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Sediment successions in coastal cliffs around Mezen Bay, southeastern White Sea, record an unusually detailed history of former glaciations, interstadial marine and fluvial events from the Weichselian. A regional glaciation model for the Weichselian is based on new data from the Mezen Bay area and previously published data from adjacent areas. Following the Mikulinian (Eemian) interglacial a shelf‐centred glaciation in the Kara Sea is reflected in proglacial conditions at 100–90 ka. A local ice‐cap over the Timan ridge existed between 75 and 65 ka. Renewed glaciation in the Kara Sea spread southwestwards around 60 ka only, interrupted by a marine inundation, before it advanced to its maximum position at about 55–50 ka. After a prolonged ice‐free period, the Scandinavian ice‐sheet invaded the area from the west and terminated east of Mezen Bay about 17 ka. The previously published evidence of a large ice‐dammed lake in the central Arkhangelsk region, Lake Komi, finds no support in this study. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Kurt Lambeck 《地学学报》1991,3(4):379-389
Observations of sea levels around the coastline of the British Isles for the past 10,000–15,000 years exhibit a major regional variation and provide an important data base for testing models of glacial rebound as well as models of the Late Devensian ice sheet. A high-resolution rebound model has been developed which is consistent with both the spatial and temporal patterns of sea-level change and which demonstrates that the observations are the result of (i) the glacio-isostatic crustal rebound in response to the unloading of the ice sheet over Britain and, to a lesser degree, of the ice sheet over Fennoscandia, and (ii) the rise in sea-level from the melting Late Pleistocene ice sheets, including the response of the crust to the water loading (the hydro-isostatic effect). The agreement between model and observations is such that there is no need to invoke vertical crustal movements for Great Britain and Ireland of other than glacio-hydro-isostatic origin. The rebound contributions are important throughout the region and nowhere is it sufficiently small for the sea-level change to approximate the eustatic sea-level rise. The observational data distribution around the periphery as well as from sites near the centre of the former ice sheet is sufficient to permit constraints to be established on both earth model parameters specifying the mantle viscosity and lithospheric thickness and the extent and volume of the ice sheet at the time of the last glaciation. Preliminary solutions are presented which indicate an upper mantle viscosity of (3–5)1020 Pas, a lithospheric thickness of about 100 km or less, and an ice model that was not confluent with the Scandinavian ice sheet during the last glaciation and whose maximum thickness over Scotland is unlikely to have exceeded about 1500 m.  相似文献   
A coupled deterministic hydrological and water temperature model, CEQUEAU, was modified to include soil temperature and crown closure in its calculation of local advective terms in the heat budget. The modified model was than tested to verify its sensitivity to these modifications. An analysis of the heat budget of a small forested catchment in eastern Canada revealed that the advective term related to interflow plays a significant role in the daily water heat budget, providing on average 28% of the local advective budget (which also includes advective heat terms from surface runoff and groundwater) and nearly 14% of the total heat budget (which includes all radiative terms at the water surface, convection and evaporation, as well as the local advective terms). Relative sensitivity indices (RSIs) were used to verify the impact of the newly introduced parameters and variables. Among them, parameters related to the forest cover (crown closure and leaf area index) have a maximum RSI of ?0·6; i.e. a 100% increase in value produces a 60% decrease in the local advective term. Parameters with the greatest influence are the volume of water contributing to interflow and the amplitude of the net radiative flux at the soil surface, which, if doubled, would double the contribution of the local interflow advective term to the heat budget. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Morphological analysis of the drainage system in the Eastern Alps   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We study the morphology of the major rivers draining the Eastern Alps to test whether the active tectonics of this part of the orogen is reflected in the shape of channel profiles of the river network. In our approach we compare channel profiles measured from digital elevation models with numerically modelled channel profiles using a stream power approach. It is shown that regions of high stream power coincide largely with regions of highest topography and largest uplift rates, while the forelands and the Pannonian Basin are characterised by a significantly lower stream power. From stream power modelling we conclude that there is young uplift at the very east of the Eastern Alps, in the Bohemian Massif and in the Pohorje Range. The impact of the Pleistocene glaciations is explored by comparing properties of