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It is demonstrated that the long term variation in cosmic ray intensity I(t) can be described by an integral equation,
I(t)=I?0f(τ)S(t?τ) dτ
, which is derived from a generalization of Simpson's coasting solar wind model. A source function S(t?τ) is given by some appropriate solar activity index at a time t?τ(τ ? 0) and the characteristic functionf(τ)(?0 forτ ? 0) expresses the time dependence of the efficiency of the intensity depression due to solar disturbances represented by S(t ?τ) when the disturbances generated at the solar surface propagate through the modulating region with the solar wind. It is demonstrated further that the equation can be derived from the general diffusion-convection theory on some assumptions, and as a result, the source and characteristic functions can be related to diffusion coefficient and its transition in space. Assuming the sunspot number R (or two activity indices including R) as the source function, the characteristic function f(τ) [or f(τ)'s] is obtained with data of the cosmic ray intensity extended over several decades. Based on the theory, one can obtain from f(τ) the following physical quantities in space, such as the transition and life time of solar disturbances, the boundary of the modulating region, and the radial and time dependences of the diffusion coefficient, radial density gradient and modulated intensity of cosmic rays. Results deduced from the present analysis are consistent with those obtained directly or indirectly by space observations.  相似文献   
Abstract. Fluid inclusion and oxygen isotope studies are performed to obtain temperatures and oxygen isotopic compositions of hydrothermal fluids for the vein-type tungsten-copper deposit at Takatori in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Temperatures of the hydrothermal fluids are calculated from fluid inclusion data. The calculation incorporates the effects of the salinity, gas concentration, and fluid pressure. The fluid temperatures range from 370 to 460C. For these calculations, this study obtains a density equation for H2O-NaCl-CO2 solution at the vapor-liquid two-phase boundary. Then the present study combines the obtained equation with the equation of state by Bowers and Helgeson (1983).
The fluid temperatures determined in this study are applied to the calculation of oxygen isotopic compositions of the hydrothermal fluids. The calculation of the oxygen isotopic compositions is based on the oxygen isotope analyses of vein quartz. The oxygen isotopic compositions of vein quartz range from +13.5 to +14.4 % relative to SMOW. Then, the oxygen isotopic compositions of the hydrothermal fluids in equilibrium with the vein quartz are calculated to be from +9.7 to +10.5 %. These δ18Ofluid values agree with those of magmatic fluids derived from the ilmenite-series granitic rock, which is related to the mineralization. Keywords: Takatori tungsten-copper deposit, fluid inclusion, oxygen isotope, vein quartz, H2O-NaCl-CO2 solution, density  相似文献   
More than 30 years of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) data for the inner area of the Ariake Sea were analyzed with a box model to show the changes in the average seasonal budget and the decadal-scale variation during the summer. The COD peaked in August and March on average. This summertime peak can be explained by an enhanced riverine load and increased primary production. The peak in March suggested additional organic matter production. There were also two peaks in DIN concentration on average: a summertime peak that could be explained by an enhanced riverine load, and a peak in December that was more complicated to explain. From the 1970s to the early 1990s, the bottom water in this area became increasingly hypoxic due to increased COD during the summer, even though there were minimal increases in terrestrial COD and nutrient loads and there were tidal flats covering a widespread area during this period. The increase in COD was caused by increased net ecosystem production, which was due to enhanced primary production induced by an increased freshwater residence time and decreased bivalve grazing. There was a negative feedback control in which hypoxia progressively increased, leading to declines in bivalve biomass, which in turn decreased the grazing pressure limiting primary production, meaning that primary production increased and the area became even more hypoxic. The net DIN production decreased during the 1980s and the 1990s. This was consistent with the change in net ecosystem production according to the COD.  相似文献   
This work studies periodic solutions applicable, as an extended phase, to the JAXA asteroid rendezvous mission Hayabusa 2 when it is close to target asteroid 1999 JU3. The motion of a spacecraft close to a small asteroid can be approximated with the equations of Hill’s problem modified to account for the strong solar radiation pressure. The identification of families of periodic solutions in such systems is just starting and the field is largely unexplored. We find several periodic orbits using a grid search, then apply numerical continuation and bifurcation theory to a subset of these to explore the changes in the orbit families when the orbital energy is varied. This analysis gives information on their stability and bifurcations. We then compare the various families on the basis of the restrictions and requirements of the specific mission considered, such as the pointing of the solar panels and instruments. We also use information about their resilience against parameter errors and their ground tracks to identify one particularly promising type of solution.  相似文献   
