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In this study, seismic data from two wells (Pak G2-1 and Indus Marine-1C) and age diagnostic larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) within drill cuttings has been used for the first time to identify depositional sequences within the carbonates in the Offshore Indus Basin, Pakistan. The Offshore Indus is tectonically categorized as a passive continental margin where carbonates occur as shelf carbonates in the near offshore and on volcanic seamounts in deeper waters. Seismic data analysis has indicated the presence of minor faults and carbonate buildups above the igneous basement in the south. Patterns of the seismic reflections enabled definition of three seismic facies units identified as: Unit 1 basement, represented by chaotic, moderate amplitude reflection configuration; while parallel bedding and the drape of overlying strata is typical character of Unit 2, carbonate mound facies. The younger Miocene channels represent Unit 3. The diagnosis of Alveolina vredenburgi/cucumiformis biozone confirmed the Ilerdian (55–52 Ma) stage constituting a second order cycle of deposition for the Eocene carbonates (identified as Unit 2). The carbonate succession has been mainly attributed to an early highstand system tract (HST). The environmental conditions remained favorable leading to the development of keep-up carbonates similar to pinnacle buildups as a result of aggradation during late transgressive system tract and an early HST. The carbonate sequence in the south (Pak G2-1) is thicker and fossiliferous representing inner to middle shelf depths based on fauna compared to the Indus Marine-1C in the north, which is devoid of fossils. Three biozones (SBZ 5, SBZ 6 and SBZ 8) were identified based on the occurrence of LBF. The base of the SBZ 5 zone marks the larger foraminifera turnover and the Paleocene–Eocene (P–E) boundary. The LBF encountered in this study coincides with earlier findings for the P–E boundary. Our findings indicate that the entire Ilerdian stage ranges from 55.5 to 52 Ma that was the episode of warmer water conditions on the carbonate shelves leading to the diversification of K-strategist larger foraminifera. The larger foraminiferal assemblage encountered in this study confirms the findings. The possible indication of stratigraphic-combination traps, revealed as reflection terminations, make carbonate mounds in the south a potential exploration target.  相似文献   
Long-range precipitation forecasts are useful when managing water supplies.Oceanicatmospheric oscillations have been shown to influence precipitation.Due to a longer cycle of some of the oscillations,a short instrumental record is a limitation in using them for long-range precipitation forecasts.The influence of oscillations over precipitation is observable within paleoclimate reconstructions;however,there have been no attempts to utilize these reconstructions in precipitation forecasting.A data-driven model,KStar,is used for obtaining long-range precipitation forecasts by extending the period of record through the use of reconstructions of oscillations.KStar is a nearest neighbor algorithm with an entropy-based distance function.Oceanic-atmospheric oscillation reconstructions include the El Nino-Southern Oscillation(ENSO),the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO),the North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO),and the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation(AMO).Precipitation is forecasted for 20 climate divisions in the western United States.A 10-year moving average is applied to aid in the identification of oscillation phases.A lead time approach is used to simulate a one-year forecast,with a 10-fold cross-validation technique to test the models.Reconstructions are used from 1658-1899,while the observed record is used from 1900-2007.The model is evaluated using mean absolute error(MAE),root mean squared error(RMSE),RMSE-observations standard deviation ratio(RSR),Pearson’s correlation coefficient(R),NashSutcliffe coefficient of efficiency(NSE),and linear error in probability space(LEPS) skill score(SK).The role of individual and coupled oscillations is evaluated by dropping oscillations in the model.The results indicate ’good’ precipitation estimates using the KStar model.This modeling technique is expected to be useful for long-term water resources planning and management.  相似文献   
