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The ratio of nitrogen/phosphorus (N/P) is known to affect cell proliferation of some marine micro algae. We evaluated the effect of N/P ratios on the proliferation and succession of phytoplankton using five marine micro algae species. We used two sources of nitrogen, NH4Cl (N1) and urea (N2), and a single source of phosphorous, NaH2PO4(P). The optimal N/P ratio that differed among the five species was affected by the source of nitrogen, being as follows (N1/P, N2/P in order): Thalassiosira sp. (30/1, 20/1),...  相似文献   
In our trials, from 2007 to 2008, of mass production of seedlings of Hizikia fusiformis using synchronization techniques, problems of a dark thalli phenomenon and epiphytes contamination severely threatened the health of juvenile seedlings. In this investigation, we optimized conditions for improving the growth of juvenile seedlings. Seven string collectors were seeded with zygotes and a series of experiments were conducted including direct exposure to solar irradiance, co-culture with Ulva spp. and treatme...  相似文献   
Partial pressure of CO2(pCO2) was investigated in the Changjiang(Yangtze River) Estuary,Hangzhou Bay and their adjacent areas during a cruise in August 2004,China.The data show that pCO2 in surface waters of the studied area was higher than that in the atmosphere with only exception of a patch east of Zhoushan Archipelago.The pCO2 varied from 168 to 2 264 μatm,which fell in the low range compared with those of other estuaries in the world.The calculated sea-air CO2 fluxes decreased offshore and varied from -10.0 to 88.1 mmol m-2 d-1 in average of 24.4 ± 16.5 mmol m-2 d-1.Although the area studied was estimated only 2 × 104 km2,it emitted(5.9 ± 4.0) × 103 tons of carbon to the atmosphere every day.The estuaries and their plumes must be further studied for better understanding the role of coastal seas playing in the global oceanic carbon cycle.  相似文献   
The de-eutrophication abilities and characteristics of Ulva pertusa, a marine green alga, were investigated in Qingdao Yihai Hatchery Center from spring to summer in 2005 by analyzing the dynamic changes in NH+4, NOˉ3, NO2ˉ as well as the total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN). The results show that the effluent wastewater produced by fish aquaculture had typical eutrophication levels with an average of 34.3 μmol L-1 DIN. This level far exceeded the level IV quality of the national seawater standard and c...  相似文献   
秦岭造山带勉略缝合带构造变形与造山过程   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
秦岭晚古生代以来造山过程中的构造变形研究对建立华北板块与华南板块之间的最终拼合过程尤为重要。为此,选择勉略带进行了详细的野外调查,对其物质组成,几何学结构,变形序列,运动学和动力学作了系统解剖,认为:勉略带是有一定宽度,由一定实体组成的蛇构造混杂岩带,它包括不同时代,不同构造背景,不同起源的一系列构造岩片,如:基底岩片组,洋壳岩片组,岛弧岩片组,碰撞构造沉积楔形体,大陆边缘岩片组,它们被一系列的北倾南冲的断裂分割。勉略带到-高川段的北倾南冲逆冲断裂和勉略带北部南倾北冲的逆冲断裂组合成为现今不对称的正花状几何学结构,但勉略带的北界状元碑断裂和南界 到-略阳断裂走滑特征明显。结合勉略带邻区的构造特征,分别对带内重要断裂及岩片的构造解析表明,除主造山的大地构造演化阶段外,可将勉略带构造变形序列及演化历程总体归纳为三大阶段:俯冲变形阶段,主造山碰撞变形阶段的陆内造山调整变形阶段,并对不同变表阶段的时限,变形特征,运动学和动力学分别作了描述;最后针对该区复杂的楔入,挤出(逃逸)走滑,逆冲过程,提出了一个统一的动力学演化模式。  相似文献   
为了实现科技期刊编辑、出版发行工作的电子化,推进科技信息交流的网络化进程,我刊现已入网"万方数据(ChinaInfo)系统科技期刊群",所以,向本刊投稿并录用的稿件文章,将一律由编辑部统一纳入万方数据(ChinaInfo)系统,进入因特网提供信息服务.凡有不同意者,请另投它刊.本刊所付稿酬包含刊物内容上网服务报酬,不再另付.  相似文献   
不同产地龙须菜光合色素的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
龙须菜是一种重要的产琼胶海藻。本文分析了从青岛、石岛、龙须岛采集的龙须菜的光合色素组成、光谱特性、光合作用速率及生长速度,从而研究扑光色素的组成与光合作用、生物物质积累之间的关系。三个龙须菜的产地之间相距上百里到几百里,彼此之间进行遗传物质交流的机会较少,存在着地理隔离的可能性。本研究表明,不同产地龙须菜光合色素的组成有差异:青岛的材料藻红蛋白含量较高,石岛及龙须岛材料叶绿素α含量较高。不同产地的材料荧光光谱也有差异。与其他产地的材料相比,龙须岛材料光补偿点较低,生长速度较快。本文对今后的生产需要提供了一些生物学参数。  相似文献   
