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Absorption of solar radiation within the thermal molecular sublayer of the ocean can modify the temperature difference across the cool skin as well as the air-sea gas transfer. Our model of renewal type is based on the assumption that the thermal and diffusive molecular sublayers below the ocean surface undergo cyclic growth and destruction, the heat and gas transfer between the successive burst events are performed by molecular diffusion. The model has been upgraded to include heating due to solar radiation. The renewal time is parameterized as a function of the surface Richardson number and the Keulegan number. A Rayleigh number criterion characterizes the convective instability of the cool skin under solar heating. Under low wind speed conditions, the solar heating can damp the convective instability, strongly increasing the renewal time and correspondingly decreasing the interfacial gas exchange. In the ocean, an additional convective instability caused by salinity flux due to evaporation becomes of importance in such cases. The new parameterization is compared with the cool skin data obtained in the western equatorial Pacific during the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment in February 1993. In combination with a model of the diurnal thermocline it describes main features of the field data both in nighttime and daytime. Under low wind speed conditions (< 5 m s-1) diurnal variations of the sea surface temperature due to the formation of a diurnal thermocline were substantially larger than those across the cool skin. Under wind speeds > 5 m s-1, diurnal variations of the surface temperature due to the variations of the thermal molecular sublayer become more important.  相似文献   
Seismic, sidescan sonar, bathymetric multibeam and ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) data obtained in the submarine channel between the volcanic islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife allow to identify constructive features and destructive events during the evolution of both islands. The most prominent constructive features are the submarine island flanks being the acoustic basement of the seismic images. The build-up of Tenerife started following the submarine stage of Gran Canaria because the submarine island flank of Tenerife onlaps the steeper flank of Gran Canaria. The overlying sediments in the channel between Gran Canaria and Tenerife are chaotic, consisting of slumps, debris flow deposits, syn-ignimbrite turbidites, ash layers, and other volcaniclastic rocks generated by eruptions, erosion, and flank collapse of the volcanoes. Volcanic cones on the submarine island flanks reflect ongoing submarine volcanic activity. The construction of the islands is interrupted by large destructive events, especially by flank collapses resulting in giant landslides. Several Miocene flank collapses (e.g., the formation of the Horgazales basin) were identified by combining seismic and drilling data whereas young giant landslides (e.g., the Güimar debris avalanche) are documented by sidescan, bathymetric and drilling data. Sediments are also transported through numerous submarine canyons from the islands into the volcaniclastic apron. Seismic profiles across the channel do not show a major offset of reflectors. The existence of a repeatedly postulated major NE-SW-trending fault zone between Gran Canaria and Tenerife is thus in doubt. The sporadic earthquake activity in this area may be related to the regional stress field or the submarine volcanic activity in this area. Seismic reflectors cannot be correlated through the channel between the sedimentary basins north and south of Gran Canaria because the channel acts as sediment barrier. The sedimentary basins to the north and south evolved differently following the submarine growth of Gran Canaria and Tenerife in the Miocene.  相似文献   
Detailed facies analysis of hyaloclastites and associated lavas from eight table mountains and similar "hyaloclastite volcanoes" in the Icelandic rift zone contradict a rapid and continuous, "monogenetic", entirely subglacial evolution of most volcanoes studied. The majority of the exposed hyaloclastite deposits formed in large, stable lakes as indicated by widespread, up to 300-m-thick, continuous sections of deep water, shallow water and emergent facies. Salient features include extensively layered or bedded successions comprising mainly debris flow deposits, turbidites, base surge and fallout deposits consisting of texturally and compositionally variable, slightly altered hyaloclastites, as well as sheet and pillow lavas. In contrast, chaotic assemblages of coarser-grained, more poorly sorted