红色精灵是一种发生于闪电放电活跃的雷暴云上空的中高层大气瞬态发光现象,它们通常由中尺度对流系统层状云降水区内的强地闪回击产生,是对流层和中间层之间的一种能量耦合过程。目前,有关中国南海及东南亚地区的红色精灵观测鲜有报道。为了进一步了解热带地区产生红色精灵事件的沿海性雷暴特征,于2019年利用低光度光学观测系统和低频磁场天线在马来西亚马六甲地区开展了地基观测。实验于11月9日、12月11日和12月15日三次在沿海雷暴上空共捕捉到7例红色精灵事件,其中包括4例圆柱型、2例胡萝卜型和1例舞蹈型。结合闪电定位、云顶亮温和低频磁场信号等同步数据,分析表明所有事件均由正极性地闪回击产生,且母体闪电回击位于雷暴对流区附近(云顶亮温≤ 210 K处),这可能是该地区产生红色精灵的沿海性雷暴的共同特征。此外,红色精灵生成期并不是闪电活动最强期,而是发生于闪电频数短暂降低后,这表明红色精灵的发生可能是该地区成熟雷暴中对流减弱的一个信号。  相似文献   
In the present study, the retention capacity of carbonaceous material obtained from the diesel engine exhaust mufflers for Cr(VI) removal has been investigated. The physicochemical properties such as density, pH of aqueous slurry, pH at point of zero charge, ash content, moisture content, volatile matter, surface area, scanning electron microscopy and electron dispersive spectroscopy of the carbonaceous material were determined. The capacity of adsorbent for removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution was observed under different experimental condition like contact time, initial concentration of metal ions, pH and temperatures on the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent. Maximum adsorption of Cr(VI) ions was found at low pH. The adsorption process was found to follow second-order kinetics. The rate constant was evaluated at different temperatures along with other thermodynamic parameters like activation energy, Gibbs free energy change, enthalpy change and entropy change. Both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were used to describe the adsorption equilibrium of carbonaceous material at different temperatures. Langmuir isotherm shows better fit than Freundlich isotherm at given conditions. The result shows that low-cost carbonaceous material from diesel engine exhaust mufflers can be efficiently used for wastewater treatment containing Cr(VI) ions.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments on longitudinal dispersion in clear-water and sediment-laden open channel flows are reported. Data from these experiments and those available from previous studies indicate that the suspended sediment present in the flow affects the longitudinal dispersion process. The observed velocity distributions over the depth of sediment-laden flows indicate that the velocity deviates from the mean velocity more in sediment-laden flows than in clear-water flows. The velocity distributions over the cross section and secondary flow in the channel are also expected to be altereddue to the presence of suspended sediments in the flow. For these reasons, more dispersion is found in sediment-laden flows than in corresponding clear-water flows. A predictor for the dispersion coefficient in sediment-laden flows is proposed.  相似文献   
The Attock Basin is situated close to the northwest of Pakistan. Recent seismic event of October 2015 (7.5Mw) near the Pakistan Afghanistan border has proved that the area of interest is seismically active and triggered a series of aftershocks of magnitude even greater than 6.5Mw. This seismic activity has posed danger to the future of the people and infrastructure especially to the northwestern part of the country. Therefore, site response analysis is essential for estimating local site conditions in response to seismic events. Ambient noise recordings were made at 50 sites within urban and semi-urban settlements in the Attock Basin to analyze the site response of the small but densely populated basin. At each of these sites, the fundamental frequency of the soft sediments (f 0), the amplitude (A 0) of corresponding H/V spectral ratios, the thickness of soft sediment (H) lying over competent lithology, and the soil vulnerability index (K g) were studied. Results were correlated with sparsely available borehole data to enhance the credibility of the study conducted for microzonation and predicting the site response to earthquake seismicity in the Attock Basin. The soil vulnerability index was found to range from moderate to high. Results clearly showed that the study area exhibits low to moderate fundamental frequency with greater soft sediment thicknesses distributed throughout the study area. Moreover, higher impedance contrasts were found at most of the sites within the central part of the Attock Basin, thus reflecting a moderate to high susceptibility of damage in those regions in response to seismic events.  相似文献   
