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The colonisation of the land by plants and the origin of vascular plants were events that changed the face of our planet and are as captivating to the imagination as they are controversial. The plants themselves were morphologically very simple and their fossils lack the aesthetic appeal of the famous fronds of the Coal Measures, yet quite remarkable cellular detail can be observed at the microscopic level.  相似文献   
Lawson, I. T., Gathorne‐Hardy, F. J., Church, M. J., Newton, A. J., Edwards, K. J., Dugmore, A. J. & Einarsson, Á. 2007 (January): Environmental impacts of the Norse settlement: palaeoenvironmental data from Mývatnssveit, northern Iceland. Boreas, Vol. 36, pp. 1–19. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483. The first stratigraphically continuous pollen profile spanning the Norse and Medieval periods from the archaeologically‐rich Mvatnssveit region of northern Iceland is presented. Detailed analyses were made of the tephra, sediment characteristics, pollen and chironomids of a 3 kyr sediment sequence from Helluvastjörn, a small, shallow lake. The pollen data show a steady decline in the percentage abundance of tree birch (Betula pubescens) pollen between the Norse settlement (landnám, c. AD 870) and c. AD 1300, a pattern that contrasts with the abrupt fall in birch pollen percentages immediately following the Norse colonization at almost all previously studied sites in Iceland. Some lines of evidence suggest that the gradual birch decline could be a result of reworking of soil pollen, but independent evidence suggests that this may not necessarily be the case. The pollen record indicates that birch woodland was replaced by acidophilic taxa (notably Empetrum nigrum and Sphagnum), again contrasting with the more usual pattern of Poaceae expansion seen in post‐landnám pollen diagrams from mires close to farm sites. Chironomid and Pediastrum accumulation data show that the limnic environment became more productive immediately after landnám, probably because of anthropogenic disturbance. An increase in sedimentation rate after landnám appears initially to have been caused by increased lake productivity, while reworked inorganic soil materials became a significant contributor to the sediments after c. AD 1200. The data suggest that the impact of settlement on terrestrial vegetation may have been more variable than previously thought, while freshwater ecosystems experienced significant and rapid change.  相似文献   
The magnetometric resistivity (MMR) method uses a sensitive magnetometer to measure the low-level, low-frequency magnetic fields associated with the galvanic current flow between a pair of electrodes. While the MMR anomalies of simple structures such as dikes and vertical contacts have been determined analytically, there is a lack of systematic information on the expected responses from simple three-dimensional bodies. We determine the characteristic anomalies associated with square, plate-like conductors, which are excellent models of many base metal mineral deposits. The anomalies of plates of finite size are determined numerically using an integral equation method. A plate is subdivided into many sections and the current flow within each section is solved by equating the electrical field within each section to the tangential electrical field just outside it. When the plate size is small in relation to either the depth or the transmitter spacing, the shape and amplitude of the anomaly produced is closely approximated by a current dipole model of the same length and depth. At the other extreme, a large plate is represented by a half-plane. The dipole and half-plane models are used to bracket the behaviour of plates of finite size. The form of a plate anomaly is principally dependent on the shape, depth and orientation of the plate. A large, dipping plate near the surface produces a skewed anomaly highly indicative of its dip, but the amount of skew rapidly diminishes with increased depth or decreased size. Changes in plate conductivity affect the amplitude of the anomaly, but have little effect on anomaly shape. A current channelling parameter, determined from the conductivity contrast, can thus be used to scale the amplitude of an anomaly whose basic shape has been determined from geometrical considerations. The separation into geometrical and electrical factors greatly simplifies both the interpretation and modelling of MMR anomalies, particularly in situations with multiple plates. An empirical formula, using this separation, predicts the anomaly of two or more parallel plates with different conductances. In addition, the relation between the resolution of two vertical, parallel plates of equal conductance and their separation is determined. The ability of the integral equation method to model plate-like structures is demonstrated with the interpretation of an MMR anomaly in a survey conducted at Cork Tree Well in Western Australia. The buried conductor, a mineralized graphitic zone, is modelled with a vertical, bent plate. The depth to the top of the plate, and the plate conductance, is adjusted to fit the anomaly amplitude as closely as possible. From the modelling it would appear that this zone is not solely responsible for the observed anomaly.  相似文献   