The Bungo Channel in southwestern Japan receives both warm, called Kyucho, and cold deep-water intrusions (bottom intrusion) from the Pacific Ocean. Abundances of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and eukaryotic picophytoplankton were monitored from 18 July to 17 August 2001 to clarify whether advected picophytoplankton from the Pacific Ocean can grow in the channel or not. Synechococcus cells were further discriminated into low- and high-PUB types according to their fluorescence property in flow cytometry. From 18 to 25 July, the water temperature decreased by 3 °C at a 5-m depth at all stations, indicating the occurrence of a bottom intrusion. From 25 July to 4 August, a Kyucho occurred and the water temperature rapidly increased. From 4 to 17 August, a bottom intrusion and a Kyucho both occurred twice, although the intensities were smaller than those occurring until 4 August. From 18 to 30 July, the abundance of both Prochlorococcus and a high-PUB type of Synechococcus drastically decreased because of a bottom intrusion; however, the abundances rapidly increased due to the advection by a Kyucho. These advected cells increased from 4 to 17 August in the channel and Kitanada Bay. Changes in the abundance of low-PUB type of Synechococcus and eukaryotic picophytoplankton were less noticeable than those in the abundance of Prochlorococcus and high-PUB type. The present study demonstrated that oceanic picophytoplankton advected by the Kyucho could grow in the channel. However, abundances of low-PUB type and eukaryotic picophytoplankton increased higher than those of Prochlorococcus and high-PUB type did. Thus, these oceanic phytoplankters will be excluded when Kyucho does not occur for a long time. The co-occurrence of various types of picophytoplankton found in the channel is probably achieved by both Kyucho event and their growth capability in the channel.  相似文献   
In previous papers, the present authors have shown that the galactic anisotropy is modulated due to cosmic ray orbital deflection in the heliomagnetosphere, and that the sidereal time daily variations of galactic origin can be expressed using the basic vectors, which have been obtained by calculating trajectories of cosmic rays in a model magnetosphere having Parker's Archimedian spiral structure with a flat or a wavy neutral sheet. In the present paper, the magnetic irregularities superposed on the Parker's spiral field have been taken into account, which cause the scattering of cosmic rays and disturb their orbits. We examined the fluctuations of asymptotic directions calculating their orbits by the Monte-Carlo simulation, based on the theory of the multiple scattering process. It is shown that the dispersion of the projected deviation angle is determined mainly by the scattering mean free path and by the structure of the order magnetic field, e.g. the polarity state of the heliomagnetosphere and the extent of the neutral sheet. We investigated also the influence of the fluctuations of asymptotic directions on the sidereal daily variation. It is found that, under some conditions, the scattering causes only the attenuation of the amplitude of the basic vector, and does not change its phase. The attenuation is negligibly small at high rigidities larger than ~ 1000 GV, but becomes more serious with decreasing rigidity. The rigidity dependence curve of the attenuation rate was calculated for various cases. A simple and approximate method is also presented for the derivation of those curves for any value of the magnitude of the mean free path and for various model magnetospheres. It is noted, however, that the lower limiting rigidity below which the present method is not applicable is relatively high in the Positive polarity state.  相似文献   
Jellyfish patch formation is investigated by conducting a drifter experiment combined with aerial photography of a sustained patch of the moon jellyfish in Hokezu Bay, Japan. Jellyfish patches are aggregations of individuals that are caused by a combination of swimming (active influence) and advection by currents (passive influence). The drifter experiment involved the injection of 49 drifters around a distinct surface patch of jellyfish within an area of approximately 300 m × 300 m. The drifters’ motion, caused only by the passive influence, was recorded in a series of 38 aerial photographs taken over approximately 1 h. The ambient uniform current field larger than the patch scale was estimated from the movement of the centroid position of drifters, while the distribution of horizontal divergence and relative vorticity around the patch was estimated from the time-derivative in areas of triangles formed by the drifters. The centroid positions of both drifters and patches moved stably toward the bay head at different speeds. The difference vector between the patch and drifter centroids was directed to the sun, and was opposite to the ambient current. The distributions of vorticity and divergence around patches exhibited inhomogeneity within the patch scale, and the drifters in this nonuniform current field aggregated near the convergence area within 1 h. The results suggest that horizontal patch formation is predominantly influenced by passive factors at the surface of Hokezu Bay. Furthermore, the upward swimming against downwelling may make sustained patch in surface layer.  相似文献   
