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An experimental study was made to identify surfactants which are effective for removal of copper from dilute aqueous solution (100–500 ppm) by precipitate flotation as the sulfide, and which at the same time can be recovered from the CuS product for recycle. Batch flotation experiments confirmed that a cationic surfactant was necessary for flotation of CuS from such dilute suspensions; however, no satisfactory way could be found for recovering cationic surfactants from the CuS. This led to consideration of amphoteric surfactants, which are cationic at low pH and anionic at high pH. It was found that a change to negative, rather than simply neutral, charge was required for efficient surfactant recovery. It was further found, through the assistance of experiments in which the CuS suspension was agitated with solvents, that certain functional groups which interact chemically with the CuS surface should also be absent from the surfactant molecule. Following this logic, Amphoterge K-2 (Lonza Chemical Co.) was identified as a suitable surfactant, provided CuS was precipitated with S2? in excess. Tests established that 95% of adsorbed Amphoterge K-2 could be recovered by raising the pH to 11 and boiling the suspension for one hour, followed by decanting. Surfactant thus recovered was effective in a second flotation test. Foamate solids settled rapidly; such behavior would help reduce the consumption of chemicals for the pH change.Column flotation studies were made using Amphoterge K-2 for removal of Cu2+ present at 100 ppm and pH = 2. High removals of CuS could be obtained at concentrations of surfactant above about 25 ppm, for which conditions a substantial fraction of the surfactant remains in solution rather than being adsorbed onto the CuS. The recovery of CuS would be improved by introducing the surfactant in a separate feed, below the feed of CuS suspension. Adding some surfactant in the CuS feed, as well as in a lower feed, gave an even better recovery of CuS (99.8%) at sufficiently high surfactant loadings.  相似文献   
Samples from the upper two-thirds of the approximately 1900 m thick Neogene section exposed south of Centerville Beach on the northern California coast have predominantly reversed detrital remanent magnetism. Fossil evidence suggests a lower Pliocene through lower Pleistocene age for the section. The combined paleomagnetic and fossil data indicate that a large part of the section was deposited during the Matayama reversed epoch (2.4-0.7 million years ago). Samples from correlative sections exposed a few kilometers inland from the Centerville Beach section have a predominantly normal polarity and appear to have been remagnetized. The Centerville Beach section is important because it may serve as a standard with which to compare both other on-land Pliocene sections from western North America and nearby Deep Sea Drilling Project cores.  相似文献   
The correspondence between maximum depth of growth (Zmax) for two seagrases,Halodule wrightii andSyringodium filiforme, and the attenuation of diffuse photosynthetically active radiation (KdPAR) were evaluated over a 3.5-yr period in the southern Indian River Lagoon, Florida. The lower limit of seagrass depth distribution was controlled by light availability. Both species grew to the same maximum depth, indicating they have similar minimum light requirements. Based on average annual values of KdPAR, estimates of seagrass minimum light requirements ranged from 24% to 37% of the light just beneath the water surface (Io), much hgiehr than a photic zone for many phytoplankton and macroalgae (1–5% incident light). In less transparent waters of Hobe Sound, where turbidity (NTU) and color (Pt-Co) had their highest concentrations, minimum light requirements for growth were greatest. These results suggest that more sophisticated optical models are needed to identify specific water quality constituents affecting the light environment of seagrasses. Water quality criteria and standards needed to protect seagrasses from decreasing water transparency must be based on parameters that can be routinely measured and reasonably managed.  相似文献   
The Everglades (Florida, USA) is one of the world’s larger subtropical peatlands with biological communities adapted to waters low in total dissolved solids and nutrients. Detecting how the pre-drainage hydrological system has been altered is crucial to preserving its functional attributes. However, reliable tools for hindcasting historic conditions in the Everglades are limited. A recent synthesis demonstrates that the proportion of surface-water inflows has increased relative to precipitation, accounting for 33% of total inputs compared with 18% historically. The largest new source of water is canal drainage from areas of former wetlands converted to agriculture. Interactions between groundwater and surface water have also increased, due to increasing vertical hydraulic gradients resulting from topographic and water-level alterations on the otherwise extremely flat landscape. Environmental solute tracer data were used to determine groundwater’s changing role, from a freshwater storage reservoir that sustained the Everglades ecosystem during dry periods to a reservoir of increasingly degraded water quality. Although some of this degradation is attributable to increased discharge of deep saline groundwater, other mineral sources such as fertilizer additives and peat oxidation have made a greater contribution to water-quality changes that are altering mineral-sensitive biological communities.  相似文献   
In assessing the feasibility of widespread deployment of CO2 geological storage, it is prudent to first assess potential consequences of an error or accident that could lead to CO2 leakage into groundwater resources above a sequestration interval. Information about the sensitivity of the groundwater system to introduction of CO2 is needed in order to design groundwater monitoring program. A laboratory-batch experiment was conducted to explore the range of CO2 impact on groundwater quality of a spectrum of representative aquifers, in the Gulf Coast region, USA. Results show that CO2 elevated concentrations of many cations within hours or days. Two types of cations were recognized according to their concentration trends. Type I cations—Ca, Mg, Si, K, Sr, Mn, Ba, Co, B, Zn—rapidly increased following initial CO2 flux and reached stable concentrations before the end of the experiment. Type II cations—Fe, Al, Mo, U, V, As, Cr, Cs, Rb, Ni and Cu—increased at the start of CO2 flux, but declined, in most cases, to levels lower than pre-CO2 concentrations. Dissolution of dolomite and calcite caused the largest increase in concentrations for Ca, Mg, Mn, Ba and Sr. Cation release rates decreased linearly as pH increased during mineral buffering. Experiment results suggest that carbonate minerals are the dominant contributor of changes in groundwater quality. Risk assessments of potential degradation of groundwater and monitoring strategies should focus on these fast-reacting minerals. Mobilization risk of Type II cations, however, may be self-mitigated because adsorption occurs when pH rebounds.  相似文献   
