycinediacetic acid) on copper extraction by O. picensis and on leaching of copper through the soil profile, using an ex situ experiment with soil columns of varying heights. MGDA was applied in four rates: 0 (control), 2, 6 and 10 mmol plant−1. MGDA application significantly increased biomass production and foliar concentration, permitting an effective increase in copper extraction, from 0.09 mg plant−1 in the control, to 1.3 mg plant−1 in the 6 and 10 mmol plant−1 treatments. With 10 mmol plant−1 rate of MGDA, the copper concentration in the leachate from the 30 cm columns was 20 times higher than in the control. For the 60 cm columns, copper concentration was 2 times higher than the control. It can be concluded that at increased soil depths, copper leaching would be minimal and that MGDA applications at the studied rates would not pose a high risk for leaching into groundwater. It can thus be stated that applications of MGDA are an effective and environmentally safe way to improve copper extraction by O. picensis in these soils.  相似文献   

Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) is expanding worldwide, and the study of its influence remains limited mainly to documenting impacts, overlooking the variation in key characteristics of the artificial light such as its intensity. The potential dose–response of fitness-related traits to different light intensities has not been assessed in sandy beach organisms. Hence, this study explored dose-responses to ALAN by exposing the intertidal sandy beach isopod Tylos spinulosus to a range of light intensities at night: 0 (control), 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 lx. We quantified the response of this species at the molecular (RNA:DNA ratios), physiological (absorption efficiency) and organismal (growth rate) levels. Linear and non-linear regressions were used to explore the relationship between light intensity and the isopod response. The regressions showed that increasing light intensity caused an overall?~?threefold decline in RNA:DNA ratios and a?~?threefold increase in absorption efficiency, with strong dose-dependent effects. For both response variables, non-linear regressions also identified likely thresholds at 80 lx (RNA:DNA) and 40 lx (absorption efficiency). By contrast, isopod growth rates were unrelated (unaltered) by the increase in light intensity at night. We suggest that ALAN is detrimental for the condition of the isopods, likely by reducing the activity and feeding of these nocturnal organisms, and that the isopods compensate this by absorbing nutrients more efficiently in order to maintain growth levels.

Salmon farming is a widespread activity around the world, also known to promote diverse environmental effects on aquatic ecosystems. However, information regarding the impact of salmon farming on bird assemblages is notably scarce. We hypothesize that salmon farming, by providing food subsidies and physical structures to birds, will change their local community structure. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a seasonal monitoring of bird richness, abundance, and composition at paired salmon pen and control plots in two marine and two lake sites in southern Chile, from fall 2002 to summer 2004. Overall, salmon farming had no significant effects on species richness, but bird abundance was significantly and noticeably higher in salmon pens than in controls. Such aggregation was mainly accounted for by the trophic guilds of omnivores, diving piscivores, carrion eaters, and perching piscivores, but not by invertebrate feeders, herbivores, and surface feeders. Species composition was also significantly and persistently different between salmon pens and controls within each lake or marine locality. The patterns described above remained consistent across environment types and seasons indicating that salmon farming is changing the community structure of birds in both lake and marine habitats by promoting functional and aggregation responses, particularly by favoring species with broader niches. Such local patterns may thus anticipate potential threats from the ongoing expansion of the salmon industry to neighboring areas in Chile, resulting in regional changes of bird communities, toward a less diverse one and dominated by opportunistic, common, and generalist species such as gulls, vultures, and cormorants.  相似文献   
In this work, the photocatalytic degradation of aqueous microcystin-LR was studied using TiO2 and ZnO as photocatalysts. The process was optimised and characterised at the bench scale (200 mL); both semiconductors exhibited a high degradation capacity at reaction times of 1 min (degradation greater than 95%). The transient species that were observed indicate that the degradation occurs via the multiple hydroxylation and elimination of the labile peptide residues of the molecule. When photocatalysis was applied in a continuous treatment system (20–50 L), the photocatalytic process exhibited a high degradation efficiency, which resulted in residual microcystin-LR concentrations that were less than 1 μg L?1 (C0 = 5 μg L?1).  相似文献   
