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The stable growth condition of a segregated ice layer is studied by the use of the principle of mass and heat conservation. This condition evidently depends upon the properties of a thin transitional zone, which is believed to exist between the boundary of an ice layer and a 0[°C] isotherm. All probable models of the transitional zone are classified and the conditions for each model is derived. The effect of the small amount of soil minerals contained in an ice layer is also studied.  相似文献   
Bentonite clay is a micro-inhomogeneous material, which consists of clay minerals (mainly montmorillonite), macro-grains (mainly quartz), water, air and others. Properties of the saturated bentonite clay are essentially characterized by the montmorillonite and water (i.e. montmorillonite hydrate). We analyze the molecular behavior of sodium montmorillonite hydrate Na1/3Al2[Si11/3Al1/3]O10(OH)2·nH2O by applying a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation method. And by using the MD results we calculate the swelling property of the montmorillonite hydrate, and compare with an experimental result. Next, by using the same MD procedure we treat a montmorillonite mineral with a large number of external water molecules to check the properties of the water. Here we treat pure- and salt-water. Then we calculate the diffusivity and viscosity of water molecules and Na+ and Cl ions.

For extending the microscopic characteristics of constituent materials to a macroscopic seepage behavior of the micro-inhomogeneous material we apply a homogenization analysis (HA). That is, starting with the Navier–Stokes equation with distributed viscosity that is calculated by the former MD procedure we determine macroscopic permeability characteristics of bentonite for both cases of pure- and salt-water. Then, by using the permeability property we calculate long-term consolidation behavior of buffering clay, which is planed to be used for high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) management. Here the deformation is treated under the well-defined Cam clay model.  相似文献   

地闪回击的微秒级辐射场特征及近地面连接过程分析   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
利用1μs时间分辨率的慢天线电场变化仪在甘肃中川地区雷暴过程中测量得到的大量地闪辐射波形地地闪回击辐射场特征及回击的慢前沿过程进行分析,发现18次正地闪和85次负地闪产在周前沿过程上升时间为19.2μs和9.4μs,84次负地闪继后回击的前沿过程为4.3 μs。YY UDA O 3.1μ;  相似文献   
中国内陆高原正极性雷电的观测实验研究   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13  
叙述了1997年夏季中日两国科学家在甘肃平凉地区合作进行的有关正极性雷电的综合观测实验情况,包括地布局,所采用的技术手 取得的主要结果。实验中采用人工引发雷电技术并取得了两次成功,其中一次是利用“空中解发”方式,即火箭拖带的细钢丝下端不直接接地,而是通过一段绝缘尼龙线与接地的另一段细钢丝相连。用这种方式可以更真实地再现自然雷电的初始过程。实验中观测到了空中导线两端先导的双向传输现象;电流、电场变化  相似文献   
The atmospheric stable boundary layer (SBL) with a low-level jet is simulated experimentally using a thermally stratified wind tunnel. The turbulence structure and flow characteristics are investigated by simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature fluctuations and by flow visualization. Attention is focused on the effect of strong wind shear due to a low-level jet on stratified boundary layers with strong stability. Occasional bursting of turbulence in the lower portion of the boundary layer can be found in the SBL with strong stability. This bursting originates aloft away from the surface and transports fluid with relatively low velocity and temperature upward and fluid with relatively high velocity and temperature downward. Furthermore, the relationship between the occurrence of turbulence bursting and the local gradient Richardson number (Ri) is investigated. The Ri becomes larger than the critical Ri, Ricr = 0.25, in quiescent periods. On the other hand, the Ri number becomes smaller than Ricr during bursting events.  相似文献   
