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经尿道前列腺电切气化术治疗前列腺增生568例报告   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的 :进一步探讨前列腺增生 (BPH)的有效手术新方法。方法 :采用经尿道前列腺电切术和气化术治疗BPH患者 5 6 8例。结果 :疗效满意 ,术后 3~ 6个月随访 ,国际前列腺症状评分 (IPSS) 8.5± 1.5分 ;最大尿流率 (Q max) 2 0 .5± 4 .5ml s,剩余尿量 2 9.1± 14 .2ml,未出现严重并发症。结论 :将电切和气化相结合行经尿道前列腺切除术是一种安全性高、并发症少、疗效确切的新手术方法 ,具有操作易掌握、出血少、速度快、安全可靠等优点。  相似文献   
1 病例男 ,2 5岁 ,因反复乏力、纳差 8个月 ,恶心、呕吐、身目黄染 1 2天入院。有甲状腺功能亢进史 4个月 ,自行停服丙基硫氧嘧啶片 2个月。无发热、腹痛 ,大便 1日 3~ 4次 ,色黄 ,溏薄 ,无嗜酒史及慢性胆囊炎胆石症史。查体 :T 36 .9℃ ,P1 0 5次 min,慢性肝病容 ,皮肤巩膜深黄染 ,颈部可见蜘蛛痣 ,双手震颤 ,眼裂增宽 ,双甲状腺Ⅱ度肿大 ,心律 1 0 5次 min ,律齐 ,心尖区可闻及II级收缩期杂音 ,腹平软 ,无压痛 ,肝脾肋下未及 ,移动性浊音 ( + )。血WBC 6 .5× 1 0 9 L ,N 0 .84 ,Hb 1 2 0g L ,PLT 36 4× 1 0 9 …  相似文献   
目的 研究h-BMP-2基因转染骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)在复合煅烧骨、β-TCP或直接植入裸鼠股部后的成骨能力。方法 通过影像学、组织学和形态计量学等方法,观察未经诱导、OS液诱导和h-BMP-2基因转染BMSCs在复合煅烧骨,或多孔β-TCP后植入裸鼠皮下,或直接制成细胞悬液注入,在4、8、12周诱导成骨和材料降解情况。结果 在裸鼠皮下,单纯生物陶瓷不能诱导成骨,而复合了未诱导、OS液诱导和h-BMP-2基因转染BMSCs的生物陶瓷均能成骨,成骨量为h-BMP-2基因转染组>OS液诱导组>未经诱导组(P<0.05),B-TCP可随骨长入而降解;注入裸鼠肌肉的OS液诱导的和h-BMP-2转染的BMSCs均能诱导成骨,而未经诱导MSCs则不能成骨。结论 复合人BMP基因转染BMSCs的β-TCP是一种理想的骨修复材料。  相似文献   
克山病是一种病因未明的地方性心肌疾病。目前尚无特效疗法,而应用中药治疗该病,国内文献尚少见。为探索中药治疗克山病的效果,我们对克山病病人设治疗组和观察组作对比试验,发现中药对克山病的治疗疗效显著,现报告如下:  相似文献   
目的:报道1例因双眼脉冲幅度(OPA)增加发现动脉反流的病例,而后者正是引起OPA增加的原因。设计:病例报道。方法:偶然发现双眼OPA增高,由此发现脉压增高和动脉反流。患者接受动脉瓣膜手术,待动脉脉压恢复正常后评价OPA。结果:动脉脉压高时的双眼OPA为9mmHg,动脉脉压恢复正常后的双眼OPA为3mmHg。结论:动脉脉压增高可以导致OPA增高。眼脉冲幅度增加提示动脉反流@McKee H.D.R.$Hull and East Yorkshire Eye Hospital, Fountain Street, Hull, Uni ted Kingdom @Saldaa M. @Ahad M.A. @张少娟…  相似文献   
关于颌骨三维有限元模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在口腔颌面部,全面地认识上、下颌骨的生物力学行为,了解其结构本身、结构改变以及状态改变对生物力学特性的影响,一直是口腔临床医生和研究者们共同关心的问题。然而,由于生物力学研究方法的限制,这一愿望长期未能实现。有限元法(finite -elementmethod)在口腔生物力学研究中的应用,为这一领域的研究提供了先进、有效的手段。而有限元分析方法的一切结果,都必须依赖于为研究对象建立一个具有生物力学特性的动态三维有限元模型[1]。为此,我们对颌骨三维有限元模型的建模方法、模型特点及应用等方面做了综述1有限元法的介绍有限元法是将连续的弹性体分割成有限个单元,在计算机中利用相应的有限元分析软件对物体进行合成,并逐个研究每个单元的性质,从而获得与实际物体相类似的结构、材料质地、物理参数及机械性能等,达到对整个弹性体进行力学分析的目的[1]。有限元分析方法1974年被引入口腔医学领域并逐步显示出极大的优越性。口腔修复、口腔正畸、口腔颌面外科等许多重要的研究都涉及到此种方法[1]。有限元法与传统的实验应力分析方法相比,有显著的优越性:能够给出所需的模型任意部位的应力和位移状况;不仅能给出数值结果,还能由计算机自动绘出立体...  相似文献   
Background: Volatile anesthetic preconditioning (APC) protects against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury, but the precise mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain undefined. To investigate the molecular mechanism of APC in myocardial protection, the activation of nuclear factor (NF) [kappa]B and its regulated inflammatory mediators expression were examined in the current study.