Estimates of abundance and size of three commercially exploited grunt species indicate ontogenetic changes in habitat utilization concentrate their juveniles within the lagoon of the Bay of La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Eleven biotopes, defined by four benthic structures (reef, mangrove, vegetation beds and unconsolidated sediments) and three geographic zones (inner lagoon, outer lagoon and bank shelf) were sampled randomly by visual surveys. French, bluestriped and white grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum, Haemulon sciurus and Haemulon plumeri) were common in the bay and appeared to exhibit similar life history patterns of cross-shelf migration and habitat selection. Recently settled grunts were dispersed over vegetated and unconsolidated soft-bottom sediments of the bay. The juvenile stage occurred in highest densities in shallow lagoon biotopes among the submerged prop-roots of mangrove stands and on inshore reefs. Length data indicates that grunts migrate offshore to adult habitat via increasingly deep reefs. Indices of biotope nursery function based on standing stock estimates of juveniles identified three biotopes, all within the inner lagoon as essential habitat for juveniles of 5–10 cm length interval. This concentration of juveniles within biotopes of the lagoon could represent a bottleneck to recruitment for grunt stocks. Evidence that quantity and quality of lagoon nurseries may limit recruitment indicates that these areas represent a key component of a marine protected area designed to restore fisheries within the bay.  相似文献   
A numerical model was used to analyze the motion response and mooring tension of a submerged fish reef system. The system included a net attached to a rigid structure suspended up from the bottom with a single, high tension mooring by fixed flotation. The analysis was performed by using a Morison equation type finite element model configured with truss elements. Input forcing parameters into the model consisted of both regular and irregular waves, with and without a steady current. Heave, surge and pitch dynamic calculations of the reef structure were made. Tension response results of the attached mooring line were also computed. Results were analyzed in both the time and frequency domain in which appropriate, linear transfer functions were calculated. The influence of the current was more evident in the tension and heave motion response data. This is most likely the result of the large buoyancy characteristics of the reef structure and the length of the mooring cable. Maximum mooring component tension was found to be 13.9 kN and occurred when the reef was subjected to irregular waves with a co-linear current of 1.0 m/s velocity. The results also showed that the system had little damping (in heave) with damped natural periods of 2.8 s. This combination of system characteristics promotes a possible resonating situation in typical open sea conditions with similar wave periods.  相似文献   
A combination of field and numerical modeling methods was used to assess porewater movement in a narrow (20 m) Spartina marsh which was flooded regularly by tidal waters. Soil composition and soil hydraulic properties did not vary across the marsh or with depth. Hydraulic head was monitored on a transect perpendicular to the creekbank. During exposure of the marsh surface, hydraulic gradients were predominantly horizontal; vertical gradients were small or zero. Subsurface flow was directed from the marsh interior toward the creekbank. Approximately 141 of pore water were discharged laterally to the adjacent tidal creek per meter of creekbank over a complete tidal cycle.A numerical hydrological model was modified to simulate subsurface hydraulics in the creekbank vicinity of regularly flooded tidal marshes. The model was parameterized to represent soil conditions, tidal fluctuations and topography at the field site. Observed changes in hydraulic head over complete tidal cycles were accurately predicted by the model. Model simulations identified the vertical infiltration of creek water into the marsh surface at the onset of tidal flooding as the primary source (66%) for the replacement of water drained at the creekbank. Significant replacement (31%) also occurred as discharge from the interior marsh. Horizontal recharge at the creekbank was minimal (3%).A sensitivity analysis was conducted with the model to assess the relative importance of geomorphological factors and soil properties in controlling pore water export at the creekbank of tidal marsh soils. Each parameter was varied systematically over a realistic range for field conditions. Changes in marsh elevation exerted greater control over creekbank discharge than changes in soil hydraulic properties. More rapid turnover of pore water near creekbanks of higher elevation marshes is hypothesized.  相似文献   
Experimental chambers were used in a Virginia salt marsh to partition the tidal flux of dissolved nutrients occurring at the marsh surface and in the water column. On five dates from June to October 1989, six replicate chambers in the short Spartina alterniflora zone were monitored over complete tidal cycles. When reservoir water, used to simulate tidal flooding in the chambers, was initially low in dissolved nutrients, the marsh surface was a source of both ammonium and phosphate to the water column. Calculations of the physical processes of diffusion and advection could not account for total nutrient release from the marsh surface. We hypothesize the primary source of nutrients was organic matter mineralization in surface sediments, which released nutrients into the flooding water column. Assimilation (uptake) of phosphate measured in water-column incubation experiments was nearly equal to phosphate released from the marsh surface. Surface release of ammonium, however, was somewhat greater than water-column uptake. In this salt marsh, benthic production and release of ammonium and phosphate is comparable in magnitude to pelagic consumption, thereby yielding only a small “net” transfer of these nutrients to the estuary.  相似文献   
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