This data note introduces a database of long-term daily total precipitation and stream discharge data for seven forested watersheds in Japan that have been continuously monitored by the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute. Three of the watersheds started data collection in the 1930s. Forest cover across the sites ranges from cool to warm temperate regions with the latitude spanning from 31 to 44° N and annual precipitation ranging from 1200 to 3000 mm yr−1. The effects of vegetation change via clearcutting, thinning and forest fire (among other stressors) on stream discharge can be analysed from the long-term observation sites. Moreover, this multi-site dataset allows for inter- and intra-site comparisons of annual water loss (difference of annual precipitation and stream discharge). These long-term datasets can provide comprehensive insights into the effects of climate change and other stressors on forested ecosystems, not only in Japan but across a spectrum of forest types, if combined with other long-term records from other forested watersheds across the world.  相似文献   
Nobuhiko  Nakano  Yasuhito  Osanai  Masaaki  Owada  Yasutaka  Hayasaka  Tran Ngoc  Nam 《Island Arc》2009,18(1):126-143
The Kontum Massif in central Vietnam is composed of various metamorphic complexes including a high-temperature southern part (Kannak and Ngoc Linh complexes) and a low- to medium-temperature northern part (Kham Duc complex). The Kham Duc complex exhibits Barrovian-type medium-pressure metamorphism evidenced by kyanite- and/or staurolite-bearing metapelites. The garnet–gedrite–kyanite gneiss, which is the focus of the present study, preserves several mineral parageneses formed during a prograde and retrograde metamorphic history: staurolite + quartz in gedrite, garnet + gedrite + kyanite in the matrix, and spinel + cordierite symplectite between gedrite and sillimanite. The calculated semiquantitative petrogenetic grid reveals peak pressure conditions of 620–650°C at 1.1–1.2 GPa and peak temperature conditions of 730–750°C at 0.7–0.8 GPa. The monazite U–Th–Pb electron microprobe ages of the garnet–gedrite–kyanite gneiss and associated gneisses yield 246 ± 3 Ma for the Kham Duc complex, which is similar to the age of the high- to ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism in the adjacent Kannak and Ngoc Linh complexes of the southern Kontum Massif. The present results indicate that both the Barrovian-type and ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism occurred simultaneously in the Kontum Massif during an event strongly related to Permo–Triassic microcontinental collision tectonics in Asia.  相似文献   
Summary Feldspar phenocrysts in alkali rhyolite from Oki-Dogo island in the Sea of Japan show mantled textures with cores of anorthoclase and rims of sanidine. These feldspars were examined by electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray microanalysis. Anorthoclase first crystallized, then was partially resorbed, and finally sanidine overgrew on the anorthoclase. Saw-tooth or comb-like interfaces between the cores and rims were likely formed at the magmatic stage of resorption and overgrowth. Optically perthitic intergrowths appear in thin sections cutting saw-tooth or comb-like interfaces of the mantled feldspars. The sanidine preserves primary cryptoperthitic textures of a periodicity smaller than 10 nm, which are considered to have been produced by subsolidus exsolution after the resorption event ended. The anorthoclase has no exsolution texture under an electron microscope.
Feldspatkristalle in Alkali-Rhyolith von der Insel Oki-Dogo, Japan
Zusammenfassung Feldspatkristalle in Alkali-Rhyolith von der Oki-Dogo Insel im Japanischen Meer zeigen ummantelte Texturen mit Kernen von Anorthoklas und Rändern von Sanidin. Diese Feldspate wurden mit Elektronenmikroskopie, Röntgendiffraktion und Mikrosondenanalyse untersucht. Anorthoklas kristallisierte zuerst, wurde dann teilweise resorbiert und schließlich wuchs Sanidin über den Anorthoklas. Sägezahn- und Kamm-ähnliche Grenzen zwischen Kernen und Rändern wurden wahrscheinlich wahrend des magmatischen Stadiums von Resorption und Überwachsung gebildet. Unter dem Mikroskop erkennt man, daß perthitische Verwachsungen durch Sägezahn- oder Kamm-artige Grenzen der ummantelten Feldspäte hinwegsetzen. Der Sanidin erhellt primäre kryptoperthitische Texturen mit einer Periodizität von > 10 nm, die als Produkte einer Subsolidus-Entmischung nach der Resorption interpretiert werden. Anorthoklas läßt unter dem Elektronenmikroskop keine Entmischungstexturen erkennen.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   
