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Fossil stromatolites may reveal information about their hydrochemical palaeoenvironment, provided that assignment to a specific microbial community and a corresponding biogeochemical mechanism of formation can be made. Tithonian stromatolites of the Münder Formation at Thüste, north Germany, have traditionally been considered as formed by intertidal cyanobacterial communities. However, thin sections of the stromatolites show elongated angular traces of former gypsum crystals in a dense arrangement, but no algal or cyanobacterial filament traces. Moreover, high Fe2+ and Mn2+ contents, oxygen‐isotope and sulphur‐isotope ratios of carbonate‐bound sulphates, and sulphurized hydrocarbon biomarkers of the stromatolitic carbonate indicate that CaCO3 precipitation occurred near the oxic–anoxic interface as a result of intensive bacterial sulphur cycling rather than photosynthetic activity. Furthermore, anaerobic oxidation of methane by Archaea may have driven CaCO3 precipitation in deeper parts of the biofilm community, as reflected by high concentrations of squalane with a strongly negative δ13C in conjunction with evaporite pseudomorphs showing extremely low δ13CCarb ratios. Consequently, the Thüste stromatolites are now interpreted as having initially formed by gypsum impregnation of biofilms. Subsequently, early Mg‐calcitic calcitization within the biofilms occurred because of combined bacterial iron, manganese and sulphate reduction, with an increasing contribution of anaerobic oxidation of methane with depth. This model plausibly explains the prominent preservation of signals derived from oxygen‐independent metabolic pathways, whereas virtually no geochemical record exists for an aerobic community that may, nevertheless, have prevailed at the stromatolite surface. Photic‐zone stromatolites with a prominent signal of anaerobic oxidation of methane may be common in, and indicative of, oxygen‐depleted sulphate‐bearing environments with high rates of methane production, conditions that possibly were fulfilled at the Archaean to Proterozoic transition.  相似文献   
Abstract— To contribute to the understanding of the impact history of asteroids, we performed a high-resolution 40Ar-39Ar study of ten moderately to highly shocked chondrites, which we selected according to the shock classification given by Stöffler et al. (1991). Two recent shocked chondrite falls and two highly shocked eucrites completed our sample suite. When possible, we separated impact melt from host rock for separate analysis. In total, we studied 28 samples from 14 meteorites. In some cases, atmospheric Ar that we associate with terrestrial weathering was identified and corrected for. The ages we obtained range between ~100 Ma and ~4.1 Ga and are clearly distinct from primordial ages that correspond to solar system formation. We reproduced the previously reported cluster of L-chondrite ages, ~500 Ma. The most prominent result of our study is that, in the case of chondrites, melts generally are older than host rocks or melt-embedded unmolten rocks. To solve this apparent paradox, we propose that the melt-forming event, which was the most severe shock episode in the history of these meteorites, has not been the only occasion affecting their K-Ar systems. At least one later impact metamorphism must have occured. The response of the K-Ar clock to this second event was more severe in the host rock than in the previously (in the first event) generated melt veins and pockets because of different Ar retention rates. Hence, impact metamorphism on meteorite parent bodies indeed was a multistage process extending in time over billions of years.  相似文献   
Dating pollen concentrated from sediment samples is a way to improve lake-sediment chronology. The predominantly terrestrial origin of pollen assemblages minimizes, for example, the reservoir effect inherent in bulk sediment samples, especially from hard-water lakes. Pollen can be concentrated for dating by a combination of sieving and chemical treatment (Brown et al . 1989). This study illustrates the difficulty in applying a single, standard procedure, and demonstrates the need for flexibility depending on lake sediment characteristics and the particular pollen flora. Samples taken at the Ulmus decline were prepared and AMS-dated following different steps of the pollen concentration procedure. The results showed that both sieving and chemical treatment were needed to obtain an age close to the expected age for the Ulmus decline. The pollen concentrate dated c . 1000 years younger than a bulk date from the same level, but is close to the expected age based on correlation with dates for the Ulmus decline from Sphagnum peat sequences in north-western Europe. A compilation of bulk dates at the Ulmus decline implies that pollen concentrates would be a better material for dating than bulk samples for many lake sediments, not only for those from hard-water lakes.  相似文献   
