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Sidescan-sonar surveys were performed on a 2×4 km area of seafloor in the southern Baltic Sea (Pomeranian Bight) in 1996 and 1998. Overlapping sub-areas of the individual surveys showing characteristic details were processed into geographically referenced mosaics. Sediment types were identified from echo characteristics and by comparison with granulometric data. The sea bottom covered by the mosaics consists predominantly of sand, with subordinate lag sediments with stones and small ripple fields consisting of coarse sand to fine gravel. A comparison of the two mosaics did not reveal any significant changes of the sea bottom over the 2-year period. Characteristic sedimentary features remained almost unchanged over this period on detailed sonar images of smaller sub-areas. Substantial transport of sandy sediments can thus be excluded in the course of the observation period. Grid files of advective velocity components and orbital velocity of wave motion of a three-dimensional hydrodynamical model for the period from September 1996 to October 1997 were used to estimate the current regime in the study area for the interval between the two sidescan surveys. Comparing critical velocities for the dominant sediment types with the results of the numerical bottom current simulations and the observations from sidescan images, it is apparent that strong current events during the modelled time interval were still too weak to resuspend and transport sand of any grain size, even though maximum current velocities of 30 cm/s at the seafloor were modelled. Only a few patches of newly accumulated (acoustically soft) material (mud, fluff and/or soft plant remnants), with a horizontal extension of about 10 m at a terrain step feature, were recognised in the 1998 mosaic. Our results imply that sand deposits in the southern Baltic Sea can remain stationary over time periods of several years, and that the transport of organic material, nutrients and associated pollutants to depositional areas in deeper water is predominantly accomplished by the movement of material finer than sand. A significant portion of this fine material is evidently transported in the bottom boundary layer under conditions of moderate hydrodynamical forcing.  相似文献   
We determined concentrations and isotopic composition of nitrate in five German rivers (Rhine, Elbe, Weser, Ems, and Eider) that discharge into the North Sea. Samples were obtained on a biweekly to monthly basis and chemical and isotopic analyses were conducted for the period January 2006 to March 2007 at sampling stations situated before estuarine mixing with North Sea water. We observed maximum nitrate loads in winter and fall, when both discharge and concentration of nitrate are highest. Mean annual isotope values in nitrate ranged from 8.2‰ to 11.3‰ for and 0.4‰ to 2.2‰ for . The ranges of isotope values suggest that nitrate in these rivers derives from soil nitrification, sewage, and/or manure. These and published data on other rivers in northern Europe and northern America reveal a correlation between agricultural land use (>60% in the catchment areas of rivers examined) and values. The rivers Rhine, Elbe, Weser and Ems show similar seasonal patterns of the isotopic fractionation of nitrate with increasing values and simultaneously decreasing concentrations during summer months, indicating that assimilation of nitrate is the main fractionation process of riverine nitrate. Isotopic signals in winter are more depleted than the mean summer isotope values, attributed to less microbial activity and assimilative processes. Load weighted nitrate δ15N of the riverine input to the German Bight Coastal Water mass before estuarine mixing and processing is between 8‰ and 12‰. The high δ15N value of river nitrate is matched by high δ15N of nitrate in surface sediments in the German Bight.  相似文献   
In this note, we derive from the resistance law of Rossby number similarity theory the expressions for the drag coefficient and the deviation angle for strongly unstable and strongly stable stratifications. The extension of the applicability of the resistance laws to inhomogeneous terrain is discussed. A determination of the deviation angle over inhomogeneous terrain from a numerical experiment is presented.On leave from: Institute of Limnology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 196199 Leningrad.  相似文献   
 Surface sediments, suspended particulate matter and fluffy-layer material, collected in the Arkona Basin and the Pomeranian Bay during 1995–1997, as well as air particulate matter, collected on the island of Rügen during August 1995, were analysed for total organic carbon content, saturated and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The resulting concentrations and distributions of these compounds and molecular PAH ratios are discussed in terms of matrix, origin of the organic matter and seasonal variations. The data show that the Oder river can be identified as a major source for PAH transported into the southern part of the Arkona Basin. A strong atmospheric input of PAH is noted for the central and northern part of the basin. In general, anthropogenic and bacterially degraded hydrocarbons bound to organic carbon-rich and small particles are mainly deposited in the basin center, whereas their natural counterparts accumulate mainly on the basin flanks covered by coarser grained sediments. Received: 2 March 1999 · Accepted: 8 June 1999  相似文献   
An observational dataset from a wintertime field campaign in the Inn Valley, Austria, is analysed in order to study mechanisms of air pollution transport in an Alpine valley. The results illustrate three types of mechanisms: transport by a density current, back-and-forth transport by valley winds, and transport by slope winds. The first type is associated with an air mass difference along the valley. Cooler air located in the lower part of the valley behaves like a density current and produces the advection of pollutants by upvalley winds. In the second type, strong horizontal gradients in pollution concentrations exist close to ground. Multiple wind reversals result in a back-and-forth transport of pollutants by weak valley winds. In the third type, upslope winds during daytime decrease low-level pollution concentrations and cause the formation of elevated pollution layers.  相似文献   
