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Summary ?Mong Hsu rubies of the “trapiche” type are sporadically seen in the gem market. However, they have never been described in the field. The study of the nature of solid inclusions, the variation of trace-element contents, as well as the cathodoluminescence behaviour of six “trapiche” rubies permit the conclusion that these rubies crystallised in the same geological environment (marble-type deposit) as the normal rubies from Mong Hsu: (1) Cr and V are the main chromophorous elements in both ruby types; they act, together with Ti, as activators or quenchers for cathodoluminescence; (2) calcite, dolomite, rutile, mica, diaspore, apatite, chlorite, and feldspar are solid inclusions found in both ruby types; (3) the presence of bastn?site in trapiche ruby and fluorite in non-trapiche ruby indicates the circulation of F-bearing fluids during ruby deposition; (4) the distribution of trace-element contents in the crystal is similar for both ruby types. In the Cr2O3 vs. Fe2O3 and Cr2O3 vs. Fe2O3/TiO2 diagrams, the population fields of Mong Hsu “trapiche” and non-“trapiche” rubies overlap. They are distinct from those of rubies and sapphires hosted in basalts from South-east Asia. Received October 30, 2001; revised version accepted March 25, 2002  相似文献   
A new updated version of the MSK macroseismic intensity scale has been prepared by a Working Group of the European Seismological Commission and has been published in April 1993 (European Macroseismic Scale 1992: updated MSK scale, 1993, ed. by G. Grünthal, Cahiers du Centre Européen de Geodynamique et de Séismologie, no. 7).  相似文献   
A large amount of interest has recently been expressed pertaining to the quantity of physically adsorbed water by the Martian regolith. Thermodynamic calculations based on experimentally determined adsorption and desorption isotherms and extrapolated to subzero temperatures indicate that physical adsorption of more than one or two monomolecular layers is highly unlikely under Martian conditions. Any additional water would find ice to be the state of lowest energy and therefore the most stable form. To test the validity of the thermodynamic calculations we have measured adsorption and desorption isotherms of sodium montmorillonite at ?5°C. To a first approximation it was found to be valid.  相似文献   
Gold mineralization at Hutti is confined to a series of nine parallel, N–S to NNW–SSE trending, steeply dipping shear zones. The host rocks are amphibolites and meta-rhyolites metamorphosed at peak conditions of 660±40°C and 4±1 kbar. They are weakly foliated (S1) and contain barren quartz extension veins. The auriferous shear zones (reefs) are typically characterized by four alteration assemblages and laminated quartz veins, which, in places, occupy the entire reef width of 2–10 m, and contain the bulk of gold mineralization. A <1.5 m wide distal chlorite-sericite (+biotite, calcite, plagioclase) alteration zone can be distinguished from a 3–5 m wide proximal biotite-plagioclase (+quartz, muscovite, calcite) alteration zone. Gold is both spatially and temporally associated with disseminated arsenopyrite and pyrite mineralization. An inner chlorite-K-feldspar (+quartz, calcite, scheelite, tourmaline, sphene, epidote, sericite) alteration halo, which rims the laminated quartz veins, is characterized by a pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, ilmenite, rutile, and gold paragenesis. The distal chlorite-sericite and proximal biotite-plagioclase alteration assemblages are developed in microlithons of the S2–S3 crenulation cleavage and are replaced along S3 by the inner chlorite-K-feldspar alteration, indicating a two-stage evolution for gold mineralization. Ductile D2 shearing, alteration, and gold mineralization formed the reefs during retrograde evolution and fluid infiltration under upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions (560±60°C, 2±1 kbar). The reefs were reactivated in the D3 dextral strike-slip to oblique-slip environment by fault-valve behavior at lower greenschist facies conditions (ca. 300–350°C), which formed the auriferous laminated quartz veins. Later D4 crosscutting veins and D5 faults overprint the gold mineralization. The alteration mineralogy and the structural control of the deposit clearly points to an orogenic style of gold mineralization, which took place either during isobaric cooling or at different levels of the Archean crust. From overlaps in the tectono-metamorphic history, it is concluded that gold mineralization occurred during two tectonic events, affecting the eastern Dharwar craton in south India between ca. 2550 – 2530 Ma: (1) The assemblage of various terranes of the eastern block, and (2) a tectono-magmatic event, which caused late- to posttectonic plutonism and a thermal perturbation. It differs, however, from the pre-peak metamorphic gold mineralization at Kolar and the single-stage mineralization at