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裴迪是和王维同时而稍后的田园诗人 ,他的一生中大概有 2 0年是跟随着王维度过的。裴迪在唐代并不是显赫的诗人。但是他与当时除了李白以外的其他大诗人都有或多或少的联系。考证他的事迹和与这些诗人的关系 ,也可以使这些诗人得到更多的还原以被人们了解。  相似文献   
Many recent institutional reforms of the financial system have relied on the introduction of an explicit scheme of deposit insurance. This instrument aims at two main targets, contributing to systemic stability and protecting depositors. However, it may also affect the interest rate spread in the banking system, which can be viewed as an indicator of either inefficiency or market power in this financial segment. This paper provides an empirical investigation of the effect of deposit insurance and other institutional and economic variables on bank interest rates across countries. We find that deposit insurance increases the lending–deposit spread in banking. The main effect seems to arise not from the deposit side though, but from an increase in the lending rate. We interpret this result as evidence of the presence of moral hazard problems related to this instrument. We also find that higher quality of institutions is associated with lower spreads, thus contributing to eroding sources of market power in the banking sector.  相似文献   
Consider a website and the surfers visiting its pages. A typical issue of interest, for example while monitoring an advertising campaign, concerns whether a specific page has been designed successfully, i.e. is able to attract surfers or address them to other pages within the site. We assume that the surfing behaviour is fully described by the transition probabilities from one page to another, so that a clickstream (sequence of consecutively visited pages) can be viewed as a finite-state-space Markov chain. We then implement a variety of hierarchical prior distributions on the multivariate logits of the transition probabilities and define, for each page, a content effect and a link effect. The former measures the attractiveness of the page due to its contents, while the latter signals its ability to suggest further interesting links within the site. Moreover, we define an additional effect, representing overall page success, which incorporates both effects previously described. Using WinBUGS, we provide estimates and credible intervals for each of the above effects and rank pages accordingly.  相似文献   
We build two experimental markets to examine individual valuations of risk reductions with two risk-management tools: self-insurance and self-protection. We find no positive evidence that the risk-reducing mechanisms constitute a “frame.” Ambiguity in the probability on average affects valuation only weakly, and changes in the representation of ambiguity do not alter valuation. Finally, unlike the results obtained by Hogarth and Kunreuther for the case of market insurance, our findings do not provide a strong support for the “Anchoring and Adjustment” ambiguity model.  相似文献   
跨界搜寻是新创科技企业突破资源短缺和技术匮乏双重束缚的重要途径,然而其内在作用机理尚待挖掘剖析。基于资源拼凑理论视角,构建了跨界搜寻影响新创科技企业绩效的中介模型,进而采用多元回归分析和Bootstrap等方法,对201份企业样本数据进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:(1)前瞻型搜寻与反应型搜寻对新创科技企业绩效均具有显著正向影响;(2)前瞻型搜寻与反应型搜寻之间存在互补效应,该互补效应显著正向影响新创科技企业绩效;(3)在作用机制方面,资源拼凑在前瞻型搜寻与新创科技企业绩效之间起到部分中介作用,而在反应型搜寻与新创科技企业绩效之间发挥完全中介作用。  相似文献   
李达是马克思主义中国化的早期探索者,在大论战中对各种"社会思潮"进行了辩证的分析,初步回答了"什么是社会主义"的基本问题,为科学社会主义的传播开辟了主流阵地,并从领导核心、经济建设、发展生产、依靠力量和思想路线等角度系统阐发了社会主义建设需遵循的一般规律。建国后,李达围绕我国社会主义改造、法制建设、外交政策和科教工作展开了具体探索,形成了丰富的社会主义改造和建设思想,对今天的社会主义现代化建设仍具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
商务模式及其创新的复杂性特征决定了商务模式创新研究有必要采用计算实验的方法.分析商务模式创新研究的基本思路,提出应用计算实验的方法研究商务模式创新的方法论基础及其基本框架.分析和比较计算实验与计算机仿真(模拟)的区别与联系,提出应用粒子群优化算法、遗传算法等智能算法和复杂适应系统理论模拟商务模式的演化过程,进而对商务模式创新进行计算实验研究的基本方法.认为基于智能算法的计算实验为商务模式创新复杂性研究提供了有效的方法论、工具和平台,是商务模式创新复杂性研究的根本途径.  相似文献   
A ship that is not under control (NUC) is a typical incident that poses serious problems when in confined waters close to shore. The emergency response to NUC ships is to select the best risk control options, which is a challenge in restricted conditions (e.g., time limitation, resource constraint, and information asymmetry), particularly in inland waterway transportation. To enable a quick and effective response, this article develops a three‐stage decision‐making framework for NUC ship handling. The core of this method is (1) to propose feasible options for each involved entity (e.g., maritime safety administration, NUC ship, and ships passing by) under resource constraint in the first stage, (2) to select the most feasible options by comparing the similarity of the new case and existing cases in the second stage, and (3) to make decisions considering the cooperation between the involved organizations by using a developed Bayesian network in the third stage. Consequently, this work provides a useful tool to achieve well‐organized management of NUC ships.  相似文献   
Research on the effect of ownership structure on firm performance shows no convergent evidence concerning the sign and form of the above-mentioned relationship. Similarly, there is no homogeneous evidence documenting family ownership concentration is always positively or negatively correlated with firm value, or irrelevant. This paper analyses whether and how the de facto investor protection provided by the judicial system affects the relationship between corporate performance and ownership structure in 1314 firms operating in four European countries (Germany, France, Italy, and Spain) over a five-year period, 2010–2014. Moreover, we analyse whether judicial system efficiency influences if and how family firms in the controlling coalition collude for expropriating minority shareholders. Our findings show that the level of shareholder protection, derived from judicial efficiency, is relevant to the relationship between ownership structure and firm performance, thus corroborating literature in that institutional contexts matter in explaining such relations. The results suggest the need for more efficient external mechanisms of corporate governance to facilitate investment in equity capital, thus decreasing the country risk perceived by investors.  相似文献   
Social Indicators Research - The study of preferences of leisure-time activities provides important information on the characteristics and inclinations of specific demographics. Modeling these data...  相似文献   
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