Suspended particulate matter samples were collected from the water column, the bottom nepheloid layer and the ‘ fluffy layer ’ from four stations along a coastal-basin transect in the Pomeranian Bight, western Baltic Sea. Sampling was performed nine times between October 1996 and December 1998 for various analyses, including electron probe x-ray micro analysis for detailed mineralogical investigations.Specific vertical patterns of clay mineral distributions were found. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the bottom nepheloid layer and the ‘ fluffy layer ’ overlying sediments was enriched in organic carbon and hydrated three layer clay minerals, whereas the non-aggregated SPM was dominated by quartz and biogenic opal. It appears that separation effects operate during aggregation of mineral particles and organic matter in repeated cycles of resuspension and settling. No clear seasonal variations in the composition of the SPM were found, in spite of high spatial and temporal variability of biological and physical variables. The results suggest that preferential incorporation, possibly aided by microbiological colonization, of hydrated three layer silicates into the organic flocs is a process that occurs under a wide range of conditions. Because aggregates sink faster than individual particles, aggregate formation led to a relative enrichment of illite and smectite in the near-bottom layers. Considering the affinity of organic contaminants and heavy metals to organic matter, the selective removal of aggregated organic matter and hydrated three-layer clay minerals from the water column and enhanced transport in the near-bottom fluffy layer may be a natural cleansing mechanism operating in the shallow waters of the bight.  相似文献   
A Comparison Between Modelled and Measured Mixing-Layer Height Over Munich   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An attempt is made to correlate the mixing heights, derived from ceilometer and Sodar measurements, to those simulated by different atmospheric boundary-layer parameterization schemes. The comparison is performed at two sites (one suburban and one rural) close to Munich, Germany for two spring and two winter days. It is found that, under convective conditions, the mixing height determined, by both Sodar and ceilometer, corresponds to the middle or the top of the entrainment zone, respectively, as calculated from the eddy-viscosity profiles. Under stable conditions, the measured mixing height is related to the height where eddy viscosities attain their minimum values (Sodar) or to the height of residual mechanical turbulence (ceilometer). During a foehn case with weak turbulence, the measured mixing height from both Sodar and ceilometer is better inferred by considering the eddy-viscosity profiles during daytime and the height of the low-level jet during nighttime.  相似文献   
Nitrogen isotope values (δ15N) of surface sediments in the German Bight of the North Sea exhibit a significant gradient from values of 5–6‰ of the open shelf sea to values above 11‰ in the German Bight. This signal has been attributed to high reactive N (Nr) loading enriched in 15N from rivers and the atmosphere. To better understand the processes that determine the intensity and spatial distribution of δ15N anomalies in surface sediments, and to explore their usefulness for reconstructions of pristine N-input from rivers, we modeled the cycling of the stable isotopes 14N and 15N in reactive nitrogen through the ecosystem of the central and southern North Sea (50.9–57.3°N, 3.4°W−9.2°E) for the year 1995. The 3D-ecosystem model ECOHAM amended with an isotope-tracking module was validated by δ15N data of surface sediments within the model domain. A typical marine value (δ15Nnitrate=5‰) was prescribed for nitrate advected into the model domain at the seaside boundaries, whereas δ15Nnitrate of river inputs were those measured bi-monthly over 1 year; δ15N values of atmospheric deposition were set to 6‰ and 7‰ for NOx and NHy, respectively. The simulated δ15N values of different nitrogen compounds in the German Bight strongly depend on the mass transfers in the ecosystem. These fluxes, summarized in a nitrogen budget for 1995, give an estimate of the impacts of hydrodynamical and hydrological boundary conditions, and internal biogeochemical transformations on the nitrogen budget of the bight.  相似文献   
The speed-up of the flow over a small embankment is studied. Wind speed was measured in both the inner and outer layer of the flow. Hence, the height of the inner layer can be clearly identified in the measurements. The influence of stratification on the speed-up ratio is also investigated. Additionally, pressure was measured at six sites over the embankment. The results are compared with theoretical studies of Hoff (1987) and Sykes (1980). The perturbation pressure scales withu(l)u(L)H/L and not withu 2 (L)H/L as assumed by Jackson and Hunt (1975).  相似文献   
Simultaneous surface-based remote sensing with optical (Ceilometer) and acoustic (Sodar) methods allows the diurnal variation of the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer to be deduced with high temporal resolution. Primarily the convective boundary layer, the nocturnal stable surface layer, and the residual layer can be identified from the measured vertical profiles of aerosol concentration and thermal fluctuations. The ability of the two remote sensing techniques is shown in different examples from two different locations and two seasons. The impact on urban air quality assessment is addressed.  相似文献   
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