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One of Piers Blaikie’s most important contributions to the development of political ecology is his critique of land and resource conservation policy in the global South. In this paper I trace the development of Blaikie’s ideas about the policy relevance of political ecology, focusing particularly on the challenges posed by the introduction of poststructural social theory into the field. I begin by revisiting Blaikie’s earlier critiques of environment and development policy. This will provide the departure point to explore how his thinking on the relationship of theory and policy and of academic and development practices has evolved in subsequent writings. I have invented two personas, “early Blaikie” and “late Blaikie”, to facilitate this task. Second, I want to probe some of the challenges that late Blaikie presents for doing political ecology research, to some extent by pitting early Blaikie against late Blaikie and letting them hash it out. Third, I turn to my own and others’ research and consultation experiences as a way to examine the possibilities for reconciling theoretically driven critiques with policy relevant research.  相似文献   
The Yamé river, in the Bandiagara Plateau, Dogon Country, Mali, is characterised by extensive alluvial sedimentary records, particularly in the 1 km long Ounjougou reach where Holocene floodplain pockets are inset in the Pleistocene formations. These alluvial records have been investigated via geomorphologic fieldwork and sedimentologic and micromorphologic analyses and are supported by 79 radiocarbon dates. The alluvial deposits of the valley floor correspond to a vertical accretion of 3–10 m. The reconstruction of fluvial style changes provides evidence of four main aggradation periods. From 11,500 to 8760 cal. BP, the alluvial architecture and grain-size parameters indicate a wandering river. This period included phases of pulsed high-energy floods and avulsion related to a northward shift of the summer monsoon to around 14°N after 11,500 cal. BP. From 7800 to 5300 cal. BP, a swampy floodplain environment with standing water pools within a Sudanian savanna/woodland mosaic corresponds to the culmination of the Holocene humid period. From 3800 cal. BP onwards, rhythmic sedimentation attests to an increase in the duration and/or intensity of the dry season, giving a precise date for the local termination of the Holocene Optimum period. During the last two millennia and for the first time during the Holocene, the alluvial formations are progressively restricted whereas the colluvial deposits increase, indicating strong soil erosion and redeposition within the watershed related to an increase in human impact. Four major periods are characterised by incision (I1: ante 11,500, I2: 8760–7800; I3: 6790–6500 cal. BP; I4; 2400–1700 cal. BP) pointing to dramatic changes in fluvial style. They result from high-energy flood flows during dry spells and confirm the capacity of the floodplain pocket in the upstream reach of the Sahelian belt to record rapid Holocene climatic change.  相似文献   
This study analyzed how coral communities change along a gradient of increasing exposure to a mud-discharging river in the Enipein Catchment, Pohnpei, Micronesia. Using video transects, we quantified benthic communities at five sites along a gradient moving away from the river mouth towards the barrier reef. The most river-impacted site was characterized by a high accumulation of mud, low coral cover and low coral diversity. Although coral cover leveled off at ∼400 m from the river mouth to values found at the outer-most sites, coral diversity continued to increase with increasing distance, suggesting that the most distant site was still impacted by the river discharges. Fungiidae, Pavona, Acropora, Pachyseris and Porites rus all significantly increased in cover with distance from the river, while Turbinaria decreased. The combined presence and abundance of these six species groups, together with coral species richness, may help to indicate the effects of terrestrial runoff in similar runoff-exposed settings around Micronesia, whereas coral cover is not a sensitive indicator for river impact. Coral reefs are important resources for the people of Pohnpei. To prevent further degradation of this important resource, an integrated watershed approach is needed to control terrestrial activities.  相似文献   
Long-term analyses of vegetation succession after catastrophic events are of high interest for an improved understanding of succession dynamics. However, in many studies such analyses were restricted to plot-based measurements. Contrarily, spatially continuous observations of succession dynamics over extended areas and time-periods are sparse. Here, we applied a change vector analysis (CVA) to investigate vegetation succession dynamics at Mount St. Helens after the great volcanic eruption in 1980 using Landsat. We additionally applied a supervised random forest classification using Sentinel-2 data to map the currently prevailing vegetation types. Change vector analysis was performed with the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the urban index (UI) for three subsequent decades after the eruption as well as for the whole observation time between 1984 and 2016. The influence of topography on the current vegetation distribution was examined by comparing altitude, slope angles and aspect values of vegetation classes derived by the random forest classification. Wilcox- Rank-Sum test was applied to test for significant differences between topographic properties of the vegetation classes inside and outside of the areas affected by the eruption. For the full time period, a total area of 516 km2 was identified as re-vegetated, whereas the area and magnitude of re-growing vegetation decreased during the three decades and migrated closer to the volcanic crater. Vegetation losses were mainly observed in regions unaffected by the eruption and related mostly to timber harvesting. The vegetation type classification reached a high overall accuracy of approximately 90%. 36 years after the eruption, coniferous and deciduous trees have established at formerly devastated areas dominating with a proportion of 66%, whereas shrubs are more abundant in riparian zones. Sparse vegetation dominates at regions very close to the crater. Elevation was found to have a great influence on the reestablishment and distribution of the vegetation classes within the devastated areas showing in almost all cases significant differences in altitude distribution. Slope was less important for the different classes - only representing significantly higher values for meadows, whereas aspect seems to have no notable influence on the reestablishment of vegetation at Mount St. Helens. We conclude that major vegetation succession dynamics after catastrophic events can be assessed and characterized over large areas from freely available remote sensing data and hence contribute to an improved understanding of succession dynamics.  相似文献   