and more strongly palagonitized hyaloclastite tuffs and breccias, as well as scoria and lava are interpreted to have formed under sub- or englacial conditions in small, chimney-like ice cavities or ice-bound lakes. Irregularly shaped and erratically arranged hyaloclastite bodies produced at variable water levels appear to have resulted mainly from rapid changes of the eruptive environment due to repeated build-up and drainage of ice-bound lakes as well as the restricted space between the ice walls. We distinguish a "deep water" facies formed during high water levels of the lake, a hydroclastic shallow water and emergent facies (leakage of the lake or growth of the volcano above the water surface). Our model implies the temporary existence of large, stable lakes in Iceland probably formed by climatically induced ice melting. The highly complex edifices of many table mountains and similar volcanoes were constructed during several eruptive periods in changing environments characterized by contrasting volcanic and sedimentary processes. Received: 10 June 1997 / Accepted: 28 July 1998  相似文献   
The Quaternary stratigraphy of the Alpine Foreland consists of distinct terrace levels, which have been assigned to four morphostratigraphic units: Höhere (Higher) Deckenschotter, Tiefere (Lower) Deckenschotter, Hochterrasse (High Terrace) and Niederterrasse (Lower Terrace). Here, we focus on the terrace gravels at Hohle Gasse, SSE of Pratteln near Basel, which are mapped as Tiefere Deckenschotter. Petrographic and morphometric data established from clasts allowed to infer the transport mechanisms and sources of the gravels. Sedimentological analyses indicate that the gravels were transported by a braided river and deposited in a distal glaciofluvial setting. In addition, it can be shown that the majority of the clasts display multiple reworking and only a minority maintained a distinct glaciofluvial shape. Cosmogenic multi-isotope dating using 10Be and 36Cl allowed direct dating of the sediments at the study site. A depth-profile age of \(2 70_{ - 1 90}^{ + 8 30}\) ka for 10Be was achieved for the deposits at Hohle Gasse. Unfortunately, no age could be modelled from the 36Cl concentrations as the blank correction was too high. Furthermore, this age proves that the studied terrace level should be assigned to the morphostratigraphic unit Hochterrasse.  相似文献   
Summary The development of a cyclonic vortex over a polynya is investigated with the primitive equation mesoscale model METRAS. The impact of different atmospheric processes on vortex development is determined by calculating the terms of the vorticity tendency equation. Sensitivity studies are performed for different large-scale situations (geostrophic winds 1 ms−1, 3 ms−1, 20 ms−1, initial ice-water temperature difference of 35 K or 17.5 K) and for different polynya sizes and shapes. In general, the vortex develops within a few hours. It is intensified by buoyancy, mainly resulting from latent heat release. Advective and diffusive processes hinder the vortex development. The intensification depends on the actual situation and is faster over small polynyas and heterogeneous ice cover. These situations result in intensification periods of only 12 to 18 hours for the vortex, but create very strong vortices. Halved horizontal temperature gradients also about halve the vortex intensity. The lifetime and intensification of a vortex increases with the time the air mass spends over the water. Thus, weak winds show a slower development of the vortex but the vortex intensifies for more than 24 hours. Over big polynyas several vortices develop, a long polynya results in a longer and narrower vortex which intensifies over a longer period.  相似文献   
Two colour laser ranging to artificial satellites is an attractivetechnique, which is capable to provide refraction corrected ranges without the need of an atmospheric model by measuring the dispersive delay of laser pulses of different wavelength. Although the required accuracy of the detection scheme is stringent, the technique has matured so far, that routine two colour observationsbecame feasible.The present paper describes a normal point procedure reducing two colour laser range observations with respect to the dispersive delay,exploiting the knowledge of satellite response signatures in conjunction with detector characteristics and the appropriate center of mass correction models.Moreover the dispersion model of the atmosphere is briefly reviewed, paying attention to the wavelength domains provided by modern twocolour ranging lasers, e.g., the Ti:SAP laser.Preliminary data is presented and compared to both, normal point data reduced with a standard procedure and zenith path equivalent meteorological parameters.