Ramagiri. Notably, greenschist facies gold mineralization occurred at Hutti 35–90 million years later than in the western Dharwar craton. Editorial handling: G. Beaudoin  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von einem Vergleich randnaher Normprofile und der faziellen Analyse eines vollständigen Bohrprofils wird für die Randfazies des Unteren Muschelkalkes ein Sedimentationsmodell entwickelt, das auf der Basis klimatisch und epirogenetisch bedingter Untergliederungen des Profils neue Parallelisierungsmöglichkeiten mit beckenwärtigen Faziesbereichen eröffnet.Hervorstechendste Merkmale des Bohrprofils sind rhythmisches Auftreten von Magnesit — der als sedimentäre Bildung bislang nur in Zusammenhang mit chloridischen Evaporiten bekannt war —, eine sedimentologisch und geochemisch begründete zyklische Gliederung sowie intensive Bioturbation und zugleich durchgehende Vergipsung.Die Zyklen sind formal gekennzeichnet durch Koppelung von tonigem Sandstein mit geringen Eisen- und hohen Magnesiumgehalten einerseits und von rotem Ton und Silt mit hohen Eisen- und niedrigen Magnesiumwerten andererseits. Die Zyklen werden als Wechselfolge von litoralen Sedimentationsphasen in subtropischem Klima und Abschnürungsphasen mit Hungersedimentation in aridem Klima interpretiert. Der syndiagenetisch gebildete Magnesit ist dabei Tonsedimentationsphasen genetisch zugeordnet. Anhand der Verteilung der vier nicht-detritischen Hauptminerale Dolomit, Gips, Anhydrit und Magnesit wird der Diageneseablauf rekonstruiert.Nach einer Diskussion der Bildungsumstände und der Korrelierbarkeit bieten sich die Werksteinzone der Randfazies und die Spiriferinabank der Beckenfazies als sedimentologische Zeitmarke an.
A depositional model of the marginal facies of the Lower Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic) is developed by comparison of near-marginal profiles and a facies analysis of a complete drilling record. It is based upon climatologically and epirogenetically caused partitions of the profile and opens new possibilities of correlation with basinal areas.Significant features of the drilling record are rhythmic occurrences of magnesite in sediments only known in connection with chloridic evaporites, a cyclic deposition based on sedimentological and geochemical criteria, and intensive bioturbation with a gypsification throughout.The cycles are formally marked by the correlation of clayey sandstone with low iron and high magnesium contents at the one hand and of red clay and silt with high iron and low magnesium values at the other hand. The cycles are interpreted as an alternation of littoral sedimentation under a subtropical climate and of stages of lagoonal conditions or emersion under an arid climate. The magnesite syndiagenetically formed is genetically attached to stages of clay sedimentation. The process of diagenesis is reconstructed studying the distribution of four main non-detrital minerals: dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite, and magnesite.After discussion of the depositional conditions and the possibilities of correlation, the Werkstein-Zone of the marginal facies and the Spiriferina-Bank of the basinal facies are thought to be sedimentological time markers.

Résumé Une conception de la formation du facies marginal du Muschelkalk inférieur est développée sur la base d'une comparaison entre les profils normés de la région de sondage Mersch/Luxembourg et l'analyse facielle du profil complet de la carotte de ce sondage. A partir des divisions en partie causées par les climats et par des mouvements épirogénétiques, cette conception donne une nouvelle possibilité de corrélation avec le facies situé plus au centre du bassin sédimentaire.Le forage étudié est caractérisé par la présence rythmique de magnésite, qui, jusqu'à présent, était seulement connu en tant que formation sédimentaire, avec des évaporites, par une répartition cyclique basée sur des observations sédimentologiques et géochimiques et par une bioturbation intensive ainsi qu'une gypsification générale.Les cycles sont caractérisés formellement par le couplage d'un grès argileux à faible teneur en fer et à forte teneur en magnésium d'une part et d'argile rouge à forte teneur en fer et à faible teneur en magnésium d'autre part. Les cycles sont interpretés comme une séquence alternante comprenant une sédimentation littorale en climat subtropical et une sédimentation lagunaire ou d'émersion en climat aride. La magnésite formée syndiagénétiquement est donc coordonnée à une phase sédimentaire argileuse. Le cours de la diagénèse est reconstruit à partir de l'étude de la répartition des quatre minéraux principaux non-détriques: dolomite, gypse, anhydrite et magnésite.A la suite de la discussion des conditions de formation et des possibilités de corrélation la « Werkstein-Zone » du facies marginal et la « Spiriferina-Bank » du facies central apparaissent comme des indicateurs sédimentologiques chronostratigraphiques.