A four-year field study was conducted to determine the effect of pluviometric conditions on pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen soil dynamics. Adsorption, dissipation and soil movement were studied in a sandy loam soil from 2003 to 2007. Pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen were applied every year on August at 1.33 and 0.75 kg ha?1, respectively. Herbicide soil concentrations were determined at 0, 10, 20, 40, 90 and 340 days after application (DAA), under two pluviometric regimens, natural rainfall and irrigated (30 mm every 15 days during the first 90 DAA). More than 74% of the herbicide applied was detected at the top 2.5 cm layer for both herbicides, and none was detected at 10 cm or deeper. Pendimethalin soil half-life ranged from 10.5 to 31.5 days, and was affected mainly by the time interval between application and the first rain event. Pendimethalin soil residues at 90 DAA fluctuated from 2.5 to 13.8% of the initial amount applied, and it decreased to 2.4 and 8.6% at 340 DAA. Oxyfluorfen was more persistent than pendimethalin as indicated by its soil half-life which ranged from 34.3 to 52.3 days, affected primarily by the rain amount at the first rainfall after application. Oxyfluorfen soil residues at 90 DAA ranged from 16.7 to 34.8% and it decreased to 3.3 and 17.9% at 340 DAA. Based on half-life values, herbicide soil residues after one year, and soil depth reached by the herbicides, we conclude that both herbicides should be considered as low risk to contaminate groundwater. However, herbicide concentration at the top 2.5 cm layer should be considered in cases where runoff or soil erosion could occur, because of the potential for surface water contamination.  相似文献   
Chile and Peru produce almost 45% of world’s mine copper output. This situation reflects their natural endowment and mining tradition, but is also the result of development processes undertaken over the last decades. As a result, both countries multiplied its mine copper production in more than 3 times in the last 20 years. Mining labor productivity played a central role achieving these amazing growth rates. Although there is a consensus about the relevance of this variable for the mining industry, the specific factors behind labor productivity changes are not completely understood.  相似文献   
In many countries, such as Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Venezuela and Zimbabwe, amalgamated tailings are leached with cyanide to recover remaining gold. This paper describes a recently completed study conducted at seven gold processing centers in Portovelo-Zaruma, Southern Ecuador, which involved consultation with local miners. The objective of the study was to understand the behaviour of mercury (with a focus on mercury loss) in artisanal gold mining operations through the evaluation of two cyanidation processes (Merrill-Crowe and Carbon-in-pulp), using a participatory approach. In order to assess the kinetics of mercury dissolution in cyanide, a bottle roll test was conducted in the laboratory. In the Merrill-Crowe cyanidation process, an average of 24.2% of metallic mercury was determined to be trapped at the bottom of the agitation tanks; 33.1% of mercury is lost in association with solid material and 11.7% is lost in solution. Approximately 31.0% of mercury in solution is sent to the zinc precipitation cells from which 27.8% is precipitated on the zinc shavings, with 3.23% remaining in solution. The mercury precipitated on to the zinc is lost to the atmosphere when the shavings are burned at 900 °C. In the Carbon-in-pulp (CIP) leaching system, 11.2% of the mercury is lost with the solid tailings; 31.6% of the mercury is associated with fine particles in suspension and 50.8% is likely dissolved. About 2.68% is trapped at the bottom of the tank and 3.72% is absorbed by the activated carbon. The bottle roll test revealed that mercury dissolution is directly proportional to cyanide concentration. At 10 g/ton of cyanide, approximately 42% of mercury was leached, whereas all gold was solubilized. During this study, miners recognized the risk associated with the cyanidation of mercury-rich tailings, and were aware of how much mercury is discharged to local streams and to the atmosphere. The active participation of miners in this study has led to the strengthening of their knowledge and awareness of mercury contamination, and has enhanced their understanding of the nature of the problem, as well as the weaknesses and strengths of the system they operate.  相似文献   
. Despite the increased complexity of experimental and theoretical studies on the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning (B-EF) relationship, a major challenge is to demonstrate whether the observed importance of biodiversity in controlled experimental systems also persists in nature. Due to their structural simplicity and their low levels of human impacts, extreme species-poor ecosystems may provide new insights into B-EF relationships in natural systems. We address this issue using shredder invertebrate communities and organic matter decomposition rates in 24 high-altitude (3200-3900 m) Neotropical streams as a study model. We first assessed the effects of stream characteristics and shredder diversity and abundance on organic matter decomposition rates in coarse- and fine-mesh bags. We found the interaction term shredder richness x shredder abundance had the most significant impact on decomposition rates in the field, although water discharge may also play a role locally. We also examined the relative contribution of the three most abundant shredders on decomposition rates by manipulating shredder richness and community composition in a field experiment. Transgressive overyielding was detected among the three shredder species, indicating complementary resource use and/or facilitation. By integrating survey and experimental data in surface response analyses we found that observed B-EF patterns fit those predicted by a linear model that described litter decomposition rates as a function of increasing shredder richness and the relative abundance of the most efficient shredders. Finally, the validity of our approach was tested in a broader context by using two independent but comparable data sets from 49 French and Swedish streams showing more complex shredder community structure. Results revealed that richness and identity effects on decomposition rates were lost with increasing shredder community complexity. Our approach of combining experimental and empirical data with modeling in species-poor ecosystems may serve as an impetus for new B-EF studies. If theory can explain B-EF in low-diversity ecosystems, it may also have credibility in more complex ones.  相似文献   
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