rivers that drain in proximal and distal positions relative to the ice sheet during the last glacial maximum. Our analysis shows that most knick points, wind gaps and other non-equilibrium features of catchments covered by ice during the last glaciations (Salzach, Enns) can be correlated with glacial processes. In contrast the ice free catchments of the Mur and Drava are characterized by channels in morphological equilibrium at the first approximation and are showing only weak evidence of the strong tectonic activity within these catchments. Finally, the channel profiles of the Adige and the divide between the upper Rhine and Danube catchments differ significantly from the other catchments. We relate this to the fact that the Adige and the Rhine respond to different base levels from the remainder of the Eastern Alps: The Adige may preserve a record from the Messininan base level change and the Rhine is subject to the base level lowering in the Rhine Graben.  相似文献   
During the development of the Variscan orogeny, large amounts of granitic melt were produced, giving rise to the intrusion of granitoids at different structural levels. Despite numerous studies, ages available from previous work on the Cévennes granites remain largely imprecise. In order to better constrain the age and emplacement mode of these granites, we have combined U–Pb dating on monazites and zircons and 40Ar/39Ar dating on biotites with petrological observations, major element chemical analysis and SEM zircon imaging on five samples from the Aigoual–St Guiral–Liron and Mont Lozère granitic massifs. The results revealed that granitic intrusions and cooling in Southern Cévennes occurred in a short time span at ∼306 Ma after the main episode of regional metamorphism. Petrological and chemical data suggest that they result from a mixing between mantle-derived basic magmas (lamprophyres) and lower crust acid magmas. At a regional scale the production of these melts occurred at the end of crustal thickening induced by nappe stacking, at the same time as the late anatectic events recorded further north in the Velay dome and the granulite facies metamorphism recorded in metasedimentary granulite enclaves brought up by Tertiary volcanoes of the Velay area (Bournac).  相似文献   
Understanding the formation of laminated, organic-rich sediments is an essential topic for researchers interested in fossil fuels, biogeochemical cycles, Earth's environmental history and global change. Biologists have very recently demonstrated that some marine phytoplankton blooms actively govern their own sedimentation by the formation of sticky transparent gels that facilitate rapid aggregation, accelerated sinking and efficient export flux. Here we present fossil evidence of unfragmented, low-diversity phytoplankton assemblages preserved as sedimentary laminae and irregular flocs that are attributable to a similar phytoplankton-driven sedimentary mechanism we term ‘self-sedimentation’. The geological evidence suggests that self-sedimentation precludes significant heterotrophic grazing, propels the formation of some conspicuous hemipelagic sedimentary laminae and results in efficient carbon and opal flux to the sediments. We suggest that the self-sedimentation phenomenon may have broad implications for the geological history of biogeochemical cycling, oceanic ecological dynamics, and abrupt atmospheric/environmental change. Broader recognition of the self-sedimentation phenomenon as explicitly defined here is a prerequisite to testing these unconventional hypotheses.  相似文献   
Continental rift systems and anorogenic magmatism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Precambrian Laurentia and Mesozoic Gondwana both rifted along geometric patterns that closely approximate truncated-icosahedral tessellations of the lithosphere. These large-scale, quasi-hexagonal rift patterns manifest a least-work configuration. For both Laurentia and Gondwana, continental rifting coincided with drift stagnation, and may have been driven by lithospheric extension above an insulated and thermally expanded mantle. Anorogenic magmatism, including flood basalts, dike swarms, anorthosite massifs and granite-rhyolite provinces, originated along the Laurentian and Gondwanan rift tessellations. Long-lived volcanic regions of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, sometimes called hotspots, originated near triple junctions of the Gondwanan tessellation as the supercontinent broke apart. We suggest that some anorogenic magmatism results from decompression melting of asthenosphere beneath opening fractures, rather than from random impingement of hypothetical deep-mantle plumes.  相似文献   
