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A suite of schists—one from the garnet zone, 19 from thestaurolite zone, 2 from the kyanite isograd, and one from thekyanite zone—were separated into their constituent minerals.Chemical analyses of one chlorite and of 23 sets of coexistingbiotites and garnets were carried out by photometric and titrametricprocedures. Plots of garnet-biotite tie-lines from divariantassemblages on appropriate phase diagrams result in intersectingtie-lines which cannot be ascribed to experimental error. Theoreticalconsiderations argue that at equilibrium, at the same pressureand temperature or at constant pressure and varying temperature,tie-lines of divariant assemblages should not intersect. Possibleexplanations require that diffusion equilibrium of Fe and Mgbe restricted to volumes smaller than that of a hand specimenor that P as well as T varies considerably. Emission spectrographicdeterminations of Fe and Mg in biotite indicate that the Fe/Mgratio varies among biotites little more than a centimeter apart.Such a variation would argue more in favor of a lack of diffusionequilibrium.  相似文献   
High-resolution chemical mapping of a large, single, oikocrysticamphibole grain from the Eriksberg gabbro, by laser ablationinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA ICP-MS), documentsthe progressive evolution of interstitial liquid in a hydrousbasaltic system. The amphibole has a nearly constant mg-numberand only minor variations in most major elements, in part becauseof the resorption of olivine buffering the liquid composition.However, non-buffered trace elements including Sc, V, Nb, Zr,Th, U, and the rare earth elements (REE) show at least an orderof magnitude variation. For example, V varies from <1 to>1000 ppm, Zr from 4·3 to >1000 ppm, Nb from 0·14to 12·3 ppm, and the REE patterns range from bowed upwith a negative Eu anomaly to bowed down with a positive Euanomaly—all within a single crystal. The distributionof amphibole compositions indicates that the interstitial liquidwas not uniformly distributed as crystallization proceeded.Rather, the compositional variations reflect progressively morechannelized flow of interstitial liquid during compaction. Whenthe interstitial liquid evolved so that the crystallizing amphibolehad  相似文献   
Sustainability: A View From The Paddock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The following dimensionless parameters (two of them well-known and five of them new) are defined for determination of ripple mark geometry: ripple index (RI), ripple symmetry index (RSI), continuity index (CI), bifurcation index (BI), straightness index (SI), and two different parallelism indices (PI1 and PI2). In general, RI = 15 or less indicates wave or water current origin; RI = 17 or more indicates wind or swash origin. RSI = 1.5 or less indicates wave or swash types; RSI = 3 or more indicates wind or water current types. CI = 15 or more suggests wind or wave origin; CI = 10 or less suggests water current origin. BI = 10 or more suggests wave varieties; BI = 1 or less suggests wind varieties. SI = 102 or more indicates wind or deep-water wave types; SI = 15 to 102 indicates wind or wave types; SI =4 or less indicates current types. PI1 = 7 or more suggests wave origin; PI1 = 1 or less suggests water current origin. PI2 = 0.4 or more is probably the result of swash or water current action. PI2 = 0.2 or less is probably the result of wind or wave action. Longitudinal ripple marks (such as rib-and-furrow) and deformed or modified varieties (such as flat-topped tidal-flat ripple marks and nearly- flat-topped intermittent creek ripple marks) have been excluded, inasmuch as (1)they are commonly easy to identify from their appearance, and (2)they are difficult to measure with ordinary methods. Plots of two indices against each other on coordinate paper can be particularly useful; the best combinations are RI vs. RSI, and RI vs. PI1, although several other pairs are almost as good. Where all seven parameters can be obtained, the confidence one can have in the interpretation is close to 98%. The effects of current bias, or depth bias, on wave-type ripple marks, extend to both the symmetry (RSI) and to sediment-transport interpretations. Unless the investigator is reasonably sure that no such bias is present (i.e., RSI = 1.0 instead of some significantly higher value such as 1.5), wave-type ripple marks cannot be used to determine direction of either wave approach or sediment transport. If no such bias is present, wave-type ripple marks still cannot be used to determine precise sediment transport direction. If RSI = 1.0 precisely, it is not even necessary that the ripple crests parallel the waves that formed them. The same restrictions apply to the interpretation of micro-crossbedding (that is, ripple mark internal structure). Despite these seemingly severe limitations, general geometry commonly permits a reliable interpretation, and hence ripple marks can provide a great deal of useful data for paleogeographic interpretations. The swash-zone variety of ripple marks includes two sub-types: those modified by a small but unmistakeable hydraulic jump, and those not so modified. The RI can be used to distinguish between these two, even when they were not observed to form.  相似文献   
The Pliocene-early Pleistocene history of the ancestral Rio Grande and Quaternary history of the Rio Mimbres in the southern Rio Grande rift, New Mexico, illustrate how axial rivers may alternately spill into and subsequently abandon extensional basins. Three types of spillover basins are recognized, based on the angle at which the axial river enters the basin and whether it descends the hanging wall dip slope or footwall scarp to reach the basin floor. In the Mimbres basin type, the axial river enters and flows through the spillover basin nearly parallel to the footwall scarp, resulting in a narrow belt of basin-axis-parallel channel sand bodies located near the footwall scarp. In contrast, an axial river may enter a spillover basin at a high angle to its axis, either descending the hanging wall dip slope (Columbus basin type) or footwall scarp (Tularosa basin type), and construct a fluvial fan, consisting of radiating distributary channels orientated nearly perpendicular to the basin axis. Faulting exerts significant control on river spillover by creating the topographic gaps through which the axial river moves and by terminating spillover by subsequently uplifting or tilting the gap. Spillover may also be autocyclic in origin as a result of aggradation to the level of a pre-existing gap, headward erosion creating and/or intersecting a gap, or simple river avulsion upstream of a gap. Predicting facies architecture in the three types of spillover basins is critical to successful subsurface exploration for hydrocarbon reservoirs, groundwater aquifers or placer mineral deposits.  相似文献   
Shilts, W. W. 1977 06 01: Geochemistry of till in perennially frozen terrain of the Canadian shield - application to prospecting.
