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The WNW–ESE trending Toulourenc Fault Zone (TFZ) is the western segment of the major Ventoux–Lure Fault Zone, which separates the Provençal platform from the Baronnies Vocontian Basin. The TFZ was subject to polyphased Mid-Cretaceous movements, during the Early Aptian and Middle–Late Albian times. The latter faulting episode generated conglomerates and olistoliths resulting from dismantled faultscarps cutting Barremian–Bedoulian limestones. The deformation is related to compressional wrench faulting (NE–SW sinistral faults; dextral component for the TFZ). It induced the uplift of the northwestern corner of the platform, as indicated by a mid-Cretaceous hiatus (Early Aptian pro parte to Early Albian) narrowly delimited in space. The opening of submeridian grabens within the platform favoured the northward transit of channelised coarse-grained Albian sands originating from a southern area. To cite this article: C. Montenat et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
High levels of arsenic in groundwater and drinking water are a major health problem. Although the processes controlling the release of As are still not well known, the reductive dissolution of As-rich Fe oxyhydroxides has so far been a favorite hypothesis. Decoupling between arsenic and iron redox transformations has been experimentally demonstrated, but not quantitatively interpreted. Here, we report on incubation batch experiments run with As(V) sorbed on, or co-precipitated with, 2-line ferrihydrite. The biotic and abiotic processes of As release were investigated by using wet chemistry, X-ray diffraction, X-ray absorption and genomic techniques. The incubation experiments were carried out with a phosphate-rich growth medium and a community of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria under strict anoxic conditions for two months. During the first month, the release of Fe(II) in the aqueous phase amounted to only 3% to 10% of the total initial solid Fe concentration, whilst the total aqueous As remained almost constant after an initial exchange with phosphate ions. During the second month, the aqueous Fe(II) concentration remained constant, or even decreased, whereas the total quantity of As released to the solution accounted for 14% to 45% of the total initial solid As concentration. At the end of the incubation, the aqueous-phase arsenic was present predominately as As(III) whilst X-ray absorption spectroscopy indicated that more than 70% of the solid-phase arsenic was present as As(V). X-ray diffraction revealed vivianite Fe(II)3(PO4)2.8H2O in some of the experiments. A biogeochemical model was then developed to simulate these aqueous- and solid-phase results. The two main conclusions drawn from the model are that (1) As(V) is not reduced during the first incubation month with high Eh values, but rather re-adsorbed onto the ferrihydrite surface, and this state remains until arsenic reduction is energetically more favorable than iron reduction, and (2) the release of As during the second month is due to its reduction to the more weakly adsorbed As(III) which cannot compete against carbonate ions for sorption onto ferrihydrite. The model was also successfully applied to recent experimental results on the release of arsenic from Bengal delta sediments.  相似文献   
In order to identify and characterise fluids associated with metamorphic rocks from the Chaves region (North Portugal), fluid inclusions were studied in quartz veinlets, concordant with the main foliation, in graphitic-rich and nongraphitic-rich lithologies from areas with distinct metamorphic grade. The study indicates multiple fluid circulation events with a variety of compositions, broadly within the C–H–O–N–salt system. Primary fluid inclusions in quartz contain low salinity aqueous–carbonic, H2O–CH4–N2–NaCl fluids that were trapped near the peak of regional metamorphism, which occurred during or immediately after D2. The calculated PT conditions for the western area of Chaves (CW) is P=300–350 MPa and T500 °C, and for the eastern area (CE), P=200–250 MPa and T=400–450 °C. A first generation of secondary fluid inclusions is restricted to discrete cracks at the grain boundaries of quartz and consists of low salinity aqueous–carbonic, H2O–CO2–CH4–N2–NaCl fluids. PT conditions from the fluid inclusions indicate that they were trapped during a thermal event, probably related with the emplacement of the two-mica granites.

A second generation of secondary inclusions occurs in intergranular fractures and is characterised by two types of aqueous inclusions. One type is a low salinity, H2O–NaCl fluid and the second consists of a high salinity, H2O–NaCl–CaCl2 fluid. These fluid inclusions are not related to the metamorphic process and have been trapped after D3 at relatively low P (hydrostatic)–T conditions (P<100 MPa and T<300 °C).

Both the early H2O–CH4–N2–NaCl fluids in quartz from the graphitic-rich lithologies and the later H2O–CO2–CH4–N2–NaCl carbonic fluid in quartz from graphitic-rich and nongraphitic-rich lithologies seem to have a common origin and evolution. They have low salinity, probably resulting from connate waters that were diluted by the water released from mineral dehydration during metamorphism. Their main component is water, but the early H2O–CH4–N2–NaCl fluids are enriched in CH4 due to interaction with the C-rich host rocks.

From the early H2O–CH4–N2–NaCl to the later aqueous–carbonic H2O–CO2–CH4–N2–NaCl fluids, there is an enrichment in CO2 that is more significant for the fluids associated with nongraphitic-rich lithologies.