We report trace element analyses by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) of metal grains from nine different CR chondrites, distinguishing grains from chondrule interior (“interior grains”), chondrule surficial shells (“margin grains”), and the matrix (“isolated grains”). Save for a few anomalous grains, Ni‐normalized trace element patterns are similar for all three petrographic settings, with largely unfractionated refractory siderophile elements and depleted volatile Au, Cu, Ag, S. All three types of grains are interpreted to derive from a common precursor approximated by the least‐melted, fine‐grained objects in CR chondrites. This also excludes recondensation of metal vapor as the origin of the bulk of margin grains. The metal precursors were presumably formed by incomplete condensation, with evidence for high‐temperature isolation of refractory platinum‐group‐element (PGE)‐rich condensates before mixing with lower temperature PGE‐depleted condensates. The rounded shape of the Ni‐rich, interior grains shows that they were molten and that they equilibrated with silicates upon slow cooling (1–100 K h?1), largely by oxidation/evaporation of Fe, hence their high Pd content, for example. We propose that Ni‐poorer, amoeboid margin grains, often included in the pyroxene‐rich periphery common to type I chondrules, result from less intense processing of a rim accreted onto the chondrule subsequent to the melting event recorded by the interior grains. This means either that there were two separate heating events, which formed olivine/interior grains and pyroxene/margin grains, respectively, between which dust was accreted around the chondrule, or that there was a single high‐temperature event, of which the chondrule margin records a late “quenching phase,” in which case dust accreted onto chondrules while they were molten. In the latter case, high dust concentrations in the chondrule‐forming region (at least three orders of magnitude above minimum mass solar nebula models) are indicated.  相似文献   
对珠江口外CJ14区块250个站位的表层沉积物进行底栖有孔虫分析,共发现底栖有孔虫118种,其中玻璃壳质80种,瓷质壳质21种,胶结壳质17种。有孔虫丰度基本随水深变深而增大。为研究底栖有孔虫分布与沉积环境之间的关系,对底栖有孔虫含量进行Q型因子分析,并选取前4个主因子,分别对应4个有孔虫组合。它们总共解释了总方差的86.2%,基本上反映了沉积物中有孔虫的群落结构。研究表明,水深和盐度是影响珠江口表层沉积物中有孔虫组合分布的控制因素,其他影响因素主要包括沉积物类型、水动力条件和沉积速率。水动力条件主要影响有孔虫的含量;沉积速率主要影响有孔虫的丰度。  相似文献   
Water samples were collected in 120 stations in the Bohai Sea of China to analyze the distribution of dissolved nutrients and assess the degree of eutrophication in August 2002. The result shows that the average concentration of DIN increased and the PO4-P concentration sharply decreased compared to the previous data of corresponding period. The high concentrations of DIN and PO4-P occurred in coastal waters, especially in the bays and some river estuaries, while the high concentrations of SiO3-Si in the surface and middle depth occurred in the central area of the Bohai Sea. The average ratio of DIN/ PO4-P was much higher than the Redfield Ratio (16:1). Apparently, PO4-P was one of the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growing in the sea. The average concentrations of DON and DOP were higher than their inorganic forms. The results of eutrophication assessment show that 22.1% of all stations were classified as violating the concentration levels of the National Seawater Quality Standard (GB 3097-1997) for DIN and only 3.9% for PO4-P. The average eutrophication index in the overall area was 0.21±0.22 and the high values occurred in Bohai Bay, Liaodong Bay and near the Yellow River estuary. This means that the state of eutrophication was generally mesotrophic in the Bohai Sea, but relatively worse in the bays, especially some river estuaries.  相似文献   
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