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Authigenic gypsum was found in a gravity core, retrieved from the top of Mound Perseverance, a giant cold‐water coral mound in the Porcupine Basin, off Ireland. The occurrence of gypsum in such an environment is intriguing, because gypsum, a classic evaporitic mineral, is undersaturated with respect to sea water. Sedimentological, petrographic and isotopic evidence point to diagenetic formation of the gypsum, tied to oxidation of sedimentary sulphide minerals (i.e. pyrite). This oxidation is attributed to a phase of increased bottom currents which caused erosion and enhanced inflow of oxidizing fluids into the mound sediments. The oxidation of pyrite produced acidity, causing carbonate dissolution and subsequently leading to pore‐water oversaturation with respect to gypsum and dolomite. Calculations based on the isotopic compositions of gypsum and pyrite reveal that between 21·6% and 28·6% of the sulphate incorporated into the gypsum derived from pyrite oxidation. The dissolution of carbonate increased the porosity in the affected sediment layer but promoted lithification of the sediments at the sediment‐water interface. Thus, authigenic gypsum can serve as a signature for diagenetic oxidation events in carbonate‐rich sediments. These observations demonstrate that fluid flow, steered by environmental factors, has an important effect on the diagenesis of coral mounds.  相似文献   
The lower Visean Belle Roche breccia (east Belgium) displays a number of features that indicate brecciation by evaporite dissolution collapse: the sharp lower contact of the breccia, the gradual transition into the overlying strata, the presence of semi-continuous beds within the breccia giving it a crude ‘stratification’, and the existence of several types of (calcite, dolomite and silica) evaporite pseudomorphs. Furthermore, the majority of the breccia fragments indicates hypersaline to lagoonal sedimentation conditions. Most of these fragments display an interlocking fabric. The interpretation is also supported by the existence of continuous evaporite beds replaced by carbonates (calcite and dolomite) both under and overlying the breccia. The brecciation history is characterized by gradual subsidence. Multiple brecciation episodes are recognized, and are best seen in the lower breccia which underwent at least two major brecciation episodes. Here, brecciated and veined breccia fragments occur within a microsparite (neomorphosed mud) matrix. Brecciation of these strata was due to the dissolution of interlayered evaporites. The second brecciation event relates to infiltration of meteoric water and to the dissolution of the remaining evaporites. This infiltration was probably triggered by the orogenic event at the end of the Visean (Sudetic orogenic phase). The whole breccia was finally cemented by a blocky calcite. The different lithologies and cements were characterized by their trace element (Mg, Sr, Na, Fe, Mn, K), insoluble residue and organic matter content. Carbon/oxygen isotope data of the cements and replaced evaporite layers helped to place the multiple collapse episodes within a general diagenetic model. Solution-reprecipitation processes within the original aragonite-dominated mud fragments, as well as in the early diagenetic dolomite fragments, have been recognized. The geochemical data show that these transformation processes occurred in equilibrium with the same fluid. These processes may have occurred within a freshwater lens very early in the diagenetic evolution or under shallow burial conditions. Cementation of blocky calcite occurred in a meteoric realm under burial conditions.  相似文献   
Discordant zebra dolomite bodies occur locally in the Middle Cambrian Cathedral and Eldon Formations of the Main Ranges of the Canadian Rocky Mountains Fold and Thrust Belt. They are characterized by alternating dark grey (a) and white (b) bands, forming an ‘abba’ diagenetic cyclicity. These bands developed parallel to both bedding and cleavage. Dark grey (a) bands consist of fine (< 300 μm) non-planar crystalline impure dolomite. The white (b) bands are composed of coarse (up to several millimetres) milky-white pure saddle dolomites (b1) which are often covered by pore-lining zoned dolomite (b2). The b phases often possess a saddle-shaped morphology. In contrast to the replacement origin of the a dolomite, the zoned b2 dolomite rims are interpreted as a cement formed in open cavities. The b1 dolomite is interpreted as the result of recrystallization with diagenetic leaching of non-carbonate components. All the zebra dolomites studied are (nearly) stoichiometric and are characterized by enriched Na and depleted Sr concentrations. Fe and Mn concentrations in these dolomites differ depending on the sample locality. Fluid inclusion data indicate that the dolomites formed from relatively hot (TH = 130–200 °C), saline (20–23 wt% CaCl2 eq.) fluids. A diagenetic high temperature origin is also supported by depleted δ18O values (−20 to −14‰ VPDB). A contribution of 87Sr-enriched fluids is reflected in the 87Sr/86Sr values (0·7091–0·7123). Zebra dolomite development is explained by focused fluid flow, which exploited areas of structural weaknesses (e.g. basin-platform, rim areas, faults, etc.). Expulsion of hot basinal brines in a tectonically active regime generated overpressures, which explains the development of secondary porosity during zebra dolomitization as well as the intra-zebra fracturing at decimetre to micrometre scale.  相似文献   