The aqueous–carbonic fluids, enriched in H2O and CH4, are primarily associated with graphitic-rich lithologies. However, the aqueous–carbonic CO2-rich fluids were found in both graphitic and nongraphitic-rich units from both the CW and CE studied areas, which are of medium and low metamorphic grade, respectively.  相似文献   

The gold showings at Bleida are hosted in Late Pan-African N50–80 °E quartz–hematite–chlorite 1 tension lenses that are related to the activity of major sinistral sub-east–west thrusts. Ores result from three superimposed stages of fluid migration. Gold occurs in microcracks offsetting the earlier minerals. Fluids evolved from COHN compositions with a saline component to boiling aqueous fluids. Pressure and temperature decreased from 50 MPa and 300 °C to less than 4 MPa and 150 °C. Thus, the gold showings at Bleida were formed in a typical geothermal (epithermal) setting, likely controlled by the Late Pan-African magmatism. To cite this article: A. Barakat et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 35–41  相似文献   
Lithium is an important geochemical tracer for fluids or solids. However, because the electron microprobe cannot detect Li, variations of Li abundance at the micrometric scale are most often estimated from bulk analyses. In this study, the Li intense emission line at 670.706 nm in optical emission spectroscopy was used to perfect the analysis of Li at the micrometric scale by means of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). To estimate lithium content for different geological materials, LIBS calibration of the emission line at 670.706 nm was achieved by use of synthetic glasses and natural minerals. The detection limit for this method is ∼5 ppm Li. Three applications to geological materials show the potential of LIBS for lithium determination, namely for Li-bearing minerals, melt inclusions, quartz, and associated fluid inclusions.For spodumene and petalite from granite pegmatite dikes (Portugal), the Li2O concentrations are 7.6 ± 1.6 wt% and 6.3 ± 1.3 wt%, respectively, by use of LIBS. These values agree with ion microprobe analyses, bulk analyses, or both. For eucryptite crystals, the Li concentrations are scattered because grain size is smaller than the LIBS spatial resolution (6 to 8 μm). Lithium concentrations of melt inclusions from the Streltsovka U deposit (Siberia) are in the range of 2 to 6.2 wt% (Li2O) for Li-rich daughter minerals. Lithium estimations on silicate glasses display values between 90 and 400 ppm.Lithium was also analyzed as a trace element in quartz. Transverse profiles were performed in hydrothermal barren quartz veins from the Spanish Central System (Sierra de Guadarrama). The highest Li concentrations (250 to 370 ppm) were found in specific growth bands in conjunction with the observed variation in optical cathodoluminescence intensity. Considering the fluid inclusion analysis, the source of fluid responsible to the Li enrichment in quartz is probably high-salinity fluids derived from sedimentary basins.  相似文献   
The Moulin de Chéni orogenic gold deposit is the only granite-hosted deposit of the Saint-Yrieix district, French Massif Central. It occurs in 338±1.5 Ma-old peraluminous leucogranites and is characterized by intense microfracturing and bleaching of the granite in relation to pervasive sulfide crystallization. Formation of quartz veins and gold deposition occurred in two successive stages: an early mesozonal stage of quartz-sulfide (Fe-As-S) deposition, usually devoid of gold and a late epizonal stage of base metal and gold deposition. Both stages postdate peak metamorphism and granite intrusion. The genesis of the deposit is the result of four successive fluid events: (1) Percolation of aqueous-carbonic metamorphic fluids under an assumed lithostatic regime of 400–450 °C, at a maximum depth of 13 km; (2) Formation of the main quartz lodes with coeval K-alteration and introduction of As and S from aqueous-carbonic fluids percolating along regional faults. Arsenopyrite and pyrite deposition was linked to the alteration of Fe-silicates into K-feldspar and phengite at near-constant iron content in the bulk granite. Temperature was similar to that of the preceding stage, but pressure decreased to 100–50 MPa, suggesting rapid uplift of the basement up to 7.5 km depth; (3) The resulting extensional tectonic leads to the deposition of gold, boulangerite, galena and sphalerite in brecciated arsenopyrite and pyrite from aqueous fluids during a mixing process. Temperature and salinity decrease from 280 to 140 °C and 8.1 wt% eq. NaCl to 1.6 wt% eq. NaCl, respectively; (4) Sealing of the late fault system by barren comb quartz which precipitated from dilute meteoric aqueous fluids (1.6 wt% eq. NaCl to 0.9 wt% eq. NaCl) under hydrostatic conditions at 200–150 °C.Editorial handling: B. Lehmann  相似文献   
