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The goal of this study was to develop an innovative chloroethene biodegradation module based on biological, thermodynamical and mechanistic concepts. The biodegradation scheme was based on the postulate that in each part of an aquifer only one degradation mechanism is dominant: the one involving the most energetic electron acceptor. Thus, the selection of the active degradation mechanism was a function of the concentration of different electron acceptors. Modified Monod-type kinetics was used in order to take into account the possible influence of some compounds on the biodegradation of a given organic compound. The numerical model developed was applied to a simple test case, whose results are presented here. To cite this article: F. Nex et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
Meso-gamma scale forecasts using the nonhydrostatic model LM   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary ?The nonhydrostatic model LM was developed for small scale operational predictions. Advances in computer development will give the possibility of operational models of a rather fine scale, which will cover the meso-gamma scale. The LM is currently applied at a scale of 7 km and an increase of the operational resolution to 2.5 km is planned for the next few years. Predictions of such high resolution require to abandon the hydrostatic assumption, which is used with most current operational weather prediction models. The LM was designed to cover all resolutions from 50 m to 50 km with an efficiency making it suitable for operational use. It is a fully elastic model, using second order centred finite differences. The time integration is done using the Klemp–Wilhelmson method, treating the slow modes by a larger time step than the fast modes. The vertical propagation of the fast waves is done implicitly. After describing the design of the LM, this paper gives examples of model predictions at the meso-γ scale. Some results of the current operational application at the resolution 7 km are presented. Deficiencies in the localisation of model generated precipitation are investigated using an idealised bell shaped mountain and applying different resolutions. In this way the convergence to the correct solution can be investigated. From these results it is concluded, that orographic filtering is necessary and the effect of such filtering on precipitation forecasts is investigated. Finally, the prediction of a squall line over northern Germany is shown in order to demonstrate the potential of the model in forecasting the meso-γ scale. Received May 15, 2001; revised September 21, 2001  相似文献   
The U–Pb age determinations of zircon and rutile from the Aar massif reveal a complex evolution of the Central Alpine basement. The oldest components are found in zircons of metasediments, which bear cores of Archean age; the U–Pb age of discordant prismatic zircons of the same rocks ranges between 580 and 680 Ma, an age that is typical for Pan-African metamorphism. The zircons are interpreted as Pan-African detritus with Archean inheritance. The provenance region of the Pan-African zircons is assumed to be a terrane of Gondwana-affinity, i.e. the W. African craton or the Pentevrian microplate. The Caledonian metamorphism left a pervasive structural imprint in amphibolite facies on the rocks of the Aar massif; it is dated at 456±2 and 445 Ma by zircons of a layered migmatitic gneiss and a migmatitic leucosome, respectively, both occurring in the northernmost zones of the massif. Hercynian metamorphism never exceeded greenschist-facies conditions and is recorded by zircon in a garnet-amphibolite and by rutile in a meta-psammite that yield an age of 330 Ma. Both zircon and rutile are considered to be products of retrograde mineral reactions and therefore do not date the peak conditions of Hercynian metamorphism. The Gastern granite at the western end of the Aar massif is a contaminated granite that intruded at 303±4 Ma, contemporaneously with the wide-spread late Hercynian post-collisional I-type magmatism. The study demonstrates the potential of isotope dilution U–Pb dating of single grains and microfractions in deciphering complex evolutionary histories of polymetamorphic terrains.  相似文献   
Review of numerical methods for nonhydrostatic weather prediction models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary ?Currently available computer power allows to run operational numerical weather prediction models at resolutions higher than 10 km. The aim of such high resolution modeling is the prediction of local weather, including orographically induced winds and local precipitation patterns. In this range the hydrostatic approximation is no longer valid and nonhydrostatic models have to be used instead. For several decades these models have been developed for research purposes only, but operational application is now reality. In this paper, the numerical methods used in current nonhydrostatic forecast models will be reviewed and some promising techniques in this field will be discussed. Special attention is given to aspects such as the choice of the vertical coordinate, the efficiency of algebraic solvers for semi-implicit time discretizations, and accurate and non-oscillatory advection schemes. Received July 6, 2001; revision October 12, 2001  相似文献   