A numerical model describing two-dimensional, shallow water, long wave propagation has provided estimates of the co-oscillating palaeotides in the upper Devonian Catskill Sea. This sea was open to the ocean along the present Gulf Coast and, moving clockwise, was circumscribed by the Transcontinental Arch, the Old Red Sandstone Continent, and the rising Appalachian Orogen. Using the present best estimates of basin bathymetry and open-ocean tidal range, the model indicates high mesotidal to low macrotidal ranges for the Catskill Shelf along the ancestral Appalachians. The Mid-Continent Shelf, centred on Iowa, is considered to have been microtidal. These conclusions are not sensitive to reasonable variations in shelf geometry and support the hypothesis that at least some epicontinental seas could have been tide-dominated.  相似文献   
The Upper Devonian carbonate reefs in West‐central Alberta are important petroleum reservoirs that are well‐known for their extensive secondary porosity. An outcrop analogue study indicates that an early matrix‐selective dolomitization event occurred which is characterized by a major Late Devonian sea water component with increased salinity because of evaporation. It is interpreted that the matrix (replacive) dolomite formed during the Famennian as the result of a combination of both seepage and latent reflux dolomitization, although an additional type or overprinting of later intermediate burial dolomitization cannot be excluded. Formation of the moulds is attributed mainly to the dissolution of undolomitized fossil cores, most typically stromatoporoids. Geochemical modelling indicates that carboxylic acid fluids have the highest potential for dissolving residual calcite in this case. Geochemical models consistent with this analysis and interpretations can reproduce the secondary porosity and suggest a viable dolomitization process for the localities studied.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the diagenesis of carbonate conglomerates in that it assesses the potential of conglomerates in refining the paragenetic history in complex structural areas, such as the Albanian foreland fold‐and‐thrust belt. Of major interest are stylolites (burial and tectonic) which are restricted to conglomerate fragments or which crosscut the conglomerate matrix. Based on the inferred age of stylolite development in relation to burial, uplift and tectonic history, and the Lower to Middle Miocene age of the conglomerates, the succession of diagenetic events was subdivided into several stages. The Poçem polymict transgressive carbonate conglomerate (Kremenara anticline, central Albania) was deposited in a shallow marine environment. These conglomerates are covered by intertidal rhodolithic packstones–grainstones. The stable‐isotope signature of these packstones–grainstones (δ18OV‐PDB = −1·0 to +0·7‰; δ13C = +1·0 to +1·4‰) plots is within the range of marine Early and Middle Miocene values. Shortly after deposition of the conglomerates, micritization, geopetal infill and acicular calcite cementation took place. A first calcite vein generation is interpreted as having formed from a Messinian brine during shallow burial. Burial stylolites developed during further burial in the Pliocene. These stylolites serve as an important diagenetic time marker. The post‐burial stylolite meteoric calcite vein cement probably precipitated during the following telogenetic stage. Karstification and calcite concretion precipitiation pre‐date overturning of the western limb of the anticline. Reopening of subvertical fractures and tectonic stylolites in the western limb of the Kremenara anticline, followed by oil migration, represents one of the latest diagenetic events. These fractures and stylolites provide major pathways for hydrocarbon production.  相似文献   

When the Thomas Creek, Arizona, USA, watershed was logged for the first time, the latest state-of-the-art harvesting was applied. Trees were cut in patches and by group selection, and logs skidded by crawler tractor. Although overland flow and sediment delivery, measured on small sub-drainages of the watershed, were inconsequential, sediment deliveries from severely disturbed areas and undisturbed forest floor were significantly different (41 and 6 kg ha?1 year?1, respectively). The highest erosion rates (128 kg ha?1 year?1) were created by monitoring activities which entailed the use of over-snow vehicles and trail bikes. Nearly instantaneous rises in the hydrograph at the start of storms were caused by pipe flows. Significant increases of flow volumes and peak flows after timber harvest increased magnitudes of channel adjustment processes (erosion) that had existed already before logging. This development was judged positively, because it suggests more rapid attainment of a new dynamic equilibrium. The study demonstrated that mixed conifer forests can be harvested without detrimental effects on the watershed if state-of-the-art techniques are used.  相似文献   
The Westphalian C and D fluvial sandstones in the Campine Basin (north‐east Belgium) are potential reservoirs for the sequestration of CO2 and interesting analogues of the hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Southern North Sea. Although these sandstones were deposited in a relatively short period of time, their reservoir properties and mineralogical compositions are very different. A petrographic study complemented with stable isotope analyses, fluid inclusion microthermometry and X‐ray diffraction analyses of the clay fractions of the sandstones, which were sampled from deep boreholes (>1000 m) in the Campine Basin, revealed that these differences are related mainly to the climate at the time of deposition. The most important eogenetic processes affecting the Westphalian sandstones were the generation of a pseudomatrix by physical compaction of Al‐silicates and lithic fragments that were strongly altered by extensive meteoric leaching, kaolinitization of unstable silicates and precipitation of siderite. These processes had a detrimental influence on the reservoir properties of Westphalian C sandstones, but their impact on the Westphalian D sandstones was minimal. The