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Multiphase flow processes in unsaturated cohesive soils are often affected by deformation due to swelling and shrinking as a result of varying water contents. This paper presents a model concept which is denoted ‘phenomenological’ in terms of the processes responsible for soil deformation, since the effects of deformation on flow and transport are only considered by constitutive relations that allow an adaptation of the hydraulic properties. This new model is validated in a detailed intercomparison study with two state-of-the-art models that are capable of explicitly describing the processes relevant for the deformation. A ‘numerical experiment’ with a state-of-the-art reference model is used to produce ‘measurement data’ for an inverse-modelling-based estimation of the model input parameters for the phenomenological concept.  相似文献   
Bitumens extracted from 2.7 to 2.5 billion-year-old (Ga) shales of the Fortescue and Hamersley Groups in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia, contain traces of molecular fossils. Based on a combination of molecular characteristics typical of many Precambrian bitumens, their consistently and unusually high thermal maturities, and their widespread distribution throughout the Hamersley Basin, the bitumens can be characterized as ‘probably of Archean age’. Accepting this interpretation, the biomarkers open a new window on Archean biodiversity. The presence of hopanes in the Archean rocks confirms the antiquity of the domain Bacteria, and high relative concentrations of 2α-methylhopanes indicate that cyanobacteria were important primary producers. Oxygenic photosynthesis therefore evolved > 2.7 Ga ago, and well before independent evidence suggests significant levels of oxygen accumulated in the atmosphere. Moreover, the abundance of cyanobacterial biomarkers in shales interbedded with oxide-facies banded iron formations (BIF) indicates that although some Archean BIF might have been formed by abiotic photochemical processes or anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, those in the Hamersley Group formed as a direct consequence of biological oxygen production. Biomarkers of the 3β-methylhopane series suggest that microaerophilic heterotrophic bacteria, probably methanotrophs or methylotrophs, were active in late Archean environments. The presence of steranes in a wide range of structures with relative abundances like those from late Paleoproterozoic to Phanerozoic sediments is convincing evidence for the existence of eukaryotes in the late Archean, 900 Ma before visible fossil evidence indicates that the lineage arose. Sterol biosynthesis in extant eukaryotes requires molecular oxygen. The presence of steranes together with biomarkers of oxygenic photosynthetic cyanobacteria suggests that the concentration of dissolved oxygen in some regions of the upper water column was equivalent to at least ∼1% of the present atmospheric level (PAL) and may have been sufficient to support aerobic respiration.  相似文献   
We have imaged several known molecular (CO) outflows in H2 v=1-0 S(1) and wide-band K in order to identify the molecular shocks associated with the acceleration of ambient gas by outflows from young stars. We detected H2 line emission in all the flows we observed: L 1157, VLA 1623, NGC 6334I, NGC 2264G, L 1641N and Haro 4-255. A comparison of the H2 data with CO outflow maps strongly suggests that prompt entrainment near the head of a collimated jet probably is the dominant mechanism for producing the CO outflows in these sources.  相似文献   
Seven impact melts from various places in the Nördlinger Ries were dated by 40Ar‐39Ar step‐heating. The aim of these measurements was to increase the age data base for Ries impact glasses directly from the Ries crater, because there is only one Ar‐Ar step‐heating spectrum available in the literature. Almost all samples display saddle‐shaped age spectra, indicating the presence of excess argon in most Ries glass samples, most probably inherited argon from incompletely degassed melt and possibly also excess argon incorporated during cooling from adjacent phases. In contrast, moldavites usually contain no inherited argon, probably due to their different formation process implying solidification during ballistic transport. The plateau age of the only flat spectrum is 14.60 ± 0.16 (0.20) Ma (2σ), while the total age of this sample is 14.86 ± 0.20 (0.22) Ma (isochron age: 14.72 ± 0.18 [0.22] Ma [2σ]), proofing the chronological relationship of the Ries impact and moldavites. The total ages of the other samples range between 15.77 ± 0.52 and 20.4 ± 1.0 Ma (2σ), implying approximately 2–40% excess 40Ar (compared to the nominal age of the Ries crater) in respective samples. Thus, the age of 14.60 ± 0.16 (0.20) (2σ) (14.75 ± 0.16 [0.20 Ma] [2σ], calculated using the most recent suggestions for the K decay constants) can be considered as reliable and is within uncertainties indistinguishable from the most recent compilation for the age of the moldavite tektites.  相似文献   
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