Summary Four metamorphic/hydrothermal fluid systems were identified in detailed microthermometric and spectroscopic investigations carried out on fluids trapped in late-stage quartz veins sampled throughout the Witwatersrand Basin. These include aqueous, H2O-CO2-rich, H2O-CH4-CO2-rich and CH4-N2-rich fluids. Early inclusion populations are dominated by H2O- and CO2-rich fluid systems. Cross-cutting these early fluid populations are trails of inclusions that contain CH4, C2H6, N2, H2 and H2S (vapour-rich inclusions). Fault-related quartz veins, in particular, are characterized by these later fluid types. A common feature of some of these later fluids is the presence of hydrocarbons and daughter crystals. A very late phase of aqueous fluids occurs in most samples as transgranular inclusion trails. P-V T-X considerations as well as chlorite geothermometry, mineral assemblages and burial conditions suggest entrapment temperatures of between 200°C and 400°C and locally up to 500°C. Fluid chemistry suggests that the post-depositional C-O-H fluids affecting the sediments have oxygen fugacities between Q-F-M and Ni-NiO in the range 300°C to 400°C. This accounts for the widespread preservation of detrital uraninite and gold remobilization along major fluid conduits.
Charakterisierung von post-sedimentären Fluiden im Witwatersrand-Becken
Zusammenfassung Vier verschiedene Arten von metamorphen/hydrothermalen Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen wurden im Zuge von detaillierten mikrothermometrischen und spektroskopischen Untersuchungen an Flüssigkeiten in Proben von spätgebildeten Quarzgängen aus dem Gesamtbereich des Witwatersrand-Beckens identifiziert. Bei diesen Flüssigkeiten konnten wässerige, H2O-CO2-reiche, H2O-CH4-CO2-reiche und CH4-N2-reiche Typen unterschieden werden. Bei frühgebildeten Einschlüssen dominieren H2O- und CO2-reiche Flüssigkeiten. Die frühen Einschlüsse kommen entlang verheilter Bruchflächen vor und werden von einer späteren, gasreichen Generation durchkreuzt, die CH4, C2H6, N2, H2, und H2S enthält. Insbesondere Quarzgänge, die an Verwerfungen gebunden sind, enthalten Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse des letzteren Typs. Einige dieser Flüssigkeiten haben die Anwesenheit von Tochterkristallen und hydrokarbonischer Komponenten gemeinsam. Eine sehr späte Generation von wäßrigen Flüssigkeiten kommt in den meisten Proben in der Form von trans-granularen Einschlussbahnen vor. Berücksichtigung von P-V-T-X Bedingungen und Chlorit-Thermometrie, von Mineralparagenesen und Überlagerungsmächtigkeit weisen auf Bildungstemperaturen zwischen 200 und 400 °C, lokal bis zu 500 °C. Die Zusammensetzungen der Flüssigkeiten deuten an, daß die spät-bis post-diagenetischen C-O-H Flüssigkeiten, die auf die Sedimente einwirkten, Sauerstoffugazitäten im Bereich zwischen Q-F-M und Ni-NiO, für Temperaturen von 300 bis 400 °C, hatten. Dies erkärt, warum detritischer Uraninit in weiten Bereichen des Beckens auftritt und warum Remobilisierung von Gold entlang von Zonen hoher Fluidwegsamkeit stattfinden konnte.
Minor centres in the Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ) of the Andes occur in different places and are essential indicators of magmatic processes leading to formation of composite volcano. The Andahua–Orcopampa and Huambo monogenetic fields are located in a unique tectonic setting, in and along the margins of a deep valley. This valley, oblique to the NW–SE-trend of the CVZ, is located between two composite volcanoes (Nevado Coropuna to the east and Nevado Sabancaya to the west). Structural analysis of these volcanic fields, based on SPOT satellite images, indicates four main groups of faults. These faults may have controlled magma ascent and the distribution of most centres in this deep valley shaped by en-echelon faulting. Morphometric criteria and 14C age dating attest to four main periods of activity: Late Pleistocene, Early to Middle Holocene, Late Holocene and Historic. The two most interesting features of the cones are the wide compositional range of their lavas (52.1 to 68.1 wt.% SiO2) and the unusual occurrence of mafic lavas (olivine-rich basaltic andesites and basaltic andesites). Occurrence of such minor volcanic centres and mafic magmas in the CVZ may provide clues about the magma source in southern Peru. Such information is otherwise difficult to obtain because lavas produced by composite volcanoes are affected by shallow processes that strongly mask source signatures. Major, trace, and rare earth elements, as well as Sr-, Nd-, Pb- and O-isotope data obtained on high-K calc-alkaline lavas of the Andahua–Orcopampa and Huambo volcanic province characterise their source and their evolution. These lavas display a range comparable to those of the CVZ composite volcanoes for radiogenic and stable isotopes (87Sr/86Sr: 0.70591–0.70694, 143Nd/144Nd: 0.512317–0.512509, 206Pb/204Pb: 18.30–18.63, 207Pb/204Pb: 15.57–15.60, 208Pb/204Pb: 38.49–38.64, and δ 18O: 7.1–10.0‰ SMOW), attesting to involvement of a crustal component. Sediment is absent from the Peru–Chile trench, and hence cannot be the source of such enrichment. Partial melts of the lowermost part of the thick Andean continental crust with a granulitic garnet-bearing residue added to mantle-derived arc magmas in a high-pressure MASH [melting, assimilation, storage and homogenisation] zone may play a major role in magma genesis. This may also explain the chemical characteristics of the Andahua–Orcopampa and Huambo magmas. Fractional crystallisation processes are the main governors of magma evolution for the Andahua–Orcopampa and Huambo volcanic province. An open-system evolution is, however, required to explain some O-isotopes and some major and trace elements values. Modelling of AFC processes suggests the Charcani gneisses and the local Andahua–Orcopampa and Huambo basement may be plausible contaminants.  相似文献   
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