Based on 467 pairs of δ~(18) O and δ~(13) C records and 8 230 Th dates from a stalagmite(BF4) from Xiniu Cave, central China, we present a reconstruction of ~9-yr resolution monsoon rainfall record for the past 4700 years. Our δ~(18) O record shows good coherence with East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) rainfall proxies from adjacent regions during the overlapping intervals, suggesting that δ~(18) O signal in BF4 can be interpreted as a monsoon rainfall proxy. The δ~(13) C variations are related to changes in local processes at the cave site, and regional rainfall and temperature changes.Based on the δ~(18) O record, a series of dry periods can be identified at 4500–4200, 3500–3200, 2800–2500,1900–1600, 1400–1200, 700–500, and 400–200 yr BP, while a series of wet periods can be identified at 4200–3600,2400–2200, 3200–2800, 1100–900, 600–400, and 200–100 yr BP. Power spectrum analysis on our δ~(18) O record reveals significant cycles at ~470 and ~80 yr, coinciding with the typical solar periodic variations. This result suggests that changes in solar activity play a dominant role in driving centennial–decadal monsoon rainfall variation in central China. Due to minor changes in solar irradiance(less than 1.5 W m~(-2)) over the past 4700 years, our record was further compared to the El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO) proxies,confirming that solar forcing on monsoon rainfall changes might be amplified by the ENSO and PDO variations.From 600 to 150 yr BP(the Little Ice Age, LIA), a positive shift of ~2‰ can be revealed in both the δ~(18) O and δ~(13) C records, indicating a cold/dry climatic pattern. By comparing our δ~(18) O and δ~(13) C records with historical documents,we suggest that the climatic deteriorations between 450 and 250 yr BP may have caused serious social unrest at the end of the Ming Dynasty.  相似文献   
The high-K alkaline volcano Muriah is situated in central Javaand has erupted two lava series, a younger highly potassic series(HK) and an older potassic series (K). The HK series has higherK2O contents for a given MgO content; greater silica undersaturation;and higher concentrations of LILE (Rb, Sr, Ba, and K), LREE(La and Ce), and HFSE (Nb, Zr, Ti, and P), than the K series.The HK series lavas have incompatible trace element patternssimilar in many respects to ocean island basalts. The K serieshas slightly higher 87Sr/86Sr (O70453 [GenBank] -O70498) and 18O (+6?2to + 8?4%o) and lower 143Nd/144Nd (0?512530–0?5126588)than the HK series (for which 87Sr/86Sr = 0?70426–0?70451,<518O = +6?52 to +7–0%o, and 1*3Nd/1*4Nd= 0?512623–0?512679),and higher LILE/HFSE and LREE/ HFSE ratios. A7/4 and A8/4 arehigh and do not show any systematic change from the K to theHK series. The proposed model for the Muriah lavas involvesthree source components: (1) the astheno-sphere of the mantlewedge of the Sunda arc, which has Indian Ocean MORB characteristics;(2) a metasomatic layer situated at the base of the lithosphere,which has characteristics similar to enriched mantle (i.e.,EMU); (3) subducted pelagic sediments from the Indian Ocean. Trace element and isotope data indicate that the characteristicsof the K series are produced by mixing of two endmember magmas:an undersaturated magma derived wholly from within-plate sourcesand a calc-alkaline magma derived from the subduction-modifiedasthenospheric mantle. The calc-alkaline magma is believed tobe contaminated by the arc crust before mixing. Low-pressurefractionation took place in the K series after mixing. Initiallithospheric extension in the Bawean trough (in which Muriahis located), may be responsible for decompressive melting ofthe metasomatic layer and thus the production of the HK serieslavas. The magmas erupted from Muriah show a transition fromintraplate to subduction zone processes in their genesis.  相似文献   