Geomorphological (drumlins, ribbed moraine) and geochemical features associated with till in the District of Keewatin are arranged in belts or dispersal trains paralleling the main direction of ice flow. Both types of features can be related to chemical and physical characteristics of specific types of source rocks.
For dispersal studies in perennially frozen terrain, till samples were collected from mudboils at spacings of approximately 1.6 km. The texture of till samples varies significantly from sample site to sample site because of varying source-rock lithologies and periglacial processes. Thus, because fractions coarser than clay are mostly quartz and feldspar and contain very little metal after weathering in the active layer, they were removed by centrifugation so as not to mask the 'true' relative metal contents of samples. The clay-sized fraction was separated from till samples and analyzed on the assumption that it contained scavenging phases that adsorb cations in proportion to those released by weathering of mineralized particles that were originally physically dispersed by glacial action.
Dispersal patterns of copper, zinc, nickel, and uranium were derived for approximately 1000 samples evenly distributed over a 2500 km2 grid. From these maps, large dispersal trains of copper and nickel were found, and known areas of high potential for uranium and Cu-Zn mineralization were clearly indicated.  相似文献   
Chert distribution in the Lake Valley rocks is selective to mud-supported facies; it is not related to proximity to unconformities. The facies selectivity of the chertification is believed to be a function of the depositional distribution of indigenous silica as sponge spicules, an interpretation that is supported by high positive qualitative correlation of chert with spiculitic rocks. Petrography indicates that the spicules were all originally siliceous, and that they all went through a moldic stage during which many molds were compactively destroyed and distorted. Remaining molds were subsequently cemented by calcite or chalcedony. Chert distribution and spicule petrography argue for an intraformational source for much of the silica. Chert micro-fabrics are dominated by microquartz, a replacement of grains and lime mud; length-fast chalcedony, a pore-filling cement; and megaquartz, a post-chalcedony pore-filling cement. Petrography of compaction features within chert masses indicates that chertification occurred after some burial. Based on stratigraphic reconstruction this burial depth was a maximum of about 215 m. and was most likely a few metres to a few tens of metres. Petrography of chert-calcite cement relationships indicates that chertification occurred before and during first generation, pre-Pennsylvanian non-ferroan calcite cementation, and was completed before late-stage, post-Mississippian ferroan calcite precipitation. Petrography of chert clasts in basal Rancheria (Meramecian) and basal Pennsylvanian conglomerates proves these clasts derived from the Lake Valley Formation and were chertified before redeposition. Thus, some cherts in the Lake Valley are pre-Meramecian in age, but all are pre-Pennsylvanian in age. Furthermore, association of the cherts with the non-ferroan cements indicates the cherts were probably precipitated in meteoric phreatic lens established beneath the pre-Meramecian and pre-Pennsylvanian subaerial unconformities.  相似文献   
The discharge of taconite tailings into Lake Superior at Silver Bay, Minnesota, produces turbidity current flow. The silty fine-sand tailings fraction transported to the deepest part of the lake has formed a small fan with valleys similar in gross morphology to a submarine fan. Current meters anchored 5 m above the lake floor over the wall and over the levee of a distributary valley on the fan recorded intermittent turbidity current flows during 30 weeks in 1972–73. At least twenty-five discrete periods of observation of turbidity current flow were obtained; single episodes lasted 4?328+ h. Only flows thick enough to overflow the eastern levee of the valley could be observed, and this accounts for the intermittent nature of our observations, as flow within the valleys is expected to be continuous as long as tailings are discharged. Flow velocities were higher near the valley axis where the flow is thicker. Velocities measured over the valley wall averaged 10.8 cm/s for eleven episodes; velocities measured over the levee, more than 1/2 km from the valley axis, only 3.3 cm/s. The maximum velocity during 1300 h of observation did not exceed 31 cm/s. This agrees reasonably well with velocities calculated from channel properties, as commonly done for turbidity currents on deep-sea fans. Current meters tethered above the bottom meters indicate that lake currents normally parallel the shore throughout the water column. With the onset of a turbidity current, currents higher in the water column remain unchanged but velocities near the bottom go to zero, currents then change azimuth by 90° to parallel the downslope (down-valley) direction of the fan, then increase in velocity. During a turbidity current episode, the direction of bottom flow stays relatively constant (± 20° of the down-valley trend) but the velocity oscillates (commonly with 10 cm/s amplitude), periods being of 1/2 h or less to several hours. Turbidity currents generated on Reserve Mining Company's delta are effective in carrying essentially all tailings discharged into the lake into deeper water, where they are deposited.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Strabo of Amasia (ca. 64 B.c.‐ca. A.D. 23) wrote the first comprehensive geography of the world known to the Greeks and Romans. Interest in Strabo and his Geography, which survives nearly intact in seventeen books, has fluctuated over the centuries among both classicists and historians of geography. After some historical background on Strabo and his reception, this essay considers the contribution of two significant recent English‐language treatments, as well as Strabo's Geography itself, and suggests ways in which the Strabonic model may have renewed relevance to the geographer's task of interpreting the oikoumene in the contemporary world.  相似文献   
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