Methods: Hearts from male rats were isolated, Langendorff perfused, and randomly assigned to one of three groups: (1) the control group: hearts were continuously perfused for 130 min; (2) the IR group: 30 min of equilibration, 15 min of baseline, 25 min of ischemia, 60 min of reperfusion; and (3) the APC + IR group: 30 min of equilibration, 10 min of sevoflurane exposure and a 5-min washout, 25 min of global ischemia, 60 min of reperfusion. Tissue samples were acquired at the end of reperfusion. NF-[kappa]B activity was determined by electrophoretic mobility shift assay. The NF-[kappa]B inhibitor, I[kappa]B-[alpha], was determined by Western blot analysis. Myocardial inflammatory mediators, including tumor necrosis factor [alpha], interleukin 1, intercellular adhesion molecule 1, and inducible nitric oxide synthase, were also assessed by Western blot analysis.

Results: Nuclear factor [kappa]B-DNA binding activity was significantly increased at the end of reperfusion in rat myocardium, and cytosolic I[kappa]B-[alpha] was decreased. Supershift assay revealed the involvement of NF-[kappa]B p65 and p50 subunits. APC with sevoflurane attenuated NF-[kappa]B activation and reduced the expression of tumor necrosis factor [alpha], interleukin 1, intercellular adhesion molecule 1, and inducible nitric oxide synthase. APC also reduced infarct size and creatine kinase release and improved myocardial left ventricular developed pressure during IR.  相似文献   

Background: Adenosine triphosphate-regulated potassium channels mediate protection against myocardial infarction produced by volatile anesthetics and opioids. We tested the hypothesis that morphine enhances the protective effect of isoflurane by activating mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate-regulated potassium channels and opioid receptors.

Methods: Barbiturate-anesthetized rats (n = 131) were instrumented for measurement of hemodynamics and subjected to a 30 min coronary artery occlusion followed by 2 h of reperfusion. Myocardial infarct size was determined using triphenyltetrazolium staining. Rats were randomly assigned to receive 0.9% saline, isoflurane (0.5 and 1.0 minimum alveolar concentration [MAC]), morphine (0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg), or morphine (0.3 mg/kg) plus isoflurane (1.0 MAC). Isoflurane was administered for 30 min and discontinued 15 min before coronary occlusion. In eight additional groups of experiments, rats received 5-hydroxydecanoic acid (5-HD; 10 mg/kg) or naloxone (6 mg/kg) in the presence or absence of isoflurane, morphine, and morphine plus isoflurane.

Results: Isoflurane (1.0 MAC) and morphine (0.3 mg/kg) reduced infarct size (41 +/- 3%; n = 13 and 38 +/- 2% of the area at risk; n = 10, respectively) as compared to control experiments (59 +/- 2%; n = 10). Morphine plus isoflurane further decreased infarct size to 26 +/- 3% (n = 11). 5-HD and naloxone alone did not affect infarct size, but abolished cardioprotection produced by isoflurane, morphine, and morphine plus isoflurane.  相似文献   

喉软性内镜下喉内微创手术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来 ,声音嘶哑有增多趋势 ,需手术治疗的患者亦明显增多 ,我们对部分声带息肉、声带小结患者采用喉软性内镜 (纤维喉镜或电子喉镜 )下喉内微创手术 ,取得了良好的治疗效果 ,现报告如下。1 资料与方法1 .1   临床资料80例患者中 ,男 35例 ,女 45例 ;年龄 2 0~ 78岁 ,平均 37岁。声带息肉 5 5例 ,其中单侧带蒂息肉 40例 ,广基型息肉 1 5例 (单侧 5例、双侧 1 0例 ) ;声带小结 2 5例。病程 8周~ 4年。1 .2   手术方法用 1 %地卡因喷布口咽、喉咽部黏膜进行表面麻醉 3次 ;再用长弯细管 (可用咽鼓管吹张管 )挑起会厌喉面 ,滴入 1 %地卡因…  相似文献   
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