We discuss the nature of the ore-forming hydrothermal fluid in the Noya gold-bearing calcite-quartz-adularia veins of central Kyushu, Japan on the basis of oxygen, carbon, and strontium isotope ratios, and aqueous speciation calculations for the present-day geothermal fluid. The isotopic values of the Noya ore-forming fluid were estimated to be −6.5‰ for δ13C and −7.5‰ for δ18O. The oxygen isotopic equilibrium temperatures for vein calcite are more than 180°C at the bottom of the Noya mineralization zone, and decrease with increasing elevation. As the temperature decreased, the dominant carbon species in the fluid changed from H2CO3 to HCO3- at about 120°C. The equilibrium temperatures for vein quartz are consistent with the calcite calculations. The carbon and oxygen isotope trends of the Noya vein calcite and the isotope ratios of strontium suggest that the fluids that precipitated the Noya veins were controlled by an andesite-dominated geology. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for the white-colored veins from wells 51-WT-1 and 51-WT-2 displayed a light REE-rich pattern with positive Eu anomalies, suggesting the existence of a reducing environment for the fluid. The pyrite-rich gray-colored veins and a silicified rock from well 51-WT-2 showed higher REE concentrations than did the white veins. Altered host andesitic rocks have similar REE patterns to that of the silicified rock, and have higher REE contents than the others in the drill cores. Aqueous speciation calculations showed that the fluid in the hydrothermal reservoir is currently in muscovite stability. The fluid at the ore-mineralization stage may have contained more potassium or have had a higher pH, so that adularia precipitated with calcite and quartz, as well as gold. Fluid boiling at depth in the system produced the gold-bearing calcite-quartz-adularia veins.  相似文献   
The life history ofEuphausia similis G.O. Sars in Sagami Bay, central Japan, has been studied by examining the abundance, size distribution, and occurrence of each growing stage from egg to adult. Three cohorts were laid within the period from July 1979 to July 1980. Individuals of cohort I of 1980 were laid in November and December 1979, and matured and spawned in March and April of the following year. Those of cohort II of 1980 laid in January and February 1980 should mature in November and spawn after December, by analogy with cohort II of 1979. Cohort III of 1980 was laid in April 1980, but decreased in number in July. Cohort II was the dominant cohort in Sagami Bay throughout the period studied. From December 1979 to April 1980 when the mixing layer was present, many eggs ofE. similis were in the epipelagic zone. It is suggested that the spawning season ofE. similis roughly coincided with the season of active feeding, indicated by high fullness of stomachs in individuals. The production of juveniles and adults was about 1.33 mg C m–2 day–1, and the production to bio mass (P/B) ratio was estimated to be 4.78 between July 1979 and July 1980.  相似文献   
We formulate the modulation of galactic anisotropy of cosmic rays caused by their orbital deflection in the heliomagnetosphere. According to the formulation, the average sidereal i-th harmonic daily variation (i = 1,2,…) produced from the anisotropy from an arbitrary direction can be expressed by a linear combination of three basic vectors for uni-directional anisotropy and five basic vectors for bi-directional anisotropy. These vectors are obtained by calculating trajectories of cosmic rays (20?104GV) in a model magnetosphere having Parker's Archimedian spiral structure with a flat or a wavy neutral sheet in either of two polarity states, one is called “Positive” state (away field in the northern space of the neutral sheet and toward field in the southern space) and the other is called “Negative” state (reversed state of the above). Among general characteristics of the sidereal daily variations, the most remarkable features are: (1) The observable variations in low rigidity (? 2000 GV) can be produced even from an uni-directional anisotropy in the direction of the Earth's rotation axis. These variations are strongly dependent on the polarity state, i.e., they are greater in the Positive state than in the Negative. (2) Those produced from the anisotropy in the Equatorial plane also show the polarity dependence but contrary to the previous case they are greater in the Negative state than in the Positive. Their magnitude in the former state is not so small even in the extremely low rigidity (~ 100 GV) as compared with that in high rigidity region. (3) These general characteristics are not altered by the introduction of the wavy neutral sheet or the magnetic irregularities, but the variations are affected more or less, depending on the heliolatitudinal extent of the wavy sheet or the degree of cosmic ray scattering with the irregularities, (4) Sidereal daily variation for the wavy sheet shows a toward-away field dependence similar to that of Swinson-type of solar origin, but the dependence is predominant in intermediate rigidity region (~ 500 GV), in marked contrast to that of solar origin. (5) Finally, whichever its direction may be, the uni-directional anisotropy produces the sidereal diurnal variation common to two conjugate stations in the Northern and Southern hemisphere. If there is any difference between the observed variations at the stations, it should be interpreted as being due to higher order anisotropy such as the bi-directional anisotropy.  相似文献   
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