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of Tibetan glacial systems to North Atlantic climate forcing is a major issue in palaeoclimatology. In this study, we present surface exposure ages of erratic boulders from a valley system in the Hengduan Mountains, southeastern Tibet, showing evidence of an ice advance during Heinrich event 1. Cosmogenic nuclide analyses (10Be and 21Ne) revealed consistent exposure ages, indicating no major periods of burial or pre-exposure. Erosion-corrected (3 mm/ka) 10Be exposure ages range from 13.4 to 16.3 ka. This is in agreement with recalculated exposure ages from the same valley system by [Tschudi, S., Schäfer, J.M., Zhao, Z., Wu, X., Ivy-Ochs, S., Kubik, P.W., Schlüchter, C., 2003. Glacial advances in Tibet during the Younger Dryas? Evidence from cosmogenic 10Be, 26Al, and 21Ne. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 22, 301–306.]. Thus this indicates that local glaciers advanced in the investigated area as a response to Heinrich event 1 cooling and that periglacial surface adjustments during the Younger Dryas overprinted the glacial morphology, leading to deceptively young exposure ages of certain erratic boulders.  相似文献   
We present the stratigraphy, lithology, volcanology, and age of the Acahualinca section in Managua, including a famous footprint layer exposed in two museum pits. The ca. 4-m-high walls of the main northern pit (Pit I) expose excellent cross sections of Late Holocene volcaniclastic deposits in northern Managua. We have subdivided the section into six lithostratigraphic units, some of which we correlate to Late Holocene eruptions. Unit I (1.2 m thick), chiefly of hydroclastic origin, begins with the footprint layer. The bulk is dominated by mostly massive basaltic-andesitic tephra layers, interpreted to represent separate pulses of a basically phreatomagmatic eruptive episode. We correlate these deposits based on compositional and stratigraphic evidence to the Masaya Triple Layer erupted at Masaya volcano ca. 2,120 ± 120 a B.P.. The eruption occurred during the dry season. A major erosional channel unconformity up to 1 m deep in the western half of Pit I separates Units II and I. Unit II begins with basal dacitic pumice lapilli up to 10 cm thick overlain by a massive to bedded fine-grained dacitic tuff including a layer of accretionary lapilli and pockets of well-rounded pumice lapilli. Angular nonvesicular glass shards are interpreted to represent hydroclastic fragmentation. The dacitic tephra is correlated unequivocally with the ca. 1.9-ka-Plinian dacitic Chiltepe eruption. Unit III, a lithified basaltic-andesitic deposit up to 50 cm thick and extremely rich in branch molds and excellent leaf impressions, is correlated with the Masaya Tuff erupted ca. 1.8 ka ago. Unit IV, a reworked massive basaltic-andesitic deposit, rich in brown tuff clasts and well bedded and cross bedded in the northwestern corner of Pit I, cuts erosionally down as far as Unit I. A poorly defined, pale brown mass flow deposit up to 1 m thick (Unit V) is overlain by 1–1.5 m of dominantly reworked, chiefly basaltic tephra topped by soil (Unit VI). A major erosional channel carved chiefly between deposition of Units II and I may have existed as a shallow drainage channel even prior to deposition of the footprint layer. The swath of the footprints is oriented NNW, roughly parallel to, and just east of, the axis of the channel. The interpretation of the footprint layer as the initial product of a powerful eruption at Masaya volcano followed without erosional breaks by additional layers of the same eruptive phase is strong evidence that the group of 15 or 16 people tried to escape from an eruption.  相似文献   
The objective of this work is to document the deformation pattern of the deep-seated La Clapière landslide for the period 2007–2010 from the combination of L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferograms, ground-based total station measurements and identification of the slope geomorphological structures. The interferograms are calculated for pairs of ALOS/PALSAR images at a time interval of 46 days. The displacement field derived from the interferograms reveals a non-uniform displacement gradient from the top (subsidence) to the bottom (accumulation). Vertical velocities are calculated from the unwrapped phase values and are in good agreement with ground-based measurements. The results demonstrate the potential of L-band ALOS/PALSAR imagery for the monitoring of active landslides characterized by complex kinematic patterns and by important changes in the soil surface backscattering in time.  相似文献   
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