We have developed a rapid and accurate method to determine Zr, Nb, Hf and Ta (denoted as HFSE) in geological samples by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry fitted with a flow injection system (FI-ICP-MS). The method involves sample decomposition by HF followed by HF dissolution of HFSE coprecipitated with insoluble M and Ca fluoride residues formed during the initial HF attack. This HF solution was directly nebulized into an ICP mass spectrometer. An external calibration curve method and an isotope dilution method (ID) were applied for the determination of Nb and Ta, and of Zr and Hf, respectively. Recovery yields of HFSE were > 96% for peridotite, basalt and andesite compositions, apart from Zr and Hf for peridotite (> 85%). No matrix effects for either signal intensities of HFSE or isotope ratios of Zr and Hf were observed in basalt, andesite and peridotite solutions down to a dilution factor of 100. Detection limits in silicate rocks were 40, 2, 1 and 0.1 ng g-1 for Zr, Nb, Hf and Ta, respectively. This technique required only 0.1 ml of sample solution, and thus is suitable for analysing small and/or precious samples such as meteorites, mantle peridotites and their mineral separates. We also present newly determined data for the Zr, Nb, Hf and Ta concentrations in USGS silicate reference materials DTS-1, PCC-1, BCR-1, BHVO-1 and AGV-1, GSJ reference materials JB-1, -2, -3, JA-1, -2 and -3, and the Smithsonian reference Allende powder.  相似文献   
Summary Microscopically alkali feldspar in a quartz syenite from Oki-Dozen, Japan, consists of clear and turbid areas. Clear areas occur in the interiors of feldspar grains and are cryptoperthitic. Film microperthites are developed with turbidity in the rims, and mosaic microperthites are developed with turbidity in the interiors and in the rims. Turbidity is attributed to the presence of abundant micropores. The chemical compositions of pristine clear feldspars are around Or33Ab64An3. The interior microperthitic feldspars have lower An content than the clear feldspars. Some areas of the clear and microperthitic feldspars in the interiors are poor in calcium. In contrast, the microperthitic rims contain almost no calcium. The zonal patterns of calcium-rich cores and calcium-poor rims are very distinct in almost all feldspar grains. The overall calcium distribution patterns suggest a secondary calcium-depletion from the feldspars during hydrothermal or deuteric reactions. The development of Or-rich veins transversing feldspar grains and rim albite is consistent with this model. Calcium distribution patterns in alkali feldspar provide new and useful information on processes during geologic events.
Calcium-Verteilung in Alkalifeldspat eines Quarz-Syenites von Oki-Dozen, Südwest-Japan
Zusammenfassung Mikroskopisch zeigt Alkalifeldspat aus einem Quarz-Syenit von Oki-Dozen, Japan, klare und trübe Bereiche. Die klaren Bereiche treten in den inneren Zonen von Feldspatkörnern auf und sind kryptoperthitisch. Die getrübten Ränder sind Film-Mikroperthite während Mosaik-Perthite Trübung in Kern-und Randbereichen zeigen. Die Trübung ist auf die Anwesenheit zahlreicher Mikroporen zurückzuführen. Die chemische Zusammensetzung der ursprünglichen klaren Feldspäte ist etwa Or33Ab64An3. Die Kerne der mikroperthitischen Feldspäte haben niedrigere An-Gehalte als die klaren Feldspäte. Im Unterschied führen die Mikroperthit-Ränder kein Kalzium. Die Zonierungsmuster, d.h. Ca-reiche Kerne und Ca-arme Ränder, sind sehr typisch für alle Feldspäte. Die generelle Ca-Verteilung weist auf eine sekundäre Ca-Verarmung der Feldspäte im Zuge hydrothermaler oder deuterischer Prozesse hin. Die Bildung Orreicher Gängehen, die die Feldspatkörner durchsetzen und von Albiträndern stimmen mit diesem Modell überein. Die Ca-Verteilungsmuster in Alkalifeldspat erlauben somit Einblicke in und geben nützliche Informationen über geologische Prozesse.

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