Bei der Ermittlung von Positionen und Eigenbewegungen von Himmelsobjekten wurden bisher nur Korrektionen instrumenteller und atmosphärischer Fehler durchgeführt. Meßfehler als zufällige Fehler wurden nicht berücksichtigt. Deshalb wurde eine Monte-Carlo-Simulation der Fortpflanzung dieser zufälligen Fehler bei der Berechnung der sog. mittleren Meßkoordinaten und der Eigenbewegungen vorgenommen. Als markante Größe wurde die jeweilige Standardabweichung geschäzt und ihre Abhängigkeit von auftretenden Parametern studiert. Bei dieser Methode sin die wahren Werte der betrachteten Größen bekannt (simulativ erzeugt), so daß die Fehler der berechneten Größen direkt bestimmt werden können. Es werden Rückschlüsse auf die Genauigkeit einer Einzelmessung vorgenommen.  相似文献   
Emergent Pleistocene sea level indicators in the northern Bahamas include: a bioerosional notch at +5.3 to 5.9 m; sea caves, notches, and marine terraces at about +4.3 m; and lithified coral rubble and reef deposits between 0 and 3 m. Thorium 230 dates of the fossil corals, which were deposited as these features were being produced, span the age range from 100 to 145 thousand years BP with a majority falling between 115 and 130 thousand years BP. The notch at about +5.6 m is interpreted to be the product of a sea level stand 125 thousand years BP, while the features at +4.3 m are believed to be formed sometime later as sea level fell from the higher position. Part of the age span is inherent in the dating technique and possible sample alteration. Another cause of the spread may be mixing of corals of different ages into a single deposit.  相似文献   
Cosmogenic nuclides in extraterrestrial matter provide a wealth of information on the exposure and collision histories of small objects in space and on the history of the solar and galactic cosmic radiation. The interpretation of the observed abundances of cosmogenic nuclides requires detailed and accurate knowledge of their production rates. Accelerator experiments provide a quantitative basis and the ground truth for modeling cosmogenic nuclide production by measurements of the relevant cross sections and by realistic simulations of the interaction of galactic protons with meteoroids under completely controlled conditions, respectively. We review the establishment of physical model calculations of cosmogenic nuclide production in extraterrestrial matter on the basis of such accelerator experiments and exemplify this approach by presenting new experimental and theoretical results for the cosmogenic nuclide44Ti. The model calculations describe all aspects of cosmogenic nuclide production and allow the determination of long-term solar and galactic cosmic ray spectra and a consistent interpretation of cosmogenic nuclides in extraterrestrial matter.  相似文献   
Landward-pointing V-shaped sand ridges several kilometers long are common along the windward margin of the Bahama Islands. Their axes share a northeast–southwest trend. Internally, the ridges contain low-angle oolitic beds with few erosional truncations. Commonly interbedded are tabular, fenestrae-rich beds such as those formed by the sheet flow of water over dry sand. Defined here as “chevron ridges,” these landforms appear to have originated in the rapid remobilization of bank margin ooid bodies by the action of long-period waves from a northeasterly source. Deposits along adjacent coastlines also preserve evidence of the impact of large waves. Reworked eolian sand bodies preserve beach fenestrae and hydraulic scour traces up to +40 m on older ridges. On cliffed coasts, 1000-ton boulders have been thrown well inland, recording the impact of large waves. Amino acid ratios confirm a correlation of the ridges across the archipelago, while stratigraphy, spacing, and cross-cutting relationships indicate emplacement as sea level fell rapidly from the substage 5e maximum at or above +6 m.  相似文献   
Problems of dissolution of the so-called secondary copper sulphides are very important for dynamic as well as percolation leaching of ores. This paper deals with dissolution kinetics of sulphides in an alkaline medium, using complex-forming agents in connection with possibility to leach basic, partially oxidized ores. Natural minerals and their polydispersions were investigated and the so-called geometrical model was used for evaluation. Basic dependences of the dissolution rate on the reagent concentration and pH value of the leaching solution were found and an attempt at their mathematical expression and physical interpretation was made. The first part of this work refers to the systems of covellite-ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) and covellite-ethylene diamine (EDA). The established dependences are not only of theoretical but also of practical importance.  相似文献   
Grain boundaries influence many physical and chemical properties of crystalline materials. Here, we perform molecular dynamics simulations to study the structure of a series of [100] symmetric tilt grain boundaries in Mg2SiO4 forsterite. The present results show that grain boundary energies depend significantly on misorientation angle. For small misorientation angles (up to 22°), grain boundary structures consist of an array of partial edge dislocations with Burgers vector $\frac{1}{2}[001]$ associated with stacking faults and their energies can be readily fit with a model which adds the Peach-Koehler equation to the Read-Shockley dislocation model for grain boundaries. The core radius of partial dislocations and the spacing between the partials derived from grain boundary energies show that the transition from low- to high-angle grain boundaries occurs for a misorientation angle between 22° and 32°. For high misorientation angles (32.1° and 60.8°), the cores of dislocations overlap and form repeated structural units. Finally, we use a low energy atomic configuration obtained by molecular dynamics for the misorientation of 12.18° as input to simulate a high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) image. The simulated image is in good agreement with an observed HRTEM image, which indicates the power of the present approach to predict realistic atomic structures of grain boundaries in complex silicates.  相似文献   
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