The origin of potassic lavas with within-plate characteristicsin island are settings is unclear. The volcanic complex of Ringgit—Beser,situated in eastern Java, has erupted lavas of both normal islandare calc-alkaline type and atypical potassic lavas, includingsome highly magnesian lavas. The occurrence of these primitivelavas gives an unusual insight into the source characteristicsof the potassic lavas. The lavas from Ringgit—Beser have a wide range of K2O(1.1–6.4 wt. %) and MgO contents (18.0–1.6 wt.%).The most magnesian lavas have high Ni and Cr contents. The calc-alkalinelavas have incompatible trace element patterns typical of islandare lavas with enrichments in large ion lithophile elements(LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE) relative to highfield strength elements (HFSE) and heavy REE (HREE). The potassiclavas may be divided into two series on the basis of Ba andNb contents, with the enriched potassic (EK) series having higherBa and Nb contents for a given MgO content than the potassic(K) series. The EK and K series lavas have some incompatibletrace element ratios similar to within-plate lavas (e.g., highCe/Pb, low LILE/HFSE ratios, and low B/Be). However, both theEK series and K series lavas have negative Ti and Zr anomalies,and the EK series lavas have high Ba/La similar to are lavas.There is little distinction in Sr and Nd isotopes between theK and EK series, but the calc-alkaline lavas have lower 87Sr/86Srand higher 143Nd/144Nd ratios than the potassic lavas. The EKseries lavas have lower 206Pb/204Pb and higher 208Pb/204Pb thanthe K series lavas, but similar 207Pb/204Pb ratios. The K serieslavas define an almost horizontal trend in 207Pb–206Pbspace. The Pb isotopic ratios indicate that the EK series lavasare derived from a single mantle source, whereas the K seriesoriginate from a mixture of two mantle components. Calc-alkalinelavas have Pb isotope ratios similar to other calc-alkalineand tholeiitic lavas from Java, and plot on a mixing line betweenIndian Ocean mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and Indian Oceansediment. Incompatible trace element and Pb isotope data for the calc-alkalinelavas indicate that these lavas have a similar source to othercalc-alkaline lavas erupted in Java, namely melts of the IndianOcean MORB mantle fluxed by fluids from the subducted slab.The potassic lavas originate from enriched mantle sources withinthe wedge which have not been affected by recent subductionprocesses. The EK series lavas are derived from a metasomatizedzone which has EMI-type characteristics. The K series lavasare derived from mixing of melts from Christmas Island-type(EMII) mantle and the metasomatized zone. The metasomatizedzone is probably situated at the base of the lithosphere andthe Indian Ocean MORB and Christmas Island-type mantle componentsare situated in the asthenosphere of the wedge. Isotopic datafor Ringgit—Beser lavas confirm that the mantle wedgeof the Sunda arc is extremely heterogeneous (Foden & Varne,1980; Varne, 1985; Wheller et al., 1987). The similarity in geochemistry between Indonesian potassic lavasand those erupted in continental settings indicates that themagma source is essentially the same, namely a metasomatizedphlogopite-rich layer generated by melts of recycled subductedlithosphere. The lack of negative Ti anomalies in the continentalpotassic lavas is ascribed to lower oxidation states in themantle in continental settings.  相似文献   
Geology in the Falkland Islands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the next few years we are likely to hear and learn much about the offshore geology of the Falkland Islands as exploratory drilling for hydrocarbons begins. The offshore geology may become better known than the onshore, of which there has been little detailed investigation in the 200+ years since settlements were established. Here we outline the history of geological investigations and present information gathered during recent fieldwork.  相似文献   
Abstract— On September 8, 2004, Genesis, a manmade space capsule, plummeted to Earth after almost three years in space. A ground‐based infrasound array was deployed to Wendover, Nevada, to measure the “hypersonic boom” from the reentry, since the expected initial reentry speed of the body was about 11 km/sec. Due to the complete failure of its dual parachute system, we had a unique opportunity to assess the degree of reliability of our previously developed relations for natural meteors and bolides to analyze this well‐characterized manmade body. At ?20–50 km from the nominal trajectory, we succeeded in recording over two minutes of infrasonic signals from Genesis. Here we report on subsequent analyses of these infrasonic data, including an