Micritization of crinoids by diagenetic dissolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bands within the Chalk of Kansas made up of masses of Uintacrinus socialis show an unusual preservation of crinoid ossicles: in contrast to their normal preservation in full relief as single large calcite crystals the ossicles are compressed and transformed to micrite. The micrite originated by a process different from the well-known micritization by algal and fungal borings and subsequent cementation of the borings: it is the outcome of partial dissolution. Dissolution proceeded inside the sediment and preferentially attacked the echinoderms as the most soluble calcareous component of the chalk sediment. Later, the remains of the Uintacrinus crystals preferentially attracted syntaxial cement so that the layer changed to a hard band of limestone within the soft chalk. In addition to a second process of micritization the preservation of Uintacrinus demonstrates (1) that the magnesium content of magnesian calcites survives the earliest stages of diagenesis within chalk, and (2) that a diagenetic comminution of large crystals (in an optical sense) to smaller ones is possible. Provided the ossicles of echinoderms are true single crystals (the knowledge in this field is summarized), this is an example of the often discussed ‘crystal diminution’.  相似文献   
The effect of egg volume on body mass, body composition and growth rate in arctic tern Sterna paradisaea chicks was studied at Ny-Ålesund, on Svalbard (78°55'N, 12°00'E), in order to investigate whether differences in egg size influence the physiological characteristics of the hatchlings. The relative content of yolk and albumen in eggs did not vary in proportion to egg volume. Hatchlings from large eggs had larger body masses than hatchlings from small eggs, with 71% of the overall variation in body mass accounted for egg volume. In newly-hatched chicks, water content, lean body and total lipid mass, as well as both leg and pectoral muscles, changed isometrically in proportion to egg volume. Hatchlings from large eggs, however, had disproportionately larger yolk sacs. The leg muscles of small chicks contained a lower proportion of water than the leg muscles of large chicks, indicating that the leg muscles of small hatchlings were functionally more mature. There was a weak, but significant, correlation between egg volume and growth rate. However, a residual analysis made to eliminate the effect of egg volume showed no correlation between hatchling body mass and growth rate. The results of the present study show that Arctic tern hatchlings from large eggs emerge with more yolk sac reserves, enabling them to better withstand periods of food-scarcity. During embryonic growth in small eggs, however, there seems to be a greater relative usage of yolk, resulting in a more developed leg musculature. This may partly compensate for the higher mass-specific heat loss in small hatchlings.  相似文献   
Pervasive early- to late-stage dolomitization of Lower Ordovician Ellenburger Group carbonates in the deep Permian Basin of west Texas and southeastern New Mexico is recorded in core samples having present-day burial depths of 1.5–7.0 km. Seven dolomite-rock textures are recognized and classified according to crystal-size distribution and crystal-boundary shape. Unimodal and polymodal planar-s (subhedral) mosaic dolomite is the most widespread type, and it replaced allochems and matrix or occurs as void-filling cement. Planar-e (euhedral) dolomite crystals line pore spaces and/or fractures, or form mosaics of medium to coarse euhedral crystals. This kind of occurrence relates to significant intercrystalline porosity. Non-planar-a (anhedral) dolomite replaced a precursor limestone/dolostone only in zones that are characterized by original high porosity and permeability. Non-planar dolomite cement (saddle dolomite) is the latest generation and is responsible for occlusion of fractures and pore space. Dolomitization is closely associated with the development of secondary porosity; dolomitization pre-and post-dates dissolution and corrosion and no secondary porosity generation is present in the associated limestones. The most common porosity types are non-fabric selective moldic and vuggy porosity and intercrystalline porosity. Up to 12% effective porosity is recorded in the deep (6477 m) Delaware basin. These porous zones are characterized by late-diagenetic coarse-crystalline dolomite, whereas the non-porous intervals are composed of dense mosaics of early-diagenetic dolomites. The distribution of dolomite rock textures indicates that porous zones were preserved as limestone until late in the diagenetic history, and were then subjected to late-stage dolomitization in a deep burial environment, resulting in coarse-crystalline porous dolomites. In addition to karst horizons at the top of the Ellenburger Group, exploration for Ellenburger Group reservoirs should consider the presence of such porous zones within other Ellenburger Group dolomites.  相似文献   
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