Bristen granite is a body of fine-grained leucogranite occurring in the Gotthard rail base tunnel in the Central Alps. During construction of the tunnel, Bristen granite (Brgr) has been drilled along a 600 m long section. The aplite-granite belongs to the suite of Variscan granitoid intrusions of the Aar massif and contains a variety of accessory minerals typical of highly differentiated granites. Rock forming fluorite, partly enriched in yttrium (Y) and rare earth elements (REE), is intergrown with the late Y- and REE-bearing carbonate mineral synchysite. The granite contains a variety of Ti- and Y-REE-niobates, thorite, and zircon. Compared with the calc-alkaline central Aar granite (cAgr), Bristen granite is strongly depleted in Ti, P, Mg, Sr, and Ba and shows a remarkable enrichment in incompatible elements such as Rb, Th, U, Nb, Y, HREE and F. Bristen granite is the most evolved granitoid rock of the Aar massif. The composition of Brgr is typical of post-collisional reduced (ferroan) A-type granites. The Brgr melt formed in the lower crust and crystallized from a highly differentiated melt at the cotectic point in the quartz-feldspar system close to 100 MPa and 700 °C. The Brgr intruded as a small isolated stock pre-Variscan gneisses with sharply discordant contacts. The primary igneous host of Nb, Ta, Y, U, Th and REE is biotite in addition to minor amounts of allanite, and zircon. The presence of Y-REE-fluorite, synchysite, parisite and Y- and Ti-niobates and other REE-minerals can be related to reaction of igneous biotite and primary fluorite with hydrothermal fluids. The reaction is associated with alpine metamorphism, because Y-bearing fluorite and synchysite have been reported from Alpine fissures. The transformation of primary biotite to chlorite and muscovite released the heavy metal oxides under lower greenschist facies conditions that formed the Alpine diagnostic mineral stilpnomelane at about 300 °C.  相似文献   
The effect of sulfur dissolved as sulfide (S2−) in silicate melts on the activity coefficients of NiO and some other oxides of divalent cations (Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe and Co) has been determined from olivine/melt partitioning experiments at 1400 °C in six melt compositions in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS), and in derivatives of these compositions at 1370 °C, obtained from the six CMAS compositions by substituting Fe for Mg (FeCMAS). Amounts of S2− were varied from zero to sulfide saturation, reaching 4100 μg g−1 S in the most sulfur-rich silicate melt. The sulfide solubilities compare reasonably well with those predicted from the parameterization of the sulfide capacity of silicate melts at 1400 °C of O’Neill and Mavrogenes (2002), although in detail systematic deviations indicate that a more sophisticated model may improve the prediction of sulfide capacities.The results show a barely discernible effect of S2− in the silicate melt on Fe, Co and Ni partition coefficients, and also surprisingly, a tiny but resolvable effect on Ca partitioning, but no detectable effect on Cr, Mn or some other lithophile incompatible elements (Sc, Ti, V, Y, Zr and Hf). Decreasing Mg# of olivine (reflecting increasing FeO in the system) has a significant influence on the partitioning of several of the divalent cations, particularly Ca and Ni. We find a remarkably systematic correlation between and the ionic radius of M2+, where M = Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co or Ni, which is attributable to a simple relationship between size mismatch and excess free energies of mixing in Mg-rich olivine solid solutions.Neither the effect of S2− nor of Mg#ol is large enough by an order of magnitude to account for the reported variations of obtained from electron microprobe analyses of olivine/glass pairs from mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs). Comparing these MORB glass analyses with the Ni-MgO systematics of MORB from other studies in the literature, which were obtained using a variety of analytical techniques, shows that these electron microprobe analyses are anomalous. We suggest that the reported variation of with S content in MORB is an analytical artifact.Mass balance of melt and olivine compositions with the starting compositions shows that dissolved S2− depresses the olivine liquidus of haplobasaltic silicate melts by 5.8 × 10−3 (±1.3 × 10−3) K per μg g−1 of S2−, which is negligible in most contexts. We also present data for the partitioning of some incompatible trace elements (Sc, Ti, Y, Zr and Hf) between olivine and melt. The data for Sc and Y confirm previous results showing that and decrease with increasing SiO2 content of the melt. Values of average 0.01 with most falling in the range 0.005-0.015. Zr and Hf are considerably more incompatible than Ti in olivine, with and about 10−3. The ratio / is well constrained at 0.611 ± 0.016.  相似文献   
We report on simultaneous optical and infrared observations of the Halley Family comet 8P/Tuttle performed with the ESO Very Large Telescope. Such multi-wavelength and coordinated observations are a good example of what can be done to support space missions. From high resolution optical spectroscopy of the CN (0,0) 388 nm and NH2 (0,9,0) 610 nm bands using UVES at UT2 we determined 12C/13C = 90 ± 10 and 14N/15N = 150 ± 20 in CN and we derived a nuclear spin temperature of NH3 of 29 ± 1 K. These values are similar to those found in Oort-Cloud and Jupiter Family comets. From low resolution long slit spectroscopy with FORS1 at UT2 we determined the CN, C3 and C2 production rates and the parent and daughter scale lengths up to 5.2 105 km tailward. From high resolution IR spectroscopy with CRIRES at UT1 we measured simultaneously the production rates and mixing ratios of H2O, HCN, C2H2, CH4, C2H6, and CH3OH.  相似文献   
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