Estuaries act as an organic matter and nutrient filter in the transition between the land, rivers and the ocean. In the past, high nutrient and organic carbon load and low oxygen concentration made the Elbe River estuary (NW Europe) a sink for dissolved inorganic nitrogen. A recent reduction in loads and subsequent recovery of the estuary changed its biogeochemical function, so that nitrate is no longer removed on its transition towards the coastal North Sea. Nowadays in the estuary, nitrification appears to be a significant nitrate source. To quantify nitrification and determine actively nitrifying regions in the estuary, we measured the concentrations of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate, the dual stable isotopes of nitrate and net nitrification rates in the estuary on five cruises from August 2012 to August 2013. The nitrate concentration increased markedly downstream of the port of Hamburg in summer and spring, accompanied by a decrease of nitrate isotope values that was clearest in summer exactly at the location where nitrate concentration started to increase. Ammonium and nitrite peaked in the Hamburg port region (up to 18 and 8 μmol L?1, respectively), and nitrification rates in this region were up to 7 μmol L?1 day?1. Our data show that coupled re-mineralization and nitrification are significant internal nitrate sources that almost double the estuary’s summer nitrate concentration. Furthermore, we find that the port of Hamburg is a hot spot of nitrification, whereas the maximum turbidity zone (MTZ) only plays a subordinate role in turnover of nitrate.  相似文献   

Within the Ararat Valley (Armenia), a continuously growing water demand (for irrigation and fish farming) and a simultaneous decline in groundwater recharge (due to climate change) result in increasing stress on the local groundwater resources. This detrimental development is reflected by groundwater-level drops and an associated reduction of the area with artesian conditions in the valley centre. This situation calls for increasing efforts aimed at more sustainable water resources management. The aim of this baseline study was the collection of data that allows for study on the origin and age distribution of the Ararat Valley groundwater based on environmental tracers, namely stable (δ2H, δ18O) and radioactive (35S, 3H) isotopes, as well as physical-chemical indicators. The results show that the Ararat Valley receives modern recharge, despite its (semi-)arid climate. While subannual groundwater residence times could be disproved (35S), the detected 3H pattern suggests groundwater ages of several decades, with the oldest waters being recharged around 60 years ago. The differing groundwater ages are reflected by varying scatter of stable isotope and hydrochemical signatures. The presence of young groundwater (i.e., younger that the 1970s), some containing nitrate, indicates groundwater vulnerability and underscores the importance of increased efforts to achieve sustainable management of this natural resource. Since stable isotope signatures indicate the recharge areas to be located in the mountains surrounding the valley, these efforts must not be limited to the central part of the valley where most of the abstraction wells are located.

In Iceland the mid-Atlantic ridge rises above sea-level for a north-south-extension of 350 km. One or two east-west-directed transform faults may be expected on land in Iceland, since the mid-Atlantic ridge is offset by transform faults every 100–200 km.Two of these faults, the Reykjanes Fracture Zone in southern Iceland, and the Tjörnes Fracture Zone in northern Iceland, have been located by recent seismological activity (Ward, 1971).There are no strike-slip faults within the Tjömes Fracture Zone that support transform faulting on land. En echolon faults may indicate a status nascendi of lateral offset for the Reykjanes Fracture Zone. A third transform fault, the Snaefellsnes-Vatnajökull Fracture Zone, however, was already active about 3 m.y. ago, when the rift system in southern Iceland began to spread faster than in northern Iceland. The features resulting from this process can be observed in (1) a change in strike from a northerly trend in northern Iceland to a north-easterly direction in southern Iceland; (2) the separation of the rift axis in southern Iceland into two branches; (3) right lateral strike-slip movements along the Snaefellsnes-Vatnajökull Fracture Zone with an offset of about 100 km.Field mapping and observations from air photographs have enabled the construction of a detailed tectonic pattern for the latter zone. The Pleistocene to Postglacial volcanic activity, the offset of magnetic anomalies, and recent active seismicity support the mechanism of transform faulting.At least 3 m.y. ago the west-wandering Icelandic Rift System started with higher spreading rates, revealing a trend to connect directly the Reykjanes- and the Iceland-Jan Mayen Rift Systems. Since that time three crustal plates proceeded from the Vatnajökull Triple Junction with different drift velocities, inducing the activity of the Snaefellsnes-Vatnajökull Transform Fault, which separates the north-western from the south-western Icelandic plate.