Since much of the flow of the Indus River originates in the Himalayas, Karakoram and Hindu Kush Mountains, an understanding of weather characteristics leading to precipitation over the region is essential for water resources management. This study examines the influence of upper level mid-latitude circulation on the summer precipitation over upper Indus basin (UIB). Using reanalysis data, a geopotential height index (GH) is defined at 200 hPa over central Asia, which has a significant correlation with the precipitation over UIB. GH has also shown significant correlation with the heat low (over Iran and Afghanistan and adjoining Pakistan), easterly shear of zonal winds (associated with central Asian high) and evapotranspiration (over UIB). It is argued that the geopotential height index has the potential to serve as a precursor for the precipitation over UIB. In order to assess the influence of irrigation on precipitation over UIB, a simplified irrigation scheme has been developed and applied to the regional climate model REMO. It has been shown that both versions of REMO (with and without irrigation) show significant correlations of GH with easterly wind shear and heat low. However contrary to reanalysis and the REMO version with irrigation, the REMO version without irrigation does not show any correlation between GH index and evapotranspiration as well as between geopotential height and precipitation over UIB, which is further confirmed by the quantitative analysis of extreme precipitation events over UIB. It is concluded that although atmospheric moisture over coastal Arabian sea region, triggered by wind shear and advected northward due to heat low, also contribute to the UIB precipitation. However for the availability of necessary moisture for precipitation over UIB, the major role is played by the evapotranspiration of water from irrigation. From the results it may also be inferred that the representation of irrigated water in climate models is unavoidable for studying the impact of global warming over the region.  相似文献   
Karachi is the largest city of Pakistan. The temperature change in Karachi is studied in this research by analyzing the time series data of mean maximum temperature (MMxT), mean minimum temperature (MMiT) and mean annual temperature (MAT) from 1947 to 2005 (59 years). Data is analyzed in three parts by running linear regression and by taking anomalies of all time periods: (a) whole period from 1947–2005; (b) phase one 1947–1975 and (c) phase two 1976–2005. During 1947 to 2005 MMxT has increased about 4.6°C, MMiT has no change and MAT has increased 2.25°C. During 1947–1975, MMxT increased 1.9°C, in this period there is − 1.3°C decrease in MMiT and MAT has raised upto 0.3°C. During 1976–2005, the MMxT, MMiT and MAT increased 2.7°C, 1.2°C and 1.95°C, respectively. The analysis shows significantly the role of extreme vulnerability of MMxT in rising the temperature of Karachi than the MMiT.  相似文献   
The Early Permian Gondwana regime succession of the Nilawahan Group is exposed only in the Salt Range of Pakistan. After a prolonged episode of non-deposition that spanned much of the Palaeozoic, the 350?m thick predominantly clastic sequence of the Nilawahan Group records a late glacial and post-glacial episode in which a range of glacio-fluvial, marine and fluvial environments evolved and accumulated. The Early Permian succession of the Salt Range has been classified into four formations, which together indicates a changing climatic regime during the Early Permian in the Salt Range region. The lower-most, Tobra Formation unconformably overlies a Cambrian sequence and is composed of tillite, diamictite and fresh water facies, which contain a floral assemblage (Gangamopteris and Glossopteris) that confirms an Asselian age. The Tobra Formation is overlain by marginal marine deposits of the Dandot Formation (Sakmarian), which contain an abundant brachiopods assemblage (Eurydesma and Conularia). Accumulation of the Dandot Formation was terminated by a regional sea-level fall and a change to the deposition of the fluvial deposits of the Warchha Sandstone (Artinskian). The Warchha Sandstone was deposited by high sinuosity meandering, avulsion prone river with well developed floodplains. This episode of fluvial sedimentation was terminated by a widespread marine transgression, as represented by the abrupt upward transition to the overlying shallow marine Sardhai Formation (Kungurian). The Early Permian Gondwana sequence represented by the Nilawahan Group is capped by predominantly shallow shelf carbonate deposits of the Tethyan realm. The sedimentologic and stratigraphic relationship of these four lithostratigraphic units in the Salt Range reveals a complex stratigraphic history for the Early Permian, which is mainly controlled by eustatic sea-level change due to climatic variation associated with climatic amelioration at the end of the major Gondwana glacial episode, and the gradual regional northward drift to a lower latitude of the Indian plate.  相似文献   
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