assessment of the expected entry characteristics on the basis of a bolide/meteor/fireball entry model specifically adapted to modeling reentering manmade objects. From these simulations, we were able to evaluate the line source blast wave relaxation radius, the differential acoustic efficiency, etc., to compute an approximate total power balance during entry. Next, we analyzed the detailed signals arriving from Genesis using a numerical, signal detection and wave processing software package (Matseis/Infra_Tool). We established the initial and subsequent arrivals and evaluated its plane wave back azimuths and elevation arrival angles and the degree of maximum, pair‐wise cross‐correlation, its power spectrum, spectrogram analysis, standard seismic f‐k analysis, etc. From the associated entry parameters, we computed the kinetic energy density conservation properties for the propagating line source blast waves and compared these predictions against observed ground‐based infrasound amplitude and wave period data as a function of range. We discovered that previously computed differential acoustic efficiencies were unreliable at Mach numbers below about 10. This is because we had assumed that a line source explosion was applicable, whereas at very low Mach numbers, typical of recovered meteorites, the detailed source characteristics are closer to those of supersonic objects. When corrections for these unphysical, very high efficiencies were made, agreement between theory and observations improved. We also made an assessment for the energy of the blast wave source from the ground‐based infrasound data using several other techniques that were also adapted from previous bolide studies. Finally, we made a top‐down‐bottom‐up assessment of the line source wave normals propagating via refraction downward into the complex middle atmospheric environment. This assessment proved to be generally consistent with the digital signal processing analysis and with the observed time delay between the known Genesis reentry and the infrasonic observations.  相似文献   
Application of X-ray fluorescence core-scanning(XRF-CS) on both marine and lake sediments has achieved remarkable results. However, its application has not been widely extended to the research on speleothems. In this study, we measure the Sr abundance and the Sr/Ca ratios of three stalagmites(two aragonite stalagmites, one calcite stalagmite) using the state-of-the-art fourth-generation Avaatech high-resolution XRF core scanner. Through comparisons among different scan paths and among different scan resolutions, as well as comparisons with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer(ICP-OES), Itrax XRF, and Artax XRF results, we confirm that the Avaatech XRF core scanner could precisely, quickly, and nondestructively analyze the high-resolution Sr abundance of speleothems. Furthermore, we combine the stalagmite δ~(18)O records to explore the paleoclimatic significance of the measured stalagmite Sr/Ca.  相似文献   
Pressures, temperatures, water activities (aH2O) and fugacitiesof the other C-O-H fluid species have been estimated on a traverseacross the amphibolite-granulite facies boundary in the MajorParagneiss, northwest Adirondacks, N.Y. Two-feldspar pairs givetemperatures ranging from 650?C in the central portion of theunit to 760?C towards the northeast. Biotite-garnet pairs giveerratic temperatures compared to two-feldspar temperatures.This discrepancy appears to be due to retrograde resetting asdetermined from compositional zoning patterns in biotites andgarnets. Some of the discrepancy may also be due to non-idealityof pyrope-almandine mixing or to non-ideality from other components.Pressures ranging from 5?4 kb for the southwestern portion ofthe unit to 8?0 kb in the northeast were determined from anorthite-grossular-sillimanite-quartzbarometry. Minimum pressures of 5?8 kb were also determinedfrom coexisting garnet + rutile. Values of aH2O of 0?08-0?5estimated from biotite and muscovite dehydration reactions showno correlation with grade. The variability in aH2O suggeststhat it is locally controlled and that a homogeneous, pervasivefluid was not present during high grade metamorphism. Graphiteequilibria indicate that fO2 was less than 0?5 log units belowQFM and that if a fluid was present, it was rich in CO2 andH2O. P-T-aH2O values suggest that partial melting did not occurduring metamorphism. Pervasive flooding with CO2 does not appearto have occurred. The amphibolite-granulite transition at thislocality is characterized by increasing temperature and pressure.  相似文献   
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