difference is assumed to be related to the climate at the time of deposition, which changed from tropical humid in the Westphalian C to semi‐arid/arid during the Late Westphalian D. Both the Westphalian C and D sandstones were affected by similar mesogenetic processes. Mesogenetic quartz cementation resulted from chemical compaction and illitization of kaolinite, K‐feldspar and smectitic clays. Illitization of kaolinite was controlled by the available quantities of co‐existing kaolinite and K‐feldspar and mainly affected the Westphalian D sandstones. Illitization of K‐feldspar was controlled by the K‐feldspar content. It had a much larger impact on the reservoir properties of the Westphalian D as, in these sandstones, K‐feldspar was less affected by eogenetic alteration. The illitization of smectitic clays resulted in illite, quartz and ankerite cementation in both reservoirs. This process had a more important impact on the Westphalian C reservoir, since cementation here also resulted from smectite to illite conversion in the interbedded and underlying shales. The effect of mesogenetic alterations on the reservoir properties was much less drastic than the impact of eodiagenesis. Mesogenetic alterations do exert a significant control on the properties of the Westphalian D. The vast impact of eodiagenesis on the Westphalian C sandstones made them less susceptible to mesogenetic alteration. The effect of telogenetic processes on the porosity and permeability of the Westphalian sandstones was small and restricted to the top reservoir intervals that directly underlie the Cimmerian Unconformity. No significant telogenetic alterations related to the Variscan Unconformity were observed.  相似文献   
In topographic flat areas, sedimentary settings may vary from one outcrop to another. In these settings, calcite precipitates may yield macroscopically similar columnar features, although they are products of different sedimentary or diagenetic processes. Three columnar calcite crystal fabrics, i.e. rosettes, palisade crusts and macro-columnar crystal fans, have been differentiated near and at the contact between Upper Tournaisian dolomites and limestones along the southern margin of the Brabant-Wales Palaeohigh. Their petrographic characteristics, and geochemical and fluid inclusion data provide information on the (dia)genetic processes involved. Rosettes composed of non-luminescent columnar calcite crystal fans (1–5 cm in diameter) developed on top of one another, forming discrete horizons in repetitive sedimentary cycles. The cycles consist of three horizons: (I) a basal horizon with fragments from the underlying horizon, (II) a micrite/microspar horizon with incipient glaebules, (III) an upper horizon consisting of calcite rosettes, with desiccation features. The petrographical features and δ18O signatures of −10·0 to −5·5‰ and δ13C values of −5·5 to −3·2‰ support either evaporative growth, an evaporative pedogenic origin, or overprinting of marine precipitates. Palisade crusts, composed of a few to 10 mm long non-luminescent calcite crystals, coat palaeokarst cavities. Successive palisade growth-stages occur which are separated by thin laminae of micrite or detrital quartz, displaying a geopetal arrangement. Palisade crusts are interpreted as intra-Mississippian speleothems. This interpretation is supported by their petrographic characteristics and isotopic signature (δ18O = −8·7 to −6·5‰ and δ13C = −4·8 to −2·5‰). Macro-columnar crystals, 1–50 cm long, developed mainly perpendicular to cavity walls and dolomite clasts. Crystal growth stages in the macro-columnar crystals are missing. δ18O values vary between −16·4 and −6·8‰ and δ13C values between −5·2 and −0·9‰. These features possibly support a late diagenetic high temperature precipitation in relation to hydrothermal karstification.  相似文献   
Results of a detailed petrographic and stable isotope study illustrate that sedimentological differences and eogenetic dissolution/precipitation processes controlled porosity distribution within carbonate turbidites of the Ionian basin (central Albania). Based on lithology characteristics and porosity distribution observed in outcrop, individual turbidite beds can be subdivided into four distinct intervals, i.e. from base to top: (A) a non‐porous wackestone/floatstone or packstone followed by (B) porous packstone–grainstone that grades into (C) wackestone and (D) non‐porous mudstone with pelagic foraminifera. Wackestone interval C is characterized by an alternation of porous and non‐porous laminae. Changes in turbidity current flow regime controlled the initial presence of matrix micrite giving rise to both matrix‐ and grain‐supported lithologies within turbidite sequences. These are non‐porous and porous, respectively. Four eogenetic diagenetic processes (dissolution, cementation, neomorphism and compaction) acted shortly after deposition and modified primary porosity characteristics and distribution. Alteration by meteoric water is excluded based on the continuous burial until the Oligocene of the studied deep marine carbonates. Moreover, the stable isotope data with values between −2·1‰ and +0·7‰ for δ18OV‐PDB and between +1‰ and +3‰ for δ13CV‐PDB, favour alteration by marine‐derived pore‐waters. Compaction and aggrading neomorphism occurred dominantly in intervals characterized by higher matrix micrite content, i.e. the floatstone base and the wackestone–mudstone upper turbidite part. Framework‐stabilizing cementation occurred dominantly in the packstone–grainstone middle part of the turbidite beds. In the latter porous lithologies, matrix micrite was not compacted because of the grain fabric and the framework‐stabilizing cements. Here, neomorphism of micrite into microrhombic euhedral calcite occurred and microporosity was preserved.  相似文献   
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