Zusammenfassung In Island erhebt sich der zentrale Teil des Mittelatlantischen Rückens auf einer N-S-Erstreckung von 350 km über den Meeresspiegel. Das regelmäßige Auftreten E-W-gerichteter transform faults, die im Abstand von 100–200 km die Mittelatlantische Schwelle queren, läßt auf die Ausbildung einer oder mehrerer transform faults im Bereich der Insel schließen.Zwei in E-W-Richtung und damit rechtwinklig zur isländischen Riftzone verlaufende, seismologisch aktive Zonen wurden im S der Insel (Reykjanes Fracture Zone) und im N (Tjörnes Fracture Zone) als transform faults beschrieben (Ward, 1971). Jedoch keines der beiden Systeme gibt einen lateralen Versatz von geologischen Einheiten und magnetischen Anomalien zu erkennen. In gleicher E-W-Streichrichtung wie die beiden vermuteten transform faults erstreckt sich zwischen der Snaefellsnes-Halbinsel und dem Vatnajökull eine rechtsdrehende Blattverschiebung mit einem Horizontalversatz von etwa 100 km. Die Störung entstand vor etwa 3 Millionen Jahren, als das südisländische zentrale Riftsystem gegenüber dem nördlichen eine höhere Driftgeschwindigkeit entwickelte, und war aktiv bis in die jüngste Zeit.Der Richtungswechsel von durchweg N-S-streichenden geologischen und tektonischen Strukturen im N der Insel und NE-SW-gerichteten Einheiten, sowie die Aufspaltung der Riftzone in zwei getrennte Äste im S, können als Ergebnis dieses Vorganges angesehen werden.Die tektonisch interessantesten Abschnitte der Snaefellsnes-Vatnajökull-Transform Fault wurden kartiert. Kartierung und vorliegende Luftaufnahmen ermöglichten eine detaillierte Darstellung des tektonischen Musters.Gleichzeitig mit der Snaefellsnes-Vatnajökull-Transform Fault entstand der Vatnajökull-Tripel-Punkt, von dem sich drei Krustenplatten mit unterschiedlichen Driftgeschwindigkeiten entfernen. Seit dieser Zeit zeigt das W-wandemde isländische Rift-system den Trend, eine unmittelbare Verbindung zwischen Reykjanes- und Island-Jan-Mayen-Rücken herzustellen.

Résumé En Islande, la partie centrale de la dorsale Atlantique médiane est exondée sur une longueur de 350 km en direction N-S. La présence régulière de failles transformelles de direction E-W traversant le seuil médian de l'Atlantique à des distances de 100 à200 km, permet de conclure à la formation d'une ou de plusieurs failles transformelles sur l'étendue de l'île.Deux zones de direction E-W, et par conséquent d'allure perpendiculaire au rift islandais (la zone de fractures de Reykjanes au S de l'île et la zone de fractures de Tjörnes au N), ont été décrites comme failles transformelles à cause de leur activité séismique (Ward, 1971). Mais aucun de ces deux systèmes ne montre de décrochement des unités géologiques pas plus que des anomalies magnétiques. Avec la même direction E-W que celle des deux failles transformelles présumées, s'étend un autre décrochement dextrogyre entre la presqu'île du Snaefellsnes et le glacier Vatnajökull. Cette faille est apparue il y a trois millions d'années, lorsque le rift central de la partie S de l'Islande se développait avec une vitesse supérieure à celle du Nord de l'Islande; elle fut active jusque récemment.Le changement de direction des structures géologiques et tectoniques d'allure N-S dans le N de l'île et des unités dirigées NE-SW, comme aussi l'ouverture de la zone de rift en 2 branches séparées dans le S, peuvent être considérés comme le résultat de ce processus. La cartographie de ces sections tectoniquement très intéressantes liées à la faille transformelle de Snaefellsnes-Vatnajökull a été levée.La cartographie et les vues aériennes présentées ont permis une figuration détaillée de cette manifestation te tonique.En même temps que la faille transformelle Snaefellsnes-Vatnajökull, il se développait le triple point du Vatnajökull, à partir duquel trois plaques crustales divergent avec des vitesses différentes. Depuis cette époque le compartiment islandais possède l'allure d'une liaison immédiate entre la dorsale de Reykjanes et celle de l'Islande-Jan Mayen.

, N-S , 350 . , E-W 100–200 - , , . , E-W . . : ( Reykjanes Fracture), ( Tjörnes Fracture). , (Ward, 1971). , . , Snaefellsnes Vatnajökull . 3 , - . N-S NE-SW , — , . Snaefellsnes Vatnajokull. . Snaefellsnes-Vatnajökull Vatnajökull-Tripel, , . , aW, Reykjanes-Island-Jan-Mayen.
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